
Related Slang
Breakfast ball | A redo shot from the first tee |
Sunday ball | A do-over golf shot |
Chunk | A golf shot that makes a divot |
Handicap | Numerical score that represents a golfer's ability |
Bogey golf | Level of golf play that equals 1 shot over par |
Worm burner | Very low golf shot |
Baltimore Chop | Baseball hit that takes a large hop over an infielder |
Bloop | Weakly hit fly ball |
Heater | Fastball |
Tater trot | Home run trot |
Southpaw | Left-handed pitcher |
To replace cards in your starting hand
To mulligan in a CCG, such as Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering (MTG), means to replace all or some of the cards in your starting hand with new cards from your deck (giving you a "do over" on your starting hand). Players mulligan to make their starting hands better, so they have a better chance of winning the game.
Mulliganing takes place at the start of the game, before either player has taken their first turn. For example, in Hearthstone, players can mulligan before a game begins by selecting one or more cards in their starting hand that they'd like to replace with a random card from their deck. The player then draws as many replacement cards as needed, shuffles the card(s) they chose to mulligan into their deck, and starts the game.
Why are players allowed to mulligan in CCGs?
Because random chance can stick CCG players with absolutely abysmal starting hands, which would be auto-losses without the ability to mulligan. For example, if an MTG player who drew a seven land starting hand was forced to keep that hand, they would lose approximately 100% of the time. While certain decks (such as combo decks) can abuse the ability to mulligan, players typically use mulligans for their intended purpose - to produce better, more exciting games.

Related Slang
Rush | To quickly attack and cause damage |
Minion | Game creature |
Drop | Minion |
Board clear | Move that clears the opponent's board of minions |
Card advantage | Possessing more cards than another player |
Coining | Using The Coin card in Hearthstone |
Board control | To dominate the game board |
noob | Newbie |
TRBL | Terrible |
Scoop | Concede |
Mulligan is a sports term commonly used in golf that refers to the opportunity to redo a shot. It is an informal rule that players use when they have a bad shot and want a second chance at hitting the same shot without incurring a stroke.