In games that allow players to stockpile items, gamers may use inv as shorthand for "inventory." For example, in an MMORPG, a player's inv may contain armor, weapons, potions, and other items.
Typically, players use inv when discussing items they are willing to trade or sell from their inventories. These discussions often take place in game-related forums or Discord channels, which have been created specifically to allow players to negotiate trades and sales.
I've got some rare items in my inv that you might like

Related Slang
WTT | Want to trade |
WTB | Want to buy |
WTS | Want to sell |
T4T | Thanks for trade |
Loot | Treasure |
Loot drop | The items an enemy drops after you kill them |
Farming | Earning experience and items |
Beamed | Having limited edition items stolen |
Accs | Accounts |
Mule | Alternate character for storage |
An abbreviation for inviting someone to join a multiplayer group; used commonly in MMORPG games, where players group together to accomplish objectives.