WUF has 2 meanings
Wow, you're funny
In messages, people may send "wuf" as a more creative way to respond to a humorous comment than the typical LOL. Most people use it genuinely to remark on a person's sense of humor (SOH), but they may also use it sarcastically.
For example, you may flirt with a girl you met online through DMs and send her, "wuf. I love that meme! ;)" Or, if you are in a text thread and an annoying acquaintance shares an offensive joke, you may reply with a cold "wuf. did u think of that 1 all by urself?"
I laughed so hard when I gave you bunny ears in that picture!

Related Slang
LOL | Laughing out loud |
HHSF | Ha-ha, so funny |
TFF | Too freakin' funny |
TITF | That is too funny |
FAH | Funny as heck |
haha | Laughing |
hehe | Laughing |
BAG | Busting a gut |
BMGWL | Busting my gut with laughter |
LOI | Laughing on the inside |
NF | Not funny |
An acronym that may be used in online conversation when getting to know someone; the more grammatically correct version is -- "Where are you from?"