O Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
o | Oh | 595 |
O&O | Over and out | 598 |
O4U | Only for you | 603 |
OA | Overacting | 598 |
OAO | Over and out | 592 |
OAR | On a roll | 598 |
OB | Out-of-bounds | 599 |
Obby | Obstacle course | 572 |
OBCD | Obesity | 597 |
OBG | Obstetrics and gynecology | 599 |
OBGYN | Obstetrics and gynecology | 597 |
OBO | Or best offer | 597 |
OBP | On-base Percentage | 600 |
obs | Obviously | 600 |
OBTW | Oh, by the way | 597 |
obv | Obviously | 579 |
obvi | Obviously | 595 |
OC | Of course | 600 |
OC | Original character | 598 |
OC | Original content | 596 |
OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder | 598 |
OCONUS | Outside of contiguous United States | 597 |
od | Overdose | 573 |
Odee | Very | 599 |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | 598 |
OF | Outfield | 598 |
OF | OnlyFans | 551 |
OFA | Outfield assists | 599 |
ofc | Of course | 594 |
Off the hook | Totally awesome | 596 |
Office rage | Anger from malfunctioning office equipment | 599 |
OFL | Out for lunch | 597 |
OG | Original gangster | 565 |
OG | Original | 593 |
OG | Olympic grandma | 598 |
OGP | Online grocery pickup | 598 |
OGS | Old guy syndrome | 599 |
OGW | Oh gosh why | 598 |
oh | Overheard | 598 |
Oh snap | Expression of surprise | 582 |
ohemgee | Oh my gosh | 600 |
OHKO | One-hit knockout | 586 |
Ohp | Surprised | 597 |
OI | Opportunistic infection | 596 |
OIC | Oh, I see | 550 |
OICN | Oh, I see now | 599 |
OINK | One income, no kids | 600 |
OINKWAD | One income, no kids, with a dog | 600 |
OITNB | Orange is the New Black | 596 |
Oiy | Hey | 600 |
OJ | Orange juice | 597 |
OK | One kiss | 600 |
OK | Oll korrect | 591 |
OK Boomer | Whatever, old person | 597 |
OK Millennial | Whatever, young person | 596 |
OL | Old lady | 594 |
Oldilocks | Questionable hairstyle on an older person | 599 |
OLPC | One Laptop Per Child | 601 |
OLTL | One Life to Live | 599 |
Olympic grandma | An old female Olympian | 599 |
OM | Old man | 590 |
OM | Oh man | 599 |
Omaha | Change of plans | 601 |
OMAM | Of Monsters and Men | 601 |
OMAM | Of Mice and Men | 596 |
OMC | Oh my Carlisle | 598 |
OMD | Oh my da**! | 611 |
OMDB | Over my dead body | 581 |
OME | Oh my Edward | 592 |
Omega male | A self-sufficient, independent male | 596 |
OMFG | Oh my freaking gosh | 575 |
OMFGAZ | Oh my freaking gosh and zounds | 599 |
OMFGYASB | Oh my freaking gosh, you're a sexy beast | 603 |
OMG | Oh my gosh | 424 |
OMGD | Oh my gosh, duh | 594 |
omgf | Oh my godfather | 601 |
OMGN | Oh my gosh, noob | 602 |
OMGROFLMAO | Oh my gosh, rolling on the floor laughing my a** off | 601 |
OMGWTFBBQ | Oh my gosh, what the f***, barbeque | 599 |
OMGYS | Oh my gosh you suck | 597 |
OMH | Oh my heavens! | 601 |
Omicron | COVID-19 Omicron variant | 598 |
OMJ | Oh my Jonas | 596 |
OML | Oh my Lord | 593 |
OMM | On my mind | 597 |
OMM | On my momma | 596 |
OMOHOD | One minute, one hour, one day | 599 |
OMW | On my way | 591 |
On deck | Batting second | 594 |
On fire | Performing very well | 596 |
On fleek | Perfect | 592 |
On foe nem grave | I swear | 598 |
On God | I swear to God | 595 |
On it | Handling that task | 598 |
On point | Perfect | 599 |
On the button | Hard hit ball | 598 |
On the screws | Hard hit | 595 |
On X Games mode | Doing something extreme very well | 597 |
ONB | Outward nose breath | 628 |
onb | On, bro | 588 |
ONCO | Or nearest cash offer | 596 |
One and done | Single elimination tournament | 594 |
Oneshot | Beat in one attempt | 582 |
ONG | On God | 601 |
Onion check | To check the source of a news headline | 596 |
Onl | Online | 588 |
Only in Ohio | Claiming Ohio is strange | 557 |
OnlyPlans | Consistently planning dates but never following through | 593 |
ONNA | Oh no, not again | 603 |
ONO | Or nearest offer | 598 |
onoz | Oh no | 600 |
ONYD | Oh no you didn't | 598 |
OO | On order | 599 |
OO | OpenOffice | 600 |
OO | Over and out | 600 |
OOAK | One of a kind | 596 |
OOC | Out of character | 588 |
OOC | Out of context | 596 |
Oof | Exclamation of pain or embarrassment | 595 |
OOH | Out of here | 596 |
OOM | Out of mana | 545 |
OOMF | One of my followers | 591 |
oomf | Great strain | 601 |
Oomfie | A Twitter follower | 597 |
OOO | Out of office | 590 |
OOP | Out of print | 598 |
OOP | Out of pocket | 599 |
OOP | Out of production | 599 |
Oops | Exclamation of a mistake | 597 |
OOT | Out of topic | 598 |
OOT | Out of town | 590 |
OOT | The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time | 598 |
OOTB | Out of the box | 599 |
OOTD | Outfit of the day | 593 |
OOTL | Out of the loop | 595 |
OOYFM | Out of your freaking mind | 601 |
OP | Original poster | 590 |
OP | Overpowered | 441 |
op | Operator | 598 |
OP | Outta pocket | 598 |
OP | Opponent | 599 |
Opa | Greek exclamation | 597 |
Ope | Expression of surprise | 591 |
OPI | Overpaid idiot | 597 |
OPK | Ovulation predictor kit | 599 |
OPM | Other people's money | 598 |
opp | Opponent | 593 |
Oppo | Opponent | 594 |
oppo | Opposite field | 598 |
Oppo boppo | Opposite field home run | 598 |
oprk | Opponent ranking | 596 |
OPS | On-base Plus Slugging Percentage | 595 |
OR | Olympic record | 597 |
Or nah | Or no | 600 |
Orbiting | Following someone on social media without direct interaction | 600 |
ORE | Old relationship energy | 599 |
Oregon trail'r | A person born in the late 1970s or early 1980s | 598 |
orly | Oh really | 598 |
OROY | Offensive Rookie of the Year | 599 |
ORP | Original Retail Price | 599 |
Oscar bait | A movie that features elements Oscar voters love | 599 |
OSLT | Or something like that | 600 |
OST | Original soundtrack | 571 |
OT | Off topic | 588 |
OT | Other topic | 597 |
OT | Overtime | 595 |
OT3 | One true threesome | 586 |
OTA | Over the air | 600 |
otay | Okay | 594 |
OTB | Off the board | 600 |
OTC | Over-the-counter | 594 |
OTD | Older than dirt | 600 |
OTD | Of the day | 591 |
OTD | On this day | 597 |
OTD | One-time draft | 599 |
OTE | Over the edge | 597 |
OTFLMAO | On the floor laughing my a** off | 599 |
OTG | On the ground | 599 |
OTGL | On the ground laughing | 599 |
OTH | Off the hook | 597 |
OTK | One turn kill | 596 |
OTL | Out to lunch | 601 |
OTL | One true love | 592 |
OTOH | On the other hand | 597 |
OTP | On the phone | 581 |
OTP | One true pairing | 590 |
OTP | One-time password | 593 |
OTS | Off the subject | 586 |
OTS | On the scene | 597 |
OTS | Open two-seater | 599 |
OTT | Over the top | 598 |
OTTH | On the third hand | 599 |
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head | 594 |
OTW | Off to work | 595 |
OTW | On the way | 530 |
Outkick your coverage | To have a romantic partner who is much more attractive than you | 585 |
outta | Out of | 598 |
Outta pocket | Disreputable | 592 |
Outward nine | First nine holes of an 18-hole golf course | 600 |
Outwordle | To outsmart a Wordle player | 599 |
ovie | Overlord | 585 |
Own goal | A counterproductive decision | 598 |
ownage | Completely owned | 584 |
Owned | Dominated | 600 |
Owner | Player that controls the minion | 581 |
OWTTE | Or words to that effect | 600 |