What does NASLP stand for online?

Name, age, sex, location, picture

If someone online sends you "NASLP," they want to know your name, your age, your sex, your location (current or where you live), and a picture of yourself. Strangers that meet online are most likely to use the NASLP to gather information about each other quickly.

While people may use NASLP platonically, they typically are interested romantically. The two parties may have made a connection online and one, or both, want to take it to a more intimate level (emotionally and physically).

Therefore, be sure you absolutely trust whoever sends you this before sharing information about yourself. There are all sorts of creepers and scams, like catfishing online. Also, NASLP is the same as ASLNP, just a re-ordering of characters.


He sent me NASLP. Should I reply?
NW, he's too creepy

Related Slang


Updated June 27, 2022

NASLP definition by

This page explains what the acronym "NASLP" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

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