B Slang Terms
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
b | Be | 587 |
B&E | Breaking and entering | 596 |
B&F | Back and forth | 597 |
B&W | Black and white | 594 |
b-day | Birthday | 567 |
b/c | Because | 573 |
b/f | Brain fart | 597 |
b/f | Boyfriend | 486 |
b/r | Bathroom | 599 |
b/w | Between | 596 |
B1G1 | Buy one, get one | 594 |
B2B | Business-to-business | 596 |
B2C | Business-to-consumer | 598 |
B2G1 | Buy two, get one | 597 |
B2G2 | Buy two, get two | 597 |
B2W | Back to work | 597 |
b4 | Before | 541 |
B4N | Bye for now | 587 |
b4u | Before you | 600 |
b8 | Bait | 597 |
B@U | Back at you | 599 |
BA | B**** a** | 598 |
BA | Bad a** | 585 |
BAA | Broad agency announcement | 600 |
Babe | An attractive person | 600 |
BABIP | Batting average on balls in play | 598 |
Baby bump | Protruding abdomen of a pregnant female | 601 |
Baby trap | When one partner misleads the other to cause a pregnancy | 594 |
Babymoon | A vacation taken by expecting parents | 600 |
Babysit | To assist a champion in getting more powerful | 581 |
BAC | Back at computer | 599 |
BAC | Bad a** chick | 598 |
Bachelor's handbag | A takeaway roast chicken | 598 |
Back nine | Last nine holes of an 18-hole golf course | 601 |
Back-door putt | Putt that spins around a hole and drops in | 599 |
Backdoor brag | An action meant to solicit admiration from others | 599 |
Backdoor slider | A pitch that breaks over the plate | 599 |
Bada** | A cool rebel | 587 |
Baddie | An attractive female | 599 |
BAE | Before anyone else | 564 |
bae | Babe | 587 |
BAE | Before anything else | 601 |
BAF | Bring a friend | 594 |
BAFO | Best and final offer | 597 |
BAG | Busting a gut | 598 |
BAG | Big a** grin | 597 |
Bag | A base | 595 |
Bag | £1000 | 592 |
Bag | Success and wealth | 594 |
Bagholder | A person who fails to sell a stock before it crashes | 592 |
BAGL | Busting a gut laughing | 598 |
Bai | Bye | 580 |
BAIC | Boy am I confused | 600 |
Bail | To quickly leave | 596 |
Baited | Tricked by misleading information | 598 |
BAK | Back at keyboard | 594 |
Baka | Fool | 596 |
Balkanization | Splintering | 599 |
Ball don't lie | You get what you deserve | 595 |
Baller | A cool person | 600 |
Ballin | Succeeding | 595 |
Ballin | Playing sports well | 599 |
Baltimore chop | Baseball hit that takes a large hop over an infielder | 596 |
BAM | Below average mentality | 599 |
BAMF | Bad a** mother f***** | 586 |
Band | One thousand dollars | 586 |
Banger | An awesome, energetic piece of media | 587 |
Bantha fodder | As good as dead | 599 |
BAO | Be aware of | 600 |
Bappin | Lying | 598 |
Barbenheimer | Barbie and Oppenheimer | 595 |
BarCraft | Watching StarCraft at a bar | 592 |
Bare | A lot | 600 |
Bare lie | A golf ball laying directly on the ground | 599 |
Barney | Trouble | 600 |
Bars | Lyrical hip hop sentences | 591 |
Base race | Simultaneous attacks on enemy bases | 585 |
Basebrawl | Baseball brawl | 588 |
Based | Agree | 582 |
Bases juiced | Baserunners on all three bases | 595 |
Bases loaded | Baserunners on all three bases | 598 |
Basic | Low sophistication | 596 |
BASOR | Breathing a sigh of relief | 599 |
BAT | Bada** trick | 598 |
BAU | Business as usual | 598 |
BAY | Back at you | 597 |
BAYC | Bored Ape Yacht Club | 597 |
BB | Bright blessings | 601 |
BB | Blessed be | 602 |
BB | Bye bye | 577 |
BB | Big blind | 596 |
BB | Be back | 597 |
BB | Breaking Bad | 595 |
BB | Bases on balls | 597 |
BB | Brickbattle | 596 |
bb | Baby | 598 |
bb/100 | Big bets per 100 hands | 597 |
BB4N | Bye bye for now | 597 |
BBB | Boring beyond belief | 598 |
BBC | Bloxburg Cash | 603 |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation | 599 |
BBD | Bigger, better deal | 599 |
BBF | Body by Fisher | 604 |
BBFBBM | Body by Fisher, Brains by Mattel | 598 |
BBFN | Bye-bye for now | 599 |
bbg | Baby girl | 546 |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit | 580 |
BBIAF | Be back in a few | 598 |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute | 598 |
BBIAS | Be back in a second | 600 |
BBIAW | Be back in a while | 597 |
BBL | Be back later | 583 |
BBL | Brazilian butt lift | 598 |
bblr | Be back later | 600 |
BBM | Brains by Mattel | 597 |
BBML | Be back much later | 598 |
BBN | Bye-bye now | 597 |
BBOL | Be back on later | 596 |
bbq | Barbecue | 589 |
BBQ | Be back quick | 600 |
BBR | Broken beyond repair | 597 |
BBS | Be back soon | 583 |
BBS | Bulletin board system | 596 |
BBSS | Be back soon sweetie | 596 |
BBT | Be back tomorrow | 597 |
BBW | Big beautiful women | 586 |
BBW | Big black women | 601 |
BBW | Be back whenever | 592 |
BBWL | Be back way later | 598 |
BC | Be cool | 581 |
bc | Because | 483 |
BC | The Burning Crusade | 609 |
BC | Back cover | 600 |
BCBG | Bon Chic Bon Genre | 595 |
BCC | Blind carbon copy | 590 |
bcnu | Be seein' you | 596 |
BCO | Big crush on | 593 |
bcos | Because | 597 |
BCOY | Big crush on you | 598 |
bcoz | Because | 598 |
BCV | Before coronavirus | 599 |
bcz | Because | 526 |
BD | Big deal | 595 |
bd | Birthday | 585 |
BD | Blu-ray | 599 |
bd | Backdoor | 595 |
BD | Baby daddy | 599 |
bday | Birthday | 560 |
BDD | Body dysmorphic disorder | 597 |
BDE | Big D*** Energy | 598 |
BDU | Brain dead user | 597 |
Be easy | Be calm | 597 |
Beamed | Having limited edition items stolen | 589 |
Beamer | A BMW vehicle | 600 |
Beaned | Banned | 597 |
Beaning | Pouring baked beans on a building's doorstep | 597 |
Bearish | Negative outlook | 594 |
Beast | An awesome person | 579 |
Beast mode | Dominating gameplay | 584 |
Beat | To apply makeup | 597 |
beaut | Beautiful | 599 |
Becky | A basic white girl | 595 |
Bed head | Unkempt hair | 599 |
Bedgasm | Feeling of euphoria after laying down in bed | 597 |
Beef | Bothering problem | 590 |
Beefcake | A muscular person | 597 |
Beekeeping age | Attractive | 599 |
Beemer | A BMW vehicle | 600 |
Beer jacket | The warmth felt when consuming alcohol | 600 |
Beerboarding | Getting a person drunk in order to get information | 598 |
Before times | Life before COVID-19 | 596 |
BEG | Big evil grin | 600 |
Beige flag | An odd but unproblematic trait | 596 |
Belf | Blood elf | 598 |
Belfie | Butt selfie | 599 |
Belfie stick | An extendable pole with a smartphone on the end | 600 |
Belieber | A committed fan of Justin Bieber | 593 |
Benching | Using a person as a backup date | 593 |
Benjamin | One hundred dollar bill | 592 |
Bennifer | Ben and Jennifer | 600 |
Bestie | Best Friend | 576 |
Bet | You bet | 569 |
Beta male | A submissive male | 591 |
Beta orbiter | Someone who hovers around a person to make a romantic advance | 594 |
Beyhive | Dedicated fans of Beyoncé | 595 |
bf | Boyfriend | 487 |
BF | Big freaking sword | 551 |
BF | Brain fart | 587 |
BF | Batters faced | 566 |
BF | Black Friday | 598 |
BF2 | Battlefield 2 | 584 |
BFA | Battle for Azeroth | 596 |
BFAM | Brother from another mother | 598 |
BFAW | Best friend at work | 598 |
BFCM | Black Friday Cyber Monday | 597 |
BFD | Big freakin' deal | 582 |
BFF | Best friends forever | 543 |
BFF&E | Best friends forever and ever | 601 |
BFF4L | Best friends forever for life | 599 |
BFFAE | Best friends forever and ever | 588 |
BFFE | Best friends forever | 597 |
BFFL | Best friends for life | 583 |
BFFLAB | Best friends for life and beyond | 598 |
BFFLTDDUP | Best friends for life 'til death do us part | 600 |
BFFM | Best friends forevermore | 586 |
BFFN | Best friend for now | 598 |
BFFR | Be f***ing for real | 581 |
BFFTTE | Best friends forever 'til the end | 599 |
BFG | Big Freakin' Gun | 552 |
BFH | B**** from h*** | 602 |
BFK | Big fat kiss | 598 |
BFN | Bye for now | 587 |
BFN | Big fat negative | 598 |
BFP | Big fat positive | 598 |
BFR | Big freakin' rock | 599 |
BFTD | Best friends til death | 599 |
BFTP | Blast from the past | 602 |
BFU | Brain free user | 600 |
BFU | Bezny Franta uzivatel | 595 |
BFUT | Best friends until tomorrow | 601 |
BG | Big grin | 599 |
bg | Battleground | 594 |
BG | Bad game | 563 |
BG | Blood Glucose | 599 |
BG | Be good | 599 |
BG3 | Baldur's Gate 3 | 599 |
BGF | Best guy friend | 591 |
BGF | Best girl friend | 599 |
BGR | Boy girl relationship | 593 |
BH | Better half | 583 |
BH | Bloody hell | 597 |
BH@ | Be home at | 599 |
BHG | Big hearted guy | 602 |
bhl8 | Be home late | 598 |
BHM | Black History Month | 597 |
BHS | Be home soon | 597 |
Bi | Bisexual | 591 |
BI5 | Back in five | 597 |
BIAB | Back in a bit | 598 |
BIAM | Back in a minute | 598 |
bibi | Bye bye | 599 |
Bible | Honestly | 600 |
BIC | Butt in chair | 602 |
BID | Twice a day | 598 |
Bidness | Business | 598 |
Biffles | Best friends for life | 597 |
BIFL | Buy it for life | 592 |
Big back | An overweight person | 597 |
Big Board | New York Stock Exchange | 599 |
Big mad | Very angry | 596 |
Big mood | This is definitely how I'm feeling | 597 |
Big small | A body shape with a big belly and skinny legs | 598 |
Big to the max | Enormous in size | 598 |
Big yikes | Wow | 587 |
Bigly | Greatly | 598 |
Bikini bridge | Space between a bikini bottom and stomach | 592 |
BIL | Brother-in-law | 600 |
BIL | Boss is listening | 598 |
BIM | Building Information Modeling | 596 |
Bimbo | A dumb and attractive female | 598 |
BIN | Buy it now | 594 |
Bing bong | Expression of emphasis | 595 |
Binge racer | A person who watches an entire season of a show within 24 hours | 597 |
Binge racing | Watching an entire season of a show within 24 hours | 598 |
Binge-watch | To view many episodes or movies in a row | 580 |
bio | Bathroom | 596 |
BIO | Bring it on | 600 |
Bio | Biological units | 586 |
Bioball | Group of Terran biological units | 585 |
Biome | Minecraft region | 503 |
BION | Believe it or not | 583 |
BIOYA | Blow it out your a** | 597 |
BIOYE | Blow it out your ear | 604 |
BIOYN | Blow it out your nose | 600 |
BIPOC | Black, Indigenous, People of Color | 598 |
Birdie | One stroke under par | 599 |
Birdnest | One home for kids of divorced parents | 599 |
Birdnesting | Using one home for kids of divorced parents | 597 |
Birther | A person who believes Obama is not a US citizen | 597 |
BIS | Best in slot | 596 |
BIS | Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story | 596 |
Bish | B**** | 597 |
BISLY | But I still love you | 599 |
Bisous | Kisses | 594 |
Bitcoin Pizza Day | May 22, 2010 | 599 |
BITD | Back in the day | 600 |
bitmt | But in the meantime | 599 |
BITS | Back in the saddle | 599 |
biz | Business | 600 |
BK | Back | 552 |
BK | Burger King | 600 |
bk | Balks | 600 |
BKA | Better known as | 598 |
BL | Buddy list | 598 |
BL | Belly laughing | 597 |
blaccent | Black accent | 598 |
Blackfishing | Pretending to be ethnically Black | 595 |
Blackpilled | Pessimistic about the future | 596 |
Blag | Convince someone to give you something | 598 |
Blamestorming | Brainstorming who to blame | 600 |
Bleisure | Business and leisure travel | 597 |
Blep | An animal sticking out part of their tongue | 598 |
Bling | Baneling | 584 |
Bling | Overly flashy jewelry | 585 |
blinkie | Coupon dispenser machine | 599 |
blizz | Blizzard | 582 |
BLM | Black Lives Matter | 603 |
Block damage | Damage delivered to a blocking opponent | 599 |
Blockbuster | A commercially successful film | 597 |
blog | Web log | 592 |
Bloomer | A well-adjusted 20-something | 594 |
Bloop | Weakly hit fly ball | 597 |
BLOPS | Call of Duty: Black Ops | 604 |
Blow | Cocaine | 600 |
Blow up | To become successful | 597 |
Blowing a raspberry | Making a jeering noise | 599 |
Bloxxed | Killed | 595 |
BLS | Basic life support | 598 |
BLTN | Better late than never | 602 |
Blud | Bro | 595 |
Blue person | A person who changed your life for the better | 597 |
Blue tick | A verified X user | 596 |
Blue wave | Sweeping victories for Democrats | 600 |
Blue-checked | Verified on Twitter | 585 |
Blue-collar boomerang | Workers returning to their blue-collar jobs | 599 |
Bluepilled | Unquestioning of conventional beliefs | 597 |
Blueprint | Perfection | 590 |
BLUF | Bottom line up front | 597 |
Blursday | Literally any day of the week, they're all the same now | 593 |
Blursed | Blessed and cursed | 594 |
blvmot | Believe me on that | 601 |
blzd | Blizzard | 599 |
BM | Bite me | 602 |
BM | Bad mannered | 568 |
BM | Bowel movement | 597 |
BMA | Best mates always | 598 |
BMBO | Blow my brains out | 598 |
BME | Based on my experience | 599 |
BMF | Bad mother f****** | 599 |
BMFL | Best mates for life | 599 |
BMGWL | Busting my gut with laughter | 599 |
BMS | Broke my scale | 594 |
BMW | Boy Meets World | 596 |
BMW | Bayerische Motoren Werke | 593 |
BN | Bad news | 604 |
bn | Been | 599 |
BNIB | Brand new in box | 590 |
BNO | Boys' night out | 599 |
BNPL | Buy now pay later | 596 |
BNR | But not really | 598 |
BNWT | Brand new with tags | 598 |
BO | Back off | 599 |
BO | Build order | 598 |
BO | Body odor | 591 |
BO3 | Best of three | 580 |
BO5 | Best of five | 578 |
Board clear | Move that clears the opponent's board of minions | 586 |
Board control | To dominate the game board | 599 |
Boards | Rebounds | 600 |
BOAT | Best of all time | 591 |
Boat | Face | 599 |
BOC | Butt on chair | 599 |
bod | Body | 601 |
Body shaming | Criticizing a person's body | 599 |
BOE | Bind on equip | 598 |
Bogey | One stroke over par | 601 |
Bogey golf | Level of golf play that equals 1 shot over par | 600 |
BOGO | Buy one, get one | 594 |
BOGSAT | Bunch of guys sitting around talking | 599 |
BOHICA | Bend over here it comes again | 600 |
Boi | Boy | 600 |
BOL | Be on later | 602 |
BOL | Best of luck | 586 |
BOLO | Be on the lookout | 594 |
Bomb | Home run | 598 |
Bomb | To fail | 600 |
Bomb | A really good card | 598 |
BOMK | Best of my knowledge | 598 |
Bone zone | Adoration for Ken Bone | 601 |
Bonehead | A fan of Ken Bone | 599 |
Bonehead | Dumb | 599 |
Bones | Dollars | 591 |
Bones | Basic structure | 596 |
Bonus dad | A man who co-parents a child | 598 |
Bonus mom | A woman who co-parents a child | 601 |
Boo | Babe | 588 |
Book hangover | Remaining attached to a book you just finished | 595 |
Bookstagram | Instagram users who discuss books | 597 |
BookTok | TikTok users who discuss books | 595 |
BookTube | YouTubers who discuss books | 598 |
BookTwt | Book Twitter | 597 |
BookX | X users who discuss books | 597 |
Boomdawg | Expression of happiness | 602 |
Boomer | A person born between 1946 and 1964 | 590 |
Boomer remover | COVID-19 | 600 |
Boomerang child | An adult who moves out of his parents' home but moves back in | 597 |
Boomerang kid | An adult who moves out of her parents' home but then moves back in | 600 |
Boomkin | Moonkin druid | 574 |
BOOMS | Bored out of my skull | 601 |
Boomstick | Shotgun | 585 |
Boosted ape | A player whose friends helped them win | 598 |
Boosting | Unfair level boosting | 574 |
Bootsie | Boring person | 598 |
Booty call | An intimate rendezvous | 579 |
Bootylicious | Attractive with a nice rear end | 577 |
Booyah | Hooray | 598 |
Booze | Alcohol | 564 |
BOP | Bind on pickup | 598 |
Bop | An excellent song or album | 592 |
BORG | Black out rage gallon | 599 |
BOS | Brat over shoulder | 596 |
Boss | Awesome person | 586 |
Boss | Main bad character | 578 |
Boss | Winning card | 599 |
Boss run | A series of bosses in a row | 581 |
BOT | Back on topic | 596 |
BOT | Be on that | 605 |
bot | Bottom lane | 585 |
BoT | Bastion of Twilight | 599 |
Bot mafia | A legion of automated World of Warcraft characters | 600 |
BOTB | Back of the book | 598 |
BOTD | Benefit of the doubt | 597 |
Botox | Putt that lips out of the hole | 600 |
Bottom | Bottom lane | 598 |
BOTW | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | 597 |
BOU | Bind on use | 596 |
Bougie broke | Luxurious lifestyle on a budget | 600 |
Boujee | High class | 590 |
Bounce | To leave | 596 |
Bounce | Return a card to a player's hand | 596 |
bout | About | 597 |
Boxed set | Singles, doubles, and mixed doubles Grand Slam | 600 |
Boy dinner | A junk food dinner | 596 |
Boy math | Male logic | 593 |
BOYDS | Back off you dipstick | 601 |
Boyfriend air | Proximity to your boyfriend | 598 |
Boyfriend bomb | A statement that reveals your crush has a boyfriend | 599 |
Boyfriend effect | Changes experienced since getting a boyfriend | 598 |
BP | Blue pilling | 614 |
BP | Blood pressure | 600 |
BPA | Best player available | 596 |
BPD | Borderline personality disorder | 599 |
BR | Best regards | 593 |
br | Bathroom | 582 |
br | Blu-ray | 600 |
br | Bankroll | 597 |
BR | Buyer's remorse | 599 |
Bracket | Diagram of tournament games | 596 |
Bracket buster | A team that upsets a highly ranked team | 591 |
Bracketology | Predicting who will win a tournament | 597 |
Brah | Friend | 598 |
Brain fart | Brief absence of intelligence | 594 |
Brain rot | Negative effects from excessive Internet content | 596 |
Brainwallet | A memorized Bitcoin seed phrase | 598 |
Brand dropping | Bragging about the brand of an item you own | 602 |
Brangelina | Brad and Angelina | 596 |
Brat summer | An unapologetically authentic and sassy lifestyle | 598 |
Braux pas | Awkward moment between two or more male friends | 600 |
BRB | Be right back | 423 |
BRB | Bathroom break | 601 |
BRBRB | Bathroom, be right back | 600 |
BRBS | Be right back soon | 599 |
brd | Bored | 596 |
Bread | Money | 597 |
Breadcrumbing | Leading someone on romantically | 590 |
Break the Internet | To cause something to go viral online | 586 |
Breakfast ball | A redo shot from the first tee | 597 |
Breaking ankles | Causing a player to stumble | 597 |
Breakout | A player who performs surprisingly well | 599 |
Breastaurant | A restaurant that features scantily-clad waitresses | 598 |
Brenner | Breakfast for dinner | 594 |
Brepper | Breakfast for supper | 600 |
Brew | Create an original deck | 598 |
Brewski | Beer | 600 |
Brexit | British exit from the European Union | 596 |
brez | Battle resurrection | 580 |
BRH | Be right here | 596 |
Brick | A shot that squarely clangs off the rim or backboard | 598 |
Brick house | A voluptuous woman | 596 |
Bricked | Rendered unusable | 598 |
Bricklayer | A basketball player who is shooting a lot of bricks | 599 |
Bridezilla | A demanding bride | 597 |
Brigading | When one online community harasses another | 589 |
brill | Brilliant | 598 |
Brillz | Brilliant | 600 |
British exit | Leaving in a disruptive manner | 599 |
BRLCFH | Broke ribs laughing, call for help | 598 |
Bro | Brother | 542 |
BRO | Be right over | 601 |
Bro | A male bra | 603 |
Bro code | Etiquette between guys | 598 |
Bro country | A subgenre of mainstream country music | 599 |
Bro date | An outing between two straight males | 599 |
Bro hug | Hug between two men | 600 |
Brocation | Bro vacation | 600 |
Brofist | The connection of two or more bros' fists | 600 |
Broham | Close friend | 594 |
Broken | Hungover | 598 |
Broken | Overpowered | 596 |
Brolling | James Bond trolling | 600 |
Bromance | Deep friendship between two or more males | 583 |
Bromantic | Action showing friendship between two or more males | 599 |
Broment | Bro moment | 597 |
Bronx cheer | Noise that signals mockery | 597 |
Brony | A male fan of My Little Pony | 594 |
broom | Bathroom | 599 |
Bropocalypse | A large gathering of drunk males | 600 |
Bros before hoes | Guy friends are more important than romantic interests | 592 |
Broseph | A male friend | 595 |
Brotastic | Fantastic | 598 |
Brotha | Friend | 600 |
Brother zone | A relationship where a person's love interest thinks of him as a brother | 597 |
Brotherly shove | A play where the quarterback is shoved to gain yards | 598 |
Brotherzone | A relationship where a person's love interest thinks of him as a brother | 589 |
BRRRB | Be rrright back | 597 |
BRT | Be right there | 595 |
Bruh | Friend | 595 |
Brushback | Pitch that almost hits the hitter | 598 |
BS | Bulls*** | 587 |
BS | Blood sugar | 598 |
BS | Brawl Stars | 599 |
BSB | Backstreet Boys | 600 |
bsf | Best friend | 526 |
BSoD | Blue screen of death | 594 |
BST | But seriously though | 602 |
bstd | Busted | 588 |
BSTS | Better safe than sorry | 569 |
bt | BitTorrent | 600 |
BT | Bad taste | 600 |
bt | Bluetooth | 598 |
BTA | But then again | 601 |
BTAIM | Be that as it may | 599 |
BTAS | Batman: The Animated Series | 599 |
BTCHF | Bye, take care, have fun | 598 |
BTD | Bored to death | 599 |
BTD | Buy the dip | 593 |
BTD | Bloons Tower Defense | 597 |
BTDT | Been there, done that | 571 |
BTDTGTS | Been there, done that, got the shirt | 600 |
BTDTGTTSAWIO | Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and wore it out | 599 |
BTFD | Back to the Future day | 598 |
BTFD | Buy the freaking dip | 598 |
btfldy | Beautiful day | 600 |
BTFO | Back the f*** off | 599 |
BTHO | Back the heck off | 599 |
BTHOOM | Beats the heck out of me | 599 |
Bthrm | Bathroom | 597 |
BTHU | Back the heck up | 598 |
BTK | Back to keyboard | 597 |
BTM | Bite me | 598 |
BTN | Better than nothing | 599 |
BTOBS | Be there or be square | 600 |
BTOIYA | Be there or it's your a** | 601 |
btr | Better | 600 |
BTS | Be there soon | 600 |
BTS | Back to school | 593 |
BTS | Behind the scenes | 599 |
BTS | Bangtan Sonyeondan | 586 |
BTSOOM | Beats the s*** out of me | 599 |
BTTF | Back to the Future | 599 |
BTW | By the way | 402 |
BTWBO | Be there with bells on | 601 |
BTWITIAILWU | By the way, I think I am in love with you | 598 |
BTWITIAILWY | By the way, I think I am in love with you | 600 |
BTWITIILWY | By the way, I think I'm in love with you | 600 |
BTWITILY | By the way, I think I love you | 600 |
btwn | Between | 599 |
BTYC | Better than you can | 603 |
BU&I | Between you and I | 588 |
BU2M | Been up to much? | 599 |
Bubble team | A team on the edge of qualifying for a tournament | 597 |
Bubi | Goodbye | 600 |
Buck | Dollar | 590 |
Bucket | A made basketball shot | 599 |
Budder | Gold | 623 |
Buddy cop | Movie and TV genre featuring two different characters that must work together | 599 |
BUF | Big, ugly, fat | 600 |
BUF | Big ugly fellow | 599 |
Buff | Strengthen | 502 |
Buff | Muscular | 597 |
Buffbot | A strengthening bot | 599 |
Buggin | Acting erratic | 599 |
Bugly | Butt ugly | 602 |
Buhbye | Goodbye | 597 |
Bullish | Positive outlook | 593 |
bump | Forum post message bump | 600 |
Bunnies | First-person shooter jumping | 599 |
bup | Backup Plan | 598 |
Burkini | A full-body Islamic swimming suit | 598 |
Burn | Diss | 596 |
Burner | A disposable cell phone | 598 |
Burritoing | Wrapping yourself tightly in blankets | 594 |
Burst | Combination of attacks in a short span of time | 599 |
Bush | Amateur play | 601 |
Bush league | Amateur play | 590 |
Bussin | Really good | 470 |
Bust | A player who does not perform well | 598 |
Bust a cap | To shoot a gun | 599 |
Busted | Overpowered | 597 |
Busted bracket | A ruined tournament prediction | 595 |
Buttcoin | A community of cryptocurrency haters | 598 |
Butter | Gold | 586 |
Butterface | An attractive person with an unattractive face | 592 |
Buy the dip | Buy an asset at a low price | 595 |
Buzzer beater | A score made as the buzzer sounds | 596 |
Buzzkill | Something that spoils a good mood | 595 |
BVB | Black Veil Brides | 599 |
BW | Be well | 601 |
BW | Best wishes | 580 |
BWBR | Brunette with blonde roots | 598 |
BWDIK | But what do I know | 599 |
BWG | Big wide grin | 597 |
BWI | But what if | 599 |
BWL | Bursting with laughter | 599 |
BWQ | Buzzword quotient | 600 |
BWTHDIK | But what the heck do I know | 597 |
BWTM | But wait, there's more | 598 |
BYAM | Between You And Me | 600 |
Bye Felicia | Goodbye | 590 |
BYH | Bless your heart | 600 |
BYKI | Before you know it | 600 |
BYKT | But you knew that | 599 |
BYKTA | But you knew that already | 598 |
BYOB | Bring your own beer | 597 |
BYOD | Bring your own device | 595 |
BYODKM | Bring your own display, keyboard, and mouse | 599 |
BYOF | Bring your own food | 598 |
BYOL | Bring your own liquor | 598 |
BYT | Bright young thing | 599 |
BYTM | Better you than me | 599 |
bytme | Better you than me | 600 |
bz | Busy | 597 |