C Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
c | See | 567 |
C | Catcher | 596 |
C&G | Chuckle and grin | 599 |
c-p | Sleepy | 598 |
C.AI | Character.AI | 582 |
C/O | Care of | 599 |
c/p | Crossposting | 598 |
C/S | Change subject | 599 |
C2C | Camera to camera | 593 |
C4N | Ciao for now | 598 |
C9 | Parent in room | 599 |
Cab | Taxi | 592 |
Cabbage | Paper money | 600 |
CAC | Cool as a cucumber | 594 |
CAD | Control-alt-delete | 596 |
CAD | Canadian dollar | 594 |
CAD | Coronary artery disease | 599 |
CAFO | Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation | 596 |
Cake eater | A person from a wealthy background | 595 |
Cakeday | The day a user joins Reddit | 599 |
Caking | Flirting | 592 |
Calexit | California exit from the United States | 596 |
Camper | A player who doesn't move | 552 |
Camping | Staying in one spot | 531 |
Can of corn | An easy catch by a fielder | 591 |
Cancel | Shut down or force out | 592 |
Cancel club | People that have been shut down or forced out by others | 600 |
Cancel culture | Canceling people who do anything controversial | 586 |
Cancer ghosting | Abandoning a person diagnosed with cancer | 600 |
Cancerversary | An important date regarding a person's fight against cancer | 599 |
Cannon | An impressive throwing arm | 597 |
Canon event | A pivotal event in a person's life | 592 |
Cap | Lie | 543 |
Cape | To defend someone's actions, often undeservedly | 594 |
Capping | Lying | 601 |
Carcolepsy | A condition of falling asleep once the car moves | 598 |
Card advantage | Possessing more cards than another player | 598 |
Cardboardeaux | Boxed wine | 598 |
CARE | Cover a**, retain employment | 599 |
Career cushioning | Searching for a new job while employed | 597 |
Carpe diem | Seize the day | 598 |
Carpe DM | Direct message the person now | 597 |
Carries | MOBA players that carry their team | 572 |
Carry | MOBA player role | 590 |
CAS | Clothing Acquisition Syndrome | 597 |
Cash me outside | Come outside and I'll beat you | 588 |
Caspering | Ending a relationship in a friendly, but confusing way | 596 |
Casual | Game that requires little skill | 599 |
cata | Cataclysm | 576 |
Catch and release | To flirt with someone then stop when the person wants commitment | 596 |
Catch some rays | To go out in the sun | 598 |
Catch the bus | To commit suicide | 596 |
Catch these hands | Get punched | 599 |
Catfish | To assume a false identity | 580 |
Caucacity | Audacity stemming from white privilege | 598 |
Caught in 4K | Caught in the act | 573 |
CB | Chris Brown | 600 |
CB | Cornerback | 599 |
CBA | Can't be ar**d | 597 |
CBB | Can't be bothered | 590 |
CBF | Can't be f***ed | 596 |
CBFW | Can't be f***ed with | 598 |
CC | I understand | 597 |
CC | Carbon copy | 580 |
CC | Crowd control | 565 |
CC | Command Center | 582 |
CC | Credit card | 596 |
CC | Casually chilling | 599 |
CCG | Collectible card game | 577 |
CCL | Couldn't care less | 598 |
CCR | Creedence Clearwater Revival | 599 |
CCU | Critical care unit | 601 |
cd | Cooldown | 546 |
CD | Certificate of deposit | 596 |
CD | Compact disc | 584 |
CD9 | Parents are watching | 601 |
CD99 | Parents are no longer watching | 589 |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 597 |
CDIWY | Couldn't do it without you | 599 |
cdr | Cooldown reduction | 570 |
CDT | Continuing day treatment | 600 |
CE | Chief executive | 598 |
ceebs | Can't be bothered | 600 |
Ceiling | Upside of a player | 586 |
celeb | Celebrity | 599 |
Celine a scene | To add a Celine Dion song to a video for maximum emotional impact | 592 |
cell | Cell phone | 600 |
Cellar | Last place | 596 |
Cellar dweller | A team constantly in last place | 596 |
Cellar dweller | Person who lives in the basement | 602 |
Cellfish | Inconsiderate of others while talking on the phone | 595 |
celly | Celebration | 598 |
Centaur | A human aided by artificial intelligence | 600 |
CEO | Chief executive officer | 597 |
CEO of | The best at | 598 |
CF | Coffee freak | 600 |
CF | Cluster f*** | 597 |
CF | Center field | 598 |
CFD | Clothing, fashion, design | 573 |
CFO | Chief financial officer | 600 |
CFP | College Football Playoff | 598 |
CFS | Care for a secret? | 600 |
CFS | Cute, funny, sweet | 601 |
CFT | Combating the Financing of Terrorism | 599 |
CFV | Call for votes | 596 |
CG | Computer Graphics | 581 |
CG | Complete games | 600 |
CG | Close game | 586 |
CG | Coconut gun | 587 |
CGL | Complete game losses | 601 |
CGM | Continuous Glucose Monitoring | 599 |
CGM | Curly girl method | 598 |
CGMS | Continuous Glucose Monitoring System | 599 |
CGPT | ChatGPT | 590 |
CGSO | Complete game shutout | 599 |
CHA | Charisma | 586 |
Chad | A physically fit, overly confident man | 593 |
Chairdrobe | Chair with clothes piled on it | 600 |
Champion | League of Legends player-controlled character | 567 |
Channer | A 4chan user | 599 |
char | Character | 584 |
chargelot | Charge Zealot | 585 |
Charity stripe | Free throw line | 598 |
Chasing clout | Doing things just to become popular | 585 |
Chasing the bag | Working toward goals | 599 |
Cheapfake | Authentic-looking media fabricated by affordable technology | 596 |
Cheat sheet | A list of players ranked in order of fantasy value | 600 |
Cheddar | Good fastball | 597 |
Cheerio | Goodbye | 598 |
Cheers | Congratulations | 599 |
Cheers | Regards | 595 |
Cheese | Exploitative strategy | 593 |
Cheese | Good fastball | 597 |
Cheesin | Smiling | 597 |
Cheesing | Exploiting tactics or glitches in a game to win | 600 |
Cheesy | Lame humor | 600 |
Chef's kiss | Perfection | 598 |
Cheug | A person that likes outdated or inauthentic things | 599 |
Cheugy | Something that is outdated or inauthentic | 596 |
CHF | Swiss franc | 599 |
CHF | Congestive heart failure | 596 |
Chibi | Miniature Character | 599 |
Chicken | Scared | 588 |
Chicken | Minecraft mob | 575 |
Chill | Relax | 581 |
Chillax | Chill and relax | 587 |
Chin music | Pitch that nearly hits the batter's head | 591 |
chingo | Chat lingo | 600 |
Chingo | A lot | 599 |
chip | Championship | 597 |
Chip damage | Damage inflicted on a blocking opponent | 583 |
Chipping | Attacking a blocking opponent | 587 |
Chirp | Insult | 602 |
Chiver | Male who likes theCHIVE | 595 |
Chivette | Female who likes theCHIVE | 593 |
chk | Check | 601 |
chln | Chilling | 602 |
Chonk | An overweight animal | 594 |
Choob | Skilled player who intentionally plays badly | 586 |
Chopped | Drunk and high | 601 |
Chreaster | A person who only attends church during Christmas and Easter | 598 |
Chrismukkah | Christmas and Hanukkah | 597 |
Christmas bogus | Receiving nothing from your employer during Christmas | 593 |
Christmas creep | The slow expansion of the Christmas shopping season | 591 |
Christmas noob | A player playing a video game he received on Christmas for the first time | 600 |
Chu | You | 596 |
Chub rub | Chafing where your thighs rub together | 597 |
Chugger | An overbearing fundraiser | 599 |
Chugging | Raising money for charity in a rude manner | 601 |
Chungus | A cute, chunky creature | 557 |
Chunk | A golf shot that makes a divot | 600 |
Church | Perfect | 594 |
churrin | Children | 600 |
chx | Chickens | 600 |
cia | See ya | 605 |
CICU | Can I see you? | 599 |
CICU | Cardiac intensive care unit | 600 |
CICYH | Can I copy your homework | 602 |
CICYHW | Can I copy your homework | 598 |
CID | Consider it done | 596 |
cid | Acid | 590 |
CIL | Check in later | 598 |
Cinderella | Underdog sports team | 594 |
Cinderfella | A guy who must be home by midnight | 600 |
Cinephile | A devoted fan of cinema | 590 |
Cinnamon roll | A kind, gentle person | 586 |
CIO | Cry it out | 597 |
CIP | Cell it please | 599 |
CIP | Customer initiated payment | 597 |
Cipher | An informal dance or rap gathering | 597 |
Circle button | Spin move | 599 |
Circus catch | Acrobatic catch | 597 |
CIS | Consumer Information Service | 599 |
Cis | Cisgender | 591 |
Citiot | Idiot from the city | 596 |
City boy | A man with no regard for women | 596 |
Civ | Civilization | 597 |
CLAB | Crying like a baby | 598 |
Clan | A video game team | 599 |
Clap back | A clever comeback | 593 |
Clapback | A clever comeback | 582 |
Clapped | Beaten | 593 |
cld | Could | 598 |
Clean sheet | Shutout | 599 |
Cleanup | Player batting fourth in the lineup | 596 |
Clickbait | Web content created to attract visitors | 595 |
Clip chimp | A Twitch user who creates out-of-context video clips | 586 |
clk | Click | 601 |
CLM | Career limiting move | 601 |
Cloaking | Disappearing from a romantic interest | 599 |
Closer | A relief pitcher that finishes a baseball game | 589 |
Clout chaser | A person who does things just to become popular | 558 |
Clout demon | A social media user who covets popularity | 597 |
Clout leech | A person who is friends with someone just to become more popular | 592 |
Clowning | Joking | 597 |
CLS | Cumulative Layout Shift | 598 |
Clutch | Ability to perform under pressure | 574 |
CM | Call me | 594 |
CM | Cyber Monday | 598 |
CMA | Cover my a** | 597 |
CMB | Call me back | 590 |
CME | Checking my email | 597 |
CMFWIC | Chief mo fo who's in charge | 597 |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong | 578 |
CMM | Change my mind | 599 |
CMN | Call me now | 599 |
Cmon | Come on | 577 |
CMP | Creative Multiplayer | 581 |
CMS | Content Management System | 598 |
CMU | Crack me up | 598 |
CMV | Change my view | 595 |
cn | Can | 596 |
CNA | Certified nursing assistant | 599 |
CNP | Continued next post | 599 |
CNRHKYITF | Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face | 604 |
Co Washing | Conditioner-only washing | 598 |
COA | Course of action | 599 |
Coast to coast | The entire length of a playing field | 599 |
COB | Close of business | 598 |
COC | Code of conduct | 584 |
COC | Clash of Clans | 538 |
CoD | Call of Duty | 421 |
CODA | Child of Deaf Adults | 597 |
Code 9 | Parents are here | 563 |
Coffice | Coffee shop office | 600 |
COI | Certificate of insurance | 601 |
Coining | Using The Coin card in Hearthstone | 597 |
COL | Crying out loud | 598 |
Cold | Mean | 583 |
Cold | Awesome | 590 |
Cold storage | A cryptocurrency wallet not connected to the Internet | 597 |
collab | Collaboration | 599 |
Collab house | A house full of social media influencers | 598 |
College shower | Spraying clothes with air freshener | 599 |
Comb-over | Hairstyle where hair is combed to one side of the head | 596 |
combo | Combination | 577 |
Comfort character | A fictional character who soothes you | 598 |
Comfort idol | A celebrity whose actions soothe you | 582 |
Coming for necks | Means business | 597 |
Comment ghosting | Removing a user's comments | 596 |
comp | Computer | 598 |
Comped | Hacked | 598 |
Complisult | An insulting compliment | 598 |
CON | Constitution | 595 |
Constellation | A network of polyamorous relationships | 599 |
Control deck | Card deck focused on controlling the game | 599 |
Controller | Champion who supports allies | 596 |
CONUS | Contiguous United States | 593 |
Conversational remorse | Regret for not saying something in a conversation | 597 |
convo | Conversation | 592 |
coo | Cool | 599 |
COO | Chief operating officer | 598 |
Cook | To make methamphetamine | 598 |
COP | Close of play | 598 |
Cop | A police officer | 597 |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 599 |
Copium | Coping via false rationale | 596 |
COPPA | Children's Online Privacy Protection Act | 599 |
Copypasta | A block of text that is often copied and pasted online | 594 |
Core Web Vitals | Metrics that measure the user experience of a website | 598 |
Corn | Porn | 596 |
Cornrows | Hairstyle featuring braided rows | 599 |
Cornucopia | Homophobia | 599 |
Corona bump | Elbow bump with a person to avoid spreading the coronavirus | 595 |
COS | Child over shoulder | 589 |
cos | Because | 599 |
Cosplay | Costume play | 591 |
Cosplayer | A person who wears a costume and plays a character | 594 |
Costcop | A Costco worker who verifies your receipt | 599 |
Costube | Costuming YouTubers | 598 |
COT | Circle of trust | 596 |
Cottagecore | An aesthetic centered around romanticized rural living | 591 |
Cougar | An older woman who dates younger men | 596 |
Covfefe | Coverage | 593 |
Covid | COVID-19 | 585 |
Covidiot | A person who downplays the dangers of COVID-19 | 598 |
Cow | Minecraft mob | 570 |
Cowboy Up | Get tough | 594 |
Cozy vibes | Warm, comfortable, and inviting feelings | 598 |
Cozzie livs | Cost of living | 599 |
CP | Club Penguin | 602 |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant | 596 |
CPC | Cost per click | 599 |
CPE | Coolest Person Ever | 598 |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation | 590 |
CPS | Clicks per second | 597 |
CQC | Close-quarters combat | 596 |
cqrt | Security | 598 |
CR7 | Cristiano Ronaldo | 595 |
Cracka | A white person | 600 |
Cracked | Crazy | 594 |
Cracked | Low health | 596 |
Cracker | A white person | 596 |
Crackling | Speedling with Adrenal Glands | 599 |
CRAFT | Can't remember a freakin' thing | 594 |
Cram | To study a lot right before an exam | 600 |
Crapple | Apple | 593 |
Craptions | Bad closed captions | 599 |
Crash | To quickly fall asleep | 596 |
Crash your squad | Join your group of friends | 597 |
Crashy | Crazy and trashy | 599 |
CRAT | Can't remember a thing | 599 |
CRAWS | Can't remember anything worth s*** | 599 |
Cray | Crazy | 583 |
Craydar | Ability to detect craziness | 596 |
CRB | Come right back | 599 |
CRBT | Crying real big tears | 598 |
CRD | Caucasian Rhythm Disorder | 597 |
cre8 | Create | 601 |
Creep | A basic unit | 586 |
Creeper | A socially invasive person | 582 |
Creeper | Hostile mob | 543 |
Creepypasta | A horror story posted on the Internet | 594 |
Crew | Group of friends | 580 |
Crew cut | Hairstyle with faded sides and a little longer top | 601 |
Crib | House | 599 |
Cricketing | Not replying to someone's message | 598 |
Crimbo | Christmas | 594 |
Crine | Crying | 600 |
Cringe | Unpleasant | 585 |
Cringeworthy | Upsetting | 597 |
Crisp | Cool | 602 |
crit | Critical Strike | 559 |
CRN | Chuckling right now | 600 |
CRNA | Certified registered nurse anesthetist | 600 |
Crooked H | Hillary Clinton | 600 |
Croomf | A social media follower crush | 597 |
Crop | An edited TikTok video | 599 |
Crossed | High and drunk | 584 |
Crossfaded | Drunk and high | 597 |
Crows before hoes | Guy friends are more important than romantic interests | 585 |
CRPG | Computer role-playing game | 600 |
CRS | Can't remember stuff | 597 |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube | 600 |
CRT | Critical Race Theory | 596 |
CRTLA | Can't remember the three-letter acronym | 600 |
Crud | Junk | 602 |
Cruft | Redundant software or hardware | 595 |
Crunchy | Natural and sustainable lifestyle | 592 |
Crunchy | Requires a lot of analysis | 598 |
Crunk | Crazy and drunk | 595 |
Crush | A person who is the object of someone's affection | 586 |
Crushing | Obsessed | 597 |
Crushing it | Doing very well | 594 |
Crybully | A person who bullies people while playing the victim | 598 |
Crying Jordan | A meme featuring a crying Michael Jordan | 588 |
Crypto | Cryptocurrency | 589 |
Crypto Mom | SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce | 594 |
crz | Crazy | 599 |
CS | ChatSlang.com | 596 |
CS | Caesarean section | 598 |
CS | Creep score | 586 |
CS | Caught stealing | 598 |
CS:GO | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | 598 |
CSABR | Continued success and best regards | 597 |
CSB | Cool story, bro | 588 |
CSG | Chuckle snicker grin | 602 |
CSL | Can't stop laughing | 599 |
CSM | Customer Success Manager | 600 |
CSOM | Client side object model | 597 |
CSRD | Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive | 599 |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet | 590 |
CST | Central Standard Time | 598 |
CT | Central time zone | 600 |
CTA | Call-to-action | 594 |
CTB | Catch the bus | 598 |
CTC | Call the cell | 599 |
CTC | Care to chat? | 583 |
CTE | Chronic traumatic encephalopathy | 600 |
CTF | Capture the flag | 553 |
CTFD | Calm the f*** down | 598 |
CTFU | Cracking the f*** up | 600 |
CTHU | Cracking the heck up | 594 |
CTM | Complete the Monument | 622 |
CTM | Chuckle to myself | 605 |
CTMQ | Chuckling to myself quietly | 606 |
CTN | Can't talk now | 584 |
CTO | Check this out | 597 |
ctr | Center | 599 |
CTRN | Can't talk right now | 597 |
CTS | Change the subject | 595 |
CTTO | Credit to the owner | 599 |
CU | See you | 583 |
CU | Credit union | 597 |
CU2 | See you, too | 599 |
cu2mr | See you tomorrow | 601 |
CU46 | See you for sex | 593 |
CU@ | See you around | 598 |
CUB | Call you back | 596 |
cud | Could | 598 |
Cuffing | Linking up in a relationship with a person | 594 |
Cuffing season | The fall and winter time period where people begin relationships | 591 |
CUIMD | See you in my dreams | 599 |
CUL | Call you later | 599 |
CUL | Catch you later | 588 |
CUL | See you later | 591 |
cul8r | See you later | 594 |
cul8r | Call you later | 585 |
cul8rm8 | See you later, mate | 598 |
CULA | See you later alligator | 600 |
CUOL | See you online | 597 |
Cup | Hole | 601 |
Cupcake | A young female who seeks favor with powerful men | 596 |
Cupcake | A gay man | 599 |
Cupcaking | Flirting | 581 |
Curve | Reject | 596 |
CUS | See you soon | 595 |
cus | Because | 598 |
Cushioning | Pursuing romantic interests in case you break up | 598 |
Cushty | Cool | 597 |
Cusper | A person born at the intersection of two generations | 597 |
Cut a promo | Stage a promotional interview | 596 |
Cut class | Not attend class | 598 |
Cutter | A breaking fastball | 598 |
Cutting down the nets | Won a basketball tournament | 598 |
Cutting on | Teasing | 598 |
cuz | Because | 565 |
CVA | Cerebrovascular accident | 600 |
CVI | Cerebrovascular insult | 603 |
CW | Content warning | 597 |
CWOT | Complete waste of time | 599 |
CWYL | Chat with you later | 600 |
cx | Correction | 595 |
CY | Calm yourself | 601 |
cya | See ya | 572 |
CYA | Cover your a** | 597 |
cyal8r | See you later | 597 |
CYB | Call you back | 597 |
Cyberbully | A person who bullies someone using technology | 595 |
Cyberbullying | Bullying a person using technology | 594 |
Cybermob | A group of online users that harasses other users | 597 |
Cyberslacking | Using an employer's Internet for personal activities while working | 599 |
Cyberstalking | Stalking a person using technology | 600 |
Cycle | Single, double, triple, and home run | 598 |
CYDI | Can ya dig it | 596 |
CYE | Check your email | 599 |
CYF | Check your Facebook | 595 |
CYFB | Check your Facebook | 598 |
CYL | Catch ya later | 585 |
CYM | Check your Myspace | 601 |
CYM | Check your mail | 583 |
CYM | Check your messages | 602 |
CYO | See you online | 599 |
CYOA | Cover your own a** | 553 |
Cypher | An informal rap or dance gathering | 598 |
cyr | Call your | 598 |
CYT | See you tomorrow | 604 |
CYWW2BY | See ya, wouldn't want to be ya | 599 |
cz | Because | 581 |