m | Male | 588
M$ | Microsoft | 595
M.02 | My two cents | 599
M/F | Male or female | 594
M02 | My two cents | 600
M2F | Male to female | 597
m8 | Mate | 597
mab | Maybe | 599
Maccas | McDonald's | 597
Mack | To flirt | 591
Macro | Economy management skill | 586
Mad | Very | 598
Maddux | Complete game shutout with less than 100 pitches | 595
mag | Magazine | 600
mag | Firearm magazine | 598
MAGA | Make America Great Again | 595
MAGAA | Make America Great Again, Again | 596
Magnificent Seven | Seven high-value tech companies | 599
Main | Main character | 528
Main character | The most important person | 599
Main character energy | Confidence and poise | 597
Make it rain | To throw money in the air | 598
Make it snow | To toss money in the air | 596
Making bank | Earning money | 597
Making it rain | Hitting 3-point shots | 599
Mald | Mad and bald | 580
Mama bear | An overprotective person | 598
Man crush | A likable guy | 601
Man date | Date between two straight males | 598
Manlet | A short, muscular man | 597
Mannequin challenge | Challenge that involves one or more people freezing in place | 597
Manny | A male nanny | 596
Manscaping | Strategic shaving of male body hair | 597
Mansome | Manly handsome | 596
Mansplain | When a man explains something in a condescending manner | 592
Manspreader | A guy who sits with his legs spread wide | 593
Manspreading | Sitting with legs opened wide | 600
Manssiere | Male brassiere | 600
Mar10 | Mario Day | 595
March Madness | NCAA Basketball Tournament | 591
Marinated | Intoxicated | 599
Marinating | Gaining a Crewmate's trust and then killing them | 578
Mark | A fan who believes pro wrestling is real | 593
Marmite character | A person people either hate or love | 597
Mary Jane | Marijuana | 585
Mascara | Boyfriend | 597
Mash | To hit a baseball well | 593
Matchy-matchy | Wearing matching couples outfits | 598
Mate | Friend | 589
mats | Materials | 570
MAU | Monthly active users | 603
MB | My bad | 590
mb | Megabyte | 601
MBA | MacBook Air | 597
MBF | My best friend | 598
MBFA | Make baseball fun again | 594
MBMBaM | My Brother, My Brother and Me | 599
MBN | Must be nice | 597
MBP | MacBook Pro | 598
mbps | Megabits per second | 599
MBS | Mom behind shoulder | 597
MC | Minecraft | 514
MC | Mind Control | 586
MC | Main character | 597
MCBE | Minecraft Bedrock Edition | 597
McConaughssance | Matthew McConaughey's renaissance | 599
McD | McDonald's | 599
mcds | McDonald's | 597
MCJE | Minecraft Java Edition | 601
MCL | Medial collateral ligament | 600
MCM | Man-crush Monday | 591
MCPE | Minecraft Pocket Edition | 578
MCR | My Chemical Romance | 598
MCRmy | My Chemical Romance fans | 598
MCU | Marvel Cinematic Universe | 594
MCYT | Minecraft YouTuber | 576
MD | Managing Director | 599
MD | Medical doctor | 595
md@u | Mad at you | 597
md@ufn | Mad at you for now | 599
MDA | Mega dumb a** | 599
MDI | Multiple Daily Injections | 599
MDIAC | My dad is a cop | 599
MDL | Might delete later | 594
MDM | Mobile device management | 599
MDPS | Melee damage per second | 585
ME | Mass Effect | 598
me2 | Me too | 584
Mean-mugging | Facial expression that appears upset | 598
Meatball | Easy pitch to hit | 595
Mech | Mechanical units | 593
meds | Medications | 597
Meekd | Suppressed | 182
Meet cute | A charming first meeting between two people | 595
MEGO | My eyes glaze over | 600
meh | Whatever | 566
meirl | Me in real life | 594
Meme | A piece of media that spreads via the Internet | 555
Meme stock | A stock hyped on social media | 586
Memeophobia | Fear of being in a viral picture or video | 599
MENA | The Middle East and North Africa | 599
Mendoza line | .200 batting average | 591
Mention | A reference to a Twitter username in a tweet | 598
Menty b | Mental breakdown | 597
Menu anxiety | Anxiousness about ordering at a restaurant | 598
Merk | To completely dominate | 598
Merry textmas | Christmas greetings sent by text message | 599
Meta | Self-referential | 598
Meta | Metagame | 599
Metagame | Outside game preparation and strategies | 596
MeToo moment | An experience of sexual abuse or harassment | 600
Metrification | Converting to the metric system | 599
Metroidvania | A game like Metroid or Castlevania | 598
Metrojack | Male who looks like a lumberjack but lives in an urban setting | 602
Metrosexual | A male who is meticulous about fashion and grooming | 595
Mewing | Accentuating your jawline | 598
MF | Mother f***er | 596
MFB | Motherf***ing B**** | 600
MFEO | Made for each other | 598
MFM | My Favorite Murder | 599
MFW | My face when | 595
MFWTK | My friend wants to know | 599
MGB | May God bless | 599
mgmt | Management | 580
MHA | My Hero Academia | 599
mhm | Mm-hmm | 564
MHOTY | My hat's off to you | 597
MI | Marching Illini | 599
MIA | Missing in action | 567
mia | Bulimia | 598
MIB | Men in Black | 599
MIB | Mint in box | 594
MIBG | Mental image be gone | 600
mic | Microphone | 599
Mic drop | The end | 594
Mic up | Voice chat with me | 585
Mickelson | To hit a golf ball while it is still moving | 601
Micro | Unit micromanagement skill | 588
mid | Middle lane | 594
Mid | In the middle of | 600
Mid | Mediocre | 576
Mid game | Middle phase of a game | 513
MIL | Mother-in-law | 593
Millennial | A person born between 1981 and 1996 | 589
Millennial baseball | A baseball strategy of swinging for home runs instead of base hits | 595
MIMAS | May I make a suggestion | 592
Mimbo | A dumb and attractive male | 596
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | 600
min | Minute | 557
Mini | Fortnite small shield potion | 599
Minimoon | A short honeymoon before the real honeymoon | 598
Minion | Game creature | 585
Minnesota goodbye | A drawn-out goodbye | 594
Minnesota nice | Reserved politeness and friendliness | 599
Minnow | Weak fantasy sports player | 596
mins | Minutes | 564
MIPS | Millions of Instructions Per Second | 600
MIR | Mail-in rebate | 599
mirin | Admiring | 598
MIRL | Meet in real life | 589
MIRL | Me in real life | 598
Mirror match | A match in which players use the same fighters | 597
mishu | Miss you | 588
Mistext | A text sent to the wrong person | 600
Mistweet | Tweet mistake | 592
mk | Okay | 269
MKA | Make additions | 600
mkay | OK | 577
ML | My love | 599
ML | Much love | 600
MLB | Major League Baseball | 585
MLBPA | Major League Baseball Players Association | 597
MLG | Major League Gaming | 560
MLIA | My life is average | 599
MLM | Men loving men | 593
MLP | My Little Pony | 589
MM | Merry meet | 596
MM | Missing my | 599
MM | Make me | 579
MM | Music Monday | 586
MM | Mommy Mearest | 598
MMA | Meet me at | 592
MMA | Mixed martial arts | 596
MMAMP | Meet me at my place | 596
MMB | Message me back | 578
MMBBG | Massively multiplayer browser-based game | 598
MMFU | My mate fancies you | 598
MMHRD | Many Many Happy Returns of the Day | 599
mmk | OK | 600
MML | Made me laugh | 598
MMM | Marine, Marauder, Medivac | 598
MMO | Massively multiplayer online | 577
MMOB | Mind my own business | 598
MMOG | Massively multiplayer online game | 599
MMORPG | Massively multiplayer online role-playing game | 521
MMPR | Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers | 594
MMR | Match-making rating | 595
MMRD | My mind is rolled down | 599
MMS | Multimedia Messaging Service | 597
MNF | Monday Night Football | 599
mng | Manage | 598
mngr | Manager | 598
mo | More | 599
MO | Modus operandi | 594
Mo bro | A movember participant | 599
Mo sista | A woman who supports Movember | 598
MOAB | Massive Ornary Air Blimp | 595
moar | More | 599
mob | Mobile | 604
mob | Monster | 574
Mob | Minecraft creature | 515
Mob | Mobile video game character | 585
MOBA | Multiplayer online battle arena | 580
MOC | My own creation | 599
Mock draft | Simulated draft | 599
Mocker | A person who hangs out in a hammock | 598
Mocking | Hanging out in a hammock | 600
Mocktail | An alcohol-free cocktail | 598
mod | Modification | 387
mod | Moderator | 550
Modder | A person who creates mods | 585
Modding | Modifying gameplay | 599
Mofo | Motherf***er | 588
Mog | To dominate another man | 598
Mogging | Dominating another man | 597
MOH | Medal of Honor | 587
MOH | Maid of Honor | 598
Mohawk | Middle hair strip with both sides of head shaved | 599
Mojo | Attractive talent | 600
Mom bro | A very protective guy | 596
Mom com | Romantic comedy directed at moms | 599
Mom shaming | Bullying a mom for her parenting choices | 598
Momala | Kamala Harris | 600
Mombie | A tired mom | 602
Momfluencer | A mom who influences other moms on social media | 593
Mommy shaming | Bullying a mom for her parenting choices | 598
Moneymaxxing | Attempting to improve your financial situation | 597
MOO | My own opinion | 600
Moobs | Man boobs | 600
MOOC | Massive open online course | 599
Mooch | To freeload | 587
Mood | How I'm feeling | 593
Mook | Stupid person | 600
Moolah | Money | 596
Moon door | To get rid of | 594
Mooning | Setting a contact as do not disturb | 598
Mooshroom | Minecraft mob | 583
Moots | People you follow on social media who follow you back | 591
MoP | Mists of Pandaria | 595
Mop-top | Hairstyle with combed-over layers and side-swept fringe | 599
More issues than Vogue | A lot of problems | 591
morf | Male or female | 599
MOS | Mom over shoulder | 594
Moss | Relax | 598
Mossed | Catching a football over another player | 599
MOTAS | Members of the appropriate sex | 600
MOTD | Message of the day | 596
Mother | A feminine icon | 598
Motorhead | A person who is knowledgeable about motors | 598
MOTOS | Members of the opposite sex | 604
MOTSS | Members of the same sex | 599
MOTU | Masters of the Universe | 600
MOTU | Mark of the Unicorn | 598
Movember | Mustache-growing November | 584
Moving mad | Acting out of character | 599
MP | Merry part | 602
MP | Mana points | 599
MP | Multiplayer | 599
mp5 | Mana per five seconds | 608
MQ | Manufacturer coupon | 598
Mr | Mister | 598
MRA | Men's rights activist | 596
MRR | Monthly recurring revenue | 598
Mrs | Missus | 598
MRT | Modified retweet | 597
MRU | Most recently used | 599
MRW | My reaction when | 599
MS | Microsoft | 597
Ms | Miss | 600
MS | Middle school | 600
MS | Movement speed | 584
MSB | My sexy b**** | 596
msft | Microsoft | 604
msg | Message | 532
MSI | Minority-serving institutions | 598
MSM | Mainstream media | 593
MSM | My Singing Monsters | 599
MSQ | Main Scenario Quest | 596
MSRP | Manufacturer's suggested retail price | 596
MST | Must see today | 596
MST | Mountain Standard Time | 600
MST3K | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | 595
MT | Mistype | 581
MT | Modified tweet | 598
MT | Mountain time zone | 599
MTF | More to follow | 596
MTF | Male to female | 600
MTFBWU | May the Force be with you | 598
MTFBWY | May the Force be with you | 552
mtg | Meeting | 579
MTG | Magic: The Gathering | 545
MTG | Marjorie Taylor Greene | 615
MTGA | Magic: The Gathering Arena | 597
mth | Month | 599
MTK | MediaTek | 597
MTTN | Milk through the nose | 599
MU | Miss you | 594
MU@ | Meet you at | 597
muah | Kiss | 520
MUBAR | Messed up beyond all recognition | 599
MUD | Multi-user dungeon | 598
Mukbang | Eating show | 598
mula | Money | 592
Mule | Alternate character for storage | 599
Mullet | Hairstyle that is short in front and long in back | 595
Mulligan | To replace cards in your starting hand | 589
Mulligan | Redo | 587
Multi-dadding | Having multiple children with different men | 600
Multifandom | Subscribing to multiple communities of fans | 596
Multistan | An obsessed fan of multiple things | 596
mum | Mother | 601
Mupload | Mobile upload | 600
Murk | To totally dominate | 599
mut | Mutilate | 599
Muta | Mutalisks | 598
Mutual | A person you follow on social media who also follows you | 598
MVH | With best regards | 594
MVP | Most valuable player | 592
MW | Most welcome | 601
mwa | Kiss | 565
mwah | Kiss | 572
mwahugz | Kisses and hugs | 598
MWWS | Missing white woman syndrome | 597
My b | My mistake | 591
My bad | My mistake | 597
MYB | myYearbook | 604
MYOB | Mind your own business | 570
mysp | Myspace | 599