R Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
r | Are | 544 |
R | Runs | 595 |
R2R | Rim-to-rim | 599 |
r8 | Rate | 598 |
rad | Radical | 598 |
Radfem | A radical feminist | 599 |
Radiant | The light faction in Defense of the Ancients 2 | 598 |
Radio baby | A person born between 1928 and 1945 | 598 |
Rage applying | Applying to open job positions out of spite for your current job | 600 |
Rage bait | Online content meant to provoke rage | 593 |
Rage baking | Baking to relieve anger or stress | 596 |
Rage farming | Eliciting outrage to increase engagement | 598 |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game | 547 |
Rager | An intense, large party | 592 |
RAI | Rules as intended | 598 |
Raid | Raid group | 596 |
Raid | To send viewers to another streamer's stream | 583 |
Rainbow washing | Claiming to be LGBTQ allies to make money | 599 |
Rainmaker | High trajectory golf shot | 596 |
RAK | Random act of kindness | 598 |
Rake | Poker site commission | 598 |
Ramp | To permanently gain additional mana | 597 |
rando | Random | 587 |
Rashing | Insulting | 599 |
Ratchet | Wretched | 593 |
Ratioed | Receiving many more replies than likes on your tweet | 578 |
RATM | Rage Against The Machine | 598 |
RAW | Rules as written | 597 |
Rawdogging | Enduring a flight without indulgences | 599 |
Rawr | Roar | 577 |
Rax | Barracks | 584 |
RB | Running back | 593 |
RB | Reply by | 599 |
RB1 | Starting fantasy running back | 593 |
RB2 | Second starting fantasy running back | 599 |
RBAY | Right back at you | 600 |
RBBC | Running back by committee | 597 |
RBI | Runs batted in | 587 |
RBR | Reverse buyer's remorse | 599 |
RBTL | Read between the lines | 600 |
RBX | Robux | 591 |
RCTA | Race change to another | 598 |
RDF | Real deal feeling | 601 |
rdnk | Redneck | 604 |
RDPS | Ranged damage per second | 596 |
RDT | Relationship defining talk | 598 |
Rdy | Ready | 567 |
re | Regarding | 583 |
RE | Resident Evil | 599 |
re | Replay | 598 |
re | Rematch | 598 |
RE | Real estate | 597 |
Reach | To draft a player too soon | 594 |
Ready golf | Golfers hit when ready | 599 |
Real one | A dependable, authentic friend | 594 |
Real talk | Honest truth | 586 |
rec | Receptions | 593 |
rec | Recommendation | 599 |
Receipts | Evidence that proves a claim | 595 |
Red Cup Day | The day Starbucks gives away its new holiday cup | 598 |
Red flag | A warning sign | 591 |
Red wave | Sweeping victories for Republicans | 597 |
Red wedding | A disaster | 594 |
Red zone | Area between the 20-yard line and the goal line | 599 |
Reddiquette | Reddit ettiquette | 599 |
Redditor | A Reddit user | 586 |
Redneck | An uneducated Southerner | 587 |
Redonkulous | Ridiculous | 599 |
Redpilled | Understands an unpleasant truth | 596 |
ref | Referee | 591 |
Regram | To share another Instagrammer's post | 598 |
Rehi | Hi again | 600 |
Rekt | Wrecked | 510 |
Relationship goals | An admirable relationship | 592 |
Relationship weight | Weight gained from a romantic relationship | 593 |
Reload | To take another shot after a bad shot | 599 |
Remote drop | An enjoyable TV show or movie you don't want to turn off | 597 |
Removal | A card that can destroy or nullify an opponent's card | 600 |
Renoviction | Evicting residents to renovate | 600 |
Rent Free In My Head | Frequently on my mind | 587 |
rents | Parents | 591 |
rep | Reputation | 576 |
Reply guy | A man who replies to all of a woman's social media posts | 599 |
Republicrat | A politician who profits from supporting corporate interests | 597 |
Requel | A movie featuring elements from a previous film | 593 |
Requestion | A question that is actually a request | 599 |
Respeck | Respect | 593 |
resq | Rescue | 599 |
resto | Restoration | 595 |
ret | Kick or punt returner | 602 |
Retail investor | Individual, non-professional investor | 598 |
Retail therapy | Shopping to feel better | 596 |
Retcon | Retroactively change | 596 |
Retweet offender | A person who constantly retweets on Twitter | 595 |
Revenge arc | Quest to get revenge | 598 |
Revenge body | A physically fit body after breaking up | 592 |
Revenge travel | Traveling done to spite COVID-19 | 598 |
Review bombing | Blasting a movie or show with negative reviews | 597 |
Revine | To repost a vine | 603 |
rez | Resurrection | 593 |
RF | Right field | 597 |
RF | Range factor | 599 |
RFC | Request for comment | 597 |
RFP | Request for proposal | 599 |
RFQ | Request for quote | 599 |
Rgd | Regard | 602 |
rgds | Regards | 597 |
RHCP | Red Hot Chili Peppers | 597 |
RHD | Royale High Diamonds | 598 |
RHIP | Rank hath its privileges | 599 |
RHOA | The Real Housewives of Atlanta | 600 |
RHOBH | The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 598 |
RHOC | The Real Housewives of Orange County | 598 |
RHODC | The Real Housewives of D.C. | 601 |
RHOM | The Real Housewives of Miami | 598 |
RHONJ | The Real Housewives of New Jersey | 596 |
RHONY | The Real Housewives of New York City | 597 |
RHOOC | The Real Housewives of Orange County | 599 |
Rib | Run batted in | 601 |
Ribby | Run batted in | 600 |
Ribcage bragging | Showing off your rib cage | 599 |
Rickroll | To trick someone into watching a Rick Astley music video | 552 |
Ride | Vehicle | 595 |
Ride the pine | Sit on the bench | 598 |
ridic | Ridiculous | 599 |
Ridonculous | Ridiculous | 597 |
Rightist | A person with radical right-wing political views | 600 |
RINO | Republican in name only | 596 |
Rinsed | Defeated | 598 |
rinsta | Real Instagram account | 600 |
Rinstagram | Real Instagram account | 596 |
RIP | Rest in peace | 581 |
RIP my mentions | I'm going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications | 591 |
RIP to your mentions | You're going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications | 594 |
Ripped | Muscular | 597 |
Rizz | Charisma | 581 |
Rizzler | A person with immense charisma | 589 |
Rizzmas Carols | Slang-filled Christmas carol parodies | 598 |
RL | Real life | 553 |
RLRT | Real life retweet | 599 |
rly | Really | 576 |
Rm | Room | 601 |
RMA | Return Merchandise Authorization | 598 |
RMAH | Real money auction house | 599 |
RML | Read my lips | 600 |
RMP | Rogue, Mage, Priest | 595 |
rn | Run | 599 |
Rn | Russian | 599 |
RN | Registered nurse | 592 |
RN | Right now | 548 |
RNC | Republican National Committee | 600 |
RNG | Random number generator | 515 |
RNG | Run and gun | 595 |
rnt | Aren't | 593 |
ROA | Return on assets | 598 |
Roaching | Secretly dating many romantic partners at the same time | 593 |
Roam | To move between lanes | 589 |
Roast | To disrespect | 584 |
ROBL | Rolling on back laughing | 599 |
Robo | Robotics Facility | 586 |
Rock | A basketball | 597 |
Rocket | Attractive person | 596 |
ROE | Return on equity | 598 |
ROF | Rolling on floor | 597 |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing | 542 |
ROFL | Rolling over freakin' laughing | 599 |
ROFLMAO | Rolling on floor, laughing my a** off | 550 |
ROFLMAOQWERTY | Rolling on floor laughing my a** off at the keyboard | 597 |
ROFLMAOWEC | Rolling on floor laughing my a** off while eating cookie | 597 |
ROFLMBWAO | Rolling on floor laughing my big white a** off | 600 |
ROFLMFAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my freakin' a** off | 597 |
ROFLMRO | Rolling on the floor laughing my rear off | 599 |
ROFLOL | Rolling on the floor laughing out loud | 598 |
ROFLTRABTD | Rolling on floor laughing, thinking Republicans are better than Democrats | 599 |
ROFLUSA | Rolling on floor laughing until sides ache | 600 |
Roguelike | A video game like Rogue | 597 |
ROI | Return on investment | 595 |
ROIC | Return on invested capital | 598 |
roids | Steroids | 599 |
ROLF | Rolling on laughing floor | 584 |
Rollout | To leave | 598 |
ROLMBO | Rolling over laughing my butt off | 600 |
ROM | Rough order of magnitude | 600 |
ROM | Emulator game | 594 |
ROM | Range of motion | 599 |
Rom com | Romantic comedy | 589 |
Romantasy | Romance and fantasy book genre | 599 |
ROMEO | Retired Old Men Eating Out | 599 |
rona | Coronavirus | 594 |
RONW | Return on net worth | 599 |
Roofie | A date rape drug | 586 |
Roofied | Drugged by a person | 592 |
Rope | Line drive baseball hit | 600 |
Roping | Prolonging your turn to waste opponents' time | 597 |
ROTF | Rolling on the floor | 597 |
ROTFFL | Rolling on the freaking floor laughing | 599 |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing | 595 |
ROTFLH | Rolling on the floor laughing hysterically | 600 |
ROTFLMAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off | 598 |
ROTFLMBO | Rolling on the floor, laughing my behind off | 600 |
ROTFLMFAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my f****** a** off | 599 |
ROTFLMFAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my fat a** off | 601 |
ROTFLOL | Rolling on the floor laughing out loud | 598 |
ROTS | Right on the spot | 598 |
Round-tripper | Home run | 596 |
ROUS | Rodents of unusual size | 597 |
rox | Rocks | 597 |
roxorz | Rocks | 597 |
ROY | Rookie of the Year | 589 |
rp | Roleplay | 528 |
RP | Relief pitcher | 598 |
RP | Reza Pahlavi | 601 |
RPC | Role play chat | 598 |
RPF | Real person fiction | 595 |
RPG | Role-playing game | 550 |
RPI | Ratings Percentage Index | 599 |
RPMO | Really pissing me off | 599 |
RQ | Real quick | 599 |
RR | Reply required | 599 |
RRoD | Red ring of death | 596 |
RSN | Real soon now | 599 |
RSVP | Répondez s'il vous plaît | 588 |
RT | Real-time | 596 |
RT | Retweet | 582 |
RTB | Real-time bidding | 594 |
RTF | Return the favor | 598 |
RTFA | Read the flippin' article | 596 |
RTFB | Read the flippin' book | 597 |
RTFFAQ | Read the flippin' FAQ | 598 |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual | 590 |
RTFMM | Read the flippin' manual, moron | 598 |
RTFS | Read the flippin' source | 598 |
Rthx | Retweet thanks | 600 |
RTI | Real-Time Interruption | 599 |
RTK | Return to Karazhan | 599 |
RTS | Real-time strategy | 585 |
RU | Are you | 593 |
RUB | Are you back | 599 |
Rubber | Pitcher's plate | 596 |
Rubber | A condom | 581 |
RUC | Are you coming? | 594 |
RUCB | Are you coming back? | 599 |
rucmng | Are you coming? | 600 |
RUFR | Are you for real? | 599 |
Rug pull | A cryptocurrency scam | 597 |
Rugged | Scammed | 598 |
RUMOF | Are you male or female? | 598 |
RUN | Are you in? | 600 |
Rundown | Baserunner stranded between two bases | 590 |
ruok | Are you OK? | 586 |
RUS | Are you serious | 582 |
Rush | To quickly attack and cause damage | 580 |
Rush deck | Aggressive card deck | 587 |
Rush down | To play aggressively to defeat an opponent | 587 |
RUSOS | Are you stupid or something? | 596 |
RUT | Are you there? | 598 |
Ruthian | Powerful | 595 |
RW | Real world | 596 |
RW | Relief wins | 597 |
RWA | Ready, willing, and able | 599 |
RWA | Rich with attitude | 598 |
Rx | Prescription | 586 |
rx | Receive | 596 |
RYC | Regarding your comment | 598 |
RYFS | Are you freakin' serious? | 598 |