W | Win | 570
W | Winning | 598
w/ | With | 598
W/B | Welcome back | 598
w/e | Whatever | 600
w/o | Without | 596
w007 | Woot | 599
w00t | Joy and excitement | 564
W2 | Wage and Tax Statement | 597
W2F | Way too funny | 598
W2G | Way to go | 599
W2K | Windows 2000 | 596
W4 | Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate | 596
W4U | Wait for you | 600
W8 | Wait | 579
w84m | Wait for me | 583
w8am | Wait a minute | 602
w8ing | Waiting | 596
w8n | Waiting | 599
wa | What | 592
Waa | Crying | 591
Wack | Strange | 596
WADITWB | We always did it that way before | 602
WADR | With all due respect | 593
WAEFRD | When all else fails, read directions | 598
WAG | Wives and girlfriends | 599
Waggro | Wife aggro | 598
WAGMI | We're all gonna make it | 598
WAGs | Wives and girlfriends | 592
Wagwan | What's going on? | 597
WAH | Work at home | 595
WAHD | Work-at-home dad | 598
WAHM | Work-at-home mom | 596
Waifu | A fictional female that a real person has a crush on | 592
Wail | To be awesome | 599
Waiver hawk | A fantasy sports owner who patrols the waiver wire | 594
WAJ | What a jerk | 600
Walk-off | A score that instantly wins a game | 598
Walker | Zombie | 593
Walmart mom | A mother who shops at Walmart and votes Republican | 599
WAM | Wait a minute | 598
wan2 | Want to | 599
wanna | Want to | 593
Wannabe | A person who wants to be someone they are not | 599
WAP | Wet A** P***y | 575
WAPCE | Women are pure concentrated evil | 599
WaPo | The Washington Post | 598
WAR | Wins Above Replacement | 596
WAS | Wait a second | 585
Wash | Result with no benefit | 598
Washed | No longer good | 592
WASP | White Anglo-Saxon Protestant | 599
Wasted | Intoxicated | 600
wat | What | 585
WAT | Wiping away tears | 599
WATCH | Walmart, Amazon, Target, Costco, Home Depot | 596
watev | Whatever | 586
watevs | Whatever | 599
wautumn | Winter weather during autumn | 598
WAY | What about you? | 591
WAY | Who are you? | 603
WAYD | What are you doing | 581
WAYDRN | What are you doing right now | 591
WAYDT | What are you doing tonight | 594
WAYF | Where are you from? | 599
Wayment | Wait a minute | 597
Waymint | Wait a minute | 601
WB | Welcome back | 561
WB | Write back | 597
WB | Way bored | 600
WBK | We been knew | 599
WBP | Write back please | 598
WBS | Write back soon | 597
WBU | What 'bout you | 589
WBW | With best wishes | 600
WBW | Wayback Wednesday | 595
WBW | World Between Worlds | 599
WBWYC | Write back when you can | 604
WBY | What about you? | 583
WC | Who cares | 601
WC | Water closet | 597
WC | World Cup | 593
WC | Wrong chat | 597
WCG | World Cyber Games | 586
WCGW | What could go wrong | 593
WCM | Web Content Management | 600
WCM | Warcraft Movies | 600
WCMS | Web Content Management System | 600
WCS | StarCraft II World Championship Series | 598
WCW | Woman-crush Wednesday | 595
WCW | World Championship Wrestling | 592
WD | Well done | 598
WDIT | Why do I try | 596
WDMB | Will do my best | 600
WDTFS | What does the fox say? | 600
WDUMBT | What do you mean by that? | 596
WDUW | What do you want | 582
WDW | Walt Disney World | 601
WDYC | Why do you care | 599
WDYM | What do you mean? | 548
WDYMBT | What do you mean by that? | 598
WDYT | What do you think | 584
we | Whatever | 599
We move | We carry on | 591
Weak sauce | Lame | 597
Weak tea | Boring gossip | 597
Wealthy selfie | Picture of yourself with a large amount of wealth | 599
Weathermageddon | Very bad weather | 600
Weave snatched | Impressed | 600
Webpany | Web company | 598
Wee | Expression of excitement | 599
Weeb | A non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese pop culture | 595
Weed | Marijuana | 585
WEG | Wicked evil grin | 588
wei | Whatever idiot | 595
Weird flex | Strange brag | 597
Welcome to your tape | I'm mad at you | 594
welp | Well | 591
WEML | Whatever major loser | 592
Went ghost | Disappeared | 599
Went off | Angrily complained | 598
Wet | Excellent | 598
WEU | What's eating you? | 600
weva | Whatever | 598
Wewt | Woot | 584
WFA | Work from anywhere | 593
WFH | Work from home | 577
WFM | Works for me | 599
WFP | Work from pub | 602
WFX | Work from anywhere | 592
WG | Wintergrasp | 602
WH | White House | 602
Wha | What | 559
Whale | A person who spends a lot of money in a video game | 599
Whaling | Acting like a breaching whale | 595
Whamageddon | The challenge to not hear Last Christmas | 596
Whammed | Hearing the song Last Christmas | 597
What is good | How is it going? | 597
whatcha | What are you | 599
whatevs | Whatever | 599
Wheelhouse | Hitter's power zone | 598
Wheels | Fast legs | 593
Whew | Expression of relief | 597
Whiff | Swinging strikeout | 600
Whip | Vehicle | 588
Whipped | Tired | 598
Whipped | Obedient | 587
Whisper | Private message | 599
White fragility | Sensitivity of white people towards evidence of racism | 599
White knighting | Saving someone in distress | 598
Whitelash | White voter backlash | 595
Whitepilled | Optimistic about the future | 599
Whitesplain | To explain something as a white person | 591
Whiz | A smart person | 598
WHO | World Health Organization | 599
Who dey breet | Who is breathing? | 593
Whoa | Expression of surprise | 506
Whoja vu | Feeling that you have met someone before | 592
Whomp | Low hitting sound | 599
Whoops | Exclamation of a mistake | 592
wht | What | 599
WHU | Warcraft Hunters Union | 599
WHYBAD | Where have you been all day | 600
WHYBATT | Where have you been all this time | 599
WI | Willful ignorance | 600
Wicked | Very cool | 591
Wife guy | A social media user who constantly discusses his wife | 596
Wig | Incredible | 595
WIIFM | What's in it for me? | 596
Wildin | Acting crazy | 590
Winblows | Windows | 601
Winning | Succeeding | 597
Wino | A person who drinks an excessive amount of wine | 590
Winter is coming | Something bad is going to happen | 594
Winternity | Eternal winter | 593
WIP | Work in progress | 586
Wipe | Total death | 591
WIS | Wisdom | 595
Wit | With | 598
WITR | Who's in the room | 595
WITR | Why is this relevant | 596
WITS | What is this s*** | 599
WITWW | What in the wide world | 598
WITWW | Where in the wide world | 600
WIU | Wrap it up | 602
WIYP | What is your problem | 599
wk | Week | 599
wkd | Wicked | 601
wknd | Weekend | 597
WKR | With kind regards | 596
WL | Whatta loser | 599
wld | Would | 599
wlk | Walk | 597
WLOL | Whip laugh out loud | 599
WLW | Women loving women | 596
WLYK | Will let you know | 599
WMAO | Working my a** off | 596
WMB | Write me back | 596
WN | Why not | 599
WNDITWB | We never did it this way before | 598
WOA | Work of art | 601
Woah | Expression of surprise | 561
WOAT | Worst of all time | 599
WOD | Warlords of Draenor | 600
WOHM | Working outside home mom | 598
Woj bomb | A breaking report by Adrian Wojnarowski | 596
Wojak | A Microsoft Paint-created Internet character | 597
Woke | Aware of social issues | 584
Woke up and chose chaos | Decided to cause trouble | 598
Woke up and chose violence | Decided to be hostile | 592
Wokefishing | Pretending to have progressive political views | 597
Wokespeak | Vocabulary that indicates awareness of social issues | 596
WOL | Wings of Liberty | 598
Woman crush | A likable woman | 595
Womance | A platonic friendship between two or more females | 598
WOMBAT | Waste of money, brains, and talent | 594
Womp | Expression of disappointment | 579
Womxn | Women | 597
Wonky | Weird | 598
WOOT | Way out of topic | 598
WOOT | Waste of our time | 597
Woot | Wonderful loot | 612
WOOT | We owned the other team | 596
Woot | Woohoo! | 582
Word | Agree | 592
Work | A scripted event | 599
Work boyfriend | Best male friend at work | 587
Work girlfriend | Best female friend at work | 598
Work husband | Favorite male work companion | 598
Work it | Show off your stuff | 595
Work wife | Favorite female work companion | 598
Workaholic | A person who is constantly working | 597
Workcation | A working vacation | 598
Worked shoot | A scripted event that contains unscripted elements | 599
Worldie | Amazing | 600
Worm burner | Very low golf shot | 597
WOS | Wife over shoulder | 597
wot | What | 598
WOT | Waste of time | 599
WOT | Wide open throttle | 598
WOTD | Workout of the day | 598
WOTLK | Wrath of the Lich King | 588
WoW | World of Warcraft | 549
Wowzer | Wow | 595
Wowzers | Wow | 600
Wowzerz | Wow | 598
woz | Worry | 591
WP | Wrong person | 596
WP | Well played | 443
WP | WordPress | 600
WPM | Words per minute | 597
WPT | World Poker Tour | 586
WR | Win rate | 599
WR | World record | 593
WR | Wide receiver | 587
WR1 | First starting fantasy wide receiver | 593
WR2 | Second starting fantasy wide receiver | 599
WR3 | Third starting fantasy wide receiver | 599
Wrecked | Destroyed, beaten, killed, demolished, utterly ruined | 595
wrisit | Where is it | 599
WRT | With regard to | 590
WRT | With respect to | 596
WRU | Where are you | 572
WRU@ | Where are you at? | 599
WRUD | What are you doing | 601
Wrudoin | What are you doing | 599
WS | World Series | 598
WSG | What's good | 588
WSOP | World Series of Poker | 597
wsp | Whisper | 585
wsp | What's up | 599
WT | What the | 600
WT | Wrong target | 598
WTA | Women tell all | 601
WTA | Winner takes all | 601
WTAF | What the actual f*** | 597
WTB | Want to buy | 593
WTBH | What the bloody hell | 580
WTC | What the crap | 598
WTF | What the f*** | 409
WTFAY | Where the f*** are you? | 599
WTFE | What the f*** ever | 594
WTFF | What the f***ing f*** | 576
WTFNF | What the f****ing f*** | 597
WTFO | What the f***, over | 597
WTFRU | Where the f*** are you? | 597
WTG | Way to go | 584
WTGP | Want to go private | 587
WTH | What the heck | 538
WTHDTM | What the heck does that mean? | 584
WTHIH | Who the heck is he | 598
WTHWT | What the heck was that? | 597
WTM | What's the move | 599
WTMI | Way too much information | 598
WTS | What the s*** | 601
WTS | Want to sell | 570
WTT | Want to trade | 584
WTT | Watching TikTok | 597
WTTP | Want to trade pictures | 594
wtv | Whatever | 597
WTW | What's the word | 598
WTYAF | Who threw you a fish? | 598
WU | What's up | 586
WUA | What's up anyway? | 599
Wub | Love | 585
WUBU2 | What've you been up to | 599
WUD | What you doin' | 595
WUD | What's up, dog? | 602
wuf | Wow, you're funny | 597
WUF | Where you from? | 593
WUGF | What up girlfriend | 600
wuh | What | 587
WUIGB | Wait until I get back | 597
Wup | What's up | 598
Wuss | Wimp | 598
wut | What | 458
wuu2 | What are you up to | 584
Wuv | Love | 596
WUWT | What's up with that | 598
wuz | Was | 595
Wuz | What is | 599
wv | With | 599
WW | Wrong Window | 598
WW | Wrong Way | 591
WW | Well won | 598
WW | Wonder Woman | 589
WW84 | Wonder Woman 1984 | 595
WWE | World Wrestling Entertainment | 585
WWF | World Wrestling Federation | 598
WWF | World Wildlife Fund | 590
WWI | What was it | 598
WWJD | What would Jesus do | 582
WWTFW | What's with this f***** up world | 598
WWW | World Wide Web | 593
WWWF | World Wide Wrestling Federation | 600
WYA | Where you at? | 580
WYB | When you buy | 596
WYB | Watch your back | 575
WYBMV | Will you be my valentine | 598
WYD | What you doing? | 550
WYD | Who's your daddy? | 598
WYGOWM | Will you go out with me | 594
Wylin | Going wild | 596
WYLL | What you look like | 599
WYM | What you mean | 598
WYMM | Will you marry me? | 597
wypipo | White people | 597
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get | 596
WYWH | Wish you were here | 586
WYWTA | What you wanna talk about? | 591
W^ | What's up | 594