MIA has 2 meanings
Mia is short for "bulimia," an eating disorder (ED) that involves an obsession to lose weight, typically by purging food after overeating. Typically, young women struggle most with mia to attain or maintain a particular body image.
You will commonly see mia online in social media posts or forums. In these contexts, people often post about mia's dangers and their struggles with it. Some also refer to their struggle with bulimia as a person named "Mia" (they do this too with Ana as "anorexia").
For example, a woman may post her story to a forum about her struggles with mia during her 20s. Or, a teenage girl might post a TikTok about she slayed Mia.
My fight with mia lasted 6 years, but I'm in a much better place now

Related Slang
ana | Anorexia |
Pro-ana | Pro anorexia |
ED | Eating disorder |
Ribcage bragging | Showing off your rib cage |
Thigh gap | Space between a person's thighs |
Bikini bridge | Space between a bikini bottom and stomach |
TW | Trigger warning |
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder |
BDD | Body dysmorphic disorder |
CW | Content warning |
OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder |
Relationship weight | Weight gained from a romantic relationship |
PTL | Praise the Lord |
MIA is an acronym for missing in action, which refers to someone who can't be found or is unavailable. The acronym originally comes from the military when they would use it to describe missing soldiers who were not KIA.
As acronyms have become more prevalent in computer and phone lingo, the MIA acronym definition has evolved. The acronym is now commonly used to refer to someone who cannot be reached at the moment.