E Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
E | Errors | 600 |
E choke | An expression of shock or surprise | 590 |
e-ok | Electronically OK | 599 |
e1 | Everyone | 598 |
E1 | Error made by the pitcher | 599 |
E2 | Error made by the catcher | 600 |
E2EG | Ear to ear grin | 599 |
E3 | Error made by the first baseman | 598 |
E4 | Error made by the second baseman | 597 |
E5 | Error made by the third baseman | 598 |
E6 | Error made by the shortstop | 598 |
E7 | Error made by the left fielder | 598 |
E8 | Error made by the center fielder | 598 |
E9 | Error made by the right fielder | 598 |
ea | Each | 597 |
EA | Electronic Arts | 595 |
Eagle | Two strokes under par | 600 |
EAK | Eating at keyboard | 596 |
Earjacking | Listening in on someone else's conversation | 598 |
Early game | Beginning phase of a game | 581 |
Earmuffs | Cover your ears | 597 |
Earrape | Horrible-sounding audio | 599 |
Easter egg | A hidden message | 531 |
EAT | Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness | 596 |
EATEOT | Everywhere at the End of Time | 596 |
Eating good | Extremely satisfied | 597 |
Eavestweeting | Eavesdropping on Twitter conversations | 598 |
ebarbs | Elite Barbarians | 598 |
eboy | An extremely online teen boy | 595 |
EBT | Earnings before taxes | 596 |
Eco-dumping | Dumping a person because of their environmental views | 598 |
ECP | Electronic check presentment | 600 |
ED | Emergency department | 601 |
ED | Eating disorder | 594 |
Edgar | High fade and bowl cut hairstyle | 590 |
edtok | An eating disorder community on TikTok | 599 |
edtwt | An eating disorder community on Twitter | 596 |
ee | Employee | 599 |
EEAT | Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness | 599 |
Eeyore | A pessimistic person | 598 |
ef4t | Effort | 597 |
Effin | F***ing | 586 |
EFT | Electronic funds transfer | 596 |
EG | Evil grin | 605 |
EG | For example | 596 |
egirl | An extremely online teen girl | 597 |
Ego surfing | Searching the Internet for information about yourself | 599 |
EHR | Electronic health record | 598 |
EHS | Everyone here sucks | 599 |
EI | Eat it | 597 |
EIE | Enough is enough | 599 |
EL | Evil laugh | 600 |
Elevator budget | A large financial budget | 600 |
ELI5 | Explain like I'm 5 | 600 |
Elite Eight | Last eight teams of March Madness | 596 |
Elo | Elo rating system | 581 |
ELO | Electric Light Orchestra | 598 |
ELOL | Evil laugh out loud | 599 |
Elsagate | Inappropriate content targeted at kids on YouTube | 592 |
em | 598 | |
ema | Email address | 600 |
Emailgate | Hillary Clinton email controversy | 601 |
Emailghazi | Hillary Clinton email controversy | 600 |
Embiggen | Enlarge | 599 |
emc2 | Genius | 599 |
EMEA | Europe, the Middle East, and Africa | 600 |
Emergency walk | Brisk walk to the bathroom | 599 |
EMI | Excuse my ignorance | 598 |
EML | Email me later | 598 |
emo | Emotional | 589 |
Emoji dumping | Breaking up with someone via emoji | 597 |
Emoji tennis | Texting emojis back and forth | 595 |
Emote | Twitch-specific emoticon | 596 |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse | 599 |
EMR | Electronic medical record | 603 |
EMS | Emergency medical services | 597 |
emsg | Email Message | 598 |
EMT | Emergency medical technician | 595 |
emu | Emulator | 599 |
EMV | Europay, MasterCard, and Visa | 596 |
Enby | A non-binary person | 597 |
Enchanter | A champion that helps increase the effectiveness of allies | 578 |
Endgame | A couple that is meant to be together | 586 |
Endie | Enderman | 634 |
Energy vampire | A person who sucks your emotional energy | 596 |
Engrish | Bad Asian to English translation | 599 |
ENT | Ear, nose, and throat specialist | 598 |
Entry fragger | A CS:GO player who initiates engagements | 597 |
Enuf | Enough | 597 |
EOB | Explanation of benefits | 598 |
EOBD | End of business day | 597 |
EOC | Evidence of coverage | 600 |
EOD | End of discussion | 598 |
EOD | End of day | 585 |
EOF | End of file | 594 |
EOL | End of lecture | 598 |
EOL | End of line | 600 |
EOL | End of life | 595 |
EOM | End of message | 594 |
EOP | End of play | 596 |
EOR | End of rant | 599 |
EOT | End of thread | 599 |
EOW | End of week | 595 |
Epiphanot | An idea that seems amazing but is dumb | 602 |
epm | Effective actions per minute | 585 |
EPO | Erythropoietin | 600 |
EPS | Earnings per share | 597 |
ER | Earned runs | 600 |
ER | Emergency room | 596 |
er | Employer | 599 |
ERA | Earned run average | 595 |
Era | Phase | 595 |
ERE | Established relationship energy | 599 |
Ermahgerd | Oh my gosh | 598 |
Errorist | Error-prone person | 600 |
Errz | Errors | 597 |
ES | Elementary school | 599 |
ESAD | Eat s*** and die | 583 |
ESB | Everybody snap back | 599 |
ESG | Environment, Social, and Governance | 598 |
ESH | Everyone sucks here | 599 |
ESL | Electronic Sports League | 597 |
esp | Especially | 600 |
Esports | Electronic sports | 560 |
essench | Essential | 600 |
est | Estimate | 599 |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | 598 |
ET | Eastern time zone | 599 |
et al | And others | 596 |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival | 567 |
ETA | Edited to add | 599 |
ETB | Enters the battlefield | 597 |
ETD | Estimated time of departure | 597 |
ETF | Exchange traded fund | 599 |
EUC | Excellent used condition | 597 |
EUR | Euro | 595 |
Eva | Ever | 600 |
Evangelical | A Christian who identifies with the Evangelicalism movement | 597 |
every1 | Everyone | 599 |
Everything shower | A very involved shower | 599 |
EVOO | Extra virgin olive oil | 599 |
evs | Whatever | 599 |
EWI | Emailing while intoxicated | 600 |
Ex | A former significant other | 595 |
Exp | Experience | 599 |
Extra | Over the top | 594 |
Exvangelical | An ex-evangelical | 599 |
EYC | Excited yet calm | 603 |
ez | Easy | 594 |
ezpz | Easy peasy | 580 |
ezy | Easy | 597 |