g | Grin | 600
G | Gangster | 567
G | A thousand dollars | 588
G | Games played | 596
g | Gram | 600
G-man | A government agent | 599
G-Walk | Footwork-based dance move | 597
g/f | Girlfriend | 580
G1 | Good one | 598
G2B | Going to bed | 599
G2CU | Good to see you | 598
G2G | Got to go | 524
G2G | Good to go | 586
G2GGS2D | Got to go get something to drink | 598
G2GIAM | Got to go in a minute | 600
G2GP | Got to go pee | 598
G2K | Good to know | 600
G2P | Got to pee | 599
G2PB | Got to pee badly | 601
G2R | Got to run | 598
G2TU | Got to tell you | 599
G4I | Go for it | 600
G4N | Good for nothing | 599
G4U | Good for you | 599
G6 | Gulfstream G650 | 597
g8r | Gator | 599
G9 | Goodnight | 587
G9 | Genius | 600
GA | Go ahead | 600
GA | Good afternoon | 596
GAC | Get a clue | 599
GAD | Get a dictionary | 602
GAF | Give a f*** | 590
GAG | Got any gossip? | 600
Gagged | Rendered speechless | 597
Gains | Increased healthiness | 600
GAL | Get a life | 581
Galaxy brain | Unorthodox thinking | 597
Galentine's Day | February 13th ladies-only celebration | 591
GALMA | Go away, leave me alone | 598
Gamebling | A combination of gaming and gambling | 599
Gamer | A video game player | 540
Gamergate | Controversy about sexism in video game culture | 598
Gamma male | A normal man | 596
Gang gang | I'm with you | 558
Gangsta Walking | Dancing with intricate foot movement | 599
Gank | Steal | 596
Gank | To gang up on and kill a player | 596
Ganking | Launching a surprise attack | 570
ganna | Going to | 598
Garbage person | A terrible person | 596
Garbage time | Time during a blowout game where strategies change | 597
GAS | Greetings and salutations | 600
GAS | Gear Acquisition Syndrome | 597
Gas | Great | 581
Gaslighting | Manipulating information to create doubt | 570
Gassed | Excited | 599
Gastrodiplomacy | When a country uses its cuisine to boost its reputation | 597
Gat | Gun | 599
Gate lice | People congregating around an airport gate | 598
Gatekeep | To police who has access to an identity or community | 592
Gawd | God | 600
GAWMA | Go ahead, whet my appetite | 598
Gaydar | Ability to detect homosexuality | 598
gb | Goodbye | 585
GB | Guild bank | 570
gb | Gigabyte | 598
GB | Game Boy | 597
GB2W | Get back to work | 597
GBA | Game Boy Advance | 598
GBC | Game Boy Color | 598
GBFN | Goodbye for now | 597
GBH | Great big hug | 597
GBH&K | Great big hug and kiss | 601
GBHK | Great big hug and kiss | 600
GBP | British pound | 598
GBR | Garbled beyond recovery | 601
GBTTD | Got better things to do | 601
GBTW | Get back to work | 591
GBY | God bless you | 597
GC | Groovy cat | 599
GC | Good Crib | 602
GC | GameCube | 600
GC | Group chat | 591
GC | Get cancer | 599
GD | Good day | 597
GD | Green Day | 599
GD | God D*** | 599
GD | Geometry Dash | 593
GD&H | Grinning, ducking, and hiding | 600
GD&R | Grinning, ducking, and running | 600
GD&RVF | Grinning, ducking, and running very fast | 599
GDI | God d*** it | 598
GDIT | Go do it then | 599
GDP | Gross Domestic Product | 597
GDR | Grinning, ducking, running | 598
GE | Good evening | 598
Gearhead | A person who is knowledgeable about mechanical objects | 599
Geddit | Get it | 600
Gen Alpha | Generation of people born between 2013 and 2025 | 598
Gen Xer | A person born between 1965 and 1980 | 597
Gen Zer | A person born between 1997 and 2012 | 585
GenAI | Generative AI | 596
Gender ninja | An androgynous person | 598
Gendy nooch | Gender-neutral | 599
Gerd | Oh my gosh! | 599
Germaphobe | A person afraid of germs | 600
Get after it | Go seize the day | 598
Get buckets | To dominate | 596
Get oofed | Get wrecked | 571
Get woke | Become aware of social issues | 604
gf | Girlfriend | 497
GF | Gluten-free | 595
GF | Games finished | 583
GFETE | Grinning from ear to ear | 598
GFG | Good friggin' game | 575
GFN | Gone for now | 601
GFTD | Gone for the day | 597
GFU | Good for you | 597
GFY | Go f*** yourself | 590
GFY | Good for you | 599
GG | Good game | 272
GG | Good grief | 598
GG no re | Good game, no rematch | 516
GGA | Good game all | 572
ggg | Giggle | 599
ggg | Gotta get a grip | 600
GGGB | Good girl gone bad | 597
GGL | Good game loser | 590
gglords | Broodlords | 591
GGOGG | Great gobs of goose grease | 598
GGOH | Gotta get out of here | 598
GGP | Gotta go pee | 585
GGs | Good games | 566
GH | Good half | 599
Ghazi | Controversy | 599
Ghetto blaster | Large, portable radio | 597
Ghost banning | Censoring a social media user's posts | 598
Ghost bike | White roadside memorial bicycle | 599
Ghost cheeks | The warmth on a seat left by another person | 593
Ghost post | A Facebook comment that was removed | 595
Ghosted | Abandoned | 596
Ghosting | Observing an opponent's gameplay | 581
Ghosting | Leaving without saying goodbye | 562
Ghostlighting | Stop communicating with someone and pretend like you don't know him | 600
Ghostship | A fantasy football team with no owner | 592
GI | Good idea | 599
GI | Glycemic Index | 596
GI | Google it | 599
GI Generation | People born between 1901 and 1927 | 599
gibs | Giblets | 599
GIC | God's in control | 600
GICBTS | Gosh, I can't believe that stuff | 600
GICNBY | Gosh, I cannot believe you | 599
GIDP | Ground into double play | 599
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | 594
GIG | God is good | 597
Gigachad | An ultra-attractive, confident, and capable man | 597
GIGO | Garbage in, garbage out | 599
gimme | Give me | 582
Gimme | Easy golf putt | 598
Ginger | Red-head | 592
Girl code | Etiquette between female friends | 597
Girl dinner | A charcuterie board-esque dinner | 594
Girl math | Female financial logic | 598
Girlfriend bomb | A statement that reveals your crush has a girlfriend | 601
Girlfriend tax | Food taken by your girlfriend | 594
git | Get over it | 599
Git gud | Get good | 590
Give the hands | Fight | 600
Give us the tea | Share your gossip with us | 597
Giving me life | Exciting me | 596
GIWISI | Gee, I wish I said it | 602
GIWIST | Gee, I wish I'd said that | 599
GJ | Good job | 579
GJP | Good job partner | 601
GK | Go know | 597
GL | Good luck | 526
GL | Get lost | 601
GL | Good looking | 592
GL HF | Good luck have fun | 542
GL&GH | Good luck and good hunting | 598
GL2U | Good luck to you | 600
Glaggle | A yellow smiley-face resident of Glaggleland | 599
Glam shaming | Criticizing a person for being too glamorous | 597
Glamping | Glamorous camping | 597
Glass child | A child whose sibling requires all their parents' attention | 598
Glazing | Sucking up to | 599
GLBT | Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender | 596
GLE | Good luck everyone | 602
gle1 | Good luck everyone | 598
Gleek | Glee geek | 600
GLHF | Good luck have fun | 460
GLHFTTYL | Good luck, have fun, talk to you later | 600
Glitching | Malfunctioning video game | 530
Glitching | Dance move that includes subtle jerks synced to music | 597
Glizzy | Hot dog | 589
GLNG | Good luck next game | 598
Gloomer | An apathetic 20-something | 590
Glow up | To remarkably transform in a positive manner | 599
GLWT | Good luck with that | 599
GM | Good morning | 598
GM | Good match | 588
GM | Good move | 586
GM | Game master | 571
gm | Grandmaster | 584
Gma | Grandma | 593
GMA | Give me attention | 600
GMAB | Give me a break | 597
GMAFB | Give me a friggin' break | 593
GMBO | Giggling my butt off | 598
GMILY | Good morning, I love you | 599
GMT | Got me tight | 598
GMTA | Great minds think alike | 595
GMV | Got my vote | 586
gn | Goodnight | 499
GN | Get naked | 595
GNA | Goodnight all | 601
GNE1 | Goodnight everyone | 598
Gnight | Goodnight | 598
Gnite | Goodnight | 584
GNO | Girls' night out | 597
GNOC | Get naked on camera | 594
GNP | Gross National Product | 595
GNR | Guns N' Roses | 594
GNSD | Goodnight, sweet dreams | 597
GNST | Goodnight, sleep tight | 599
GO | Ground outs | 600
go brrr | Solve a problem | 566
Go deep | Hit a home run | 597
Go deep | Run a route far downfield | 599
Go ham | Do something intensely | 594
Go home | Go away | 599
Go off | Angrily complain | 595
Go viral | To become popular on the Internet | 568
Goals | Desirable | 593
GOAT | Greatest of all time | 574
GOATed | Declared the best | 593
GOATed with the sauce | Awesome | 591
Gobbo | Goblin | 592
Goblin mode | Behaving badly | 597
Goblincore | An aesthetic centered around overlooked natural things | 593
Gogo | Go now | 572
GOK | God only knows | 598
GOL | Giggling out loud | 596
GOL | Groaning out loud | 601
Gold digger | A person who uses another person for money | 589
Golden Slam | Tennis Grand Slam and the Olympics gold medal | 599
GOLF | Gentlemen only, ladies forbidden | 605
GOM | Grumpy old man | 599
GOMB | Get off my back | 596
GOMER | Get Out of My Emergency Room | 599
GOML | Get on my level | 598
gon | Going to | 596
gonna | Going to | 595
Good shout | Good idea | 598
Goofy ahh | Really weird | 598
Google | To search the Internet | 595
Goon | Idiot | 598
GOP | Grand Old Party | 598
gorge | Gorgeous | 599
GORP | Trail mix | 599
Gorpcore | An aesthetic centered around outdoor wear | 599
Gosu | Highly skilled | 583
GOT | Game of Thrones | 593
Got that dog in him | Driven to succeed | 598
Gotcha | I get you | 584
Gotta blast | Have to leave | 597
GOTY | Game of the Year | 598
GOW | Gears of War | 598
GOW | God of War | 598
GOW2 | Gears of War 2 | 599
GOWI | Get on with it | 598
GOWM | Go out with me | 599
GOYHH | Get off your high horse | 598
GP | Go private | 585
GPA | Grade point average | 599
Gpa | Grandpa | 599
GPOY | Gratuitous picture of yourself | 589
GPOYW | Gratuitous picture of yourself Wednesday | 594
GPS | Global positioning system | 591
GPS | God's positioning system | 593
gpw | Global Password | 601
GR | Gotta run | 599
GR&D | Grinning, running, and ducking | 599
gr8 | Great | 595
Grail | A desirable item | 598
Grails | A rare pair of sneakers | 592
Gram it | Post it on Instagram | 597
Grand | A thousand dollars | 596
Grand Slam | A four-run home run | 597
Grand Slam | Winning the four major tennis tournaments | 597
Grand Slam | Winning the four major golf tournaments | 595
Granola | Environmental and health-focused lifestyle | 597
Grass | Cannabis | 595
grats | Congratulations | 536
gratz | Congratulations | 580
Gravy | Good | 596
Gray divorce | A divorce between adults 50 years and older | 598
Gray rocking | Being dull when interacting with toxic people | 598
Greedflation | Rising prices due to greediness | 600
Green flag | A sign of approval | 587
Green person | A close friend you met by chance | 598
Greenwashing | Deceptively claiming to be eco-friendly | 596
Grelfie | Group selfie | 588
Grexit | Greek exit | 597
Grief digger | Someone who uses a celebrity's death for personal gain | 599
Griefer | An irritating player | 559
Griefing | Irritating other players | 504
Grill | Face | 597
Grinch bot | Software used to quickly snatch up products online | 597
Grind | To do something difficult | 588
Grind culture | An environment that promotes incessant working | 597
Grinding | Performing repetitive tasks to level up | 531
grl | Girl | 585
Grok | Intuitively understand | 599
Grool | Great and cool | 602
Grounder | A baseball hit on the ground | 595
grr | Anger | 597
grrlz | Girls | 601
GRSL | Grand Slams | 599
GRWM | Get ready with me | 593
GS | Good shot | 596
GS | Gear score | 598
GS | Games started | 598
GS | GilvaSunner | 583
GSH | Grand Slams | 594
GSHIWMP | Giggling so hard I wet my pants | 601
GSL | Global StarCraft II League | 592
GSM | Gender and sexuality minority | 599
GSOH | Great sense of humor | 595
GSTL | Global StarCraft Team League | 596
GSW | Got some weed | 597
GT | Good try | 605
GT2T | Got time to talk | 599
GTA | Grand Theft Auto | 546
GTF | Gone too far | 590
GTFO | Get the f*** out | 577
GTFOH | Get the f*** outta here | 596
GTFOOH | Get the f*** out of here | 599
GTG | Got to go | 525
GTG | Good to go | 617
GTK | Good to know | 559
GTL | Gym, Tan, Laundry | 599
GTM | Giggle to myself | 599
GTPB | Got to pee badly | 602
GTR | Got to run | 577
gtrdun | Get 'er done | 599
GTRM | Going to read mail | 600
GTS | Go to sleep | 598
GTSY | Glad to see you | 597
GU | Gently used | 597
Gucci | Good | 588
gud | Good | 597
GUFN | Grounded until further notice | 595
GUI | Graphical User Interface | 599
Gummy ache | Stomach ache from eating gummy candies | 577
Gummy tummy | Stomach ache from eating gummy candies | 611
Gurl | Girl | 591
gv | Give | 600
gvn | Given | 596
GW | Good work | 598
Gwenchana | It's alright | 599
GWI | Get with it | 599
Gyat | An expression of surprise | 622
GYAT | Get your act together | 622
GYFO | Get your freak on | 600
GYPO | Get your pants off | 600
Gypsy cop | A cop who transfers from station to station | 602
GYSR | Gosh, you're so random | 599
gz | Congratulations | 593