Health Slang

The healthcare industry is full of slang terms. Some acronyms and abbreviations are specialized medical terms, while others are used in everyday discussions about nutrition and fitness. Even if you're not a doctor or a nurse, many of the terms below are good to know.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
Anti-vaxxerA person who opposes vaccines
STDSexually transmitted disease
CPRCardiopulmonary resuscitation
ICUIntensive care unit
RNRegistered nurse
ADDAttention deficit disorder
AIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndrome
DMDoctor of Medicine
Snapback culturePressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies
HIVHuman immunodeficiency virus
EDEating disorder
ADHDAttention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
ACLAnterior cruciate ligament
MDMedical doctor
EMTEmergency medical technician
POSPoint of service
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
Perc30Oxycodone, commonly mixed with fentanyl
PTSDPost-traumatic stress disorder
EREmergency room
OIOpportunistic infection
AMAAmerican Medical Association
CHFCongestive heart failure
CAFOConcentrated Animal Feeding Operation
HWPHeight weight proportionate
PFOPissed and fell over
OPKOvulation predictor kit
MDIMultiple Daily Injections
JabAn injection
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
OBGYNObstetrics and gynecology
IVFIn Vitro Fertilization
FDAFood and Drug Administration
EMSEmergency medical services
BMBowel movement
AAAApply to affected area
Thumb dayWhen you browse your phone incessantly at the gym
Chub rubChafing where your thighs rub together
BDDBody dysmorphic disorder
AMAAgainst medical advice
F2MFemale to male
FTMFemale to male
M2FMale to female
Pro-anaPro anorexia
AMLAcute myeloid leukemia
ppdPostpartum depression
DOCDrug of choice
SOBShortness of breath
SIDSSudden infant death syndrome
STISexually transmitted infection
ENTEar, nose, and throat specialist
BLSBasic life support
ALSAdvanced life support
EHRElectronic health record
EOBExplanation of benefits
BIDTwice a day
Long-haulerA person suffering long-term effects from COVID-19
Anti-vaxAgainst vaccines
DeltaCOVID-19 Delta variant
OmicronCOVID-19 Omicron variant
Long COVIDLong-term COVID-19 symptoms
ACVApple cider vinegar
NoPooNo shampoo
CGMCurly girl method
Co WashingConditioner-only washing
ThinspirationInspiration to be thin
Fake nattyA person who appears to be naturally fit but is not
BGBlood Glucose
OOPOut of pocket
PEDPerformance enhancing drug
HGHHuman growth hormone
SPDSensory Processing Disorder
PPOPreferred provider organization
PCPPrimary care physician
CADCoronary artery disease
VDVenereal disease
HDLHigh-density lipoprotein
OBGObstetrics and gynecology
LCLLateral collateral ligament
DODoctor of Osteopathy
PTPhysical therapy
DNRDo not resuscitate
USFDAUnited States Food and Drug Administration
CNACertified nursing assistant
COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ARFAcute renal failure
TBITraumatic brain injury
FitspirationInpiration to be fit
Fauci OuchieCOVID-19 vaccine
GOMERGet Out of My Emergency Room
Fire thighsThighs inflamed from chafing
ROMRange of motion
FluronaHaving both the flu and covid
TwindemicA dual pandemic
Never CovidA person exposed to but uninfected by COVID-19
GSMGender and sexuality minority
AFABAssigned female at birth
SOGISexual orientation and gender identity
Leg dayWorkout day specializing on legs
BPDBorderline personality disorder
LWLowest weight
HWHighest weight
SWStarting weight
ISFInsulin Sensitivity Factor
HMOHealth maintenance organization
ICNIntensive Care Nursery
WHOWorld Health Organization
LDLLow-density lipoprotein
ACLSAdvanced cardiac life support
AEDAutomated external defibrillator
ANDAllow natural death
DNIDo not intubate
ALOSAverage length of stay
AMIAcute myocardial infarction
ARIAcute respiratory infection
CICUCardiac intensive care unit
TCUTransitional care unit
STELShort term exposure limit
FPLFederal poverty level
IFIntermittent fasting
MTFMale to female
AMABAssigned male at birth
GainsIncreased healthiness
H&WHeight and weight
ITUIntensive treatment unit
CCUCritical care unit
EDEmergency department
APSAdult protective services
COICertificate of insurance
POBy mouth
DSABDesignated sex at birth
NICUNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
SSISurgical site infection
AEAccident and emergency
CVICerebrovascular insult
EMRElectronic medical record
STSpeech therapy
MCLMedial collateral ligament
BPBlood pressure
PCLPosterior cruciate ligament
HHAHome health aide
ALPAssisted living program
CDTContinuing day treatment
CRNACertified registered nurse anesthetist
CVACerebrovascular accident
HCAIHealth care associated infection
ACOAccountable care organization
EOCEvidence of coverage
HSAt bedtime
CTEChronic traumatic encephalopathy
SAABSex assigned at birth
Arm dayWorkout day specializing on arms