So there are a few strats you can use to clear this level

Related Slang
RTS | Real-time strategy |
ARTS | Action real-time strategy |
Cheese | Exploitative strategy |
Oppo | Opponent |
Git gud | Get good |
Base race | Simultaneous attacks on enemy bases |
bd | Backdoor |
Camper | A player who doesn't move |
Gamers sometimes refer to strategies as "strats." For example, you may encounter the word strats in Twitch chat, as viewers discuss a streamer's strategies for beating opponents or bosses. You may also see gamers discuss and debate strats in gaming forums.
Tryhard gamers also use sometimes use the word strats while trash talking their opponents. For example, an opponent who just wrecked you in an online game may send you the message "Your strats are weak. Git gud noob." This means your opponent thinks you need to develop a better strategy (and also, that they're a jerk).