Y | Why | 461
Y | Yawning | 603
Y | YMCA | 595
y | Yes | 599
Y/N | Your name | 583
Y/N | Yes or no? | 583
Y/R | Yeah, right | 585
Y2K | You're too kind | 599
ya | You | 597
ya | Yes | 580
YA | Young Adult | 592
YAA | Yet another acronym | 599
YABA | Yet another bloody acronym | 595
YAC | Yards after catch | 599
yada | Blah blah | 599
Yahurrd | You heard | 596
Yakker | Curve ball | 597
yall | You all | 598
Yank | An American | 601
Yankee | An American | 600
Yanky | An American | 599
Yard | Home run | 596
Yard sale | A bad crash | 598
Yarr | Angry pirate sound | 599
Yassification | A glamorous makeover | 599
Yassify | To give a glamorous makeover | 599
Yasss | Yes | 591
YATB | You are the best | 597
Yayo | Cocaine | 588
YBS | You'll be sorry | 599
YBYSA | You bet your sweet a** | 597
YCCOI | You can count on it | 599
YCMU | You crack me up | 600
YD | Yes dear | 591
YD | Ya dig? | 599
ydg | Ya dig | 599
YDI | You deserve it | 599
yds | Yards | 598
YE | Year-ending | 599
ye | Yes | 594
Yeah no | No | 598
yeap | Yes | 579
Yeen | You ain't even | 600
Yeet | Excited | 597
Yeet | To throw something out of rage | 531
yep | Yes | 584
yepperz | Yes | 598
Yer | Your | 598
Yesh | Yes | 599
YF | You fail | 611
YG2BJ | You've got to be joking | 600
YGG | You go girl | 595
YGM | You've got mail | 583
YGTBKM | You've got to be kidding me | 600
YGTI | You get the idea | 599
yh | Yeah | 586
YHBT | You have been trolled | 600
YHM | You have mail | 597
YHS | Your hand sucks | 597
Yikes | Wow | 596
YIM | Yahoo! Instant Messenger | 597
YK | You're kidding | 590
YKHII | You know how it is | 599
YKI | You know it | 596
YKTV | You know the vibes | 599
YKW | You know what | 596
YLoD | Yellow Light of Death | 598
YM | Your mom | 596
YMBJ | You must be joking | 599
YMMD | You made my day | 598
YMMV | Your mileage may vary | 580
YMSF | Your momma's so fat | 599
yo | Hey | 582
Yoked | Very muscular | 599
YOLO | You only live once | 555
YOMANK | You owe me a new keyboard | 598
YOOW | You're out of work | 601
You betcha | Certainly | 596
You got it | For sure | 573
You got served | You were called out | 580
You know nothing Jon Snow | You are naive | 580
You win the Internet | You are awesome | 597
Youniverse | Self-centered state of mind | 598
YouTuber | A YouTube user | 591
YOYO | You're on your own | 601
YPA | Yards per attempt | 598
YPG | Yards per game | 590
YPML | You're pulling my leg | 601
Yr | Your | 599
YR | Yeah, right | 595
YRAG | You are a geek | 607
YRG | You are good | 599
YRL | You are lame | 580
yrp | Europe | 600
YRP | You are pretty | 577
yrs | Years | 576
YS | You suck | 600
YS | Yours sincerely | 598
YSJ | You're so jealin' | 601
YSK | You should know | 594
YST | You still there | 601
YSW | Yeah sure whatever | 586
YT | You there? | 599
YT | Your turn | 599
yt | YouTube | 587
yt | Whitey | 594
YTA | You're the a**hole | 596
YTber | YouTuber | 599
YTD | Year-to-date | 596
yte | White | 597
YTF | Why the f*** | 597
YTSFM | You're too sexy for me | 591
Yuccie | Young urban creative | 595
Yuck your yum | Criticize something you like | 591
Yuge | Huge | 590
yup | Yes | 574
Yuppie | Young urban professional | 598
yupz | OK | 598
Yute | Youth | 601
YVW | You're very welcome | 596
YW | You're welcome | 479
YWA | You're welcome anyway | 588
YWIA | You're welcome in advance | 598
YYSS | Yeah yeah, sure sure | 595
YYSSW | Yeah yeah, sure sure, whatever | 600