H/w has 2 meanings
Do you know if that class is going to have a lot of h/w?
Procrastinating h/w
Related Slang
hw | Homework |
hwk | Homework |
hmwk | Homework |
cicyhw | Can I copy your homework |
TA | Teaching assistant |
GPA | Grade point average |
BOTB | Back of the book |
hr | Homeroom |
Senioritis | Senior laziness |
Husband and wife
Old-fashioned chatters may use the acronym H/W to mean "husband and wife." H/W is used quite infrequently, so it's not surprising that you had to look it up.
Most commonly, H/W is used while asking whether two people are married. There are not, it turns out, many other instances in which people use the phrase husband and wife.
Did u know they are h/w?
A loving h/w
Related Slang
H&W | Husband and wife |
DH | Dear husband |
DW | Dear wife |
Hubby | Husband |
LTD | Lovers 'til death |
FW | Future wife |
waggro | Wife aggro |
WOS | Wife over shoulder |
H9 | Husband in room |
Honeydude | A boyfriend or husband used for his money |
Trophy husband | An attractive husband |
H/w is a common way to abbreviate homework, which is schoolwork a teacher assigns to students to work on outside of class at home. It may be an essay, book report, presentation, worksheet, or another type of task.
Many students despise h/w because it infringes on their free time outside of school, like going to a movie or hanging out at a friend's house. Nevertheless, students in elementary school to college have to work on h/w, although the way they complete it has changed over the years. For example, students in the 1980s had to complete their work on paper with a pencil, pen, or typewriter; but students in the 2020s often complete and submit their work on a computer via the Internet.
Mostly tweens, teens, and young adults use the abbreviation. You can also remove the slash in the abbreviation to make hw.