f | Female | 592
F | A Twitch stream has accidentally disconnected | 590
F-bomb | F*** | 600
F/F | Face to face | 595
F11 | Finger Eleven | 599
F2F | Face to face | 587
F2M | Female to male | 597
F2P | Free to play | 598
F2P | Free-to-play | 582
F2T | Free to talk | 594
F4F | Follow for follow | 583
f9 | Fine | 594
FAANG | Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google | 595
fab | Fabulous | 596
FaB | Flesh and Blood | 599
Face | In your face | 600
Face | Hero | 598
Face card | A gorgeous face | 583
Facebook friend | A friend on Facebook, but most likely not in real life | 588
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment | 489
Faceremorse | Remorse after posting on Facebook | 595
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook | 588
Facial | Slam dunk on a player's face | 599
Facts | Agreed | 597
Fade | To purposely disregard a player | 596
Faded | High | 593
FAF | Funny as f*** | 600
FAH | Funny as heck | 599
FAI | Forget about it | 598
Fail | Failure | 464
Fail up | To be promoted despite failure | 598
Fake body | A video contains revealing clothing | 599
Fake natty | A person who appears to be naturally fit but is not | 598
Fake news | Fake news source that pretends to be real | 588
False flag | A hostile action intended to implicate another person as perpetrator | 601
False spring | Spring-like weather followed by winter weather | 597
fam | Family | 594
Fan service | Indulging fans' desires | 592
Fanboy | A dedicated male fan | 593
Fandom | Community of fans | 581
Fanfic | Fan fiction | 598
Fangirl | A dedicated female fan | 597
Fanon | Unverified story points fans believe are canon | 598
Fantabulous | Better than fantastic or fabulous | 599
Fanum tax | Taking food from a friend | 595
FAO | For the attention of | 595
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | 585
Farm | To gather supplies | 578
Farmed | Repetitively killed or gathered | 582
Farming | Earning experience and items | 596
Fashy | Fascist | 597
Fat shaming | Criticizing a person for being overweight | 598
Fat shot | A golf shot that takes a chunk out of the ground | 600
Fauci Ouchie | COVID-19 vaccine | 599
Fauci-ing | Not dating a person because of covid | 599
Faucism | Covid-related fascism led by Dr. Anthony Fauci | 596
Fauxgiene | To pretend to wash your hands | 600
Fauxpology | Fake apology | 598
Fav | Favorite | 584
fave | Favorite | 597
favs | Favorites | 578
FAWC | For anyone who cares | 598
Fax no printer | Truth | 595
FB | Facebook | 550
Fb | Feedback | 587
FB | Follow back | 594
FBC | Facebook Chat | 599
fbf | Facebook friend | 596
FBF | Flashback Friday | 591
FBL | Feedback loop | 602
FBM | Fine by me | 597
fbo | Facebook official | 594
FBOW | For better or worse | 599
FBriend | A Facebook friend | 599
FBTW | Fine, be that way | 600
FC | Fingers crossed | 598
FCFS | First-come, first-served | 596
FCOL | For crying out loud | 594
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | 597
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | 599
FE | Finger Eleven | 598
feat | Featuring | 596
feds | Federal agents | 596
Feed | To repeatedly get killed by enemy champions | 586
feels | Feelings | 557
Felfie | Family picture | 599
fella | Fellow person | 598
Feminazi | An aggressive feminist | 601
Femullet | Female hairstyle that is short in front and long in back | 599
Festivus | A holiday celebration | 594
Fetch | Cool | 579
Fexting | Fighting via text message | 599
Fexting | Fake texting | 598
FF | Freeze frame | 602
FF | Flying f*** | 601
FF | Final Fantasy | 594
FF | Faerie Fire | 600
FF | Fast forward | 599
FF | Focus fire | 590
FF | Friends forever | 601
FF | Follow Friday | 601
FF | Fantasy football | 580
FF5 | Family Force 5 | 599
FFA | Free for all | 530
ffb | Fantasy football | 600
FFDP | Five Finger Death Punch | 601
FFE | Forge fast expand | 595
FFF | Fight for first | 619
FFF | Flat foreign female | 553
FFL | Fantasy football league | 589
FFS | For f***'s sake | 529
FFWE | Finds fault with everything | 601
FFX | Final Fantasy X | 599
FFXIV | Final Fantasy XIV | 599
FGS | For goodness' sake | 598
FGSQTC | For gosh's sake quit the crap | 588
FH | F***ing Heck | 604
FH | Future husband | 595
FHO | Friends Hanging Out | 600
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act | 599
FICCL | Frankly, I couldn't care less | 596
FICO | Fair Isaac Corporation | 599
FID | First Input Delay | 598
FIFA | Fédération Internationale de Football Association | 593
FIFAWWC | FIFA Women's World Cup | 600
FIFO | First in, first out | 598
Fifth wheel | A person who feels left out | 600
FIL | Father-in-law | 598
Filler | Unnecessary content | 597
Final boy | The last male to fight the killer | 599
Final Four | Last four competitors | 595
Final girl | The last female to fight the killer | 597
Find your silence | Be quiet | 597
Finesse | To persuade | 587
Finessing | Tricking someone into giving you something | 599
finna | Fixing to | 596
finsta | Fake Instagram account | 599
Finstagram | Fake Instagram account | 596
finter | Late Fall and early winter | 598
Fire | Awesome | 589
FIRE | Financial independence, retire early | 599
Fire sale | When an owner trades players away | 597
Fire thighs | Thighs inflamed from chafing | 599
Fireman | Late-inning relief pitcher | 598
First world problem | An insignificant problem | 597
FISH | First in still here | 599
Fish | Casual fantasy sports player | 594
Fishing | Sending out several messages on a dating app | 599
Fishing | Doing something to receive a compliment | 600
fit | Outfit | 561
FITB | Fill in the blanks | 600
Fitfam | A group of fitness-minded social media users | 595
Fitspiration | Inpiration to be fit | 599
fitspo | Fitness inspiration | 594
Fitty | Fifty | 598
Fiver party | A birthday party for a child where guests give $5 | 597
Fizzling | Letting lack of effort end a relationship | 599
FKA | Formely known as | 599
FKT | Fastest known time | 598
FL | Friend List | 596
FLA | Four-letter acronym | 598
Flamer | A person who angers other Internet users | 596
Flaming | Angering other Internet users | 581
Flanalogue | A monologue written by Mike Flanagan | 599
Flatlander | A person who lives in a non-mountainous region | 596
FLEDGE | First Locally Executed Decisions over Groups Experiment | 597
Fleecing | Taking advantage of a person through a trade | 596
Fleek | Perfect | 592
Flex | To show off | 596
Flex | Fantasy football position that can be a RB, WR, or TE | 597
Flier | Gamble on a risky player | 595
Flirtationship | When two friends constantly flirt with each other | 598
fln | felan | 600
Floof | Fluff | 597
Floor | Downside of a player | 595
Floordrobe | Floor with clothes piled on it | 599
Flop | An exaggerated fall | 599
Flop era | A period of disappointment | 598
Flop sweat | Nervous perspiration | 598
Floss | To show off wealth | 597
FLOTUS | First lady of the United States | 600
Flow | Long, thick, luscious hair | 601
Flurona | Having both the flu and covid | 599
Fly | Cool | 591
Flyer | Gamble on a risky player | 595
Flyover state | A U.S. state between the west and east coasts | 599
FMI | For more information | 598
FMJ | Full metal jacket | 574
FML | F*** my life | 515
FMV | Full motion video | 599
FMVP | Finals Most Valuable Player | 599
fn | Fine | 598
FN | Fabrique Nationale | 599
fn | Function | 598
FNAF | Five Nights at Freddy's | 597
FNB | Football and beer | 603
FNF | Friday Night Funkin' | 570
FNF BF | Friday Night Funkin' Boyfriend | 597
FNF GF | Friday Night Funkin' Girlfriend | 598
FNG | Flippin' new guy | 600
FNL | Friday Night Lights | 602
FO | Far out | 597
FO | Freaking out | 601
Fo shizzle | For sure | 601
fo sho | For sure | 603
FOAF | Friend of a friend | 592
FOB | Fresh off the boat | 600
FOBI | Fear of being included | 600
FOBO | Fear of being on | 599
FOBO | Fear of better options | 599
FOC | Free of charge | 586
FOCL | Falling off chair laughing | 599
FOD | Friend of Dorothy | 599
Foe nem | Friend | 596
FOFL | Falling on the floor laughing | 598
FOFLMAO | Falling on the floor laughing my a** off | 599
Fog | Unseen areas of a League of Legends map | 585
FOGO | Fear of going outside | 595
FOH | F*** outta here | 570
FOMCL | Fell off my chair laughing | 597
Fommy | Father mommy | 592
FOMO | Fear of missing out | 563
FOMOF | Fear of missing out on football | 595
FOMOH | Fear of missing out on hockey | 601
FOMOngering | Purposefully creating feelings of FOMO | 599
Food baby | A bloated stomach from eating a lot of food | 597
Food coma | Tired feeling after eating a lot of food | 598
Foodie | A person who loves food | 595
FOOMCL | Falling out of my chair laughing | 600
FORD | Found on road dead | 592
FORD | Flipped Over and Rebuilt Dodge | 594
Fore | Watch out | 599
Forever alone | Single | 596
Forevs | Forever | 589
Forex | Foreign exchange market | 596
FORGIVE | Faith, Obedience, Righteousness, Grace, Inheritance, Victory, Edification | 596
FOS | Freedom of speech | 599
FOS | Figure of speech | 601
FOS | Feat of strength | 598
FOS | Full of s*** | 595
FOTCL | Falling off the chair laughing | 600
FOTD | Face of the Day | 598
FOTF | Focus on the Family | 600
FOTFL | Falling on the floor laughing | 596
FOTFLMAO | Falling on the floor laughing my a** off | 600
FOTFLOL | Falling on the floor, laughing out loud | 599
Foul bait | Acting to get a foul called | 597
Fountain diving | Attacking an opposing player in his fountain | 595
FOUO | For official use only | 599
Four bagger | Home run | 597
Four-bagger | Investment that quadrupled | 599
Four-peat | Winning a championship four times in a row | 599
Fox | An attractive woman | 597
Foxy | Attractive | 600
FP | Flight path | 594
fpct | Fielding percentage | 596
FPG | Fantasy points per game | 599
FPL | Federal poverty level | 600
FPS | First-person shooter | 518
FPS | Frames per second | 582
Fr | For real | 546
FR | For reference | 589
FR | Fumble recovery | 596
frag | Player kill | 586
FRB | Federal Reserve Board | 599
Frealz | For real | 599
Freebie | A free item or service | 598
Freemium | Free with optional purchases | 600
Fren | A fellow crypto community member | 599
French exit | Leaving without saying goodbye | 599
Frenemy | A person you dislike but are friendly with | 599
Fresh | Brand new | 599
Fresh | Cool | 588
Fresh | Cocky | 600
Freshman 15 | Weight a student gains during their first year of college | 599
FRFR | For real for real | 576
Fri | Endless friend | 600
Friend of Dorothy | A person who identifies as LGBTQ | 596
Friend zone | A relationship where a person's love interest thinks of them as just a friend | 592
Friends with benefits | Friends that often get intimate | 597
Friendsgiving | Thanksgiving with friends | 593
Friendversary | Friendship anniversary | 567
Friendzone | When someone just wants to be friends | 593
Frl | For real | 598
frnd | Friend | 586
fro | Afro | 597
Front nine | First nine holes of an 18-hole golf course | 598
Frontin | To pretend you are something you are not | 592
Froyo | Frozen yogurt | 595
Frozen rope | Line drive baseball hit | 599
Fruit salad of life | Results of a person's life decisions | 596
FS | For sale | 597
FS | Full Screen | 599
FS | For sure | 597
FSBO | For sale by owner | 597
FSE | Funniest s*** ever | 602
FSR | For some reason | 598
ft | Featuring | 568
FT | For trade | 602
FT | FaceTime | 589
FTA | From the article | 598
FTBOMH | From the bottom of my heart | 599
FTC | Failure to communicate | 600
FTEL | For the epic loss | 601
FTEW | For the epic win | 587
FTF | Face to face | 577
FTFOI | For the fun of it | 598
FTFY | Fixed that for you | 590
FTG | For the group | 599
FTK | For the kill | 599
FTL | For the loss | 588
FTLOG | For the love of God | 596
FTM | Female to male | 598
FTMFW | For the mother f***ing win | 597
FTMP | For the most part | 598
FTP | File transfer protocol | 598
FTR | For the record | 592
ftr | After | 599
FTTB | For the time being | 598
FTTT | From time to time | 595
FTW | For the win | 542
FU | F*** you | 564
FU | Fully understood | 604
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition | 574
FUCT | Failed under continuous testing | 597
FUD | Fear, uncertainty, and doubt | 597
Fugazi | Fake | 599
Fugly | F***ing ugly | 597
FUM | Fouled-up mess | 599
fum | Total fumbles | 596
Fumble the bag | Screw up | 595
func | Function | 595
Funcle | A fun uncle | 596
Function | A party | 597
Fundie | A religious fundamentalist | 599
Fundie-lite | A very religious person | 599
Fungry | F****** hungry | 597
FUPA | Fatty upper pubic area | 598
Fur baby | A furry pet | 598
Furry | Fan of anthropomorphic animals | 595
FUSIT | Fouled up situation | 600
FUT | Follow up to | 598
FUTA | Federal Unemployment Tax Act | 602
FVF | Final value fee | 594
FW | Future wife | 598
fw | Freeware | 600
fw | Forwarded | 598
FWB | Friends with benefits | 560
FWBL | Friends with Better Lives | 600
fwd | Forward | 594
FWIW | For what it's worth | 572
FWM | Fine with me | 599
FWP | First world problem | 600
FX | Foreign exchange market | 599
FYA | For your amusement | 600
FYE | For your entertainment | 594
Fye | Awesome | 600
FYEO | For your eyes only | 596
FYF | From your friend | 599
FYG | For your guidance | 596
FYI | For your information | 573
FYKI | For your kind information | 585
FYL | F*** your life | 591
FYM | For your misinformation | 598
FYP | For You page | 583
FYR | For your reference | 595