I'll ul my photos to the web tomorrow
Cool. Looking forward to seeing your vacay!
Ul progress bar
Related Slang
u/l | Upload |
dl | Download |
d/l | Download |
dlc | Downloadable content |
FTP | File transfer protocol |
xfer | Transfer |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure |
Vacay | Vacation |
If you experience an unfortunate turn of events while gaming, you might say you are "ul." For example, after completing a multiplayer game where you lost because you spawned right next to an opponent who quickly finishes you off, another gamer may message you, "so ul. srry man."
People may also use ul in contexts outside of gaming, such as texts or social media, when people experience unlucky circumstances. For example, if your BFF starts dating his crush and her family then moves away, you might message him, "that's so ul, man. im here for ya."
i thought I was going to win, but I was really ul
totes. sat
That ul expression
Related Slang
ULPP | Unluckiest person on the planet |
SOL | S*** out of luck |
GLWT | Good luck with that |
GL2U | Good luck to you |
LUPP | Luckiest person on the planet |
Unforch | Unfortunately |
Vent | Express frustration |
Flop era | A period of disappointment |
Shucks | An expression of disappointment |
ugh | Disappointed |
Womp | Expression of disappointment |
srry | Sorry |
SAT | Sorry about that |
Totes | Totally |
Ul is an abbreviation for "upload," which is information (typically a file) sent from your device to another over a network. For example, you may refer to the document you uploaded to your online storage space as a ul.
While you will often see people use ul as a noun, they may also use it as a verb to refer to the action of uploading information, like when you are attaching a short home video to your email message to send it to a friend.
Ul is the opposite of dl, which is when you download information from one device to your device over the Internet. Most Internet users will upload and download information daily. Typically, ul speeds are slower than dl speeds.
For example, you may upload a picture of your dog to Instagram or a screenshot of an error message on your computer to a web forum. Or, if you work remotely, you may upload documents to a secure server.