Ppd has 2 meanings
Postpartum depression
Ppd (or PPD) is a health issue some women struggle with after giving birth. You may see it as an official abbreviation used by health professionals, but you will likely see the ppd abbreviation on social media or birth and pregnancy online forums.
For example, a new mom may post in a forum, "Does anyone have ideas for shaking ppd? I'm struggling with it big time." Or, a mom may look back at one of her pregnancies on social media, "For some reason, my first two pregnancies were great, but my third was arduous, and I suffered from really bad ppd."
I didn't have ppd after my first baby, but I feel so down now after my second
I'm sorry to hear that. How can I help?

Related Slang
HPT | Home pregnancy test |
POAS | Pee on a stick |
OPK | Ovulation predictor kit |
BFN | Big fat negative |
CS | Caesarean section |
spd | Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction |
us | Ultrasound |
BFP | Big fat positive |
Baby bump | Protruding abdomen of a pregnant female |
Baby trap | When one partner misleads the other to cause a pregnancy |
Preggo | A pregnant person |
Snapback | The quickness a woman's body snaps back after a pregnancy |
Snapback culture | Pressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies |
SAHM | Stay-at-home mom |
An event that is ppd has been "postponed." People use ppd when discussing delays to sporting events, school start times, and other notable happenings.
Often, events are ppd due to inclement weather. These events may be rescheduled for later the same day or a future date.