D Slang Terms

Slang Term Meaning Votes
D&DDungeons and Dragons
D/CDon't care
d20A twenty-sided die
D3Diablo III
DADumb a**
DADomain authority
DabHip hop dance move
Dab handAn expert
DabbinLeaning your head into your elbow with your other arm outstretched
DabloonsA fictional TikTok currency
DACADeferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Dad praisingPraising a dad for performing simple parenting duties
Dad socksUnfashionable socks often worn by dads
DadbodMale body type with excessive weight in the midsection
Daddy praisingPraising a dad for performing simple parenting duties
Daddy shamingShaming dads for their choices
DadicationFatherly dedication
DAEDoes anyone else
DAFDope as f***
DafuqWhat the f***
DAHDumb a** hole
Damaged goodsA person who has one or more major flaws
Damp down your power coreSettle down
DankHigh quality marijuana
DankruptOut of Marijuana
Danny DeVitoFive foot putt
DAQDumb asked question
DARDaily afternoon randomness
DashieRainbow Dash
Date ladderA person you date to make yourself seem more desirable
DatenapTo nap during a date
DatenappingNapping during a date
DaterviewA date that feels like an interview
Dating simA video game that simulates dating
Day oneA very close friend
DaygerA daytime rager
DBDefensive back
DBADoing business as
DBABAIDon't be a baby about it
DBBSWFDream boat body, shipwreck face
DBDDon't be dumb
DBDDead by Daylight
DBEYRDon't believe everything you read
DBMDeadly Boss Mods
DBMIBDon't bother me I'm busy
DBMNDon't bug me now
DBSDad behind shoulder
DBTSDon't believe that stuff
DBTSDon't believe their s***
DBUDon't beat up
DBZDragon Ball Z
DCDance credit
DCAUDC Animated Universe
DCUDC Universe
DDDear daughter
DDDesignated driver
DDDue diligence
DDDaddy Dearest
DDASDon't do anything stupid
DDGDrop dead gorgeous
DDLCDoki Doki Literature Club!
DDRDance Dance Revolution
DDSOSDifferent day, same old stuff
De-cleatedHit very hard
Dead PresidentsMoney
DeadnameTo call a person by a name they no longer use
deagleDesert Eagle
Deal breakerAn issue that breaks up a relationship
Death cleaningCleaning your home so others don't have to after you die
DebuffWeakening effect
Deep cutAn obscure work or reference
Deep likeLiking a person's old post on social media
DeepfakeAn authentic-looking depiction of a person that is not real
deepsDamage per second
Deez NutsA fake Presidential candidate
DeFiDecentralized finance
DegenA gambler who makes foolish bets
DEGTDon't even go there
DEIDiversity, equity, and inclusion
DeinfluencerA social media user who pushes back against trends
DeinfluencingTelling social media users what not to do
Delete your accountGo away
DeltaCOVID-19 Delta variant
DelusionshipAn imagined romatic relationship
DemakeA video game remade for an old platform
DemThronesGame of Thrones
DemureModest, simple, and mindful
DenyingKilling your own creeps to prevent your enemy from killing them
DeplatformTo remove a user from a social network or website
DERDefensive Efficiency Rating
DerailTo take a discussion off topic
derpExpression of stupidity
DetweetTo delete a tweet
Devil's lettuceCannabis
DFDear fiance
DFDominance factor
dfgDeathfire Grasp
DFLDead freaking last
DFSDaily Fantasy Sports
DFTBADon't forget to be awesome
DGADon't go anywhere
DGADigital guardian angel
DGAFDon't give a f***
DGARADon't give a rat's a**
DGMWDon't get me wrong
DGTDon't go there
DGYFDang girl, you're fine
DHDear husband
DHTCDon't hit the cell
DHYBDon't hold your breath
DIAFDie in a fire
Diamond handsTo hold a stock through losses
DibsRights to something
Diddy cropTo cut a person out of your life
Die in the holeGolf shot that makes it to the hole and falls in
DiedLaughed hard
DiffSkill difference
Digital nomadA person who performs their job online while traveling
DigitsPhone number
DIIKDarned if I know
DIKUDo I know you
DIKYDo I know you?
DILLIGAFDo I look like I give a flip?
DILLIGAFFDoes it look like I give a flying flip?
DimePerfect ten
DingLevel up
DingSmall dent or scratch
DingerHome run
DINKDouble income no kids
DinkSmall dent
DINKWADDouble income no kids with a dog
DINODemocrat in name only
DipTo leave
DireThe dark faction in Defense of the Ancients 2
Discord DaddyA Discord user who gives gifts in exchange for relationships
Discord KittenA Discord user who acts cute to get gifts
DishHome plate
Disney adultAn adult obsessed with Disney
Disney kneesA pose with knees pointed inwards
DisneyboundingDressing similarly to Disney characters
DisruptorA champion that locks down opponents
DISTOLDid I say that out loud?
DisTwitterDisney Twitter
DITGDown in the gutter
DivaA self-important, demanding person
DivingVenturing far into enemy territory
Divorce bodyPhysically fit body after divorcing
DivotChunk of grass and soil
DIYDo it yourself
DJTDonald J. Trump
DKDon't know
DKDCDon't know, don't care
DKIMDomainKeys Identified Mail
DKPDragon kill points
DLDown low
DLDoing Laundry
DLDisabled list
dlcDownloadable content
DLDRDon't like, don't read
DLMDon't leave me
dloDown low
DLTBBBDon't let the bedbugs bite
DLTCUDon't let them catch you
DLTMDon't lie to me
DMDo me
DMDirect message
DMDoctor of Medicine
DMDungeon Master
DM slideDirect message to a crush
DMBDave Matthews Band
DMIDon't mention it
DMNDSDoesn't make no dang sense
DMYDon't mess yourself
dnbl8Do not be late
DNCDemocratic National Committee
DNDDo not disturb
DnDDungeons & Dragons
DNFDid not finish
DNFTTDo not feed the trolls
DNIDo not intubate
DNIDo not interact
dnoDon't know
DNRDo not resuscitate
DNSDomain Name System
DODoctor of Osteopathy
Do it for the gramTo do something only to share on Instagram
Do it for the plotTake a chance to make your life more exciting
DOADead on arrival
DOCDrug of choice
Dog shotTo hit someone from behind
Dog waterWorthless
DogfaceUgly face
DoglegA golf hole with a fairway that bends
Dogleg leftA golf hole with a fairway that has a bend to the left
Dogleg rightA golf hole with a fairway that has a bend to the right
DOMDirty old man
DONDouble or nothing
Don't @ meDon't mention me in your tweets
Don't tase me broBack off
Donald DuckingWalking around in just a shirt
donchaDon't you
DoneI can't deal with it
Dontcha knowDon't you know
Doom-scrollingScrolling to find bad news
DoomerA person who focuses on negative possibilities
DoorbusterA steep discount
DopeIllegal drugs
DOSDad over shoulder
DOTDamage over time
DotADefense of the Ancients
DoubleHit that results in the batter getting to second base
Double bogeyTwo strokes over par
Double doglegA golf hole with a fairway that has two bends
Double eagleThree strokes under par
Double playTwo outs on the same play
Double-doubleAchieving double digits in two categories in a basketball game
DouchebagAn arrogant jerk
DouchebaggeryObnoxious behavior
DouchelingPartial douchebag
DougieDance move
Down badDepressed
DowntownBeyond the 3-point line
DoxTo reveal confidential information without consent
DPDear partner
DPDouble play
DPSDamage per second
DQDairy Queen
DQMOTDon't quote me on this
DQOTDDumb question of the day
DQYDJDon't quit your day job
DRDouble rainbow
Draft dasherA fantasy football owner who drafts a team and abandons it
DragTo insult
Drain the swampTo remove corruption
DrakingActing emotional
DrakingPlacing Drake's head on handicap wheelchair signs
DramedyDramatic and comedic movie
DRCDon't really care
DreamerA person protected under DACA
DreamscrollingScrolling for dream purchases
DressgateControversy about the colors of a dress
DripSexy style
DRKDon't really know
DRMDigital Rights Management
DropA ball dropped from a golfer's outstretched arm
Dropping dimesMaking difficult passes for assists in basketball
Dropping facesSpending money
DROYDefensive Rookie of the Year
DSDear son
DSDeep state
DS9Deep Space Nine
DSABDesignated sex at birth
DSIDon't sweat it
DSRDetailed seller rating
DSTDaylight Saving Time
DSTDefense and Special Teams
dstr8Dang straight
DTDang typos
DTDark Templar
DTDream Theater
DTCDown to cuddle
DTFDown to f***
DTMDoing too much
DTMDown to meet
DTNDon't trust no one
DTN4LDon't trust no one for life
DTPDisturbing the peace
DTPDown to party
DTRDefine the relationship
DTRTDo the right thing
DtsDeath threats
DUDon't understand
DUDarn you
Dub$20 worth of marijuana
DuckfaceFacial expression with puckered lips
DuckingPlacing a rubber duck on a Jeep
DuckrollTo mislead someone
DUCTDid you see that?
DudevorceEnd of a friendship between two guys
DuhOverly obvious
DUKDidn't you know?
DULMDo you love me
Dump statAn ability that an RPG player doesn't prioritize
Dumpster fireTotal mess
Dunk onMake fun of
DunkingOwning enemy player
dunnoDon't know
DupeA cheaper stand-in product
DURDo you remember
durStupidly obvious
DurdleTo take a long time to do something
DURSDang you are sexy
DUSTDid you see that?
DustTiny amounts of cryptocurrency
Dutch leaveLeaving without saying goodbye
DUUTDo you understand that?
DVRDigital video recorder
DWDon't worry
DWDear wife
DWAIDon't worry about it
DWBDon't write back
DWBDriving while black
DWBHDon't worry, be happy
DweetDrunk tweet
DWHTGTTADo we have to go through this again
DWIDriving while intoxicated
DWISNWIDDo what I say, not what I do
DWLDying with laughter
DWTDriving while texting
DWTSDancing with the Stars
DWWWISurfing the web while intoxicated
DYACD*** You Auto Correct
DYDDon't you dare
DYFIDid you find it
DYHABDo you have a boyfriend?
DYHAGDo you have a girlfriend?
DyingLaughing so hard
DYJHIWDon't you just hate it when
DYKDid you know
DYLMDo you like me
DYLMDo you love me
DYMDid you mean
DYORDo your own research
DYTDo your thing
DYTTHDid you talk to him?
DYTTHDid you talk to her?