DQ has 2 meanings
He was dq'd from the tournament after they found he was cheating
TMW you're DQ'd
Related Slang
TM | Trouble maker |
EG | Evil grin |
tourney | Tournament |
BG | Bad game |
GG | Good game |
One and done | Single elimination tournament |
Cinderella | Underdog sports team |
Throw the game | Lose the game on purpose |
Aimbot | Automatic aiming bot |
Dairy Queen
A fast food acronym that refers to the restaurant that serves "Hot eats and cool treats;" famous for their delicious but overpriced ice cream blizzards.
I want to treat myself, I'm going to DQ to celebrate my promotion
Related Slang
blzd | Blizzard |
Num | Tasty |
Jaffas | Cookies |
BK | Burger King |
KFC | Kentucky Fried Chicken |
delish | Delicious |
McD | McDonald's |
DQ is an abbreviation for "disqualify." It is also often written as DQ'd, which means "disqualified."
People typically use DQ when discussing sports and other games, from which contestants can be disqualified. For example, an MTG player may find themselves DQ'd from a tournament for stacking their deck, or an Olympic athlete might be DQ'd for doping.