Dead by Daylight
Gamers use DBD as shorthand for the horror game Dead by Daylight. In DBD, one player takes on the role of a terrifying serial killer, and four other players attempt to escape the killer's clutches.
The game takes place on a variety of enclosed game maps, which simulate different scary locations. Survivors, as the non-killer players are called, must activate generators scattered about the map to open the map's exit. Then, they can escape out the exit to freedom.
The killer, meanwhile, is trying to hang survivors from hooks scattered about the map. If a survivor dies on a hook, they're sacrificed to the mysterious and malicious Entity (and, y'know, they lose the game).
DBD has proved popular enough to both cross over with other properties, like Stranger Things, Left for Dead (L4D), and Resident Evil (RE), and spawn multimedia spin-offs. For example, DBD fans can also play a DBD board game or a DBD dating sim (which stars the game's killers).

Related Slang
L4D | Left for Dead |
RE | Resident Evil |
DDLC | Doki Doki Literature Club! |
FNAF | Five Nights at Freddy's |
SCP | Special Containment Procedures Foundation |
Slasher | Horror film |
Creepypasta | A horror story posted on the Internet |
An acronym utilized to tell somebody to be serious or think harder; often used in reference to somebody joking around and "playing" dumb for laughs when they should be taking the matter seriously.