Power Points
In Pokémon, PP stands for "Power Points." The points refer to the energy required by a Pokémon to perform a specific move.
The higher the PP, the more times the Pokémon can use the move. Once a Pokémon runs out of PP, the trainer typically switches it with another Pokémon. However, if the trainer leaves it in to fight, it can only use the struggle move until it restores its PP with an item.
Where do I find a Pokémon's PP?
You will typically see the PP displayed within the Battle Moves window in Pokémon games. Or, on Pokémon trading cards, you will see PP next to the Pokémon's moves.

Related Slang
pkmn | Pokémon |
HP | Hit points |
PMD | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon |
CCG | Collectible card game |
TCG | Trading card game |
GBA | Game Boy Advance |
NDS | Nintendo DS |
Profile picture
PP is the primary photo displayed in a person's profile online, whether in an online forum or on a social website such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. It is the image that other users most often see of you, so choose your PP wisely.
People typically choose a PP that represents them well, such as a professional headshot or a nice family photo. However, some users prefer to feature things they are interested in as their PP, such as a pet, a new car, or the logo of their favorite sports team.

Related Slang
fb | |
IG | |
PFP | Profile picture |
LI | |
pic | Picture |
pix | Pictures |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook |
Selfie | A picture a person takes of themself |
Photobomb | To pose in the background of a picture being taken |
Personal problem
If you are experiencing a very personal issue, you can refer to it as a "PP." Most people use it online or when texting since it helps save time and character space.
A PP is usually a personal problem that a person doesn't want to take the time to explain or is just too sensitive for them. For example, if a co-worker sees you look like you've been crying, they might message you to ask if everything is OK. Then, you might respond with, "Just a PP. Thx for asking, tho."
Remember that PP is not well known and is one of several PP acronyms. Therefore, if you don't want to field clarifying questions about what PP means, you should just type out "personal problem."
Related Slang
BU&I | Between you and I |
NYB | Not your business |
NOYB | None of your business |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
LMA | Leave me alone |
GALMA | Go away, leave me alone |
Patterned paper
PP is an acronym scrapbookers often use to refer to paper with various types of patterns. You will often see it online in scrapbooking forums or on social media.
There are many PP options for scrapbookers to enhance their creations. Some examples include colors and designs, such as red floral patterns, blue chevrons, and pink hearts.

Related Slang
CWYL | Chat with you later |
Chingo | Chat lingo |
FTFOI | For the fun of it |
HF | Have fun |
JFF | Just for fun |
SMF | So much fun |
BBB | Boring beyond belief |
In gaming, PP means "pause please." It is a quick way to ask the other player(s) in a multiplayer game if they can pause the game before continuing further.
Typically, players ask to pause a game for a short period of time, like 5 minutes. For example, they might need a bathroom break, to change their mouse batteries, or troubleshoot a keyboard issue.
However, sometimes the pause may be for a prolonged period of time. For example, your mom may make you clean your room in the middle of a match, or you might need to attend a class.