A Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
A | Hey | 597 |
A | Assists | 596 |
a&f | Always and forever | 597 |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location | 574 |
A/S/L/P | Age, sex, location, picture | 596 |
A2D | Agree to disagree | 582 |
A2T | Addicted to texting | 599 |
A3 | Anytime, anywhere, anyone | 580 |
A4114A | All for one, one for all | 596 |
A7X | Avenged Sevenfold | 596 |
AA | As above | 599 |
AA | AdiĆ³s amigo | 586 |
aa | Autoattack | 566 |
AAA | Apply to affected area | 597 |
AAA | High quality video game | 600 |
AAF | Always and forever | 582 |
AAF | As a friend | 598 |
AAK | Alive and kicking | 596 |
AAK | Asleep at keyboard | 601 |
AAMOF | As a matter of fact | 600 |
AAP | Always a pleasure | 598 |
AAR | At any rate | 596 |
aar8 | At any rate | 601 |
Aarping | Elderly person complaining repeatedly | 597 |
AAS | Alive and smiling | 600 |
AATK | Always at the keyboard | 599 |
AAVE | African-American Vernacular English | 579 |
AAWC | After a while, crocodile | 600 |
AAYF | As always, your friend | 597 |
AB | At bat | 595 |
AB | Action by | 596 |
ABAM | All blind all mid | 600 |
Abandonware | Game that has been abandoned by its developer | 599 |
abbrev | Abbreviation | 598 |
ABCP | A bad computer professional | 599 |
ABD | Already been done | 598 |
ABOC | Alcoholic beverage of choice | 599 |
Abominable snowman | Golf score of 9 | 600 |
Abow | Wow | 599 |
ABP | Already been posted | 598 |
abt | About | 589 |
abt2 | About to | 598 |
AC | Air conditioning | 596 |
AC | Armor class | 577 |
Academic weapon | A dedicated student | 595 |
ACC | Anyone can come | 596 |
acc | Actually | 574 |
Accountant | A cover-up occupation | 598 |
Accs | Accounts | 598 |
ACD | Alt-Control-Delete | 600 |
Ace | Solo winner | 585 |
Ace | Best starting pitcher | 596 |
Ace | Hole in one | 582 |
Ace | Asexual | 597 |
Ace | Complete a task successfully | 600 |
ack | Acknowledged | 598 |
ACL | Anterior cruciate ligament | 595 |
ACLS | Advanced cardiac life support | 600 |
ACNH | Animal Crossing: New Horizons | 594 |
ACO | Accountable care organization | 600 |
Acoustic | Autistic | 599 |
Actual play | TTRPGs played for an audience | 597 |
ACV | After coronavirus | 597 |
ACV | Apple cider vinegar | 598 |
AD | Attack damage | 524 |
AD&D | Advanced Dungeons and Dragons | 599 |
ADAD | Another day another dollar | 600 |
ADAM | All draft all mid | 625 |
ADB | Android Debug Bridge | 599 |
ADBB | All done, bye-bye | 602 |
ADC | Attack damage carry | 527 |
add | Address | 597 |
ADD | Attention deficit disorder | 593 |
adds | Additional mobs | 595 |
addy | Address | 567 |
addy | Adderall | 585 |
ADHD | Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder | 595 |
ADIH | Another day in Hell | 600 |
ADIP | Another day in paradise | 598 |
ADIP | Annoying, Difficult, Irascible, and Pestilent | 598 |
ADM | Ay dios mio | 594 |
admin | Administrator | 589 |
ADN | Any day now | 598 |
adorbs | Adorable | 584 |
Adorkable | Adorable in a dorky way | 598 |
ADP | Average draft position | 593 |
ADPIC | Always Dependably Politically Incorrect | 596 |
Adrod | Android | 600 |
ADS | Aiming down sight | 544 |
Adulting | Acting like an adult | 573 |
AE | Area of effect | 609 |
AE | Accident and emergency | 603 |
AEAP | As early as possible | 598 |
AED | Automated external defibrillator | 600 |
AEW | All Elite Wrestling | 599 |
AF | Aggression factor | 596 |
AF | As f*** | 547 |
AFAB | Assigned female at birth | 599 |
AFAIAA | As far as I am aware | 600 |
AFAIAC | As far as I am concerned | 596 |
AFAIC | As far as I'm concerned | 588 |
AFAICS | As far as I can see | 596 |
AFAICT | As far as I can tell | 597 |
AFAIK | As far as I know | 578 |
AFAIR | As far as I remember | 599 |
AFAP | As fast as possible | 597 |
AFAWK | As far as we know | 597 |
AFAYC | As far as you're concerned | 598 |
AFAYC | As fast as you can | 593 |
AFB | Away from brain | 597 |
AFC | Away from computer | 603 |
AFC | Away from controller | 608 |
AFC | American Football Conference | 597 |
AFDA | A few days ago | 600 |
AFDB | A few days back | 602 |
AFHV | America's Funniest Home Videos | 597 |
AFI | A Fire Inside | 601 |
AFJ | April Fools' joke | 589 |
AFK | Away from keyboard | 336 |
AFN | All for now | 597 |
AFOL | Adult fan of Lego | 597 |
AFPOE | A fresh pair of eyes | 603 |
Afraid of the dark | Putt that doesn't go in the hole | 600 |
Afro | Natural bush-like hairstyle | 590 |
AFU | All f***ed up | 597 |
AFV | America's Funniest Videos | 597 |
AFWIW | Anyway, for what it's worth | 598 |
Aggro | Aggressive | 577 |
Aggro deck | Aggressive card deck | 586 |
aghs | Aghanim's Scepter | 595 |
Agi | Agility | 593 |
AGI | Adjusted gross income | 597 |
agl | Angel | 608 |
AGT | America's Got Talent | 592 |
AH | At home | 581 |
AH | Auction house | 579 |
AHFY | Always here for you | 593 |
AHS | American Horror Story | 595 |
AHT | After-hours trading | 594 |
AI | As if | 598 |
AI | Artificial intelligence | 539 |
AI | All-in | 594 |
AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome | 593 |
aight | Alright | 577 |
AIIC | As if I care | 600 |
AIM | AOL Instant Messenger | 594 |
AIMB | As I mentioned before | 598 |
Aimbot | Automatic aiming bot | 463 |
AIME | As I mentioned earlier | 600 |
AIMP | Always in my prayers | 597 |
AIO | AI Overview | 599 |
AIP | Agreement in principle | 599 |
aipf | All-in preflop | 597 |
AIR | Assumed interest rate | 599 |
Air ball | A missed shot that doesn't hit the rim or backboard | 599 |
Air punch | To punch the air in triumph | 599 |
Airdrop | A cryptocurrency marketing event | 598 |
Airhead | Stupid | 580 |
AISB | As I said before | 597 |
AISE | As I said earlier | 597 |
AISI | As I see it | 598 |
AITA | Am I the a**hole | 591 |
AIUI | As I understand it | 598 |
AJ | Absolute jerk | 585 |
ak | AK-47 | 533 |
AKA | Also known as | 559 |
AL | American League | 601 |
ALAP | As long as possible | 599 |
ALAP | As late as possible | 590 |
Albatross | Three strokes under par | 596 |
ALCS | American League Championship Series | 595 |
ALDS | American League Division Series | 596 |
Alec Guinness | Out-of-bounds | 598 |
Aleppo moment | A mental lapse | 599 |
ALG | Ain't life grand | 598 |
Algo | Algorithm | 598 |
Algospeak | Slang used to bypass content filters | 588 |
All-nighter | Staying awake all night | 598 |
allat | All that | 597 |
Alley oop | A pass to a teammate who puts the ball in the basket | 599 |
allg | All good | 596 |
Almond mom | A mother who wants her daughter to be skinny | 599 |
ALOL | Actually laughing out loud | 598 |
ALOL | Audibly laughing out loud | 599 |
ALOS | Average length of stay | 600 |
ALP | Assisted living program | 600 |
Alpha | A person born between 2013 and 2025 | 597 |
Alpha male | A dominant male | 588 |
Alpha mom | A dominant female in a group of mothers | 594 |
Alphabet mafia | LGBTQIA+ people | 587 |
Alr | Alright | 598 |
ALS | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | 598 |
ALS | Advanced life support | 598 |
alt | A lot | 599 |
alt | Alternate character | 570 |
Alt TikTok | Alternative TikTok | 599 |
Alternative facts | Lies used to replace facts | 592 |
ALW | Ain't life wonderful | 602 |
AM | Antemeridian | 599 |
AM | Adopt Me! | 596 |
AMA | Ask me anything | 586 |
AMA | American Medical Association | 596 |
AMA | Against medical advice | 597 |
AMAA | Ask me almost anything | 599 |
AMAB | Assigned male at birth | 600 |
AMAP | As much as possible | 597 |
Amazeballs | Amazing | 595 |
amazn | Amazing | 597 |
Amazombie | A person who returns Amazon packages | 594 |
AMBL | All my boundless love | 600 |
AMBW | All my best wishes | 598 |
Amelia Earhart | Golf shot that looks good but you can't find | 599 |
Americancore | A satirical aesthetic centered around American stereotypes | 598 |
AMF | Adios my friend | 596 |
AMG | Ah my gosh | 599 |
AMI | Acute myocardial infarction | 600 |
amirite | Am I right | 598 |
AML | All my love | 595 |
AML | Anti money laundering | 596 |
AML | Acute myeloid leukemia | 597 |
ammo | Ammunition | 558 |
Ammosexual | A person who loves guns | 597 |
AMOG | Alpha male of group | 598 |
Amogus | Among Us | 590 |
AMOS | Add me on Snapchat | 599 |
amp | To be loud and angry | 592 |
AMP | Adventure Multiplayer | 573 |
Amped | Excited | 593 |
AMS | Ask me something | 599 |
ana | Anorexia | 598 |
Analysis paralysis | Indecisiveness caused by overanalyzing options | 599 |
Anchor baby | A baby that helps its mother gain citizenship | 597 |
AND | Allow natural death | 600 |
And I oop | I'm so embarassed | 577 |
And one | A play where a player is fouled while making a basket | 596 |
ANFSCD | And now for something completely different | 599 |
Angle shooting | Playing unethically within the rules | 598 |
Annie Oakley | Free pass | 597 |
Annivorcery | Anniversary of a divorce | 602 |
anon | Anonymous | 594 |
ANR | Application Not Responding | 598 |
Anti-masker | A person who opposes masks | 596 |
Anti-ship | Against problematic fictional relationships | 599 |
Anti-vax | Against vaccines | 598 |
Anti-vaxxer | A person who opposes vaccines | 574 |
antifa | Anti-fascists | 587 |
ANTM | America's Next Top Model | 598 |
anuda | Another | 599 |
AO | Fly outs | 599 |
AOAS | All of a sudden | 599 |
AOC | Available on cell | 598 |
AOC | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | 598 |
AOC plus three | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib | 597 |
AOE | Area of effect | 550 |
AOI | A** on ice | 596 |
AOL | America Online | 595 |
AOMM | Always on my mind | 601 |
AON | All or nothing | 586 |
AON | As of now | 597 |
AON | Apropos of nothing | 598 |
AOTA | All of the above | 600 |
AOTY | Album of the year | 591 |
AOYP | Angel on your pillow | 591 |
AP | Attachment parenting | 598 |
AP | Attack power | 577 |
AP | Ability power | 562 |
AP | Accounts payable | 598 |
AP | Associated Press | 583 |
AP | Anti-piracy | 601 |
APAC | All praise and credit | 600 |
APAC | Asian Pacific | 598 |
APC | A Perfect Circle | 599 |
APM | Actions per minute | 585 |
app | Appreciate | 598 |
app | Application | 581 |
Apple sheep | Blindly loyal Apple fans | 595 |
Appoholic | A person addicted to downloading apps | 593 |
APR | Annual percentage rate | 589 |
APS | Adult protective services | 601 |
APY | Annual percentage yield | 596 |
AR | Assault rifle | 568 |
AR | Accounts receivable | 598 |
AR | Augmented reality | 588 |
AR | Action required | 597 |
ARAM | All random all mid | 540 |
Ard | Alright | 601 |
ARF | Acute renal failure | 599 |
ARF | Abuse Reporting Format | 600 |
ARG | Alternate reality game | 593 |
ARI | Acute respiratory infection | 600 |
Arianator | An Ariana Grande fan | 597 |
ARM | Adjustable rate mortgage | 599 |
Arm day | Workout day specializing on arms | 600 |
Armadillo | Gamer who plays slowly | 599 |
ARMY | Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth | 599 |
Around the horn | Double play from third to second to first base | 598 |
arp | Armor penetration | 602 |
Arpen | Armor penetration | 597 |
ARR | Annual recurring revenue | 597 |
ARTS | Action real-time strategy | 586 |
Artsy | Display of artistic style | 596 |
AS | Attack speed | 550 |
ASAIC | As soon as I can | 598 |
ASAIK | As soon as I know | 598 |
ASAP | As soon as possible | 501 |
ASAT | As simple as that | 596 |
ASAYC | As soon as you can | 599 |
ASAYGT | As soon as you get this | 600 |
asf | As f*** | 560 |
Ashl | As hell | 599 |
Askhole | A person who asks many stupid questions | 596 |
ASL | Age, sex, location | 560 |
Asl | As hell | 595 |
ASL | American Sign Language | 589 |
ASLMH | Age, sex, location, music, hobbies | 599 |
ASLNP | Age, sex, location, name, picture | 599 |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture | 586 |
ASLR | Age, sex, location, race | 598 |
ASLRP | Age, sex, location, race, picture | 599 |
ASMR | Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response | 572 |
ASP | After show party | 599 |
aspd | Attack speed | 615 |
Astroturfing | Faking a grassroots movement | 597 |
ASYC | As soon as you can | 599 |
At home | A worse version of something | 595 |
ATB | All the best | 598 |
ATBGE | Awful taste but great execution | 598 |
Ate that | Dominated | 595 |
Athleisure | Athletic, leisure fashion | 599 |
ATM | At the moment | 519 |
ATM | Automated teller machine | 593 |
ATP | At this point | 598 |
ATP | Answer the phone | 598 |
ATPM | About to pee myself | 599 |
ats | Attack speed | 582 |
ATS | Automatic transfer service | 599 |
ATSL | Along the same lines | 598 |
ATST | At the same time | 600 |
ATT | All the time | 599 |
att | Attempts | 595 |
Attaboy | Good job | 599 |
Attagirl | Good job | 599 |
attn | Attention | 597 |
Attny | Attorney | 597 |
ATTT | Ain't that the truth | 597 |
Attwaction | Attraction to a Twitter user | 599 |
Attwicted | Addicted to Twitter | 599 |
ATW | All the way | 580 |
atys | Anything you say | 597 |
AU | Alternate universe | 598 |
Auction draft | A fantasy sports draft where owners bid on players | 595 |
AUD | Australian dollar | 596 |
Audiophile | A person passionate about audio reproduction | 598 |
Aura | Coolness | 597 |
AUT | Are you there | 600 |
Autobesity | Large automobiles | 600 |
Autochasing | Pursuing a person to obtain their autograph | 598 |
Automagically | Magically automatic | 597 |
AV | Audio/Video | 596 |
av | Antivirus | 598 |
avg | Batting average | 590 |
avg | Average | 598 |
Avgeek | An aviation enthusiast | 597 |
AWA | As well as | 598 |
AWC | After awhile crocodile | 598 |
Awesomesauce | Super awesome | 599 |
AWHFY | Are we having fun yet? | 600 |
awks | Awkward | 597 |
AWL | Always with love | 598 |
AWLTP | Avoiding work like the plague | 596 |
AWOL | Absent while online | 599 |
AWOL | Absent without official leave | 597 |
AWT | At what time | 598 |
AWTY | Are we there yet | 593 |
AYAOTD | Are You Afraid of the Dark? | 598 |
AYBABTU | All your base are belong to us | 598 |
AYC | Are you coming? | 599 |
AYDY | Are you done yet? | 599 |
AYEC | At your earliest convenience | 600 |
AYFKM | Are you freaking kidding me | 562 |
AYFR | Are you for real? | 583 |
AYFT | Are you free today? | 591 |
AYK | As you know | 581 |
AYKM | Are you kidding me? | 600 |
AYOR | At your own risk | 598 |
AYPH | Are your parents home | 593 |
AYPI | And your point is? | 598 |
AYPL | Are your parents listening | 599 |
AYPWOL | Are your parents watching or listening | 594 |
AYS | Are you serious? | 599 |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something? | 599 |
AYT | Are you there? | 595 |
AYTMTB | And you're telling me this because | 599 |
AYW | As you were | 602 |
AYW | As you wish | 597 |
AYWK | As you well know | 597 |
azm | Awesome | 599 |
azn | Asian | 600 |
azz | A** | 593 |