- 1.Disconnect
- 2.Daycare
- 3.Dance credit
A man who wants you to dc right now
Related Slang
d/c | Disconnected |
dced | Disconnected |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
mbps | Megabits per second |
dl | Download |
dlc | Downloadable content |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AYT | Are you there? |
BAK | Back at keyboard |
WB | Welcome back |
Dc is an abbreviation parents often use for "daycare" in online forums, email messages, texts, and social media. For example, a husband may text his wife, "Can you pick up Henry from dc? My meeting is running late."
While many parents of young kids may use dc when messaging, parents may see it online in parenting forums and groups on social media. If you are new to parenting and traversing parenting forums and social media groups, dc is just one of many terms you might encounter. Some other common ones include puks, SAHP, mom shaming, bonus dad, and CIO.
Dropping your kids off at dc can be difficult
Related Slang
WOHM | Working outside home mom |
puks | Pick up the kids |
KOS | Kid over shoulder |
CIO | Cry it out |
Churrin | Children |
AP | Attachment parenting |
DINK | Double income no kids |
SAHP | Stay-at-home parent |
Mom shaming | Bullying a mom for her parenting choices |
Bonus dad | A man who co-parents a child |
SAT | Sorry about that |
Dance credit
TikTokers sometimes include DC in the captions of their videos when giving credit to the original creator of a dance move. For example, when a user posts a video of herself doing a new dance move, she may caption it with, "Obsessed with this. DC: @doeJohn."
TikTokers began using DC in the late-2010s to quickly give props to the original creators of a dance move. As a result, users recognize the acronym as proper etiquette instead of blatantly ripping off content. TikTokers may also use IB instead of DC, which stands for "inspired by."

Related Slang
IB | Inspired by |
inspo | Inspiration |
Fitspo | Fitness inspiration |
APAC | All praise and credit |
HT | Hat Tip |
thx | Thanks |
TikToker | A TikTok user |
Influencer | A social media user who affects others' behaviors |
Gamers use dc to note that they or another player has disconnected from an online game. For example, if you are playing LoL, and a player who appears to have been AFK sends a message saying "dc," it's likely that player actually got disconnected.
There are many reasons a player might get dc'd from a game, including:
While an untimely dc can cause you to lose a game, don't be too harsh on an ally who got dc'd. After all, they're likely just as upset about their dc as you are.