Health Slang
The healthcare industry is full of slang terms. Some acronyms and abbreviations are specialized medical terms, while others are used in everyday discussions about nutrition and fitness. Even if you're not a doctor or a nurse, many of the terms below are good to know.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
Anti-vaxxer | A person who opposes vaccines | 574 |
STD | Sexually transmitted disease | 582 |
Rx | Prescription | 586 |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation | 590 |
ICU | Intensive care unit | 592 |
RN | Registered nurse | 592 |
ADD | Attention deficit disorder | 593 |
AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome | 593 |
DM | Doctor of Medicine | 593 |
Snapback culture | Pressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies | 593 |
OTC | Over-the-counter | 594 |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus | 594 |
ED | Eating disorder | 594 |
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder | 595 |
ADHD | Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder | 595 |
ACL | Anterior cruciate ligament | 595 |
MD | Medical doctor | 595 |
EMT | Emergency medical technician | 595 |
POS | Point of service | 595 |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment | 595 |
ER | Emergency room | 596 |
OI | Opportunistic infection | 596 |
AMA | American Medical Association | 596 |
CHF | Congestive heart failure | 596 |
h | Hour | 596 |
Perc30 | Oxycodone, commonly mixed with fentanyl | 596 |
CAFO | Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation | 596 |
HWP | Height weight proportionate | 597 |
PFO | Pissed and fell over | 597 |
meds | Medications | 597 |
MDI | Multiple Daily Injections | 597 |
Jab | An injection | 597 |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 597 |
iv | Intravenous | 597 |
OBGYN | Obstetrics and gynecology | 597 |
IVF | In Vitro Fertilization | 597 |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | 597 |
BM | Bowel movement | 597 |
AAA | Apply to affected area | 597 |
Thumb day | When you browse your phone incessantly at the gym | 597 |
Chub rub | Chafing where your thighs rub together | 597 |
Non-GMO | Unvaccinated | 597 |
BDD | Body dysmorphic disorder | 597 |
AMA | Against medical advice | 597 |
F2M | Female to male | 597 |
FTM | Female to male | 597 |
M2F | Male to female | 597 |
Pro-ana | Pro anorexia | 597 |
mia | Bulimia | 597 |
AML | Acute myeloid leukemia | 597 |
natty | Natural | 597 |
ppd | Postpartum depression | 598 |
DOC | Drug of choice | 598 |
SOB | Shortness of breath | 598 |
SIDS | Sudden infant death syndrome | 598 |
STI | Sexually transmitted infection | 598 |
ENT | Ear, nose, and throat specialist | 598 |
BLS | Basic life support | 598 |
ALS | Advanced life support | 598 |
EMS | Emergency medical services | 598 |
EHR | Electronic health record | 598 |
EOB | Explanation of benefits | 598 |
BID | Twice a day | 598 |
Long-hauler | A person suffering long-term effects from COVID-19 | 598 |
vax | Vaccination | 598 |
Anti-vax | Against vaccines | 598 |
Delta | COVID-19 Delta variant | 598 |
Omicron | COVID-19 Omicron variant | 598 |
Long COVID | Long-term COVID-19 symptoms | 598 |
ACV | Apple cider vinegar | 598 |
NoPoo | No shampoo | 598 |
CGM | Curly girl method | 598 |
Co Washing | Conditioner-only washing | 598 |
ana | Anorexia | 598 |
Thinspiration | Inspiration to be thin | 598 |
Fake natty | A person who appears to be naturally fit but is not | 598 |
BG | Blood Glucose | 599 |
OOP | Out of pocket | 599 |
xt | Cross-training | 599 |
PED | Performance enhancing drug | 599 |
HGH | Human growth hormone | 599 |
PPO | Preferred provider organization | 599 |
PCP | Primary care physician | 599 |
CAD | Coronary artery disease | 599 |
WHO | World Health Organization | 599 |
VD | Venereal disease | 599 |
HDL | High-density lipoprotein | 599 |
OBG | Obstetrics and gynecology | 599 |
LCL | Lateral collateral ligament | 599 |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy | 599 |
PT | Physical therapy | 599 |
DNR | Do not resuscitate | 599 |
USFDA | United States Food and Drug Administration | 599 |
CNA | Certified nursing assistant | 599 |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 599 |
ARF | Acute renal failure | 599 |
tb | Tuberculosis | 599 |
TBI | Traumatic brain injury | 599 |
Q | Every | 599 |
Fitspiration | Inpiration to be fit | 599 |
Fauci Ouchie | COVID-19 vaccine | 599 |
GOMER | Get Out of My Emergency Room | 599 |
Fire thighs | Thighs inflamed from chafing | 599 |
ROM | Range of motion | 599 |
Flurona | Having both the flu and covid | 599 |
Twindemic | A dual pandemic | 599 |
Never Covid | A person exposed to but uninfected by COVID-19 | 599 |
GSM | Gender and sexuality minority | 599 |
AFAB | Assigned female at birth | 599 |
SOGI | Sexual orientation and gender identity | 599 |
Leg day | Workout day specializing on legs | 599 |
BPD | Borderline personality disorder | 599 |
LW | Lowest weight | 599 |
HW | Highest weight | 599 |
SW | Starting weight | 599 |
roids | Steroids | 599 |
EPO | Erythropoietin | 600 |
HMO | Health maintenance organization | 600 |
ICN | Intensive Care Nursery | 600 |
LDL | Low-density lipoprotein | 600 |
ACLS | Advanced cardiac life support | 600 |
AED | Automated external defibrillator | 600 |
AND | Allow natural death | 600 |
DNI | Do not intubate | 600 |
ALOS | Average length of stay | 600 |
AMI | Acute myocardial infarction | 600 |
ARI | Acute respiratory infection | 600 |
CICU | Cardiac intensive care unit | 600 |
TCU | Transitional care unit | 600 |
STEL | Short term exposure limit | 600 |
FPL | Federal poverty level | 600 |
IF | Intermittent fasting | 600 |
MTF | Male to female | 600 |
AMAB | Assigned male at birth | 600 |
Gains | Increased healthiness | 600 |
H&W | Height and weight | 600 |
ITU | Intensive treatment unit | 601 |
CCU | Critical care unit | 601 |
ED | Emergency department | 601 |
APS | Adult protective services | 601 |
COI | Certificate of insurance | 601 |
PO | By mouth | 601 |
DSAB | Designated sex at birth | 601 |
AE | Accident and emergency | 602 |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | 602 |
ST | Speech therapy | 602 |
SSI | Surgical site infection | 602 |
CVI | Cerebrovascular insult | 603 |
EMR | Electronic medical record | 603 |
MCL | Medial collateral ligament | 600 |
BP | Blood pressure | 600 |
PCL | Posterior cruciate ligament | 600 |
HHA | Home health aide | 600 |
ALP | Assisted living program | 600 |
CDT | Continuing day treatment | 600 |
CRNA | Certified registered nurse anesthetist | 600 |
CVA | Cerebrovascular accident | 600 |
HCAI | Health care associated infection | 600 |
ACO | Accountable care organization | 600 |
EOC | Evidence of coverage | 600 |
HS | At bedtime | 600 |
CTE | Chronic traumatic encephalopathy | 600 |
SAAB | Sex assigned at birth | 600 |
Arm day | Workout day specializing on arms | 600 |