P is a one-letter abbreviation for "pretty" that people typically use in messages, whether they are texts or online (e.g., DMs). People often use it as an adjective to modify the size, length, etc. of something.
For example, your friend may ask how you are feeling after going home sick and you reply, "p tired still but a bit better. thx 4 asking. :)" Or, you may ask your friend how the movie was, and they respond, "gud but p long."
People may also use p when describing something's beauty. For example, you may describe your friend's gf as "supes p!!"
you going to the see them live tonite?
yeah, I'm p excited for the concert!

A baseball position that is the player that pitches the ball to the catcher from the mound; often seen on baseball rosters, score cards, and fantasy baseball leagues; can also appear as SP and RP which represent the type of pitcher.