Overcome with emotion
Check out Aunt Janet's swan dress. Can you believe it???
Sksksk means overcome with emotion
Related Slang
VSCO girls | Preppy female teen Instagrammers |
And I oop | I'm so embarassed |
Instagrammer | An Instagram user |
BIPOC | Black, Indigenous, People of Color |
LGBT | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender |
Stan | An obsessed fan of someone or something |
Sksksk is a term Instagrammers, TikTokers, and Tweeters type when they're overcome with laughter, embarrassment, or surprise. The term represents the writer mashing the S and K buttons on their phone keyboard, because they're too excited or startled to write a coherent sentence.
Originally used by online BIPOC and LGBT communities, sksksk has since been adopted by stans and VSCO girls. You may also hear someone say sksksk out loud, usually when mocking someone who uses the term online.