F Slang Terms

Slang Term Meaning Votes
FA Twitch stream has accidentally disconnected
F/FFace to face
F11Finger Eleven
F2FFace to face
F2MFemale to male
F2PFree to play
F2TFree to talk
F4FFollow for follow
FAANGFacebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google
FaBFlesh and Blood
FaceIn your face
Face cardA gorgeous face
Facebook friendA friend on Facebook, but most likely not in real life
FacepalmTo place your palm on your face in embarrassment
FaceremorseRemorse after posting on Facebook
FacestalkingLooking through someone's pictures on Facebook
FacialSlam dunk on a player's face
FadeTo purposely disregard a player
FAFFunny as f***
FAHFunny as heck
FAIForget about it
Fail upTo be promoted despite failure
Fake bodyA video contains revealing clothing
Fake nattyA person who appears to be naturally fit but is not
Fake newsFake news source that pretends to be real
False flagA hostile action intended to implicate another person as perpetrator
False springSpring-like weather followed by winter weather
Fan serviceIndulging fans' desires
FanboyA dedicated male fan
FandomCommunity of fans
FanficFan fiction
FangirlA dedicated female fan
FanonUnverified story points fans believe are canon
FantabulousBetter than fantastic or fabulous
Fanum taxTaking food from a friend
FAOFor the attention of
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FarmTo gather supplies
FarmedRepetitively killed or gathered
FarmingEarning experience and items
Fat shamingCriticizing a person for being overweight
Fat shotA golf shot that takes a chunk out of the ground
Fauci OuchieCOVID-19 vaccine
Fauci-ingNot dating a person because of covid
FaucismCovid-related fascism led by Dr. Anthony Fauci
FauxgieneTo pretend to wash your hands
FauxpologyFake apology
FAWCFor anyone who cares
Fax no printerTruth
FBFollow back
FBCFacebook Chat
fbfFacebook friend
FBFFlashback Friday
FBLFeedback loop
FBMFine by me
fboFacebook official
FBOWFor better or worse
FBriendA Facebook friend
FBTWFine, be that way
FCFingers crossed
FCFSFirst-come, first-served
FCOLFor crying out loud
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FDICFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEFinger Eleven
fedsFederal agents
FeedTo repeatedly get killed by enemy champions
FelfieFamily picture
fellaFellow person
FeminaziAn aggressive feminist
FemulletFemale hairstyle that is short in front and long in back
FestivusA holiday celebration
FextingFighting via text message
FextingFake texting
FFFreeze frame
FFFlying f***
FFFinal Fantasy
FFFaerie Fire
FFFast forward
FFFocus fire
FFFriends forever
FFFollow Friday
FFFantasy football
FF5Family Force 5
FFAFree for all
ffbFantasy football
FFDPFive Finger Death Punch
FFEForge fast expand
FFFFight for first
FFFFlat foreign female
FFLFantasy football league
FFSFor f***'s sake
FFWEFinds fault with everything
FFXFinal Fantasy X
FFXIVFinal Fantasy XIV
FGSFor goodness' sake
FGSQTCFor gosh's sake quit the crap
FHF***ing Heck
FHFuture husband
FHOFriends Hanging Out
FICAFederal Insurance Contributions Act
FICCLFrankly, I couldn't care less
FICOFair Isaac Corporation
FIDFirst Input Delay
FIFAFédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFAWWCFIFA Women's World Cup
FIFOFirst in, first out
Fifth wheelA person who feels left out
FillerUnnecessary content
Final boyThe last male to fight the killer
Final FourLast four competitors
Final girlThe last female to fight the killer
Find your silenceBe quiet
FinesseTo persuade
FinessingTricking someone into giving you something
finnaFixing to
finstaFake Instagram account
FinstagramFake Instagram account
finterLate Fall and early winter
FIREFinancial independence, retire early
Fire saleWhen an owner trades players away
Fire thighsThighs inflamed from chafing
FiremanLate-inning relief pitcher
First world problemAn insignificant problem
FISHFirst in still here
FishCasual fantasy sports player
FishingSending out several messages on a dating app
FishingDoing something to receive a compliment
FITBFill in the blanks
FitfamA group of fitness-minded social media users
FitspirationInpiration to be fit
fitspoFitness inspiration
Fiver partyA birthday party for a child where guests give $5
FizzlingLetting lack of effort end a relationship
FKAFormely known as
FKTFastest known time
FLFriend List
FLAFour-letter acronym
FlamerA person who angers other Internet users
FlamingAngering other Internet users
FlanalogueA monologue written by Mike Flanagan
FlatlanderA person who lives in a non-mountainous region
FLEDGEFirst Locally Executed Decisions over Groups Experiment
FleecingTaking advantage of a person through a trade
FlexTo show off
FlexFantasy football position that can be a RB, WR, or TE
FlierGamble on a risky player
FlirtationshipWhen two friends constantly flirt with each other
FloorDownside of a player
FloordrobeFloor with clothes piled on it
FlopAn exaggerated fall
Flop eraA period of disappointment
Flop sweatNervous perspiration
FlossTo show off wealth
FLOTUSFirst lady of the United States
FlowLong, thick, luscious hair
FluronaHaving both the flu and covid
FlyerGamble on a risky player
Flyover stateA U.S. state between the west and east coasts
FMIFor more information
FMJFull metal jacket
FMLF*** my life
FMVFull motion video
FMVPFinals Most Valuable Player
FNFabrique Nationale
FNAFFive Nights at Freddy's
FNBFootball and beer
FNFFriday Night Funkin'
FNF BFFriday Night Funkin' Boyfriend
FNF GFFriday Night Funkin' Girlfriend
FNGFlippin' new guy
FNLFriday Night Lights
FOFar out
FOFreaking out
Fo shizzleFor sure
fo shoFor sure
FOAFFriend of a friend
FOBFresh off the boat
FOBIFear of being included
FOBOFear of being on
FOBOFear of better options
FOCFree of charge
FOCLFalling off chair laughing
FODFriend of Dorothy
Foe nemFriend
FOFLFalling on the floor laughing
FOFLMAOFalling on the floor laughing my a** off
FogUnseen areas of a League of Legends map
FOGOFear of going outside
FOHF*** outta here
FOMCLFell off my chair laughing
FommyFather mommy
FOMOFear of missing out
FOMOFFear of missing out on football
FOMOHFear of missing out on hockey
FOMOngeringPurposefully creating feelings of FOMO
Food babyA bloated stomach from eating a lot of food
Food comaTired feeling after eating a lot of food
FoodieA person who loves food
FOOMCLFalling out of my chair laughing
FORDFound on road dead
FORDFlipped Over and Rebuilt Dodge
ForeWatch out
Forever aloneSingle
ForexForeign exchange market
FORGIVEFaith, Obedience, Righteousness, Grace, Inheritance, Victory, Edification
FOSFreedom of speech
FOSFigure of speech
FOSFeat of strength
FOSFull of s***
FOTCLFalling off the chair laughing
FOTDFace of the Day
FOTFFocus on the Family
FOTFLFalling on the floor laughing
FOTFLMAOFalling on the floor laughing my a** off
FOTFLOLFalling on the floor, laughing out loud
Foul baitActing to get a foul called
Fountain divingAttacking an opposing player in his fountain
FOUOFor official use only
Four baggerHome run
Four-baggerInvestment that quadrupled
Four-peatWinning a championship four times in a row
FoxAn attractive woman
FPFlight path
fpctFielding percentage
FPGFantasy points per game
FPLFederal poverty level
FPSFirst-person shooter
FPSFrames per second
FrFor real
FRFor reference
FRFumble recovery
fragPlayer kill
FRBFederal Reserve Board
FrealzFor real
FreebieA free item or service
FreemiumFree with optional purchases
FrenA fellow crypto community member
French exitLeaving without saying goodbye
FrenemyA person you dislike but are friendly with
FreshBrand new
Freshman 15Weight a student gains during their first year of college
FRFRFor real for real
FriEndless friend
Friend of DorothyA person who identifies as LGBTQ
Friend zoneA relationship where a person's love interest thinks of them as just a friend
Friends with benefitsFriends that often get intimate
FriendsgivingThanksgiving with friends
FriendversaryFriendship anniversary
FriendzoneWhen someone just wants to be friends
FrlFor real
Front nineFirst nine holes of an 18-hole golf course
FrontinTo pretend you are something you are not
FroyoFrozen yogurt
Frozen ropeLine drive baseball hit
Fruit salad of lifeResults of a person's life decisions
FSFor sale
FSFull Screen
FSFor sure
FSBOFor sale by owner
FSEFunniest s*** ever
FSRFor some reason
FTFor trade
FTAFrom the article
FTBOMHFrom the bottom of my heart
FTCFailure to communicate
FTELFor the epic loss
FTEWFor the epic win
FTFFace to face
FTFOIFor the fun of it
FTFYFixed that for you
FTGFor the group
FTKFor the kill
FTLFor the loss
FTLOGFor the love of God
FTMFemale to male
FTMFWFor the mother f***ing win
FTMPFor the most part
FTPFile transfer protocol
FTRFor the record
FTTBFor the time being
FTTTFrom time to time
FTWFor the win
FUF*** you
FUFully understood
FUBARFouled up beyond all recognition
FUCTFailed under continuous testing
FUDFear, uncertainty, and doubt
FuglyF***ing ugly
FUMFouled-up mess
fumTotal fumbles
Fumble the bagScrew up
FuncleA fun uncle
FunctionA party
FundieA religious fundamentalist
Fundie-liteA very religious person
FungryF****** hungry
FUPAFatty upper pubic area
Fur babyA furry pet
FurryFan of anthropomorphic animals
FUSITFouled up situation
FUTFollow up to
FUTAFederal Unemployment Tax Act
FVFFinal value fee
FWFuture wife
FWBFriends with benefits
FWBLFriends with Better Lives
FWIWFor what it's worth
FWMFine with me
FWPFirst world problem
FXForeign exchange market
FYAFor your amusement
FYEFor your entertainment
FYEOFor your eyes only
FYFFrom your friend
FYGFor your guidance
FYIFor your information
FYKIFor your kind information
FYLF*** your life
FYMFor your misinformation
FYPFor You page
FYRFor your reference