s | Smiling | 601
s | Yes | 598
s | Sarcasm | 593
S-tier | Top rank | 573
S/O | Sold-out | 597
S/O | Shout out | 599
S/U | Shut up | 598
S/U | Swipe up | 601
s/w | Software | 601
S2G | Swear to God | 599
S2R | Send to receive | 597
S2S | Sorry to say | 599
S2U | Same to you | 578
S3x | Sex | 598
S4S | Share for share | 595
SA | Sexual assault | 584
SAAB | Sex assigned at birth | 600
sac | Sacrifice bunts | 600
Sack | Bed | 598
Saddam Hussein | Golf shot from one bunker into another bunker | 593
Sadge | Sad | 583
SAE | Stamped addressed envelope | 593
Safe space | A physical or emotional place of safety | 600
SAHD | Stay-at-home dad | 593
SAHM | Stay-at-home mom | 598
SAHP | Stay-at-home parent | 600
SAL | Such a laugh | 598
SALAB | Stop acting like a baby | 603
SALS | Ship and let sail | 598
Saltine | A white person | 597
SALTS | Smiled a little then stopped | 598
Salty | Upset | 587
SAMAGAL | Stop annoying me and get a life | 598
Samesies | Same | 589
samzd | Still amazed | 600
Sandbagger | A golfer who plays better than he claims | 601
Sandwich generation | Adults who care for their kids and parents simultaneously | 598
SAP | Systems, Applications, and Products | 601
SASE | Self-addressed stamped envelope | 599
SAT | Sorry about that | 595
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test | 591
Sauce | Style | 596
Sauce | Source | 599
Savage | Viciously cool | 584
Sawing logs | Sleeping | 593
Say less | I understand | 589
SB | Should be | 598
SB | Smiling back | 600
SB | Small blind | 600
SB | Stolen bases | 592
SB | Super Bowl | 588
SBF | Sam Bankman-Fried | 599
SBT | Sorry 'bout that | 598
SBTM | Should be there momentarily | 597
sbux | Starbucks | 589
SC2 | StarCraft 2 | 572
sc2nite | StarCraft 2 tonight? | 593
Scamdemic | Fake pandemic | 588
scandy | Scandal | 599
ScarJo | Scarlett Johansson | 598
Sched | Schedule | 600
Schmuck bait | A ludicrous tease for a show plot | 600
School air | Air that messes with your appearance | 600
Schway | Cool | 599
sck | Sacks | 596
SCM | Salted Caramel Mocha | 600
SCNR | Sorry, could not resist | 598
Sconnie | Wisconsin | 598
Scoop | Concede | 596
SCOTUS | Supreme Court of the United States | 595
SCP | Special Containment Procedures Foundation | 589
Scratch | Money | 598
Scratch | To reverse the rotation of a record | 598
Scratch damage | Damage delivered to a blocking opponent | 586
Scratch golfer | A golfer with a handicap of zero | 598
Scream king | A prominent actor in the horror film genre | 599
Scream queen | A prominent actress in the horror film genre | 598
Scrilla | Money | 597
Scrollaxing | Scrolling through social media and email to relax | 595
SCROTUS | So-called ruler of the United States | 605
Scrub | Loser | 512
SD | Sweet dreams | 573
SDIHTT | Someday I'll have the time | 599
SE | Super effective | 599
SEAL | Slaying everyone and laughing | 588
Sealioning | Asking questions to frustrate a person | 600
sec | Second | 521
Secks | Sex | 585
Second screen | Mobile device used while watching TV | 599
Secondhand embarrassment | Experiencing embarrassment for someone else | 600
Secondhand hate | Receiving hate because of your friend | 596
Secondhand screen time | A parent's continuous partial attention to a child | 598
Security theater | Security measures that don't actually increase security | 599
Seggs | Sex | 596
Self-report | Reporting your own kill | 565
Selficide | Death caused by taking a selfie | 598
Selfie | A picture a person takes of themself | 544
Selfie stick | An extendable pole with a smartphone on the end | 595
Selfie-conscious | Self-conscious about taking a picture of yourself | 599
Seltering | Sticking out your rear in a fitness pose | 592
Senator Karen | Senator Elizabeth Warren | 599
Sending me | Making me laugh | 586
Senioritis | Senior laziness | 596
SEO | Search engine optimization | 596
Seppo | A derogatory term for an American | 600
SERP | Search engine results page | 595
Serpentine draft | Draft where the last pick in one round is the first in the next | 598
Served | Owned | 599
Servergate | Hillary Clinton server controversy | 600
sesh | Session | 602
Set the table | To get on base so other hitters can score the baserunners | 590
SETE | Smiling ear to ear | 602
Sewerslide | Suicide | 599
Sext | Sexually explicit message | 596
Sexting | Sending sexually explicit messages | 587
SF | Science Fiction | 599
SF | Sacrifice Flies | 598
SFAM | Sister from another mister | 598
SFB | S*** for brains | 599
SFF | So freaking funny | 597
SFM | So freaking much | 594
SFS | Sorry for spam | 604
SFSG | So far, so good | 598
SFTIF2LOLBLIMH | So funny that I forgot to laugh out loud but laughed in my head | 604
SFTME | Sorry for the mass email | 600
sfty | Safety | 596
SFV | Street Fighter V | 599
SFV | Short-form video | 599
SFW | So freaking what | 599
SFW | Safe for work | 594
sfx | Special effects | 561
SFY | Speak for yourself | 594
SG | Sounds good | 587
SG | SilvaGunner | 587
SGTM | Sounds good to me | 597
SH | Same here | 600
SH | Short handed | 602
Shade | Disrespect | 591
Shadowban | To secretly censor a social media user's content | 597
Shady | Disreputable | 598
Shaft | Exploitation | 598
Sham bomb | A breaking report by Shams Charania | 600
Shank | To hit the ball poorly | 600
Sharent | An oversharing parent on social media | 594
Shark | An experienced fantasy sports player | 594
Sharpen a mustache | Smoke a joint | 596
Shat | Shattrath City | 596
Shatt | Shattrath City | 598
Shawtie | A fine female | 592
Shawty | A fine female | 574
Sheeple | People that are easily manipulated | 595
Sheesh | Expression of disbelief | 577
Sheet | S*** | 598
Shelfie | Picture of objects arranged on a shelf | 595
Shelled | Beaten badly | 597
SHID | Slaps head in disgust | 601
Shift shock | Surprise that a new job is not what you expected | 598
ship | Championship | 593
ship | Relationship | 582
Shipping | Hoping for two people to get into a relationship | 595
Shiz | S*** | 600
Shizzle | S*** | 597
SHMILY | See how much I love you? | 595
Shmup | Shoot 'em up | 599
sho | Sure | 597
Shoestring catch | Catch made just above a player's shoes | 596
Shook | Completely surprised | 594
Shool | School | 599
Shoot | An unscripted event | 600
Shoot my shot | I'm going for it | 595
Shoot your shot | You should go for it | 598
Shortie | A fine female | 598
Shorty | A fine female | 595
Shot Girl Summer | Summer 2021 | 599
Shotgun | Front passenger seat | 592
Shotgun start | Golfers are sent to each hole to start at the same time | 601
Shoutcaster | Esports commentator | 596
Shove | To pitch well | 598
Show hole | Sadness after finishing a great show | 586
Show me the receipts | Show me the proof | 596
Shower thought | An idea that comes to you in the shower | 597
Showmance | A romance between actors starring in the same production | 600
Shrinkflation | Charging the same price for less product | 597
Shucks | An expression of disappointment | 599
shud | Should | 574
Shut up and take my money | I want to purchase that | 595
sh^ | Shut up | 598
SIA | Someone is around | 595
Sic | Spelling incorrect | 593
Sic | Cool | 598
Sick | Awesome | 587
Sickening | Awesome | 599
SICL | Sitting in chair laughing | 599
Side chick | A mistress | 585
Side eye | Disapproving glance | 590
Side hustle | An extra job | 598
Side-eye | Glance expressing disapproval | 599
SIDS | Sudden infant death syndrome | 598
SIG | Silence is golden | 599
Sigma male | An introverted guy who goes his own way | 584
SIL | Sister-in-law | 599
SIL | Son-in-law | 597
Silent walking | Walking without listening to audio | 599
Silver fox | An attractive older man | 594
Silverstoning | Chewing up food before serving it | 598
SIM | Shoot, it's Monday | 598
SIM | Subject is message | 597
Simp | A person who obsesses over someone | 529
Simping | Obsessing over a person that does not return the same affection | 586
SINBAD | Single income no boyfriend absolutely desperate | 597
Single | Hit that results in the batter getting to first base | 594
SINK | Single income, no kids | 598
SINKWAD | Single income, no kids, with a dog | 599
Sip tea | Mind your business | 587
sis | Sister | 590
sista | Sister | 599
Sistah | Sister | 593
SIT | Stay in touch | 598
sitch | Situation | 598
SITD | Still in the dark | 598
sitrep | Situation report | 597
Situationship | A relationship that is more than friendship but not yet romantic | 596
siul8r | See you later | 599
Siv | Bad goaltender | 597
SJW | Social Justice Warrior | 594
sk8 | Skate | 591
sk8r | Skater | 601
Skank | A promiscuous woman | 591
Skeezy | Distasteful | 599
Skelly | A Minecraft Skeleton | 568
Sketchy | Suspicious | 591
Skibidi | A nonsensical word | 598
Skibidi Toilet Syndrome | Adverse effects of watching Skibidi Toilet | 559
Skill issue | You're bad | 599
Skinhead | Bald or closely-shaved head | 600
Skinny | Information | 597
Skint | Broke | 599
Skol | Good health | 579
Skrt | Exclamation | 596
sksksk | Overcome with emotion | 598
Skullet | Shaved head with long hair in the back | 597
Skytoss | An air-focused Protoss strategy | 593
Slacker | A lazy person | 587
Slacktivism | Lazy activism | 590
Slacktivist | Lazy activist | 594
Slammin | Awesome | 599
SLAP | Sounds like a plan | 603
SLAPP | Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation | 599
Slaps | Is impressive | 593
Slash | Same-sex romance fan fiction | 594
Slasher | Horror film | 591
Slay | To dominate | 588
Sledneck | A mountain person who drives a snowmobile | 597
Sleep divorce | A couple sleeping in separate beds | 599
Sleep on | Underestimate | 598
Sleeper | A player drafted late but exceeds expectations | 592
Sleeper build | When a skinny person is surprisingly buff | 590
Sleeping on | Underestimating | 597
Slender | A tall and thin Roblox avatar | 597
Slept | To hit someone hard | 596
Slept | To get high | 600
SLG | Slugging percentage | 595
Slide into your DMs | To send a direct message on Twitter | 592
Slideware | Software that is announced but never released | 598
Slim thick | A female body shape | 594
Slime | A good friend | 591
Sliving | Living your best life | 598
SLM | Socially limiting maneuver | 598
Slofie | A slow-motion selfie video | 599
Sloshed | Intoxicated | 597
Slow fade | To gradually stop talking to someone | 599
SLY | Still love you | 597
SM64 | Super Mario 64 | 587
SMAIM | Send me an Instant Message | 600
Smark | A fan who knows pro wrestling is scripted | 599
SMART | Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound | 599
Smarts | Intelligence | 595
Smash | Super Smash Bros. | 597
SMDH | Shaking my d*** head | 600
SME | Subject matter expert | 599
SMEM | Send me an e-mail | 603
Smexy | Smart and Sexy | 601
SMF | So much fun | 593
SMFH | Shaking my flippin' head | 587
SMH | Shaking my head | 457
SMH | Scratching my head | 596
SMH | Smash my head | 598
SMHWT | Shaking my head with a tune | 592
Smishing | SMS phishing | 600
Smize | To smile with your eyes | 599
SML | So much love | 588
SMO | Shout me out | 599
Smol | Small and cute | 594
Smooch | Kiss | 589
Smooth brain | An unintelligent person | 596
SMP | Survival Multiplayer | 282
SMS | Short Message Service | 583
Smt | Something | 599
SMT | Shin Megami Tensei | 601
Smth | Something | 599
SMTW | Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | 604
SMUN | Send me your number | 599
Smurf | An alternate account used by a skilled player | 615
SN | Screen Name | 598
Snacc | An attractive person | 590
Snaccident | An accidental consumption of an entire snack | 596
Snack | An attractive person | 599
SNAFU | Situation normal, all fouled up | 596
Snail Girl Era | Taking time to care for yourself | 599
Snake draft | Draft where the last pick in one round is the first in the next | 589
Snap | Shoot! | 598
Snap | A casual picture | 598
Snapback | The quickness a woman's body snaps back after a pregnancy | 600
Snapback culture | Pressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies | 594
Snapchatter | Snapchat user | 593
Snapstreak | Snapchat streak | 595
Snatched | Perfect | 598
Snatched my weave | Impressed me | 601
Sneakerhead | A person who owns a lot of sneakers | 599
Sneaky link | Secret hook up | 600
sneet | Snow and sleet | 599
SNERT | Snot nosed egotistical rude teenager | 599
SNES | Super Nintendo Entertainment System | 596
SNF | Sunday Night Football | 600
SNG | Sit 'n go | 599
SNH | Sarcasm Noted Here | 598
snirt | Dirty snow | 595
Snitch | To inform on others to an authority | 599
Snitches get stitches | People who tell on others will get hurt | 591
SNL | Saturday Night Live | 592
SNMP | So not my problem | 590
Snoozefeed | To scroll your newsfeed instead of getting out of bed | 595
Snoozle | Nap | 599
Snowflake | A sensitive person | 565
Snowmageddon | A powerful snowstorm | 600
Snowman | Golf score of 8 | 595
Snowplow parent | A parent that removes obstacles for their kid | 599
Snowpocalypse | A powerful snowstorm | 601
sntnc | Sentence | 600
SO | Significant other | 559
SO | Strikeouts | 596
SO8 | Sweet | 605
SOA | Sons of Anarchy | 601
SOAB | Son of a b**** | 592
SOAD | System of a Down | 600
Soaps | Soap operas | 598
SOB | Son of a b**** | 561
SOB | Shortness of breath | 598
Soccer mom | A suburban mom whose world revolves around her kids | 597
Social distancing | Isolating from other people | 590
Social engineering | Tricking people into sharing information | 596
Socialmaxxing | Attempting to improve your social skills | 598
Sock puppet account | A fake online identity | 588
SoD | Sleep of death | 598
Soft | Weak | 600
Soft launch | Teasing a new relationship on social media | 599
Soft life | Lifestyle that prioritizes joy and reduces stress | 598
Soft parenting | Friendly parenting | 602
Soft saving | Saving less money for the future to live more in the present | 599
Soft yes | A tepid agreement | 597
Softie | A sentimental person | 598
Softmaxxing | Making minor beauty improvements | 597
SOGI | Sexual orientation and gender identity | 599
SOH | Sense of humor | 599
SoH | Slight of Hand | 566
SOHF | Sense of humor failure | 594
sok | It's OK | 599
SOL | S*** out of luck | 572
Solange | Crazy | 600
Solulu | Solution | 598
Somepony | Somebody | 600
SOMSW | Someone over my shoulder watching | 600
SOMY | Sick of me yet? | 600
SOOF | Swear on our friendship | 598
SOOI | Stay out of it | 600
SOP | Standard operating procedure | 599
Sorority squat | Hands-on-knees, butt-out group photo pose | 596
sorta | Sort of | 561
SOS | Same old stuff | 582
SOS | Save our souls | 537
SOS | Someone over shoulder | 563
SOS | Someone special | 589
SOSG | Someone over shoulder gone | 597
SOSO | Same old, same old | 600
SOTA | State of the art | 599
SOTD | Shoe of the day | 596
SOTU | State of the Union | 602
Soulslike | A video game like Dark Souls | 598
Southpaw | Left-handed pitcher | 599
SOW | Speaking of which | 598
Soy boy | A male who lacks traditional masculine traits | 601
soz | Sorry | 599
sp | Spelling | 584
SP | Spell power | 595
SP | Starting pitcher | 596
Spacing | Not paying attention | 596
Spam | Unhelpful and annoying content | 595
Spammer | A person who continuously holds down the trigger button | 599
Spammy | Content that features a lot of spam | 598
Sparrowface | Facial expression with eyes wide open and mouth slightly open | 599
Spawn | Creation of a character or item | 598
spd | Spinning piledriver | 587
SPD | Sensory Processing Disorder | 600
SPD | Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction | 597
Speak truth to power | Stand up for what is right | 595
Spear phishing | Targeted phishing attack | 598
spec | Specialization | 593
Speedling | Zergling with Metabolic Boost | 582
Speedrun | An attempt to play through a video game as fast as possible | 557
Speedrunner | A gamer who plays through a video game as fast as possible | 574
Spice | Sexual content | 599
Spicy | Awesome | 598
Spicy pillow | Swollen lithium-ion battery | 600
Spill the T | Share the gossip | 599
Spill the tea | Share the gossip | 591
spim | IM spam | 602
Spit | To flirt | 598
Spit | To freestyle rap | 585
spk | Speak | 599
spkr | Speaker | 598
Splash | A made shot that only touches the basketball net | 599
Spleef | Minecraft multiplayer game | 545
Splinternet | A splintered internet | 599
Sponcon | Sponsored content | 597
Spoopy | Spooky and funny | 594
Sportswashing | Using sports to improve a bad reputation | 598
SPPU | Sold pending pickup | 601
Sprang break | Spring break | 595
Spreading the salt | Complaining about something | 599
Sprinkle sprinkle | Blessings | 598
SPROS | Stop, parents reading over shoulder | 596
SPST | Same place, same time | 598
Squad | Group of friends | 596
Squad goals | A group of friends that another group of friends aspires to be | 597
Squick | A big turn-off | 595
Squidward | Villager | 567
Squinching | Squinting and pinching your eyes together | 601
Squirrel | Tee shot into the rough | 599
Squishy | Low base health or defense | 569
SRO | Standing room only | 596
srry | Sorry | 593
srs | Serious | 597
srsly | Seriously | 581
Sry | Sorry | 567
SS | Short stacked | 588
ss | Screenshot | 599
ss | Miss | 611
SS | Shortstop | 597
SSA | Same-sex attraction | 598
SSA | Subject says all | 598
SSD | Solid State Drive | 596
SSDD | Same stuff, different day | 602
SSI | Surgical site infection | 602
SSIA | Subject says it all | 593
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer | 599
SSN | Social Security number | 599
SSP | Survival Single Player | 559
ST | Speech therapy | 602
ST | Special teams | 597
ST2M | Stop talking to me | 598
stache | Mustache | 597
Stack | The full amount of held items | 370
Stack | One thousand dollars | 599
Stacy | An attractive, sexually active woman | 595
stahp | Stop | 598
Stan | An obsessed fan of someone or something | 583
Standing on bidness | Taking care of business | 598
Stanning | Obsessing over a person | 583
STAR | Stop, think, act, review | 596
Stashing | Dating a person but unwilling to publicly acknowledge it | 595
stats | Statistics | 592
stats | Personal profile information | 599
Stay in your lane | Stick to what you're good at | 598
Stay woke | Stay aware of social problems | 585
Staycation | A vacation near your home | 593
STBY | Sucks to be you | 597
STD | Sexually transmitted disease | 583
std | Scrap TD | 598
Stealth banning | Secretly moderating a user's posts | 599
Stealth wealth | Expensive yet modest items | 598
Stee | Style | 599
Steeze | Style and ease | 593
Steezy | Style and ease | 595
STEL | Short term exposure limit | 600
STEM | Science, technology, engineering, and math | 598
Steve Harvey | To announce the wrong winner | 594
STFD | Sit the f*** down | 584
STFD | Shut the front door | 596
STFD | Slow the f*** down | 600
STFU | Shut the f*** up | 565
STFU | Super Time Force Ultra | 603
STFW | Search the flippin' web | 597
STHU | Shut the heck up | 597
STI | Sexually transmitted infection | 598
Sticky | A plasma grenade that sticks to objects | 587
stimmy | Stimulus check | 595
STLSDR | Still too long, still didn't read | 600
STMS | Sick to my stomach | 598
Stoked | Excited | 600
Stolen valor | False claims of military service | 598
Stonks | Questionable or meaningless financial gains | 586
Storm stilettos | Controversial stilettos worn by Melania Trump | 600
Story time | Share more details | 600
STP | Stone Temple Pilots | 599
stpd | Stupid | 600
str | Strength | 593
STR | Strength | 583
str8 | Straight | 595
Straight fire | Very cool | 581
Straight TikTok | Mainstream TikTok | 599
Strats | Strategies | 599
Stream | Rotating players in and out of a lineup | 593
Stream sniping | Purposely playing against a streamer | 599
Streamer | Someone who regularly broadcasts online | 566
STS | Smirk to self | 599
STSFM | She's too sexy for me | 597
STT | Single table tournament | 587
STTA | Something to think about | 599
STTH | Speak to the hand | 598
STTW | Sabrina the Teenage Witch | 601
Stud | An attractive male | 593
Stud | A highly skilled individual | 567
Study buddy | A friend that a student studies with | 599
Stunad | An unintelligent person | 598
Stunting | Showing off | 598
STW | Search the Web | 599
SU | Shut up | 573
SU | Swipe up | 599
SUAFU | Situation unchanged, all fouled up | 600
Sub | Subreddit | 594
Sub | Subscribe | 598
Submarining | Dating a person, disappearing, then reappearing | 597
subs | Subwoofers | 599
Subs | Subscribers | 568
Subs | Subtitles | 596
Subtweet | Subliminal tweet | 591
SUF | Shut your face | 599
Sugar baby | A young person who uses an older person for money | 588
Sugar daddy | An older man used for his money by a woman | 593
Sugar mama | An older woman used for her money by a man | 595
Sugarpic | Erotic photo | 598
suh | What's up | 598
SUI | State Unemployment Insurance | 599
sum1 | Someone | 603
Summat | Something | 599
Sunday ball | A do-over golf shot | 601
sup | What's up | 541
sup | Stand up paddle board | 599
supe | Superhuman | 599
Super Bowl baby | A baby conceived after the Super Bowl | 597
Super Slam | Tennis Grand Slam and Year-End Championship | 599
Superfan | An extremely dedicated fan | 592
Supersub | A player who often scores as a substitute | 597
Supes | Super | 598
Support | Champion who plays on the bottom lane | 574
sus | Suspicious | 400
SUSFU | Situation unchanged, still fouled up | 596
Suss | To discover | 600
Sussy | Suspicious | 596
Sussy baka | Suspicious fool | 588
SUTA | State Unemployed Tax Act | 599
sux | Sucks | 558
SV | Saves | 596
sw | Software | 594
SW | Star Wars | 586
SW | Starting weight | 599
SWA | So what a** | 599
SWAG | Scientific wild a** guess | 597
Swag | Skills or style | 551
Swag | Free stuff | 593
SWAK | Sealed with a kiss | 598
SWALK | Sweet, with all love, kisses | 600
SWALK | Sealed with a loving kiss | 597
Swammie | Firearm | 603
Swanton bomb | Landing on an enemy and shotgunning them | 597
SWAS | Said with a smile | 600
Swatting | Creating a false emergency to get a SWAT team to respond | 592
SWDYWTTA | So what do you want to talk about | 598
Sweatin | Worrying | 600
Sweeper | A breaking ball that sweeps horizontally | 595
Sweet Sixteen | Last 16 teams in a tournament | 596
Sweet spot | The part of the bat that provides the best contact | 597
Swerve | Go away | 589
SWF | Single white female | 600
Swiftie | A devoted fan of Taylor Swift | 580
Swimmers | Vaccinated people | 599
Swipe left | Reject | 598
Swipe right | Approve | 596
Swish | A made shot in basketball that hits only the net | 599
SWL | Screaming with laughter | 599
SWM | Single white male | 600
SWMBO | She who must be obeyed | 601
Swole | Very muscular | 597
Swolemate | A significant other you work out with | 598
Swoll | Muscular | 597
Swot | A dedicated student | 602
SWOT | Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats | 597
SWTFA | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 597
SWTLJ | Star Wars: The Last Jedi | 599
SWTOR | Star Wars: The Old Republic | 582
SWYP | So what's your problem | 586
SY | Sincerely yours | 597
SYAL | See you all later | 597
SYIH | See you in hell | 575
SYL | See you later | 597
SYLA | See you later alligator | 597
sync | Synchronize | 600
SYS | See you soon | 601
sysadmin | System administrator | 599
sysop | System operator | 597
SYT | See you tomorrow | 599
SYTYCD | So You Think You Can Dance | 601
SYY | Shut your yapper | 597
szn | Season | 599
S~! | Salute | 598