Pvt has 2 meanings
Protoss versus Terran
StarCraft 2 (SC2) players use PvT to stand for Protoss versus Terran. This acronym describes a match in which a Protoss player faces off against a Terran player.
In player-versus-player matches, SC2 players pick from one of the game's three races and attempt to destroy their opponent's forces. The Protoss are a race of technologically advanced psionic aliens. The Terrans are plain ol' humans (with sci-fi technology).
Usually, the PvT matchup greatly favors the Protoss player. However, Terran players can win PvT matches, if they manage to defend against their opponents' early aggression.
I think the PvT matchup is actually fairly balanced
Well, me must not be playing against the same Protoss players

Related Slang
TvP | Terran versus Protoss |
TvZ | Terran versus Zerg |
TvT | Terran versus Terran |
PVP | Protoss versus Protoss |
sc2 | StarCraft 2 |
sc2nite | StarCraft 2 tonight? |
WCS | StarCraft II World Championship Series |
Gosu | Highly skilled |
chargelot | Charge Zealot |
RTS | Real-time strategy |
In online chat, pvt is short for "private." This abbreviation is most often used to suggest chatting or meeting in private.
For example, a chatter who has struck up a sparkling conversation with another chatter in a public chatroom may suggest the pair take their conversation pvt, to avoid the "noise" generated by others. Pvt chat is often conducted via DM, so chatters may have to "friend" or otherwise connect with each other before they can chat in pvt.