P | Pitcher | 597
p | Pretty | 601
p/d | Per day | 600
P/E | Price-to-Earnings Ratio | 598
p/m | Per month | 599
p/w | Password | 593
p/w | Per week | 599
p/y | Per year | 600
p911 | Parent alert! | 589
P@H | Parents at home | 599
PA | Parent alert | 600
PA | Plate appearances | 599
PA | Points against | 598
PA | Page authority | 599
Pac-manning | Driving in the middle of the road | 597
Pad | Home | 597
PAH | Parents at home | 590
Pain in the choobies | Annoyance | 596
Paint the black | To pitch the ball over the edge of home plate | 597
Paint the corner | To pitch the ball over the edge of home plate | 594
Pan | Pansexual | 599
Panic drink | A person's default drink | 598
panny | Pandemic | 599
panny d | Pandemic | 599
Panoramic | Pandemic | 600
PAP | Post a picture | 598
Paper | Money | 601
Paper hands | To sell a stock at the first sign of trouble | 582
Par | Number of strokes to complete a golf course hole | 599
Paragraph texter | A person who types long texts | 599
Parasocial relationship | A one-way relationship between a fan and a creator | 593
Paratext | Paragraph text | 598
Parennial | A parent born between 1981 and 1996 | 597
Passenger princess | A woman whose partner always drives her around | 589
pat | Patrol | 596
PAT | Profit after taxes | 599
PAW | Parents are watching | 593
PAW | Parents at work | 599
Pax | Peace and Love | 598
PAYE | Pay as you earn | 598
PAYG | Pay as you go | 598
PB | Passed balls | 599
PB | Personal best | 574
PB&J | Peanut butter and jelly | 598
PBE | Public beta environment | 571
PBE | Personal Belief Exemption | 598
PBS | Public Broadcasting Service | 599
PBT | Profit before tax | 598
PBUH | Peace be upon Him | 594
PC | Personal computer | 463
PC | Politically correct | 593
PC | Player character | 585
PC4PC | Picture comment for picture comment | 594
PCID | Putting clothes in dryer | 599
PCL | Posterior cruciate ligament | 600
PCM | Please call me | 599
PCP | Primary care physician | 600
PCTTO | Picture credit to the owner | 599
PDA | Public display of affection | 591
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant | 600
PDH | Pretty darn hot | 601
PDQ | Pretty darn quick | 597
PE | Physical education | 598
Pea | A ball traveling at a high speed | 598
Peacocking | Showing off | 594
Peak bagging | Tracking the mountain peaks you have hiked | 599
Peasantvision | TV channels available by antenna | 601
PEBCAC | Problem exists between chair and computer | 599
PEBCAK | Problem exists between chair and keyboard | 595
PEBKAC | Problem exists between keyboard and chair | 595
PED | Performance enhancing drug | 599
Peel | To protect a champion | 578
Peeling | Protecting a champion | 579
Peep | Friend | 598
Peep | To look at | 600
PeepoCheer | Yay!!! | 599
PeepoHappy | I'm happy | 599
PeepoSad | I'm sad | 599
peeps | People | 598
Peng | Sexy | 597
PEOTUS | President-elect of the United States | 585
Perc30 | Oxycodone, commonly mixed with fentanyl | 597
perf | Perfect | 600
Performative activism | Advocating a cause to gain social standing | 585
Performative activist | A person who acts like an activist just to gain social standing | 599
Performative allyship | Allyship that is performed to gain social standing | 597
Periodt | An expression of emphasis | 591
perm | Permission | 600
Permabanned | Permanently banned | 602
Permissive parenting | High responsiveness and low rule enforcement parenting style | 598
perv | Pervert | 554
Pessimize | Make worse | 599
Pet parents | Pet owners that treat their pet like a child | 597
Petextrian | A person who walks and texts | 595
Petfluencer | A social media user famous for pet content | 599
PF | Planetary Fortress | 597
pf | Preflop | 598
PF | Pink Floyd | 601
PF | Points for | 591
PFA | Please find attached | 594
PFB | Please find below | 598
PFO | Pissed and fell over | 597
PFP | Profile picture | 589
PFP | Picture for proof | 598
PFR | Plasma, Frag, Rocket | 598
pfr | Preflop raise | 598
PG | Pretty good | 598
PGP | Preferred Gender Pronoun | 599
Phablet | A device that functions like a phone and tablet | 600
Phantom buzz | False phone vibration in your pocket | 595
Pharbz | Phoebe Bridgers fans | 597
PHAT | Pretty hot and tempting | 595
Phelps face | Intimidating look | 600
phobar | Photoshopped beyond all recognition | 598
Photobomb | To pose in the background of a picture being taken | 593
Phubbing | Snubbing a person to be on your phone | 596
PIBKAC | Problem is between keyboard and chair | 596
pic | Picture | 583
pick | Pickaxe | 507
Pick | An interception | 599
Pick me | A person desperate for attention and approval | 587
Pick me girl | A female desperate to impress a male | 599
Pick-six | An interception returned for a touchdown | 599
Pickle | Baserunner stranded between two bases | 598
PICNIC | Problem in chair, not in computer | 596
Pig | A Minecraft mob | 560
Pig | A police officer | 598
Pig | A sexist male | 600
Pig | A person who eats a lot | 600
Pig | A messy person | 600
PIMP | Peeing in my pants | 604
PIN | Personal identification number | 600
Pin-seeker | Golf shot hit straight at the flagstick | 598
Pink person | The person you love most | 599
Pink tax | Increased prices on women's products | 598
PIO | Pass it on | 596
PIOG | Posted in other groups | 593
PIR | People in room | 600
PIR | Parent in room | 597
PITA | Pain in the a** | 580
pix | Pictures | 598
PJ | Pearl Jam | 599
PJDWYS | Personal joke, don't worry yourself | 591
PJs | Pajamas | 598
PK | Player kill | 560
pkmn | Pokémon | 595
Pl | Playlist | 599
PL | Punchline | 599
PL | Pig latin | 596
pl | Pinkliner | 601
PL& | Planned | 598
pl0x | Please | 597
pl8 | Plate | 599
Planking | Lying face down and straight like a plank | 589
Plastered | Drunk | 582
Plastic | Credit card | 597
playa | Player | 595
Player | A person who manipulates others for their own gain | 588
pld | Played | 597
Pleb | An unsophisticated person | 596
PLG | Product-led growth | 598
PLJ | Peace, love, joy | 600
PLMK | Please let me know | 584
PLO | Pot-limit Omaha Poker | 597
PLOS | Parents looking over shoulder | 600
plox | Please | 599
pls | Please | 529
PLUR | Peace Love Unity Respect | 597
plz | Please | 532
plzrd | Please read | 599
PM | Postmeridian | 596
PM | Private message | 576
PM5K | Powerman 5000 | 599
PMD | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon | 598
PMF | Pardon my French | 600
PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in | 599
PMJI | Pardon my jumping in | 599
PMKI | Pretty much killin' it | 583
PMO | Pissed me off | 598
PMP | Peed my pants | 595
PMPL | Piss my pants laughing | 600
pmsl | Piss myself laughing | 591
PMTTWAMOWM | Pin me to the wall and make out with me | 599
PMWOF | Putting more wood on the fire | 601
PNAR | Poppin and a ranging | 599
PNFO | Probably not for the office | 598
PNM | Potential new member | 597
PnP | Plug and Play | 600
PnP | Party and Play | 586
PnP | Print and play | 597
PNSFW | Probably not safe for work | 595
PO | By mouth | 601
PO | Putouts | 600
Po'd | Pissed off | 599
Po-po | Police | 585
POAS | Pee on a stick | 598
POC | Point of contact | 598
POC | Piece of crap | 581
POC | Proof of concept | 592
POC | Person of color | 599
Pocketing | Dating a person you are uncertain about | 599
poed | P*ssed off | 599
POG | Play of the game | 582
PogChamp | Excitement | 597
Poggers | Amazing | 550
Pogging | Experiencing surprised excitement | 598
POIDH | Pictures or it didn't happen | 592
Pokédate | Pokémon Go date | 598
Pole | A firearm | 599
Polycule | A connected group of non-monogamous relationships | 598
POMS | Peace out my sucka | 600
POMS | Parents over my shoulder | 601
Poormouthing | Complaining about being poor when you are not poor | 598
Pop | A carbonated soft drink | 597
Pop quiz | Surprise quiz | 600
Porcelain throne | Toilet | 593
Porch pirate | A package thief | 598
POS | Parent over shoulder | 591
POS | Piece of s*** | 552
POS | Power of suggestion | 598
POS | Point of service | 595
posbl | Possible | 601
Poser | A person who pretends to be someone they are not | 587
Posterize | To dunk on an opponent | 596
Pot | Potion | 465
Pot | Marijuana | 580
POTB | Pat on the back | 596
POTC | Peck on the cheek | 598
POTC | Pirates of the Caribbean | 596
Pothead | Person who smokes a lot of pot | 585
POTO | Phantom of the Opera | 599
Potterhead | A Harry Potter fan | 581
POTUS | President of the United States | 587
POUS | President of the United States | 597
POV | Point of view | 544
POW | Prisoner of war | 577
Power leveling | An intense leveling up period | 598
PP | Pause please | 573
PP | Power Points | 598
PP | Personal problem | 602
PP | Profile picture | 599
PP | Patterned paper | 602
ppd | Postpartum depression | 598
ppd | Postponed | 595
PPDA | Parents pacing de area | 602
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment | 595
Ppl | People | 586
PPO | Preferred provider organization | 599
Ppp | Peace | 599
PPR | Points per reception | 591
PPR | Possible points remaining | 601
PPV | Pay-Per-View | 598
PR | Public relations | 594
PR | Personal record | 597
PR | Pull request | 599
Prancercise | A prance-like exercise | 596
pred | Predator | 599
Preggo | A pregnant person | 598
Pregret | Knowing you will regret doing something but still doing it | 598
Prejamas | Comfortable clothes for relaxing | 599
Prepper | A person who has prepared for catastrophe | 598
Presh | Precious | 586
Presidential flashcards | U.S. dollars | 589
Pressed | Upset | 600
Primenesia | Forgetting what you ordered through Amazon Prime | 596
prk | Position rank | 599
PRL | Parents are listening | 599
Pro-ana | Pro anorexia | 598
Pro-ship | Accepting of any fictional relationship | 587
Probs | Probably | 599
proc | Programmed random occurrence | 577
Procrastibaking | Baking to put off something else | 596
Productivity paranoia | An unfounded fear that workers aren't working | 598
Productivity theater | Actions workers take to fake effort and productivity | 599
prof | Professor | 597
proj | Projected | 597
Prolly | Probably | 598
promo | Promotion | 599
Promposal | A proposal to go to prom | 598
Props | Propers | 597
prot | Protection | 596
Proxy beef | Disliking someone on your friend's behalf | 599
PRT | Partial retweet | 599
PRT | Please Retweet | 595
prvt | Private | 584
PRW | Parents are watching | 599
ps | Postscript | 596
PS | PlayStation | 567
PS2 | PlayStation 2 | 596
PS3 | PlayStation 3 | 579
PS4 | PlayStation 4 | 507
PS5 | PlayStation 5 | 598
PSA | Public Service Announcement | 594
PSF | Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino | 601
PSGWSP | Play stupid games, win stupid prizes | 595
PSL | Pumpkin Spice Latte | 597
PSOG | Pure stroke of genius | 597
PSP | PlayStation Portable | 597
PST | Please send tell | 599
PST | Pacific Standard Time | 596
psyops | Psychological operations | 598
PT | Pacific time zone | 598
PT | Physical therapy | 599
PTB | Powers that be | 601
PTFO | Play the freaking objective | 599
PTH | Prime tanning hours | 599
Pthththt | Whatever | 600
PTI | Pardon the interruption | 596
PTIYPASI | Put that in your pipe and smoke it | 597
PTL | Praise the Lord | 589
PTL | Player to left | 595
PTM | Please tell me | 598
PTO | Pass this on | 597
PTO | Paid time off | 593
PTO | Positive Talk Only | 597
PTOYED | Please turn off your electronic devices | 600
PTR | Public test realm | 596
PTR | Player to right | 598
pts | Points | 560
PTSB | Pass the sick bucket | 604
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder | 595
PTSO | Put that stuff on | 598
PU | Parallel Universe | 600
PU | Pop up | 599
PUBG | PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | 585
Pubstomp | To annihilate an uncoordinated opposing team | 583
PUG | Pick-up group | 604
PUK | PIN unlock key | 600
puks | Pick up the kids | 601
Pull | Enter combat | 593
Pull | Attract | 597
Pull | To hit a ball to the same side of the field in which you bat | 595
Puma | An older woman who pursues younger men | 602
Pump fakin | Pretending to be tough | 599
Pump your brakes | Pause and reflect | 594
Pumped | Excited | 593
Punchout | Strikeout | 598
Punt | Mistake | 592
Pupper | Puppy | 597
Purr | Expression of approval | 599
Push present | A gift the father gives to the mother of a newborn baby | 595
PUSIMP | Put yourself in my position | 598
Put him on skates | To make a person stumble over himself | 594
Put on blast | To call out | 591
Put out fires | Get out of difficult situations | 597
Put over | Make someone look good | 595
puter | Computer | 594
Putout | Out | 600
Putting on a clinic | Performing exceptionally well | 597
PvB | Plants vs. Bloons | 599
PvC | Player versus computer | 583
PvE | Player versus environment | 594
PVO | Position vs. opponent | 602
PvP | Player versus player | 460
PvP | Protoss versus Protoss | 595
PvPvE | Player versus player versus environment | 599
pvt | Private | 578
PvT | Protoss versus Terran | 584
PvZ | Protoss versus Zerg | 594
PvZ | Plants vs. Zombies | 582
pw | Password | 593
PWI | Predominantly white institution | 597
pwn | To dominate | 573
Pwn2Own | A hacking contest | 598
Pwn3d | Owned | 577
Pwnage | Ownage | 599
pwnd | Owned | 577
pwned | Owned | 560
pwnt | Owned | 584
PWOF | Putting wood on the fire | 599
PWOMS | Parent watching over my shoulder | 601
PWT | Poor white trash | 599
PYHOOYA | Pull your head out of your a** | 596
PYR | Per your request | 598
PYSIMP | Put yourself in my place | 598
PYT | Pretty young thing | 596