v | Very | 599
Vacay | Vacation | 583
Vaguebooking | Making deliberately enigmatic social media posts | 599
Valid | Excellent | 599
Vamping | Staying up late at night using electronics | 590
Vanilla | Minion with no special abilities | 597
Vanilla Minecraft | Unmodified Minecraft | 409
Vape | To inhale and exhale vapor from an e-cigarette | 598
VAR | Video assistant referee | 599
Vawulence | Violence | 594
vax | Vaccination | 598
Vaxhole | A person who brags about being vaccinated | 578
VBG | Very big grin | 600
VBO | Visible belly outline | 597
VBS | Very big smile | 598
VC | Voice chat | 596
VD | Venereal disease | 599
VE | Very emotional | 596
Veg | Do nothing | 598
Veggies | Vegetables | 594
Velcro | Slow green | 601
Velf | Void elf | 598
Venmo mom | A mom that donates money instead of volunteers | 599
Vent | Express frustration | 597
Vent | Ventrilo | 613
Verbal punches | Words intended to hurt | 597
Vet | Veterinarian | 598
Vet | Veteran | 597
vfx | Visual effects | 597
VG | Video game | 597
VG | Very good | 601
VGC | Very good condition | 597
Vibe | Atmosphere | 594
Vibe check | Checkup on a person's mood | 593
Victory lap | Golf ball that spins around the hole then falls in | 592
vid | Video | 596
vid | COVID-19 | 598
Videobomb | To pose in the background of a video | 595
Villain era | Putting yourself first | 599
Villain mode | Not caring about other people's feelings | 599
Vine | 6 second video | 586
Viner | Vine user | 596
VIP | Very important person | 597
Virtual restaurant | Delivery-only restaurant | 597
Virtue signaling | Demonstrating moral superiority | 593
vlog | Video blog | 586
vlogger | Video blogger | 599
VM | Voicemail | 595
VM | Virtual machine | 599
VMA | Video Music Awards | 596
VN | Very nice | 604
VNH | Very nice hand | 599
VOD | Video on demand | 594
Voice sniffing | Eavesdropping by a voice assistant | 600
Volcel | Voluntary celibate | 594
Voluntold | Forcefully volunteered | 599
Voteflake | A person who does not accept official election results | 592
VP | Vice President | 600
VPIP | Voluntary put in pot | 599
VPL | Visible panty line | 598
VPOTUS | Vice President | 599
VR | Virtual reality | 434
vry | Very | 601
vs | Versus | 549
VSC | Very soft chuckle | 598
VSCO girls | Preppy female teen Instagrammers | 594
VSRE | Very short reply expected | 595
VTuber | Virtual YouTuber | 599
VU | Visual upgrade | 591
Vulture back | A running back who takes scoring chances from the starter | 593
VVS | Vertical video syndrome | 597