Of the day

Related Slang
DQOTD | Dumb question of the day |
FOTD | Face of the Day |
KOTD | Kicks of the day |
MOTD | Message of the day |
NOTD | Nail of the day |
OOTD | Outfit of the day |
QOTD | Question of the day |
SOTD | Shoe of the day |
WOTD | Workout of the day |
On this day
When used to mean "on this day," OTD is typically followed by a year, a referenced event, and a photo. The year is the year the referenced event took place; the photo is typically related to the event.
For example, on September 28, you might see a user post "OTD in 1998, Pokémon Blue was released in the U.S." That post would likely also contain a picture of Pokémon Blue's box art, to maximize other users' sense of nostalgia (and encourage them to interact with the post).

Related Slang
BTFD | Back to the Future day |
BHM | Black History Month |
SB | Super Bowl |
2day | Today |
MST | Must see today |
TIL | Today I learned |
One-time draft
In the financial world, an "OTD" is a "one-time draft," which is a payment set up to occur only once. You may see the acronym in various financial contexts, including a customer paying bills or an international trading company post-dating a purchase of goods.
For example, an investor may arrange an OTD with their bank that the bank will process at a later date. Or, a homeowner may set up an OTD with their bank to pay their monthly mortgage at the beginning of each month. Another example is an importer (buyer) may work with a bank to set up an OTD to pay for the goods received from an exporter (seller).
Related Slang
CIP | Customer initiated payment |
ATS | Automatic transfer service |
EFT | Electronic funds transfer |
AR | Accounts receivable |
AIR | Assumed interest rate |
CC | Credit card |
EMV | Europay, MasterCard, and Visa |
POS | Point of service |
PIN | Personal identification number |
Bread | Money |
Moolah | Money |
Older than dirt
OTD is a texting and chatting acronym that means older than dirt. It is commonly used by older people to describe how they feel.
"Older than dirt" is a popular saying for to exaggerate the age of something or someone. It is often utilized when talking about how one is feeling with his or her aches and pains.

On Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms, OTD often stands for "of the day." Posters use this acronym on its own and as part of other "of the day" acronyms, such as OOTD (outfit of the day), QOTD (question of the day), and WOTD (workout of the day).
For example, a user who is posting a daily series of dragon-related artwork may start a post with "Today's dragon OTD is Slifer the Sky Dragon!" Or, a user who is posting daily recipes may begin a post with "Recipe OTD: Grandma's Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies."