Fantasy Football Slang

There once was a time when people only watched football to follow their favorite team. Fantasy football changed that, inspiring football fans to keep track of players in almost every game played each week. Whether it's your first year playing fantasy football or you're a seasoned veteran in ten different leagues, knowing the fantasy football terms below will help keep you on top of your game.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
FFFantasy football
CeilingUpside of a player
DFSDaily Fantasy Sports
HandcuffA fantasy football backup player
FFLFantasy football league
Snake draftDraft where the last pick in one round is the first in the next
YPGYards per game
PFPoints for
PPRPoints per reception
GhostshipA fantasy football team with no owner
TETight end
SleeperA player drafted late but exceeds expectations
Half-PPRHalf-point per reception league
Trade baitA good player that entices other teams to trade for him
Waiver hawkA fantasy sports owner who patrols the waiver wire
Vulture backA running back who takes scoring chances from the starter
Draft dasherA fantasy football owner who drafts a team and abandons it
UndroppableA player who cannot be dropped from a fantasy team
StreamRotating players in and out of a lineup
ADPAverage draft position
WR1First starting fantasy wide receiver
RB1Starting fantasy running back
RBRunning back
BullishPositive outlook
ReachTo draft a player too soon
FishCasual fantasy sports player
SharkAn experienced fantasy sports player
BearishNegative outlook
FloorDownside of a player
tarReceiving targets
Auction draftA fantasy sports draft where owners bid on players
FleecingTaking advantage of a person through a trade
FlyerGamble on a risky player
FlierGamble on a risky player
fumTotal fumbles
MinnowWeak fantasy sports player
oprkOpponent ranking
FadeTo purposely disregard a player
QBBCQuarterback by committee
FRFumble recovery
IDPIndividual defensive player
Damaged goodsA person who has one or more major flaws
FlexFantasy football position that can be a RB, WR, or TE
STSpecial teams
QB1First starting fantasy quarterback
Garbage timeTime during a blowout game where strategies change
Serpentine draftDraft where the last pick in one round is the first in the next
Keeper leagueFantasy sports league where you keep your players
PAPoints against
YPAYards per attempt
prkPosition rank
FPGFantasy points per game
WR3Third starting fantasy wide receiver
WR2Second starting fantasy wide receiver
QB2Second starting fantasy quarterback
RB2Second starting fantasy running back
DSTDefense and Special Teams
Cheat sheetA list of players ranked in order of fantasy value
ffbFantasy football