Q Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
Q | Every | 599 |
q | Coupon | 595 |
Q | First champion ability | 576 |
q | Question | 600 |
Q1 | First quarter | 597 |
Q2 | Second quarter | 599 |
Q3 | Third quarter | 598 |
Q4 | Fourth quarter | 597 |
Q4U | Question for you | 599 |
QAMAGA | An ultra-conservative conspiracy theorist | 599 |
QAnutter | A QAnon believer | 596 |
QB | Quarterback | 594 |
QB1 | First starting fantasy quarterback | 597 |
QB2 | Second starting fantasy quarterback | 599 |
QBBC | Quarterback by committee | 596 |
QCOM | Qualcomm | 599 |
QFE | Quoted for emphasis | 599 |
QFE | Question for everyone | 597 |
QFT | Quoted for truth | 597 |
QnA | Question and Answer | 590 |
QOTD | Question of the day | 597 |
QPOC | Queer people of color | 599 |
Quick question | 597 | |
Crying eyes | 593 | |
QQn | Looking | 596 |
QRG | Quick reference guide | 600 |
QRT | Quote retweet | 599 |
qt | Cutie | 550 |
QT 3.14 | Cutie Pie | 598 |
qtpi | Cutie Pie | 592 |
QTPOC | Queer and/or trans people of color | 599 |
Quail high | Very low golf shot | 600 |
Quant | Quantitative analyst | 597 |
quar | Quarantine | 587 |
Quaranfifteen | Weight gained during COVID-19 quarantine | 593 |
Quaranteam | A small group that socializes in-person during COVID-19 | 590 |
Quarantini | A quarantine-times cocktail | 597 |
Que sera sera | Whatever will be will be | 599 |
Queerbaiting | Implying but never actualizing a non-hetero relationship | 599 |
Quiet quitting | Only doing the minimum requirements for a job | 597 |
QUILTBAG | Queer, Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Two-Spirit, Bisexual, Asexual, Allied, Gay, and/or Gender Queer | 599 |
Quirked up | Unusual | 597 |
Qultist | A QAnon believer | 597 |