U Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
u | You | 542 |
U mad bro | Are you mad? | 581 |
u-ok | You OK? | 583 |
u/l | Upload | 599 |
U2 | You too | 589 |
U2U | Up to you | 594 |
Uber | Excellent | 577 |
UCE | Unsolicited commercial email | 603 |
UDFI | You don't fit in | 597 |
Uff da | Expression of dismay, surprise, or relief | 598 |
UG2BK | You've got to be kidding | 600 |
Uggo | Ugly | 599 |
ugh | Disappointed | 581 |
Ugly cry | To sob unattractively | 600 |
Ugly hot | Physically attractive despite some ugly features | 595 |
Ugly sleep | Deep sleep | 594 |
UHNWI | Ultra high-net-worth individual | 598 |
UI | User Interface | 598 |
UKWIS | You know what I'm saying | 600 |
ul | Unlucky | 596 |
ul | Upload | 581 |
ULKGR8 | You look great | 599 |
ULPP | Unluckiest person on the planet | 580 |
ult | Ultimate ability | 568 |
UNADR | You need a doctor | 595 |
Unalive | To kill | 596 |
Uncanny Valley | The point where human-like robots appear creepy to humans | 597 |
Uncle Charlie | Curve ball | 597 |
uncrtn | Uncertain | 601 |
Understood the assignment | Did an amazing job | 600 |
Undies | Underwear | 598 |
Undroppable | A player who cannot be dropped from a fantasy team | 593 |
Unforced error | An easily-avoidable mistake | 595 |
Unforch | Unfortunately | 598 |
Unfriend | To remove a friend on Facebook | 592 |
Unicorn | Rare LuLaRoe item | 595 |
Unicorn | A uniquely perfect person | 595 |
Unicorn mom | An imperfect, authentic mom who defies mom shaming | 589 |
Uninstall | Quit | 597 |
Unkeyboardinated | Uncoordinated with a keyboard | 596 |
Unlightening | Giving information that makes a person dumber | 594 |
uno | You know | 595 |
Unspoken rizz | Nonverbal charm | 590 |
Unstan | A person who is trying to be less obsessed with a celebrity | 597 |
Unsub | Unsubscribe | 597 |
Unsub | Unidentified subject | 598 |
uok | You OK? | 597 |
UOME | You owe me | 597 |
UP | Underpowered | 597 |
Up north | Anywhere north of your location | 597 |
Up to eleven | Up to an excessive degree | 596 |
UPF | Ultra passionate fan | 596 |
Ups | Jumping ability | 595 |
UR | Unearned runs | 601 |
UR | You are | 597 |
UR | Your | 580 |
UR2M | You are too much | 597 |
ura | You're a | 599 |
URA* | You are a star | 599 |
URAB | You are a b**** | 602 |
URAL | You are a loser | 601 |
uraqt | You are a cutie | 579 |
Urbex | Urban exploration | 596 |
URC | You are caught | 600 |
ure | You are | 597 |
urgr8 | You are great | 596 |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | 598 |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | 592 |
URN | Uniform Resource Name | 595 |
Urp | Vomit | 599 |
urs4e | Yours forever | 598 |
URSKTM | You are so kind to me | 599 |
URTB | You are the best | 597 |
URTM | You are the man | 600 |
urw | You're welcome | 596 |
us | Ultrasound | 599 |
USA | United States of America | 579 |
USA | Until sides ache | 597 |
USAD | You're such a dork | 599 |
USB | You sexy b**** | 596 |
USD | United States dollars | 596 |
USFDA | United States Food and Drug Administration | 599 |
USMNT | United States Men's National Team | 598 |
Ussie | A picture a person takes of themself and someone else | 599 |
USWNT | United States Women's National Team | 597 |
UT | You there? | 598 |
UT2L | You take too long | 598 |
UTFL | Use the force, Luke | 600 |
UTG | Under the gun | 597 |
uttp | UTubeTrollPolice | 587 |
UW | You're welcome | 600 |
UX | User Experience | 594 |
UY | Up yours | 577 |