T Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
T Swift | Taylor Swift | 597 |
T-giving | Thanksgiving | 600 |
T1D | Type 1 Diabetes | 599 |
t2go | Time to go | 597 |
T2M | Talk to me | 590 |
T2U | Talk to you | 585 |
T2UL | Talk to you later | 602 |
t2ul8er | Talk to you later | 602 |
t2ul8r | Talk to you later | 598 |
T4LMK | Thanks for letting me know | 595 |
T4P | Thanks for posting | 598 |
T4T | Thanks for trade | 598 |
T4TU | Thanks for the update | 596 |
TA | Thanks again | 598 |
TA | Teaching assistant | 595 |
TAAHM | Two and a Half Men | 595 |
tab | Talking about | 598 |
Table | Turntable | 600 |
Table setter | A player who gets on base so other hitters can hit him in | 599 |
TAC | That ain't cool | 598 |
Tacky | Bad taste | 599 |
Tada | Announcement | 598 |
TAFN | That's all for now | 598 |
Take a smellfie | To sniff your armpit | 597 |
Take him off the grill | Shut him down | 599 |
Take it easy | Calm down | 597 |
Take my energy | Good luck | 583 |
Take the L | Take the loss | 599 |
Talibangelical | An overzealous evangelical Christian | 598 |
Talking head | A person on TV who gives information or opinions | 597 |
Talking trash | Disrespecting | 588 |
TAM | Total addressable market | 599 |
Tameka | An angry, verbally abusive woman | 599 |
Tank | Hardy character | 607 |
TANSTAAFL | There ain't no such thing as a free lunch | 599 |
TANSTAFL | There ain't no such thing as a free lunch | 597 |
tar | Receiving targets | 595 |
tard | Retard | 598 |
TARFU | Things are really f***ed up | 597 |
TAT | This and that | 599 |
tat | Tattoo | 598 |
Tater | Home run | 587 |
tater | Potato | 599 |
Tater trot | Home run trot | 600 |
TAU | Thinking about you | 600 |
TAWOG | The Amazing World of Gumball | 598 |
TAY | Thinking about you | 583 |
Tay tay | Taylor Swift | 592 |
TAZ | The Adventure Zone | 599 |
tb | Terabyte | 590 |
tb | Tuberculosis | 599 |
TBA | To be announced | 596 |
TBC | To be continued | 551 |
TBCL | To be continued later | 598 |
TBD | To be determined | 590 |
TBE | To be edited | 596 |
TBF | To be fair | 585 |
TBF | To be frank | 597 |
TBF | To be forwarded | 598 |
TBFU | Too bad for you | 597 |
TBH | To be honest | 543 |
TBI | Traumatic brain injury | 599 |
TBQH | To be quite honest | 597 |
TBR | To be released | 603 |
TBR | To be resolved | 601 |
TBR | To be read | 589 |
TBR | To be revised | 600 |
TBR | To be real | 586 |
TBR | To be rude | 595 |
TBT | Throwback Thursday | 587 |
TBT | Truth be told | 597 |
TBTG | Thanks be to God | 597 |
TBY | Teacher behind you | 597 |
TC | Take care | 580 |
TC | That's cool | 601 |
TC | Total chances | 595 |
TCB | Taking care of business | 599 |
TCCIC | Take care 'cause I care | 598 |
TCFN | Take care for now | 598 |
TCG | Trading card game | 582 |
TCO | Taken care of | 600 |
TCOB | Takin' care of business | 596 |
TCOOD | Taking clothes out of dryer | 599 |
TCOY | Take care of yourself | 599 |
TCU | Transitional care unit | 600 |
TCWB | Take care, write back | 598 |
td | Touchdown | 597 |
TDL | The Do LaB | 599 |
TDM | Team deathmatch | 551 |
TDSWJS | The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | 595 |
TDTM | Talk dirty to me | 591 |
TE | Tight end | 591 |
Tea | Truth | 592 |
Tebowing | Getting in a position of praying | 593 |
tech | Technology | 594 |
Techie | Someone well-versed in technology | 594 |
Techlash | Backlash against big tech companies | 599 |
Techlexia | Difficulty using technology | 589 |
Techlexic | Unable to comprehend technology | 596 |
TechToker | A TikToker who discusses tech | 597 |
Teemo | The swift scout | 586 |
Teemo | Teenage Emo | 598 |
teh | The | 599 |
tek | Take | 599 |
tel | Telephone | 596 |
teme | Tell me | 600 |
tendies | Chicken tenders | 596 |
Terf | A trans-exclusionary radical feminist | 597 |
Terribad | Terribly bad | 600 |
Terrible twos | Rebellious stage exhibited by two year olds | 600 |
Tester | A putt that tests a golfer's skill | 601 |
Texas Leaguer | Weak fly ball hit to the outfield | 600 |
Texas wedge | Putt from off the green | 593 |
Text door neighbor | A person with a similar phone number | 600 |
Textastrophe | Texting catastrophe | 587 |
Textationship | A relationship confined to texting | 599 |
Textlationship | A relationship largely based on texting | 598 |
Textmergency | Text emergency | 588 |
Textpectation | Expectation of waiting for a text | 594 |
Textplanation | Text explanation | 600 |
Textual chemistry | Romantic chemistry between two people via text messages | 599 |
TF | Twisted Fate | 577 |
TF | The f*** | 521 |
TF | Too funny | 600 |
TF2 | Team Fortress 2 | 597 |
TFA | The Force Awakens | 599 |
TFB | Too freakin' bad | 586 |
TFF | Too freakin' funny | 597 |
TFF | Twitter follower-friend | 591 |
TFK | Thousand Foot Krutch | 598 |
TFLMK | Thanks for letting me know | 598 |
TFT | Teamfight Tactics | 597 |
TFTA | Thanks for the add | 582 |
TFTF | Thanks for the follow | 597 |
TFTHU | Thanks for the heads up | 598 |
TFTI | Thanks for the information | 593 |
TFW | That feeling when | 586 |
TG | Thank goodness | 594 |
TGAL | Think globally, act locally | 596 |
TGFF | Thank God for Friday | 593 |
TGIF | Thank goodness it's Friday | 550 |
TGNC | Transgender and gender non-conforming | 599 |
TGNCNB | Transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary | 599 |
TGTBT | Too good to be true | 594 |
TH | Tears of happiness | 608 |
THAC0 | To Hit Armor Class 0 | 598 |
Thang | Thing | 598 |
Thanksgivukkah | Thanksgiving and Hanukkah | 600 |
thanq | Thank you | 598 |
Thar | There | 600 |
That ain't it | That's no good | 596 |
That moment when | Remember that time when | 597 |
The beautiful game | Soccer | 600 |
The G | Girlfriend | 599 |
The gram | 596 | |
The Great Divider | The President of the United States | 598 |
The Great Resignation | People quitting their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic | 590 |
The ick | A feeling of disgust for your significant other | 598 |
The Rachel | Voluminous shoulder-length haircut | 601 |
The sidewalk rule | Your man should walk on the street side of the sidewalk | 593 |
The Squad | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib | 598 |
The Streisand Effect | When an attempt to hide information draws greater attention | 597 |
The struggle is real | Having difficulty doing something | 584 |
The turn | Halfway point of a round of golf | 600 |
Theobro | A conservative male that argues Christian theology | 596 |
Theybie | A gender-neutral baby | 599 |
Theybies | Gender-neutral babies | 599 |
Theyby | A gender-neutral baby | 599 |
Thicc | Curvaceous body type | 598 |
Thigh gap | Space between a person's thighs | 582 |
Thinspiration | Inspiration to be thin | 598 |
thinspo | Thin inspiration | 598 |
Third wheel | A person who feels left out | 595 |
Thirst trap | A provocative action, message, video, or photo | 593 |
Thirsty | Desiring a person | 580 |
thkq | Thank you | 597 |
thnq | Thank you | 597 |
tho | Though | 597 |
THOT | That hoe over there | 563 |
Thread | A series of messages | 587 |
Threadjacking | Steering a discussion away from the original topic | 591 |
Threads | Clothes | 593 |
Three bagger | Triple | 597 |
Three-bagger | Investment that tripled | 599 |
Three-peat | Winning a championship three times in a row | 598 |
Threenager | A three year old that acts like a teenager | 598 |
Threequel | The third installation in a series of works | 599 |
Thrift flip | Reselling items you bought at a thrift store | 599 |
Throuple | A romantic relationship between three people | 596 |
Throw hands | Fight | 590 |
Throw the game | Lose the game on purpose | 579 |
Throwing | Losing a winnable game on purpose | 599 |
Throwing hands | Fighting | 594 |
Throwing shade | Disrespecting | 586 |
thru | Through | 596 |
Thruple | A romantic relationship between three people | 596 |
tht | That | 597 |
THTH | Too hot to handle | 600 |
Thumb day | When you browse your phone incessantly at the gym | 597 |
Thundersnow | A snowy thunderstorm | 599 |
thx | Thanks | 441 |
TIA | Thanks in advance | 596 |
TIC | Tongue-in-cheek | 596 |
Ticking | Attacking a blocking opponent | 599 |
TIFU | Today I F***ed Up | 595 |
Tiger mother | A mom who demands excellence from her child | 600 |
Tight | Close | 596 |
Tight | Awesome | 590 |
Tight lie | A golf ball laying directly on the ground | 599 |
TIHI | Thanks, I hate it | 597 |
Tikbait | Shallow TikTok content created to get views | 596 |
TikTok house | A house full of TikTok influencers | 594 |
TikToker | A TikTok user | 590 |
TIL | Today I learned | 590 |
TILII | Tell it like it is | 599 |
Tilted | Aggravated | 576 |
Time-poor | Busy with little free time | 600 |
Tindering | Using Tinder | 597 |
ting | Thing | 599 |
TINWIS | That is not what I said | 600 |
TIO | Turn it off | 598 |
Tip creep | Expansion of services prompting tips | 596 |
Tip fatigue | Weariness of tipping workers | 597 |
Tipflation | Inflation of monetary tips | 596 |
TIPS | To insure prompt service | 599 |
TISNF | That is so not fair | 599 |
TISU | This is so unfair | 597 |
TITF | That is too funny | 599 |
TITF | Taking it too far | 599 |
Title gore | When a forum post's title is terrible | 598 |
Tix | Tickets | 598 |
TJI | Try joining in | 598 |
TK | To come | 599 |
TK | Team kill | 571 |
TKA | Totally Kick A** | 598 |
TKL | Tenkeyless | 599 |
tl | Tell | 599 |
tl | Timeline | 588 |
TLA | Three letter acronym | 597 |
TLC | Tender love and care | 594 |
TLDR | Too long, didn't read | 508 |
tlk | Talk | 601 |
tlkin | Talking | 599 |
tlking | Talking | 600 |
TLTR | Too long to read | 597 |
TLTT | Too lazy to talk | 597 |
TM | Tickle me | 601 |
TM | Trademark | 584 |
TM | Trouble maker | 597 |
TM | Tell me | 600 |
TMA | Take my advice | 595 |
TMAI | Tell me about it | 599 |
TMB | Tag me back | 599 |
TMB | Text me back | 591 |
TMB | Tweet me back | 600 |
TMDF | To my dearest friend | 596 |
TMFT | Too much free time | 597 |
TMG | That's my girl | 589 |
TMI | Too much information | 573 |
TMNT | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 567 |
Tmr | Tomorrow | 599 |
tmrw | Tomorrow | 579 |
TMSF | Too much science fiction | 600 |
TMTH | Too much to handle | 599 |
TMTT | Tell me the truth | 599 |
TMW | That moment when | 601 |
tn | Tonight | 574 |
TNF | Thursday Night Football | 598 |
TNG | The Next Generation | 591 |
TNT | Til next time | 598 |
TNTL | Trying not to laugh | 597 |
tnx | Thanks | 577 |
ToC | Table of contents | 598 |
TOD | Truth or dare | 594 |
Togger | Soccer | 597 |
TOH | The other half | 594 |
TOH | Typing one-handed | 586 |
TOIOM | This one is on me | 599 |
TOL | Thinking of laughing | 596 |
tomoz | Tomorrow | 600 |
Toodles | Goodbye | 601 |
Tool | Egotistical jerk | 591 |
Tooling | Manipulating a person | 598 |
Toon | Alternate character | 599 |
toon | Cartoon | 598 |
Tooth sweater | The feeling on your tooth from not brushing | 599 |
Tootles | Goodbye | 594 |
Tootsies | Toes | 592 |
top | Top lane | 586 |
Topdeck | To draw from your deck | 583 |
Tope | Tight and dope | 597 |
Torch | To beat someone in competition | 574 |
TOS | The Original Series | 596 |
TOS | Terms of service | 571 |
Toss | Protoss | 585 |
totes | Totally | 594 |
TOTK | The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | 598 |
tots | Totally | 598 |
tots | Tater tots | 599 |
Tots and pears | Thoughts and prayers | 592 |
TOU | Thinking of you | 586 |
Touch em all | Home run | 599 |
Touch grass | Return to reality | 596 |
tourney | Tournament | 597 |
Touron | A moronic tourist | 599 |
TOW | The one with | 598 |
TOW | The one where | 599 |
Tower diving | Attacking an opposing player under his tower | 551 |
TOWL | The one with love | 598 |
Townie | A lifelong resident of one town | 599 |
Toxic | Negative | 597 |
TOY | Thinking of you | 595 |
TP | Triple play | 591 |
tp | Teleport | 419 |
TP | Toilet paper | 596 |
TP | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess | 596 |
TPA | Total plate appearances | 599 |
TPK | Total Party Kill | 599 |
TPM | Tweets per minute | 599 |
TPS | Third-person shooter | 598 |
TPT | Trailer park trash | 599 |
TPTB | The powers that be | 596 |
TPvPZ | Terran Protoss versus Protoss Zerg | 597 |
TQ | Thank you | 592 |
TQVM | Thank you very much | 592 |
Trade | Destroy or counter an opponent's card with your own | 597 |
Trade bait | A good player that entices other teams to trade for him | 592 |
Tradwife | A wife who adheres to traditional values | 596 |
tranna | Trying to | 599 |
Trans | Transgender | 597 |
Trans | Translation | 599 |
Trash | Dungeon enemy mob groups | 596 |
Trash | Terrible | 598 |
Trash streaming | Performing crude acts online in exchange for donations from viewers | 597 |
Trashy | Poor quality | 593 |
Traumaversary | Anniversary of a traumatic event | 598 |
Travoltafied | Mispronounced a name | 601 |
Travoltafy | To mispronounce a name | 601 |
Travoltified | Mispronounced a name | 588 |
Travoltify | To mispronounce a name | 596 |
trbl | Terrible | 595 |
TRDMF | Tears running down my face | 597 |
Treat yo self | Take care of yourself | 593 |
Tree | Marijuana | 596 |
Tree hugger | A person who cares about the environment | 581 |
Trekker | Star Trek Fan | 598 |
Trekkie | A Star Trek Fan | 596 |
Trendjacking | Hijacking a trend for personal gain | 600 |
Trey | 3-point shot attempt | 598 |
Tribe | Internet community | 599 |
Triggered | Angry | 574 |
Trill | Well respected | 586 |
Triple | Hit that results in the batter getting to third base | 595 |
Triple bogey | Three strokes over par | 601 |
Triple play | Three outs on the same play | 598 |
Triple-double | Achieving double digits in three categories in a basketball game | 597 |
Trippin | Hallucinating | 590 |
Trippin | Overreacting | 600 |
Trippy | Bizarre | 599 |
Troll | A person who posts offensive comments | 571 |
Trolling | Posting offensive comments | 537 |
Trolol | Laughing at troll | 597 |
Trophy husband | An attractive husband | 596 |
Trophy wife | An attractive wife of an older man | 599 |
TRS | That really sucks | 582 |
tru | True | 596 |
tru dat | True that | 598 |
Trumper | A Donald Trump supporter | 593 |
Trumper tantrum | Lashing out at people on Twitter | 598 |
Trumpette | A female supporter of Donald Trump | 599 |
Trumpflake | A sensitive Trump supporter | 600 |
Trumpism | A word popularized by Donald Trump | 598 |
Trumpshake | A handshake that lasts too long | 599 |
Trumpster | A Donald Trump supporter | 597 |
Truth bomb | A surprising but true statement | 591 |
Truthiness | Truth based on feelings | 596 |
TRWTF | The real WTF | 603 |
Tryhard | A person who cares too much about winning | 553 |
tryna | Trying to | 598 |
TS | Tough stuff | 598 |
Ts and Ps | Thoughts and prayers | 599 |
TSFH | Two Steps From Hell | 600 |
TSFW | Totally safe for work | 597 |
TSFW | Too stupid for words | 599 |
TSIR | The struggle is real | 597 |
TSNF | That's so not fair | 591 |
TSR | Total shareholder return | 599 |
TSS | This stuff sucks | 598 |
TSS | Toxic Shock Syndrome | 591 |
TSTL | Too stupid to live | 599 |
TT | Talking to | 599 |
TT | Trending topic | 596 |
TT2T | Too tired to talk | 598 |
TT4N | Ta-ta for now | 598 |
TTB | That's too bad | 586 |
TTBOMK | To the best of my knowledge | 598 |
TTFN | Ta-ta for now | 584 |
TTG | Time to go | 603 |
TTKA | Time to kick a** | 598 |
TTL | Time to leave | 584 |
TTL | Time to live | 599 |
TTL | Talk to you later | 597 |
ttly | Totally | 596 |
TTM | Talk to me | 599 |
TTMN | Talk to me now | 598 |
TTMN | Talk to me nice | 599 |
TTR | Time to relax | 601 |
TTRPG | Tabletop role-playing game | 595 |
TTS | Tabletop Simulator | 597 |
TTS | Text-to-Speech | 599 |
TTT | To the top | 600 |
TTTE | Thomas the Tank Engine | 595 |
TTTHCS | Things that Tim Howard could save | 604 |
TTTT | Too tired to talk | 517 |
TTTT | These things take time | 599 |
TTTT | To tell the truth | 582 |
TTUL | Talk to you later | 597 |
TTY | Talk to you | 585 |
TTYAW | Talk to you after work | 599 |
TTYIAB | Talk to you in a bit | 596 |
TTYIAM | Talk to you in a minute | 597 |
TTYL | Talk to you later | 347 |
TTYLMF | Talk to you later, my friend | 604 |
TTYLXOX | Talk to you later, hugs and kisses | 595 |
TTYN | Talk to you never | 601 |
TTYOOTD | Talk to you one of these days | 598 |
TTYS | Talk to you soon | 584 |
TTYT | Talk to you tomorrow | 495 |
TTYVS | Talk to you very soon | 595 |
TTYW | Talk to you whenever | 600 |
TU | Thank you | 599 |
Tuddy | Touchdown | 598 |
tude | Attitude | 597 |
Tuff | Tough | 598 |
TUI | Turning you in | 599 |
Tune up | Beat up | 580 |
Tuning | Subtly flirting with a person | 599 |
Tunneling | Throwing different pitches with a similar trajectory to fool hitters | 597 |
Turf | Neighborhood | 593 |
Turkey day | Thanksgiving day | 594 |
Turn down for what | I'm excited | 598 |
Turn two | To record a double play | 596 |
Turn two | To work hard on a job | 596 |
Turn up | To get crazy | 598 |
Turnt | Excited | 598 |
Turnt up | Excited | 595 |
Turtle | A gamer who plays defensively | 581 |
Turtling | Playing defensively | 549 |
Turtling | Breaching of a bowel movement | 596 |
Tush push | A play where the quarterback is pushed to gain yards | 599 |
TUT | Totally unique thought | 597 |
TvP | Terran versus Protoss | 585 |
TvT | Terran versus Terran | 582 |
TvZ | Terran versus Zerg | 584 |
TW | Trigger warning | 594 |
Twaddict | Twitter addict | 598 |
TWD | The Walking Dead | 590 |
TWD | Texting while driving | 595 |
twds | Towards | 599 |
Tweakin | Doing crazy stuff | 599 |
Tweavesdropping | Eavesdropping on Twitter | 599 |
tween | Tweenager | 589 |
Tweenager | A pre-teenager | 596 |
Tweener | Tennis shot | 598 |
Tweener | A wrestler who is neither hero nor villain | 599 |
Tweeple | Twitter people | 597 |
Tweeps | Twitter peeps | 593 |
Tweet | Twitter post | 575 |
Tweeter | A person who tweets | 596 |
Tweetsult | Insulting tweet | 591 |
Tweetup | Twitter meetup | 594 |
Twerk | Hip-gyrating dance move | 582 |
Twerking | Shaking hips and rear in a bouncing motion | 591 |
Twewbie | Twitter newbie | 598 |
TWHS | That's what he said | 598 |
TWIMC | To whom it may concern | 596 |
Twin killing | Two outs on the same play | 596 |
Twindemic | A dual pandemic | 599 |
Twink | Powerful low-level character | 576 |
Twinking | Equipping a low-level character with high-level items | 604 |
Twinning | Saying or doing something in coordination with another person | 594 |
Twinsies | Two people who share a common trait | 588 |
TWIS | That's what I said | 582 |
TWIT | That's what I thought | 599 |
Twitch | Video game streaming website | 514 |
Twitler | An overbearing Twitter user | 599 |
Twitter canoe | Bloated Twitter conversation with 3 or more users | 599 |
Twittersphere | The world of Twitter | 586 |
Twitterstorm | A quick rise of activity about a specific topic on Twitter | 594 |
Twitterverse | Twitter universe | 599 |
TWMA | Till we meet again | 599 |
Two bagger | Double | 596 |
Two-bagger | Investment that doubled | 597 |
Twollower | Twitter follower | 602 |
TWSB | This website sucks b***s | 599 |
TWSI | That was so ironic | 600 |
TWSS | That's what she said | 596 |
TWTI | That was totally ironic | 600 |
tx | Thanks | 598 |
tx | Transmit | 599 |
txt | Text | 596 |
txtin | Texting | 599 |
TY | Thank you | 389 |
TYFA | Thank you for asking | 593 |
TYFP | Thank you for party | 593 |
TYL | Thank you, Lord | 599 |
TYL | Tell you later | 592 |
TYLJ | Thank you Lord Jesus | 599 |
TYM | Thank you much | 595 |
Typeractive | Extremely talkative in digital communications | 599 |
typo | Typographical error | 596 |
TYSM | Thank you so much | 561 |
TYT | Take your time | 582 |
TYVM | Thank you very much | 545 |