Covid-related fascism led by Dr. Anthony Fauci
I can't believe so many people are willing to give up their freedoms for Faucism

Related Slang
Covid | COVID-19 |
rona | Coronavirus |
Scamdemic | Fake pandemic |
Fauci Ouchie | COVID-19 vaccine |
Boomer remover | COVID-19 |
Quaranteam | A small group that socializes in-person during COVID-19 |
Blursday | Literally any day of the week, they're all the same now |
Covidiot | A person who downplays the dangers of COVID-19 |
vax | Vaccination |
Vaxhole | A person who brags about being vaccinated |
Fake news | Fake news source that pretends to be real |
Faucism is the belief that Infectious Disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci acts as a fascist dictator. It is not an actual ideology but a term created to refer to what some believe are overreaching powers enacted to curb the spread of covid.
Where did Faucism come from?
The name comes from the combination of "Fauci" and "fascism." It gained popularity in the summer of 2020 as people grew weary of the government's covid restrictions. Many people directed their ire at Dr. Anthony Fauci, who became the figurehead for the fight against the pandemic.
Who uses the "Faucism" term?
Most people who use the term are conservatives, often old adults and Boomers who believe the COVID-19 is a scamdemic. They are resisting Faucism to push back against the expansion of government influence and Fauci's recommendations.
These people typically use it on social sites, like Twitter and Facebook, to call out things Fauci has said or suggested as hypocritical, nonsensical, or unethical. Examples include lockdown order, mask mandates, and the call for social distancing even after receiving the covid vax.