D Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
d | Defense | 596 |
d | Di** | 570 |
D&D | Dungeons and Dragons | 581 |
D/C | Don't care | 589 |
d/c | Disconnected | 560 |
d/l | Download | 603 |
d20 | A twenty-sided die | 585 |
D3 | Diablo III | 586 |
d8 | Date | 583 |
da | The | 575 |
DA | Dumb a** | 596 |
DA | DeviantArt | 593 |
DA | Domain authority | 601 |
Dab | Hip hop dance move | 589 |
Dab hand | An expert | 599 |
Dabbin | Leaning your head into your elbow with your other arm outstretched | 595 |
Dabloons | A fictional TikTok currency | 599 |
DACA | Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals | 589 |
Dad praising | Praising a dad for performing simple parenting duties | 599 |
Dad socks | Unfashionable socks often worn by dads | 598 |
Dadbod | Male body type with excessive weight in the midsection | 595 |
Daddy praising | Praising a dad for performing simple parenting duties | 599 |
Daddy shaming | Shaming dads for their choices | 596 |
Dadication | Fatherly dedication | 594 |
DAE | Does anyone else | 595 |
DAF | Dope as f*** | 580 |
Dafuq | What the f*** | 592 |
DAH | Dumb a** hole | 589 |
Dal | Dalaran | 595 |
Damaged goods | A person who has one or more major flaws | 597 |
Damp down your power core | Settle down | 597 |
Dank | High quality marijuana | 593 |
Dankrupt | Out of Marijuana | 582 |
Danny DeVito | Five foot putt | 599 |
DAQ | Dumb asked question | 598 |
DAR | Daily afternoon randomness | 600 |
Dashie | Rainbow Dash | 591 |
dat | That | 592 |
Date ladder | A person you date to make yourself seem more desirable | 589 |
Datenap | To nap during a date | 598 |
Datenapping | Napping during a date | 596 |
Daterview | A date that feels like an interview | 600 |
Dating sim | A video game that simulates dating | 597 |
Dawg | Friend | 583 |
Day one | A very close friend | 583 |
Dayger | A daytime rager | 598 |
DB | Defensive back | 597 |
db8 | Debate | 597 |
DBA | Doing business as | 600 |
DBABAI | Don't be a baby about it | 602 |
Dbag | Douchebag | 600 |
DBBSWF | Dream boat body, shipwreck face | 598 |
DBD | Don't be dumb | 584 |
DBD | Dead by Daylight | 597 |
DBEYR | Don't believe everything you read | 596 |
DBM | Deadly Boss Mods | 594 |
DBMIB | Don't bother me I'm busy | 600 |
DBMN | Don't bug me now | 600 |
DBS | Dad behind shoulder | 595 |
DBTS | Don't believe that stuff | 593 |
DBTS | Don't believe their s*** | 600 |
DBU | Don't beat up | 594 |
DBZ | Dragon Ball Z | 599 |
dc | Disconnect | 569 |
dc | Daycare | 597 |
DC | Dance credit | 599 |
DCAU | DC Animated Universe | 598 |
dced | Disconnected | 595 |
DCU | DC Universe | 597 |
DD | Dear daughter | 600 |
DD | Designated driver | 581 |
DD | Due diligence | 594 |
DD | Daddy Dearest | 597 |
DDAS | Don't do anything stupid | 596 |
DDG | Drop dead gorgeous | 600 |
DDLC | Doki Doki Literature Club! | 597 |
DDR | Dance Dance Revolution | 598 |
DDSOS | Different day, same old stuff | 599 |
de | Disenchant | 596 |
De-cleated | Hit very hard | 598 |
Dead | Hilarious | 591 |
Dead Presidents | Money | 599 |
Deadly | Excellent | 598 |
Deadname | To call a person by a name they no longer use | 599 |
deagle | Desert Eagle | 544 |
Deal breaker | An issue that breaks up a relationship | 598 |
Death cleaning | Cleaning your home so others don't have to after you die | 600 |
Debuff | Weakening effect | 558 |
Dece | Decent | 584 |
ded | Dead | 600 |
Deep cut | An obscure work or reference | 597 |
Deep like | Liking a person's old post on social media | 600 |
Deepfake | An authentic-looking depiction of a person that is not real | 599 |
deeps | Damage per second | 609 |
deets | Details | 587 |
Deez Nuts | A fake Presidential candidate | 589 |
def | Definitely | 597 |
def | Defense | 596 |
DeFi | Decentralized finance | 597 |
Degen | A gambler who makes foolish bets | 595 |
DEGT | Don't even go there | 598 |
DEI | Diversity, equity, and inclusion | 598 |
Deinfluencer | A social media user who pushes back against trends | 598 |
Deinfluencing | Telling social media users what not to do | 597 |
Delete your account | Go away | 598 |
delish | Delicious | 588 |
Delta | COVID-19 Delta variant | 598 |
Delulu | Delusional | 553 |
Delusionship | An imagined romatic relationship | 598 |
dem | Democrat | 597 |
Demake | A video game remade for an old platform | 599 |
DemThrones | Game of Thrones | 590 |
Demure | Modest, simple, and mindful | 596 |
Dench | Cool | 599 |
Denying | Killing your own creeps to prevent your enemy from killing them | 586 |
Deplatform | To remove a user from a social network or website | 598 |
dept | Department | 599 |
Der | Duh | 606 |
DER | Defensive Efficiency Rating | 593 |
Derail | To take a discussion off topic | 596 |
derp | Expression of stupidity | 591 |
Detweet | To delete a tweet | 599 |
Devil's lettuce | Cannabis | 590 |
dewd | Dude | 600 |
DEX | Dexterity | 585 |
DF | Dear fiance | 591 |
DF | Dominance factor | 603 |
dfg | Deathfire Grasp | 593 |
DFL | Dead freaking last | 587 |
DFS | Daily Fantasy Sports | 586 |
DFTBA | Don't forget to be awesome | 598 |
DGA | Don't go anywhere | 580 |
DGA | Digital guardian angel | 599 |
DGAF | Don't give a f*** | 597 |
DGARA | Don't give a rat's a** | 599 |
DGMW | Don't get me wrong | 598 |
DGT | Don't go there | 600 |
DGYF | Dang girl, you're fine | 599 |
DH | Dear husband | 590 |
DHTC | Don't hit the cell | 603 |
DHYB | Don't hold your breath | 599 |
DIAF | Die in a fire | 596 |
Diamond hands | To hold a stock through losses | 593 |
Dibs | Rights to something | 600 |
Diddy crop | To cut a person out of your life | 597 |
Die in the hole | Golf shot that makes it to the hole and falls in | 597 |
Died | Laughed hard | 597 |
Diff | Skill difference | 596 |
Dig | Like | 599 |
Digital nomad | A person who performs their job online while traveling | 598 |
Digits | Phone number | 583 |
DIIK | Darned if I know | 598 |
DIKU | Do I know you | 599 |
DIKY | Do I know you? | 598 |
DIL | Daughter-in-law | 597 |
DILLIGAF | Do I look like I give a flip? | 597 |
DILLIGAFF | Does it look like I give a flying flip? | 599 |
Dime | Perfect ten | 595 |
Dime | Assist | 598 |
Ding | Level up | 570 |
Ding | Small dent or scratch | 596 |
Dinger | Home run | 595 |
DINK | Double income no kids | 597 |
Dink | Small dent | 599 |
DINKWAD | Double income no kids with a dog | 598 |
DINO | Democrat in name only | 600 |
Dip | Idiot | 603 |
Dip | To leave | 598 |
Dire | The dark faction in Defense of the Ancients 2 | 598 |
Dis | Disrespect | 589 |
dis | This | 594 |
disc | Discipline | 600 |
Disco | Discord | 570 |
Discord Daddy | A Discord user who gives gifts in exchange for relationships | 597 |
Discord Kitten | A Discord user who acts cute to get gifts | 597 |
Dish | Home plate | 597 |
Disney adult | An adult obsessed with Disney | 599 |
Disney knees | A pose with knees pointed inwards | 599 |
Disneybounding | Dressing similarly to Disney characters | 587 |
Disruptor | A champion that locks down opponents | 611 |
Diss | Disrespect | 595 |
DISTOL | Did I say that out loud? | 598 |
DisTwitter | Disney Twitter | 598 |
DITG | Down in the gutter | 598 |
Ditto | Same | 556 |
Diva | A self-important, demanding person | 577 |
Diving | Venturing far into enemy territory | 583 |
Divorce body | Physically fit body after divorcing | 599 |
Divot | Chunk of grass and soil | 602 |
DIY | Do it yourself | 574 |
DJT | Donald J. Trump | 599 |
DK | Don't know | 598 |
DKDC | Don't know, don't care | 598 |
DKIM | DomainKeys Identified Mail | 601 |
DKP | Dragon kill points | 594 |
DL | Down low | 591 |
dl | Download | 561 |
DL | Doing Laundry | 599 |
DL | Disabled list | 589 |
dlc | Downloadable content | 599 |
DLDR | Don't like, don't read | 597 |
DLM | Don't leave me | 598 |
dlo | Down low | 600 |
DLTBBB | Don't let the bedbugs bite | 598 |
DLTCU | Don't let them catch you | 599 |
DLTM | Don't lie to me | 599 |
DM | Do me | 599 |
DM | Direct message | 465 |
DM | Deathmatch | 556 |
DM | Doctor of Medicine | 593 |
DM | Dungeon Master | 583 |
DM slide | Direct message to a crush | 581 |
DMB | Dave Matthews Band | 599 |
dmg | Damage | 564 |
DMI | Don't mention it | 597 |
DMNDS | Doesn't make no dang sense | 598 |
DMY | Don't mess yourself | 600 |
dnbl8 | Do not be late | 600 |
DNC | Democratic National Committee | 598 |
DND | Do not disturb | 583 |
DnD | Dungeons & Dragons | 544 |
DNF | Did not finish | 594 |
DNFTT | Do not feed the trolls | 595 |
DNI | Do not intubate | 600 |
DNI | Do not interact | 599 |
dno | Don't know | 601 |
DNR | Do not resuscitate | 599 |
DNS | Domain Name System | 600 |
dnt | Don't | 599 |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy | 599 |
do | Hairdo | 597 |
Do it for the gram | To do something only to share on Instagram | 590 |
Do it for the plot | Take a chance to make your life more exciting | 597 |
DOA | Dead on arrival | 596 |
DOC | Drug of choice | 598 |
Doe | Though | 591 |
Dog shot | To hit someone from behind | 599 |
Dog water | Worthless | 526 |
Doge | Dog | 580 |
Dogface | Ugly face | 602 |
Doggo | Dog | 597 |
Dogleg | A golf hole with a fairway that bends | 600 |
Dogleg left | A golf hole with a fairway that has a bend to the left | 600 |
Dogleg right | A golf hole with a fairway that has a bend to the right | 601 |
doin | Doing | 599 |
DOM | Dirty old man | 591 |
dom | Dominate | 602 |
Dome | Head | 598 |
Domed | Headshotted | 557 |
DON | Double or nothing | 586 |
Don't @ me | Don't mention me in your tweets | 578 |
Don't tase me bro | Back off | 598 |
Donald Ducking | Walking around in just a shirt | 598 |
doncha | Don't you | 598 |
Done | I can't deal with it | 597 |
Donk | Donkey | 603 |
Dono | Donation | 583 |
Dontcha know | Don't you know | 598 |
doo | Dude | 597 |
Doo | Excrement | 596 |
Doo-doo | Poop | 596 |
Dood | Dude | 598 |
Doom-scrolling | Scrolling to find bad news | 596 |
Doomer | A person who focuses on negative possibilities | 586 |
Doorbuster | A steep discount | 597 |
Dope | Cool | 581 |
Dope | Illegal drugs | 581 |
DOS | Dad over shoulder | 595 |
DOT | Damage over time | 585 |
DotA | Defense of the Ancients | 581 |
Double | Hit that results in the batter getting to second base | 595 |
Double bogey | Two strokes over par | 601 |
Double dogleg | A golf hole with a fairway that has two bends | 601 |
Double eagle | Three strokes under par | 599 |
Double play | Two outs on the same play | 597 |
Double-double | Achieving double digits in two categories in a basketball game | 599 |
Douche | Douchebag | 600 |
Douchebag | An arrogant jerk | 593 |
Douchebaggery | Obnoxious behavior | 596 |
Doucheling | Partial douchebag | 600 |
Dough | Money | 592 |
Dougie | Dance move | 594 |
Down | Agree | 601 |
Down bad | Depressed | 597 |
Downtown | Beyond the 3-point line | 599 |
Dox | To reveal confidential information without consent | 597 |
DP | Dear partner | 599 |
DP | Double play | 593 |
DPS | Damage per second | 459 |
DQ | Disqualify | 585 |
DQ | Dairy Queen | 598 |
DQMOT | Don't quote me on this | 581 |
DQOTD | Dumb question of the day | 599 |
DQYDJ | Don't quit your day job | 599 |
DR | Double rainbow | 603 |
Draft dasher | A fantasy football owner who drafts a team and abandons it | 593 |
Drag | To insult | 600 |
Drain the swamp | To remove corruption | 594 |
Draking | Acting emotional | 596 |
Draking | Placing Drake's head on handicap wheelchair signs | 599 |
Dramedy | Dramatic and comedic movie | 600 |
DRC | Don't really care | 596 |
Dreads | Dreadlocks | 599 |
Dreamer | A person protected under DACA | 597 |
Dreamscrolling | Scrolling for dream purchases | 594 |
Dressgate | Controversy about the colors of a dress | 597 |
Drip | Sexy style | 536 |
DRK | Don't really know | 594 |
DRM | Digital Rights Management | 601 |
Droid | Android | 599 |
Drop | Minion | 602 |
Drop | A ball dropped from a golfer's outstretched arm | 596 |
Dropping dimes | Making difficult passes for assists in basketball | 598 |
Dropping faces | Spending money | 599 |
DROY | Defensive Rookie of the Year | 600 |
DS | Dear son | 600 |
DS | Deep state | 599 |
DS9 | Deep Space Nine | 597 |
DSAB | Designated sex at birth | 601 |
DSI | Don't sweat it | 598 |
DSR | Detailed seller rating | 598 |
DST | Daylight Saving Time | 590 |
DST | Defense and Special Teams | 599 |
dstr8 | Dang straight | 597 |
DT | Dang typos | 598 |
DT | Dark Templar | 585 |
DT | Dream Theater | 600 |
DTC | Down to cuddle | 594 |
DTF | Down to f*** | 579 |
DTM | Doing too much | 597 |
DTM | Down to meet | 600 |
DTN | Don't trust no one | 600 |
DTN4L | Don't trust no one for life | 599 |
DTP | Disturbing the peace | 581 |
DTP | Down to party | 592 |
DTR | Define the relationship | 588 |
DTRT | Do the right thing | 596 |
Dts | Death threats | 599 |
DU | Don't understand | 593 |
DU | Darn you | 599 |
Dub | $20 worth of marijuana | 597 |
dub | Win | 599 |
Duckface | Facial expression with puckered lips | 598 |
Ducking | Placing a rubber duck on a Jeep | 598 |
Duckroll | To mislead someone | 592 |
DUCT | Did you see that? | 600 |
Dudevorce | End of a friendship between two guys | 597 |
Duh | Overly obvious | 599 |
DUK | Didn't you know? | 599 |
DULM | Do you love me | 594 |
Dump stat | An ability that an RPG player doesn't prioritize | 585 |
Dumpster fire | Total mess | 590 |
Dunk on | Make fun of | 577 |
Dunking | Owning enemy player | 613 |
dunno | Don't know | 579 |
Dupe | A cheaper stand-in product | 599 |
DUR | Do you remember | 602 |
dur | Stupidly obvious | 595 |
Durdle | To take a long time to do something | 598 |
DURS | Dang you are sexy | 601 |
DUST | Did you see that? | 600 |
Dust | Tiny amounts of cryptocurrency | 598 |
Dutch leave | Leaving without saying goodbye | 595 |
DUUT | Do you understand that? | 598 |
DVR | Digital video recorder | 600 |
DW | Don't worry | 583 |
DW | Dear wife | 599 |
DWAI | Don't worry about it | 598 |
DWB | Don't write back | 600 |
DWB | Driving while black | 599 |
DWBH | Don't worry, be happy | 598 |
Dweet | Drunk tweet | 598 |
DWHTGTTA | Do we have to go through this again | 598 |
DWI | Driving while intoxicated | 597 |
DWISNWID | Do what I say, not what I do | 598 |
DWL | Dying with laughter | 596 |
DWT | Driving while texting | 599 |
DWTS | Dancing with the Stars | 599 |
DWWWI | Surfing the web while intoxicated | 599 |
DX | Driving | 608 |
DYAC | D*** You Auto Correct | 598 |
DYD | Don't you dare | 601 |
DYFI | Did you find it | 602 |
DYHAB | Do you have a boyfriend? | 598 |
DYHAG | Do you have a girlfriend? | 603 |
Dying | Laughing so hard | 598 |
DYJHIW | Don't you just hate it when | 598 |
DYK | Did you know | 597 |
DYLM | Do you like me | 593 |
DYLM | Do you love me | 598 |
DYM | Did you mean | 601 |
DYOR | Do your own research | 594 |
DYT | Do your thing | 599 |
DYTTH | Did you talk to him? | 602 |
DYTTH | Did you talk to her? | 602 |