N Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
n | And | 597 |
n | In | 599 |
n | No | 597 |
N/A | Not applicable | 589 |
N/A | Not Available | 572 |
N/C | Not cool | 599 |
N/C | No comment | 588 |
n/m | Nevermind | 597 |
N/M/H | Nothing much here | 599 |
N/R | No reserve | 596 |
n00b | A new or inexperienced user | 527 |
N1 | Nice one | 596 |
N1C | No one cares | 599 |
N2M | Not too much | 599 |
N2MH | Not too much here | 599 |
N2W | Not to worry | 599 |
N64 | Nintendo 64 | 574 |
n8kd | Naked | 599 |
NAC | Not a chance | 595 |
Nae Nae | Hip-rocking, hand-raising dance move | 584 |
nah | No | 591 |
Nal | Nationality | 598 |
Name dropping | Bragging about a person you know | 598 |
Name shame | Inability to remember a person's name | 595 |
Nappetizer | A nap before performing an activity | 598 |
Narc | A person who shares secrets | 596 |
Nark | An informant | 590 |
NASCAR dad | A white, working-class father | 596 |
NASL | Name, age, sex, location | 597 |
NASLP | Name, age, sex, location, picture | 599 |
natty | National championship | 597 |
natty | Natural | 597 |
natty | Natural Light | 597 |
Natural | Natural expansion | 585 |
naw | No | 596 |
Nax | Naxxramas | 596 |
Naxx | Naxxramas | 596 |
NB | Please note | 599 |
NB | Not bad | 598 |
NB | Non-binary | 597 |
NB | Nightborne | 599 |
NBA | National Basketball Association | 593 |
NBD | No big deal | 595 |
NBJF | No brag, just fact | 597 |
NBL | Not bloody likely | 599 |
NBLM | Non-binary loving men | 596 |
NBLNB | Non-binary loving non-binary | 599 |
NBLW | Non-binary loving women | 597 |
NBSB | No boyfriend since birth | 599 |
NBSP | No bull s*** please | 581 |
NC | Not cool | 598 |
NC | No comment | 582 |
NC | Nice call | 598 |
NC | No Contact | 596 |
NCO | Nova Covert Ops | 599 |
NCZ | No capture zone | 598 |
nd | And | 594 |
NDS | Nintendo DS | 584 |
ne | Any | 600 |
ne1 | Anyone | 593 |
ne1er | Anyone here | 599 |
Neckbeard | Nerd | 596 |
NED | No expiration date | 596 |
Needle drop | When an existing song is used in a movie or show | 599 |
neh | No | 592 |
Nekkid | Naked | 596 |
Nelf | Night elf | 599 |
nemore | Anymore | 598 |
Nepo baby | A child who benefits from a famous parent | 596 |
Nerdjacking | Hijacking a conversation with nerd talk | 597 |
Nerf | Weaken | 498 |
Nerfherder | An untamed and unkempt person | 595 |
NES | Nintendo Entertainment System | 583 |
Net net | Bottom line | 597 |
Netdecker | A player who looks up decks online | 587 |
Netflix and chill | Hook up | 571 |
Netflix bipolar | Unable to choose what to watch on Netflix | 600 |
Netflix cheating | Watching future episodes of a favorite Netflix show without your partner | 591 |
Netflixing | Eating a lot of food when you mean to eat just a little | 593 |
Netherrack | Nether block | 576 |
nething | Anything | 599 |
nethng | Anything | 598 |
Netiquette | Internet ettiquette | 599 |
Netizen | An Internet citizen | 591 |
neva | Never | 598 |
Never Covid | A person exposed to but uninfected by COVID-19 | 599 |
Never lucky | No luck while playing a game | 581 |
neway | Anyway | 597 |
newaze | Anyways | 600 |
newb | Newbie | 569 |
NEWO | Never-ending winter overlords | 600 |
Newsjacking | Hijacking a news story to insert your opinion | 600 |
NF | Not funny | 599 |
NFA | Not financial advice | 599 |
NFC | National Football Conference | 597 |
NFDL | Not funny, didn't laugh | 599 |
NFE | Not fully evolved | 599 |
NFI | No freaking idea | 599 |
NFI | No further information | 596 |
NFI | Not freaking invited | 599 |
NFIAH | Never fear, I am here | 599 |
NFL | Not freakin' likely | 595 |
NFL | National Football League | 579 |
NFS | Need for Speed | 598 |
NFS | No funny stuff | 599 |
NFS | Not for sale | 596 |
NFT | Non-fungible token | 592 |
NFW | No freakin' way | 578 |
NG | No good | 598 |
NGL | Not gonna lie | 573 |
NGMI | Not gonna make it | 595 |
NGSB | No girlfriend since birth | 595 |
NH | Nice hand | 587 |
NHL | National Hockey League | 590 |
NIB | New in box | 597 |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | 602 |
NIFOC | Naked in front of computer | 596 |
NIMBY | Not in my backyard | 601 |
NIN | Nine Inch Nails | 596 |
Nineteenth hole | Golf clubhouse bar | 599 |
Ninja | A loot stealer | 594 |
Ninjaedit | A quick edit to your post | 599 |
NIP | New in package | 596 |
Nip it | Hit a golf ball cleanly | 599 |
Nippy | Cold | 595 |
nite | Night | 598 |
NITM | Not in the mood | 600 |
NJ | No joke | 595 |
NJ | Nice job | 585 |
NK | No kidding | 592 |
NKOTB | New Kids on the Block | 595 |
NKOTBSB | New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys | 596 |
NKZ | No kill zone | 599 |
NL | Not likely | 583 |
NL | No limit | 599 |
NL | National League | 596 |
NLCS | National League Championship Series | 597 |
NLDS | National League Division Series | 594 |
NLHE | No Limit Hold 'Em | 598 |
NLI | Not logged in | 598 |
NLOL | Not laughing out loud | 599 |
NLT | No later than | 587 |
nm | Nevermind | 598 |
NM | Not much | 569 |
NM | No message | 597 |
NMH | Not much here | 597 |
NMH | Nodding my head | 601 |
NMHJC | Not much here, just chilling | 597 |
NMJC | Nothing much, just chillin' | 601 |
NMJCY | Not much, just chilling, you? | 600 |
NMP | Not my problem | 599 |
nmtn | Never mind that now | 597 |
NMU | Not much, you? | 597 |
NN2R | No need to reply | 600 |
NNITO | Not necessarily in that order | 599 |
NNTO | No need to open | 595 |
NNTR | No need to reply | 582 |
no | Know | 602 |
No cap | No lie | 587 |
No chill | Uncalm | 594 |
No yeah | Yes | 596 |
No-damage run | To beat a game without receiving any damage | 599 |
No-hit run | To beat a game without getting hit by an enemy | 598 |
no1 | No one | 598 |
Nocoiner | A person who owns no cryptocurrency | 597 |
Noice | Very nice | 598 |
NOIRL | No one is really laughing | 598 |
NOM | No offense meant | 601 |
NOMB | None of my business | 597 |
NOMBR | None of my business, right | 598 |
Nomonym | A food that tastes similar to another food | 602 |
Nomophobia | Fear of not being near your mobile device | 599 |
Non-date date | A hang out date | 598 |
Non-GMO | Unvaccinated | 597 |
nonb | Non-business | 596 |
Nono Germany | Nazi Germany | 595 |
Nonpology | A non-apology | 594 |
Nontroversy | A fabricated controversy | 599 |
Nonversation | Meaningless conversation | 598 |
Noob | Newbie | 310 |
nooblet | Young newbie | 585 |
nooblord | Ultimate newbie | 599 |
Nope | No | 597 |
NoPoo | No shampoo | 598 |
Normcore | Neutral clothing anti-fashion trend | 595 |
Normie | A person whose tastes are mainstream | 595 |
NOS | New old stock | 600 |
Nosecicles | Icicles on your nose | 597 |
Not bad | Good | 596 |
Notch | Minecraft creator | 519 |
NOTD | Nail of the day | 598 |
Nothing shower | A rinse-only shower | 599 |
notif | Notification | 597 |
Notifried | Tired of receiving notifications | 598 |
NOTP | Not one true pairing | 598 |
nottie | Unattractive person | 599 |
NOTTOMH | Not off the top of my head | 600 |
Nowish | Sometime close to now | 595 |
NOYB | None of your business | 560 |
NOYFB | None of your freaking business | 599 |
NP | No problem | 324 |
np | Neopets | 600 |
NP | Nice play | 595 |
NP | Number of pitches | 599 |
NPC | Non-player character | 530 |
NPC | A person unable to think for themself | 596 |
NPR | Not page related | 595 |
NPS | No problem, sweetie | 602 |
NQO | Non-qualified option | 600 |
NQSO | Non-qualified stock option | 599 |
NR | No reserve | 596 |
NRE | New relationship energy | 599 |
NRFB | Never removed from box | 595 |
NRN | No reply necessary | 595 |
NRN | Not right now | 589 |
NRR | No reply required | 598 |
NS | No s*** | 536 |
NS | Nice shot | 562 |
NS | Nintendo Switch | 594 |
NSA | No strings attached | 599 |
NSF | Non-sufficient funds | 599 |
NSFA | Not safe for anyone | 597 |
NSFL | Not safe for life | 595 |
NSFV | Not safe for vegetarians | 604 |
NSFV | Not safe for viewing | 594 |
NSFW | Not safe for work | 568 |
NSFW | Not suitable for women | 603 |
NSISR | Not sure if spelled right | 599 |
NSO | Non-qualified stock option | 599 |
NSS | No s*** Sherlock | 592 |
NT | Nice try | 546 |
NT | No thanks | 600 |
NT | No text | 598 |
NTA | Not the a**hole | 593 |
NTIM | Not that it matters | 600 |
NTL | Never too late | 599 |
NTM | Not too much | 596 |
NTMY | Nice to meet you | 593 |
NTN | No thanks needed | 601 |
NTS | Note to self | 599 |
NTY | No thank you | 584 |
nub | Newbie | 582 |
nuff | Enough | 598 |
nufn | Nothing | 599 |
nuggies | Chicken nuggets | 597 |
NUIGB | Not until I get back | 598 |
nuke | Nuclear missile | 574 |
Nuke | An ability that deals a lot of damage | 546 |
Nuked | Hit a golf ball a great distance | 599 |
Nuked the fridge | A movie series drastically decreased in quality | 597 |
Num | Tasty | 600 |
NUMTOTS | New Urbanist Memes for Transit-oriented Teens | 597 |
Nunya | None of your | 598 |
nuthin | Nothing | 599 |
Nutmeg | Kicking the ball between an opponent's legs | 599 |
NVE | Not very effective | 587 |
nvm | Nevermind | 530 |
NvN | Necro vs Necro | 599 |
nvr | Never | 582 |
Nvrm | Never mind | 596 |
NW | No way | 599 |
NW | No worries | 583 |
NWO | New World Order | 600 |
NWO | New World Order | 600 |
NWOT | New without tags | 597 |
NWR | Not work related | 598 |
NWS | Not work-safe | 599 |
NWT | New with tags | 595 |
nxt | Next | 595 |
NYB | Not your business | 598 |
NYE | New Year's Eve | 589 |
NYP | Name your price | 593 |
NYP | Not your problem | 599 |
NYR | Need your response | 597 |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange | 596 |