Problem exists between keyboard and chair
He thinks his computer is not working, but PEBKAC IMO
Agreed. He's complained about issues before but they were things he was doing wrong

Related Slang
PEBCAC | Problem exists between chair and computer |
PEBCAK | Problem exists between chair and keyboard |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual |
DAQ | Dumb asked question |
RTFMM | Read the flippin' manual, moron |
LMGTFY | Let me Google that for you |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
DAQ | Dumb asked question |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something? |
dur | Stupidly obvious |
RTFFAQ | Read the flippin' FAQ |
ID10T | Idiot |
BFU | Brain free user |
BDU | Brain dead user |
DQOTD | Dumb question of the day |
PEBKAC implies a problem is caused by the user, not the computer or other hardware. For example, if a user complains about being unable to sign into their account when they mistyped their password, that's a PEBKAC.
IT professionals and other tech-savvy users are the most likely to use PEBKAC, whether online in forums or when messaging about user errors. Additionally, people may use PEBKAC as an arrogant comment towards someone who is not especially computer savvy (like noob). For example, you may make fun of your friend, "I can't believe James didn't know how to search for files by their extension on the computer. What PEBKAC."