1. What does AP stand for in League of Legends?

Ability power

League of Legends (LoL) players use AP to stand for Ability Power. This stat adds power to certain abilities, items, and runes.

For example, the item Nashor's Tooth gives your champion +100 AP and makes your champion's basic attacks deal 15 + 20% AP additional damage. This means that, by itself, Nashor's Tooth makes your basic attacks deal 35 additional damage. Any additional AP your champion possesses (either inherently or from other items) will increase Nashor's Tooth's power.


Some champions scale with AP a lot better than others, so you should consider who on your team is best suited for items that enhance AP
LoL players discussing AP (and other LoL concepts)
LoL players discussing AP (and other LoL concepts)

Related Slang


Updated May 23, 2022
2. What does AP stand for?

Attack power

A game statistic used to calculate damage dealt by a weapon or offensive armor item; commonly contributed to by other statistics, such as agility.


I need more AP before I can raid in that dungeon

Related Slang


Updated May 7, 2014
3. What does AP stand for?

Associated Press

AP means Associated Press. It is a popular acronym for the nonprofit news agency.

AP was founded in 1846 and is headquartered in New York City. The news agency serves over 120 countries and contributes international, US, health, entertainment, and sports news stories.


The AP reported that at least 10 were killed in the bombings
AP means
AP means Associated Press

Related Slang


Updated June 28, 2016
4. What does AP stand for?

Accounts payable

An acronym that represents the amount of money owed by a company to its suppliers for items or services; shown as a liability on a company's balance sheet; often paid when the company receives the invoice, matches it to the packing slip and purchase order, and verifies that everything is in order.


Most of the amount in the AP will be settled by the end of the year

Related Slang


Updated December 31, 2014
5. What parenting method is AP?

Attachment parenting

Parents, pediatricians, and childcare specialists may use AP as shorthand for "attachment parenting." This set of infant parenting methods promotes empathy, responsiveness, and lots of parent-child physical contact.

Pediatrician William Sears coined the term attachment parenting in 1985. As he and his wife, registered nurse Martha Sears, began to share their ideas about attachment parenting with others, they began referring to the new paradigm as AP.


What's the difference between AP and normal parenting?
A lot of it is about being close to your kid at all times. Even sleeping in the same bed as them
Oh, no. I'm not doing that
A Redditor asking about AP
A Redditor asking about AP

Related Slang


Updated July 20, 2023
6. What does AP stand for?


Fans of TheGreatUnknown Productions YouTube videos use AP to stand for "anti-piracy." The channel specializes in creating custom videos of kill screens for software, gaming consoles, and services.

The videos featuring kill screens may be due to a console overheating or a bug in the game that causes it to crash. Or, they may be due to the detection of pirated content and thus referred to as "anti-piracy," or "ap" for short by the TheGreatUnknown Productions fandom.

People may use "AP" as an acronym for various words, such as "attack power," "Associated Press," or "attached parenting." You can typically tell the intended meaning of the word by the context in which it's used. For example, if you are watching a video produced by TheGreatUnknown Productions and see a comment with "ap" in it, it is most likely referring to anti-piracy.


Can you make an xbox one ap video?!?
YouTuber wanting an Nintendo DS ap video
YouTuber wanting an Nintendo DS ap video

Related Slang


Updated January 18, 2022

AP definition by Slang.net - The Slang Dictionary

This page explains what the acronym "AP" means. The various definitions, examples, and related terms listed above have been manually compiled and written by the Slang.net team.

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