Pop Culture Slang

The Internet has popularlized the use of acronyms and abbreviations, which are now commonly used in pop culture. The list below includes slang terms related to movies, music, TV, games, and celebrities.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
Easter eggA hidden message
DnDDungeons & Dragons
TGIFThank goodness it's Friday
SwagSkills or style
MTFBWYMay the Force be with you
RickrollTo trick someone into watching a Rick Astley music video
sfxSpecial effects
FWBFriends with benefits
StreamerSomeone who regularly broadcasts online
TMNTTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
IDFWUI don't f*** with you
WAPWet A** P***y
ZaddyA composed, fashionable, and attractive man
OSTOriginal soundtrack
ASMRAutonomous Sensory Meridian Response
InfluencerA social media user who affects others' behaviors
BootyliciousAttractive with a nice rear end
PotterheadA Harry Potter fan
And I oopI'm so embarassed
HipsterA person who dislikes mainstream culture
You got servedYou were called out
SwiftieA devoted fan of Taylor Swift
WWJDWhat would Jesus do
CGComputer Graphics
You know nothing Jon SnowYou are naive
DopeIllegal drugs
DTPDisturbing the peace
StanAn obsessed fan of someone or something
StanningObsessing over a person
Comfort idolA celebrity whose actions soothe you
TwerkHip-gyrating dance move
BromanceDeep friendship between two or more males
SpitTo freestyle rap
MovemberMustache-growing November
Nae NaeHip-rocking, hand-raising dance move
Crows before hoesGuy friends are more important than romantic interests
KpopKorean Pop music
WokeAware of social issues
BlingOverly flashy jewelry
WWEWorld Wrestling Entertainment
Dump statAn ability that an RPG player doesn't prioritize
Y/NYour name
SWStar Wars
JuggaloA fan of Insane Clown Posse
OT3One true threesome
BTSBangtan Sonyeondan
Pro-shipAccepting of any fictional relationship
EndgameA couple that is meant to be together
BangerAn awesome, energetic piece of media
DisneyboundingDressing similarly to Disney characters
TravoltifiedMispronounced a name
LWYMMDLook what you made me do
1DOne Direction
MLPMy Little Pony
HIMYMHow I Met Your Mother
KimyeKim Kardashian and Kanye West
Rom comRomantic comedy
DabHip hop dance move
WWWonder Woman
SCPSpecial Containment Procedures Foundation
KenergyConscientious masculinity
OTPOne true pairing
TWDThe Walking Dead
DemThronesGame of Thrones
Galentine's DayFebruary 13th ladies-only celebration
E chokeAn expression of shock or surprise
CinephileA devoted fan of cinema
LOTRLord of the Rings
TNGThe Next Generation
HBOHome Box Office
TwerkingShaking hips and rear in a bouncing motion
DashieRainbow Dash
HPHarry Potter
SNLSaturday Night Live
SlasherHorror film
CosplayCostume play
BarsLyrical hip hop sentences
Christmas creepThe slow expansion of the Christmas shopping season
Fan serviceIndulging fans' desires
WaifuA fictional female that a real person has a crush on
BOATBest of all time
OMEOh my Edward
LL&PLive long and prosper
BenjaminOne hundred dollar bill
FanboyA dedicated male fan
WCWWorld Championship Wrestling
DuckrollTo mislead someone
AGTAmerica's Got Talent
KUWTKKeeping up with the Kardashians
SuperfanAn extremely dedicated fan
Tay tayTaylor Swift
KayfabePretending something fake is real
HuckleberryThe one you're looking for
GOTGame of Thrones
TebowingGetting in a position of praying
ChivetteFemale who likes theCHIVE
SelteringSticking out your rear in a fitness pose
Jump the sharkTo decrease in quality
BelieberA committed fan of Justin Bieber
Winter is comingSomething bad is going to happen
K-popKorean Pop music
Treat yo selfTake care of yourself
KOTLCKeeper of the Lost Cities
MarkA fan who believes pro wrestling is real
Parasocial relationshipA one-way relationship between a fan and a creator
YAYoung Adult
RequelA movie featuring elements from a previous film
GNRGuns N' Roses
DougieDance move
BronyA male fan of My Little Pony
CosplayerA person who wears a costume and plays a character
FestivusA holiday celebration
Steve HarveyTo announce the wrong winner
Welcome to your tapeI'm mad at you
VSCO girlsPreppy female teen Instagrammers
MMPRMighty Morphin' Power Rangers
MCUMarvel Cinematic Universe
TikTok houseA house full of TikTok influencers
Who dey breetWho is breathing?
Silver foxAn attractive older man
SlashSame-sex romance fan fiction
BagSuccess and wealth
HusbandoA fictional man that a real person has a crush on
HKHello Kitty
TTTEThomas the Tank Engine
JLoJennifer Lopez
NKOTBNew Kids on the Block
MST3KMystery Science Theater 3000
TDSWJSThe Daily Show with Jon Stewart
TAAHMTwo and a Half Men
BBBreaking Bad
ChiverMale who likes theCHIVE
Sharpen a mustacheSmoke a joint
AHSAmerican Horror Story
NerfherderAn untamed and unkempt person
DabbinLeaning your head into your elbow with your other arm outstretched
HeadcanonA fan's unverified beliefs about a story
WW84Wonder Woman 1984
Speak truth to powerStand up for what is right
Put overMake someone look good
Meet cuteA charming first meeting between two people
RPFReal person fiction
NormieA person whose tastes are mainstream
WeebA non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese pop culture
LCSLocal comic store
BarbenheimerBarbie and Oppenheimer
WhamageddonThe challenge to not hear Last Christmas
PookieA loved one
ILUMI love you man
POTCPirates of the Caribbean
TOSThe Original Series
OMJOh my Jonas
TWSSThat's what she said
A7XAvenged Sevenfold
NINNine Inch Nails
BrangelinaBrad and Angelina
NKOTBSBNew Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys
OITNBOrange is the New Black
JPJurassic Park
BMWBoy Meets World
OMAMOf Mice and Men
Off the hookTotally awesome
TravoltifyTo mispronounce a name
PTIPardon the interruption
MansomeManly handsome
RHONJThe Real Housewives of New Jersey
T SwiftTaylor Swift
VMAVideo Music Awards
Pain in the choobiesAnnoyance
UPFUltra passionate fan
RetconRetroactively change
JLUJustice League Unlimited
Cut a promoStage a promotional interview
MultistanAn obsessed fan of multiple things
MultifandomSubscribing to multiple communities of fans
EATEOTEverywhere at the End of Time
Nepo babyA child who benefits from a famous parent
Internet boyfriendAn online community's collective guy crush
Up to elevenUp to an excessive degree
KenoughFeeling of adequacy in your identity
KOTORKnights of the Old Republic
GoonAn unintelligent, often muscular person
ChrismukkahChristmas and Hanukkah
AFVAmerica's Funniest Videos
AFHVAmerica's Funniest Home Videos
BromentBro moment
SledneckA mountain person who drives a snowmobile
LLAPLive long and prosper
RHONYThe Real Housewives of New York City
FangirlA dedicated female fan
SWTFAStar Wars: The Force Awakens
Damp down your power coreSettle down
HodorHold the door
Diddy cropTo cut a person out of your life
JuggaletteA female fan of Insane Clown Posse
UnstanA person who is trying to be less obsessed with a celebrity
CipherAn informal dance or rap gathering
Binge racerA person who watches an entire season of a show within 24 hours
Nuked the fridgeA movie series drastically decreased in quality
Deep cutAn obscure work or reference
IdolA K-pop star
DS9Deep Space Nine
PharbzPhoebe Bridgers fans
GlitchingDance move that includes subtle jerks synced to music
ArianatorAn Ariana Grande fan
FNAFFive Nights at Freddy's
Actual playTTRPGs played for an audience
KotHKing of the hill
DCUDC Universe
Final girlThe last female to fight the killer
BlockbusterA commercially successful film
WhammedHearing the song Last Christmas
MTFBWUMay the Force be with you
HOFHall of fame
HSMHigh school musical
ANTMAmerica's Next Top Model
5FDPFive Finger Death Punch
SoapsSoap operas
TAWOGThe Amazing World of Gumball
ErmahgerdOh my gosh
3EBThird Eye Blind
TFKThousand Foot Krutch
PJPearl Jam
LZLed Zeppelin
ELOElectric Light Orchestra
FreshBrand new
AYAOTDAre You Afraid of the Dark?
WWFWorld Wrestling Federation
FEFinger Eleven
MCRMy Chemical Romance
McConaughssanceMatthew McConaughey's renaissance
ScarJoScarlett Johansson
SilverstoningChewing up food before serving it
Lip DubA lip synching music video
HOHHead of Household
Turn down for whatI'm excited
Hate-watchTo watch something you love to hate
Mo sistaA woman who supports Movember
RHOMThe Real Housewives of Miami
RHOBHThe Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
RHOCThe Real Housewives of Orange County
BTFDBack to the Future day
CypherAn informal rap or dance gathering
Binge racingWatching an entire season of a show within 24 hours
DCAUDC Animated Universe
JobberA character who loses fights to make others look good
Collab houseA house full of social media influencers
Comfort characterA fictional character who soothes you
OCOriginal character
MHAMy Hero Academia
IASIPIt's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
NOTPNot one true pairing
FanficFan fiction
FanonUnverified story points fans believe are canon
Hiatus brainWhen superfans' minds go wild during a hiatus
AUAlternate universe
MCRmyMy Chemical Romance fans
Oscar baitA movie that features elements Oscar voters love
Scream queenA prominent actress in the horror film genre
MotherA feminine icon
AutochasingPursuing a person to obtain their autograph
Brat summerAn unapologetically authentic and sassy lifestyle
RomantasyRomance and fantasy book genre
gtrdunGet 'er done
POTOPhantom of the Opera
SFScience Fiction
MIBMen in Black
PM5KPowerman 5000
FF5Family Force 5
APCA Perfect Circle
ChibiMiniature Character
CCRCreedence Clearwater Revival
DMBDave Matthews Band
GDGreen Day
WailTo be awesome
STPStone Temple Pilots
DWTSDancing with the Stars
F11Finger Eleven
BVBBlack Veil Brides
Mo broA movember participant
BromanticAction showing friendship between two or more males
RHOOCThe Real Housewives of Orange County
HallyuKorean wave
BTTFBack to the Future
Bantha fodderAs good as dead
TFAThe Force Awakens
Mom comRomantic comedy directed at moms
DrakingPlacing Drake's head on handicap wheelchair signs
SparrowfaceFacial expression with eyes wide open and mouth slightly open
SmizeTo smile with your eyes
SWTLJStar Wars: The Last Jedi
Bro countryA subgenre of mainstream country music
BTASBatman: The Animated Series
WorkA scripted event
Worked shootA scripted event that contains unscripted elements
Bitcoin Pizza DayMay 22, 2010
GrokIntuitively understand
SmarkA fan who knows pro wrestling is scripted
TweenerA wrestler who is neither hero nor villain
WBWWorld Between Worlds
QueerbaitingImplying but never actualizing a non-hetero relationship
Needle dropWhen an existing song is used in a movie or show
DBZDragon Ball Z
ARMYAdorable Representative M.C. for Youth
The GGirlfriend
Anti-shipAgainst problematic fictional relationships
AEWAll Elite Wrestling
MFMMy Favorite Murder
MBMBaMMy Brother, My Brother and Me
TAZThe Adventure Zone
Buddy copMovie and TV genre featuring two different characters that must work together
GlaggleA yellow smiley-face resident of Glaggleland
Jump scareA startling occurrence intended to scare
He's himHe is impressive
Scream kingA prominent actor in the horror film genre
Final boyThe last male to fight the killer
BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation
Disney kneesA pose with knees pointed inwards
STSSurviving the Survivor
MOTUMasters of the Universe
FOBFresh off the boat
DTDream Theater
BenniferBen and Jennifer
BSBBackstreet Boys
SOADSystem of a Down
NWONew World Order
WWWFWorld Wide Wrestling Federation
WDTFSWhat does the fox say?
DARDaily afternoon randomness
HOCHouse of Cards
TSFHTwo Steps From Hell
GroolGreat and cool
FWBLFriends with Better Lives
BrollingJames Bond trolling
UTFLUse the force, Luke
ManssiereMale brassiere
GleekGlee geek
RHOAThe Real Housewives of Atlanta
DramedyDramatic and comedic movie
5SOS5 Seconds of Summer
ICPInsane Clown Posse
Schmuck baitA ludicrous tease for a show plot
skskskOvercome with emotion
ShootAn unscripted event
WAGWives and girlfriends
ShowmanceA romance between actors starring in the same production
FlanalogueA monologue written by Mike Flanagan
FFDPFive Finger Death Punch
WTAWomen tell all
ICHCI Can Has Cheezburger?
PFPink Floyd
SYTYCDSo You Think You Can Dance
OMAMOf Monsters and Men
STTWSabrina the Teenage Witch
SOASons of Anarchy
AFIA Fire Inside
TravoltafyTo mispronounce a name
TravoltafiedMispronounced a name
KartrashiansKardashian family
RHODCThe Real Housewives of D.C.
JonerysJon and Daenerys
WDWWalt Disney World
The RachelVoluminous shoulder-length haircut
KCCOKeep calm and CHIVE on
FNLFriday Night Lights
BroA male bra
CNRHKYITFChuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face
TTTHCSThings that Tim Howard could save