l | Laughing | 601
L | Losses | 592
L/F/E | Lovers forever | 599
L2M | Listening to music | 597
L2P | Learn to play | 583
l33t | Leet | 598
L4D | Left for Dead | 597
L4D2 | Left for Dead 2 | 595
L8 | Late | 572
L8er | Later | 603
l8r | Later | 547
L8rg8r | Later, gator | 601
LA | Laughing a lot | 597
Lady boner | Female feeling of sexual arousal | 584
laf | Laugh | 599
laffing | Laughing | 599
LAFS | Love at first sight | 602
Lag | Slow down of a game due to bad Internet connection | 598
Lake bagging | Tracking the lakes you have swum in | 599
LAL | Laugh a little | 597
LAL | Laughing a lot | 599
LAL | Laugh at life | 598
LAM | Leave a message | 599
Lamer | Clueless person | 596
Lamestream media | Lame mainstream media | 602
LAN | Local Area Network | 529
Lane | MOBA map path | 596
Laning | Staying in a lane | 595
LANK | Let a naysayer know | 597
Lapsonym | A word whose meaning you always forget | 599
LARP | Live action role-playing | 597
Larper | Live action role-player | 587
Larping | Live action role-playing | 597
Laserbrain | Idiot | 597
LAST | Locate, Access, Stabilize, Transport | 601
Last hitting | Striking the final hit on a creep | 583
LATAM | Latin America | 597
Late game | Later stages of a game | 581
Late game deck | Card deck focused on controlling the game | 599
Latergram | A picture posted on Instagram later than when it was taken | 598
Latte makeup | Face makeup that blends warm brown and tan tones | 599
Latte papa | An attractive Swedish dad | 596
Lauering the bar | Lowering standards | 599
lawl | LOL | 593
Lawls | Laugh out loud | 600
Lawlz | Laugh out loud | 599
Layby | Flirting with a person when in a relationship | 598
LB | Like back | 597
LBD | Little black dress | 599
LBF | Later, best friend | 599
LBL | Light bladder leakage | 600
LBR | Let's be real | 597
LBS | Laughing but serious | 598
LBVS | Laughing but very serious | 594
LC | Let's celebrate | 607
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | 600
LCG | Living card game | 597
LCL | Lateral collateral ligament | 599
LCP | Largest Contentful Paint | 602
LCS | League Championship Series | 596
LCS | League Championship Series | 577
LCS | Local comic store | 595
LCTS | Let's change the subject | 599
LD | Later dude | 603
LDL | Low-density lipoprotein | 600
LDR | Long-distance relationship | 598
Le dollar bean | Lesbian | 598
Leadoff | First batter in the lineup | 596
Leather | Defense ability | 596
LeBroning | Flopping | 589
LED | Light-Emitting Diode | 600
Leech | Freeloader | 574
Leetspeak | Spelling variations that replace English letters with numbers and characters | 587
Left no crumbs | Completely dominated | 587
Left on read | When a recipient reads a message but does not reply | 599
Lefties | Liberals | 597
Leftist | A person with radical left-wing political views | 591
Leg booty | LGBT | 599
Leg day | Workout day specializing on legs | 599
Legit | Legitimate | 598
Lemeno | Let me know | 598
lemme | Let me | 598
LEP | Love emo people | 598
LET | Leaving early today | 597
Let him cook | Don't interfere | 570
Lethal | A game-ending amount of damage | 585
Lethal aid | Weapons gifted to another country | 598
Lettuce | Thick, curly, beautiful hair | 598
Lewk | Look | 600
Lewt | Loot | 596
LF | Looking for | 556
LF | Left field | 598
LF1M | Looking for one more | 587
LFD | Left for day | 600
LFG | Looking for group | 573
LFG | Let's freaking go | 589
LFK | Let's french kiss | 603
LFK | Let's freaking Kompete | 586
LFM | Looking for more | 581
LFP | Looking for party | 597
LFTD | Left for the day | 596
LFTD | Laugh for the day | 600
LFTI | Looking forward to it | 596
LFW | Looking for work | 598
LGBT | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender | 596
LGBTQ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer | 576
LGBTQA | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual | 597
LGBTQIA | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual | 598
LGBTQIA2S | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-spirit | 601
LGBTTQQIAAP | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, and Pansexual | 595
LGD | Lou Gehrig's Disease | 600
LGS | Local game store | 580
LGTM | Looks good to me | 598
LH6 | Let's have sex | 597
LHH | Laughing hecka hard | 599
LHM | Lord help me | 599
LHM | Lord have mercy | 602
LHO | Laughing head off | 598
LHU | Lord help us | 599
LHUA | Lord help us all | 599
LI | LinkedIn | 598
Li-fi | Wi-fi that appears to be free but tries to charge you | 599
lib | Liberal | 599
Lib | Library | 602
Liberal tears | Complaints from a liberal | 593
Lick | Theft | 587
LIDHE | Like I don't have enough | 599
LIFO | Last in, first out | 598
Lift the silverware | Win a trophy | 598
LIG | Life is good | 600
Likers get rate | Anyone who likes this post will get a rate | 598
lil | Little | 565
Line drive | Hard hit baseball in the air | 600
Ling | Zergling | 585
Link rot | When web links go dead | 597
Linsux | Linux | 605
Lip Dub | A lip synching music video | 598
Lip sweater | Mustache | 597
LIPS | Late inning pressured situations | 597
LIQ | Laughing inside quietly | 599
LIS | Laughing in silence | 599
Lit | Intoxicated | 598
Lit | Exciting | 584
Live your best life | Be yourself | 598
Live-tweet | To tweet about something currently taking place | 593
Living my best life | Making decisions based on who you are | 595
Living rent free | Being obsessed about | 599
LJK | LOL just kidding | 583
lk | Like | 578
LL | Later loser | 601
LL&P | Live long and prosper | 592
LLACP | Laughing like a crazy person | 594
LLAP | Live long and prosper | 597
LLC | Laughing like crazy | 600
Llello | Cocaine | 596
LLH | Laughing like heck | 599
LLOL | Literally laughing out loud | 582
LLPOF | Liar liar pants on fire | 597
LLS | Laughing like s*** | 596
LLTA | Lots and lots of thunderous applause | 599
LM | Letters mailed | 599
LMA | Leave me alone | 590
LMAO | Laughing my a** off | 561
LMAOROF | Laughing my a** off rolling on the floor | 601
LMAOROTF | Laughing my a** off and rolling on the floor | 593
LMAOTC | Laughing my a** off the chair | 599
LMBO | Laughing my butt off | 592
LMFAO | Laughing my freakin' a** off | 536
LMFAO | Laughing my fat a** off | 607
LMFAOPIMP | Laughing my freaking a** off peeing in my pants | 601
LMFBO | Laughing my fat butt off | 602
LMFHO | Laughing my freakin' heart out | 601
LMGTFY | Let me Google that for you | 595
LMHO | Laughing my hiney off | 601
LMHO | Laughing my head off | 587
LMIRL | Let's meet in real life | 560
LMK | Let me know | 578
LMKWYC | Let me know when you can | 599
LMKWYT | Let me know what you think | 599
LML | Laughing mad loud | 597
LML | Love my life | 600
LMO | Leave me one | 595
LMO | Let's make out | 588
LMS | Let me see | 589
LMS | Like my status | 572
LMS | Learning Management System | 597
LMSO | Laughing my socks off | 598
LMWAO | Laughing my white a** off | 599
LNK | Love and kisses | 600
LNOL | Laughing not out loud | 599
LO | Little one | 598
LOB | Left on base | 598
LOC | Load of crap | 600
LOC | Lines of code | 594
Lockdown | An order to stay where you are | 593
Locked in | Doing well | 598
LoE | Level of effort | 586
LOFL | Laughing out freakin' loud | 601
LOI | Laughing on the inside | 586
LOI | Letter of intent | 598
LOL | Laughing out loud | 240
LOL | Little old lady | 603
LOL | Lots of love | 598
LoL | League of Legends | 527
LOLA | Love often, laugh a lot | 600
LOLAWS | Laughing out loud and with style | 598
LOLH | Laughing out loud hysterically | 601
LOLHK | Lots of love, hugs, and kisses | 600
LOLOL | Lots of laugh out louds | 563
LOLROFLMAO | Laughing out loud, rolling on floor, laughing my a** off | 600
LOLUSA | Laughing out loud until sides ache | 599
lolz | Laugh out louds | 579
LOM | Low on mana | 607
LOML | Love of my life | 596
LOMLILY | Light of my life, I love you | 600
Long COVID | Long-term COVID-19 symptoms | 598
Long-hauler | A person suffering long-term effects from COVID-19 | 598
LOOGY | Left-handed One Out Guy | 597
Looksmatch | Matching the attractiveness of another person | 599
Looksmaxxing | Attempting to improve your appearance | 586
Looper | Fortnite player | 600
Loot | Treasure | 584
Loot drop | The items an enemy drops after you kill them | 598
Looted | Styling | 599
LOQ | Laughing out quietly | 600
Lorge | Large | 597
LoS | Line of sight | 585
LOTFLOL | Lying on the floor laughing out loud | 599
LOTI | Laughing on the inside | 601
LOTR | Lord of the Rings | 591
LOTV | Legacy of the Void | 586
Love bomber | A person who uses excessive acts to secure a relationship | 597
Love bombing | Bombarding someone with acts of adoration | 594
Low key | Laid back | 594
Low-key | Modest | 596
LPP | Likes per post | 581
LPT | Life Pro Tip | 596
LQTM | Laughing quietly to myself | 591
LRL | Laugh real loud | 595
LRT | Last retweet | 586
LRU | Least Recently Used | 599
LSD | Lysergic Acid Diethylamide | 588
LSHIFOMD | Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur | 599
LSHIH | Laughing so hard it hurts | 599
LSHMBH | Laughing so hard my belly hurts | 600
LSHMSFOAIDMT | Laughing so hard my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco | 599
LSHTMSFOAIDMT | Laughing so hard that my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco | 600
LSS | Long story short | 592
LST | Long-sleeve t-shirt | 600
LTD | Lovers 'til death | 599
LTD | Living the dream | 600
LTHTT | Laughing too hard to type | 600
LTM | Laughing to myself | 599
LTMQ | Laughing to myself quietly | 601
LTNS | Long time, no see | 597
LTP | Let's talk privately | 588
ltr | Letter | 598
LTR | Long-term relationship | 595
ltr | Later | 565
LTS | Laughing to self | 600
LU | Love you | 588
lu4ever | Love you forever | 599
LUA | Love you a lot | 599
LUB | Love you, bye | 597
Luckfully | Thankfully lucky | 599
LUGLS | Love you girls like sisters | 599
LUL | Love you lots | 591
LULAB | Love you like a brother | 599
LULAF | Love you like a friend | 599
LULAS | Love you like a sister | 601
lulz | LOL | 586
LUM | Love you, man | 597
Lumber | Baseball bat | 597
Lumbersexual | A well-groomed male who looks like a lumberjack | 594
Lunching | Acting stupid | 595
LUPP | Luckiest person on the planet | 587
Lurker | A forum user who reads but doesn't post | 588
luv | Love | 562
luzr | Loser | 587
lv | Love | 587
lv1 | Leave one | 602
lvl | Level | 454
LW | Lowest weight | 599
LWD | Little white dress | 601
LWT | Laughing with tears | 601
LWYMMD | Look what you made me do | 589
LY | Love ya | 598
LYA | Love you always | 592
LYK | Let you know | 585
LYL | Love you lots | 569
LYLAB | Love you like a brother | 599
LYLAS | Love you like a sister | 600
LYLC | Love you like crazy | 582
LYMI | Love you, mean it | 601
lyn | Lying | 600
LYSM | Love you so much | 581
LZ | Led Zeppelin | 598