I love my mum!
She's the best!

Related Slang
303 | Mom |
WOHM | Working outside home mom |
WAHM | Work-at-home mom |
SAHM | Stay-at-home mom |
Mom com | Romantic comedy directed at moms |
Mombie | A tired mom |
Momfluencer | A mom who influences other moms on social media |
Soccer mom | A suburban mom whose world revolves around her kids |
Tiger mother | A mom who demands excellence from her child |
Unicorn mom | An imperfect, authentic mom who defies mom shaming |
Alpha mom | A dominant female in a group of mothers |
Bonus mom | A woman who co-parents a child |
bday | Birthday |
Mum is an endearing abbreviation for "mother" in American English, a variation of the "mom" spelling and pronunciation. However, in other English-speaking countries, such as Australia and England, "mum" is the standard way to pronounce "mom" (their accents naturally pronounce the "o" as a "u" sound) and is not considered slang.
You may see or hear people use mum in various contexts, including in person, online, and in messages. For example, your brother may ask you, "You wanna go in on a gift for mum for her bday?" Or, your friend may text you, "I'm so thankful for your mum. She cared for me more than my own."