Yuck Your Yum
Criticize something you like
Don't yuck my yum; mayo is great on burgers

Related Slang
BT | Bad taste |
Tacky | Bad taste |
Normie | A person whose tastes are mainstream |
Bop | An excellent song or album |
GOAT | Greatest of all time |
Horny on main | Acting lustful on your primary social account |
SCNR | Sorry, could not resist |
To yuck someone's yum means to disparage something they enjoy. Most often, people say this phrase as yuck your yum or yuck my yum, when talking about disparaging remarks they've made or received.
While the words yuck and yum are most commonly associated with food, yuck your yum can be used to describe critical remarks made about any item or activity someone enjoys. For example, a friend who is questioning your taste in video games may send you "I don't mean to yuck your yum, but isn't LoL full of trolls? How can you enjoy playing that?" Or, a friend who doesn't understand your Twilight obsession may send you, "Lemme know if I'm yucking your yum here, but sparkle vampires? Really??? How do they explain that?"