N/A has 2 meanings
Not Available
If you see N/A anywhere in the results, it means the data was not available
Related Slang
AFK | Away from keyboard |
GFN | Gone for now |
GFTD | Gone for the day |
BBL | Be back later |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BRB | Be right back |
DND | Do not disturb |
AOC | Available on cell |
Not applicable
When filling out forms offline or online, people may use "N/A" when the question or information does not apply to them. For example, if you are filling out your health records and there is a question asking you for your surgery history, you can add "N/A" to communicate no surgery history (the question is "not applicable" to you).
You may see N/A used in other contexts, as well. One example includes databases as a substitute for "null" as another way to say the information for the field is unknown. Another example is to comment on a procedure that you haven't overlooked a step, just that no information is applicable for that step.
If you are not married, just put "n/a" where it asks for your spouse's name
Will do

Related Slang
N/A | Not Available |
NG | No good |
SFY | Speak for yourself |
d/c | Disconnected |
LTP | Let's talk privately |
kptondl | Keep it on the down low |
N/A is shorthand for "not available." This acronym is often used or shown in place of data, when the data is not available.
People may also send you N/A when they are not available. For example, if you ask your co-worker to meet Monday, they may send back "I'm N/A Monday. How about Tuesday?"