Party and Play

Related Slang
STD | Sexually transmitted disease |
DOC | Drug of choice |
Roofie | A date rape drug |
addy | Adderall |
Blow | Cocaine |
cid | Acid |
od | Overdose |
Lit | Intoxicated |
LSD | Lysergic Acid Diethylamide |
Print and play
Board and card gamers use PnP to stand for "print and play." PnP games are typically distributed online. A gamer who purchases a PnP game is provided with files from which they can print the game's components on their home printer (rather than receiving a physical copy of the game).
For example, the makers of Cards Against Humanity provide a free PnP version of their game. This version takes the form of a PDF file, which gamers can print out, cut up, and use to play the game.
Because players must perform the extra work of printing and finalizing a PnP game's components, PnP games are often cheaper than comparable physical board and card games. Many game designers provide PnP versions of their games in hopes that players will love the game enough to buy a higher-quality physical version, while others just prefer to distribute their games online.

Related Slang
TTS | Tabletop Simulator |
CCG | Collectible card game |
TCG | Trading card game |
LCG | Living card game |
DnD | Dungeons & Dragons |
NH | Nice hand |
d20 | A twenty-sided die |
LGS | Local game store |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game |
Plug and Play
PnP stands for "plug and play," which refers to hardware devices that work as soon as you plug them into a computer. Examples of these devices include most keyboards, monitors, and mice.
With PnP devices, users don't have to manually configure the device, install drivers for the device, or notify the computer a device has been added. Instead, the computer recognizes the PnP device automatically and works with it (computer systems may load new drivers for the device, in some cases).
For example, most keyboards can just be plugged into the USB port on a computer (unless they are wireless). Once they are plugged in, the computer recognizes the keyboard and the user can begin using it.
The biggest advantage of PnP devices is their convenience for users looking to upgrade different components in their computer set-up. This allows novice computer users to more easily customize their computers.

Related Slang
hw | Hardware |
iDevice | Apple device |
rdy | Ready |
RWA | Ready, willing, and able |
PEBKAC | Problem exists between keyboard and chair |
sw | Software |
RTFMM | Read the flippin' manual, moron |
IT | Information Technology |
PnP stands for "party and play," which is when people consume drugs to initiate or enhance sexual activities. It is a dangerous practice since it often leads to drug addiction and a high STD transmission rate.
The majority of PnP participants are homosexual men, but other demographics may take part in PnPing. People looking to PnP often find and coordinate with each other online through chatrooms/forums and dating services.
PnP participants typically use methamphetamine since it provides prolonged euphoria. However, participants may also use cocaine, ecstasy, GHB/GBL anesthetics, and ketamine.