Online Gaming Slang
In multiplayer games, every second counts. Messaging shorthand is a critical tool for communicating with other players during gameplay. Below is a list of slang terms used in online gaming that will help you communicate faster and, most importantly, avoid being a n00b.
You can also view specific terminology used in World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Hearthstone, Dota 2, StarCraft II, Call of Duty, and Minecraft.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
GG | Good game | 267 |
SMP | Survival Multiplayer | 281 |
IRL | In real life | 305 |
Noob | Newbie | 309 |
IDK | I don't know | 317 |
NP | No problem | 323 |
AFK | Away from keyboard | 334 |
TTYL | Talk to you later | 342 |
Stack | The full amount of held items | 369 |
TY | Thank you | 386 |
mod | Modification | 386 |
sus | Suspicious | 396 |
WTF | What the f*** | 403 |
Vanilla Minecraft | Unmodified Minecraft | 408 |
tp | Teleport | 418 |
OMG | Oh my gosh | 420 |
CoD | Call of Duty | 421 |
IK | I know | 424 |
VR | Virtual reality | 430 |
OP | Overpowered | 441 |
WP | Well played | 442 |
xp | Experience | 444 |
Y | Why | 451 |
lvl | Level | 453 |
wut | What | 454 |
PC | Personal computer | 455 |
DPS | Damage per second | 458 |
PvP | Player versus player | 460 |
GLHF | Good luck have fun | 461 |
Aimbot | Automatic aiming bot | 463 |
Fail | Failure | 463 |
Pot | Potion | 466 |
YW | You're welcome | 470 |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment | 486 |
HUD | Heads up display | 497 |
Nerf | Weaken | 498 |
hax | Hacks | 499 |
Whoa | Expression of surprise | 501 |
Buff | Strengthen | 502 |
Biome | Minecraft region | 503 |
Griefing | Irritating other players | 504 |
pick | Pickaxe | 504 |
PS4 | PlayStation 4 | 506 |
KK | OK | 509 |
Scrub | Loser | 509 |
Rekt | Wrecked | 510 |
MC | Minecraft | 513 |
Mid game | Middle phase of a game | 513 |
Twitch | Video game streaming website | 514 |
RNG | Random number generator | 515 |
Mob | Minecraft creature | 515 |
GG no re | Good game, no rematch | 515 |
FPS | First-person shooter | 517 |
ATM | At the moment | 518 |
HP | Hit points | 518 |
Notch | Minecraft creator | 519 |
HP | Health points | 519 |
G2G | Got to go | 521 |
MMORPG | Massively multiplayer online role-playing game | 521 |
AD | Attack damage | 524 |
GL | Good luck | 526 |
LoL | League of Legends | 526 |
Dog water | Worthless | 526 |
n00b | A new or inexperienced user | 527 |
Main | Main character | 527 |
LAN | Local Area Network | 527 |
ADC | Attack damage carry | 527 |
rp | Roleplay | 528 |
FFS | For f***'s sake | 528 |
Yeet | To throw something out of rage | 528 |
FFA | Free for all | 529 |
Kappa | Sarcasm | 529 |
Easter egg | A hidden message | 529 |
NPC | Non-player character | 530 |
Grinding | Performing repetitive tasks to level up | 530 |
Glitching | Malfunctioning video game | 530 |
1337 | Leet | 531 |
Camping | Staying in one spot | 531 |
ak | AK-47 | 533 |
Trolling | Posting offensive comments | 535 |
SOS | Save our souls | 536 |
NS | No s*** | 536 |
grats | Congratulations | 536 |
Gamer | A video game player | 537 |
360-noscope | 360 no scope | 538 |
COC | Clash of Clans | 538 |
Kiting | Moving while avoiding attack | 539 |
AI | Artificial intelligence | 539 |
ARAM | All random all mid | 540 |
FTW | For the win | 541 |
Creeper | Hostile mob | 541 |
Jungling | Killing neutral monsters in the jungle | 543 |
KDA | Kills Deaths Assists | 543 |
ADS | Aiming down sight | 544 |
deagle | Desert Eagle | 544 |
KS | Kill steal | 544 |
Spleef | Minecraft multiplayer game | 544 |
GL HF | Good luck have fun | 544 |
DnD | Dungeons & Dragons | 544 |
l8r | Later | 545 |
TYVM | Thank you very much | 545 |
OOM | Out of mana | 545 |
MTG | Magic: The Gathering | 545 |
NT | Nice try | 546 |
2M2H | Too much to handle | 546 |
WoW | World of Warcraft | 546 |
GTA | Grand Theft Auto | 546 |
cd | Cooldown | 546 |
Nuke | An ability that deals a lot of damage | 546 |
KDR | Kill death ratio | 547 |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game | 547 |
Turtling | Playing defensively | 549 |
OIC | Oh, I see | 550 |
RPG | Role-playing game | 550 |
AOE | Area of effect | 550 |
mod | Moderator | 550 |
AS | Attack speed | 550 |
Poggers | Amazing | 550 |
TDM | Team deathmatch | 551 |
vs | Versus | 551 |
BF | Big freaking sword | 551 |
Tower diving | Attacking an opposing player under his tower | 551 |
BFG | Big Freakin' Gun | 552 |
Camper | A player who doesn't move | 552 |
BK | Back | 553 |
CTF | Capture the flag | 553 |
Tryhard | A person who cares too much about winning | 553 |
CYOA | Cover your own a** | 554 |
RL | Real life | 554 |
LF | Looking for | 556 |
sux | Sucks | 556 |
DM | Deathmatch | 556 |
Instalock | Quickly lock in your character selection | 556 |
Ditto | Same | 556 |
Speedrun | An attempt to play through a video game as fast as possible | 556 |
HS | Headshot | 557 |
Domed | Headshotted | 557 |
Griefer | An irritating player | 557 |
Chungus | A cute, chunky creature | 557 |
ammo | Ammunition | 558 |
Debuff | Weakening effect | 558 |
Wha | What | 558 |
sfx | Special effects | 558 |
SSP | Survival Single Player | 558 |
crit | Critical Strike | 559 |
Pig | A Minecraft mob | 559 |
SOB | Son of a b**** | 560 |
PK | Player kill | 560 |
d/c | Disconnected | 560 |
pwned | Owned | 560 |
MLG | Major League Gaming | 560 |
Esports | Electronic sports | 560 |
IGN | In-game name | 560 |
dl | Download | 561 |
WB | Welcome back | 561 |
2EZ | Too easy | 561 |
Woah | Expression of surprise | 561 |
pts | Points | 561 |
NS | Nice shot | 562 |
AP | Ability power | 562 |
AYFKM | Are you freaking kidding me | 562 |
w00t | Joy and excitement | 563 |
BG | Bad game | 563 |
Streamer | Someone who regularly broadcasts online | 563 |
dmg | Damage | 564 |
ltr | Later | 565 |
CC | Crowd control | 565 |
Self-report | Reporting your own kill | 565 |
SoH | Slight of Hand | 566 |
GGs | Good games | 566 |
aa | Autoattack | 566 |
Rdy | Ready | 567 |
Skelly | A Minecraft Skeleton | 567 |
Squidward | Villager | 567 |
PS | PlayStation | 567 |
Champion | League of Legends player-controlled character | 567 |
mats | Materials | 568 |
AR | Assault rifle | 568 |
BM | Bad mannered | 568 |
ult | Ultimate ability | 568 |
Subs | Subscribers | 568 |
dc | Disconnect | 569 |
GM | Game master | 569 |
newb | Newbie | 569 |
hi5 | High five | 569 |
Squishy | Low base health or defense | 569 |
FNF | Friday Night Funkin' | 569 |
BSTS | Better safe than sorry | 570 |
WTS | Want to sell | 570 |
alt | Alternate character | 570 |
GB | Guild bank | 570 |
KIA | Killed in action | 570 |
Ding | Level up | 570 |
cdr | Cooldown reduction | 570 |
Cow | Minecraft mob | 570 |
W | Win | 570 |
Ganking | Launching a surprise attack | 570 |
OST | Original soundtrack | 570 |
Jebaited | Deceived | 570 |
Disco | Discord | 570 |
S-tier | Top rank | 570 |
inv | Invite | 571 |
ZvT | Zerg versus Terran | 571 |
PBE | Public beta environment | 571 |
Get oofed | Get wrecked | 571 |
TOS | Terms of service | 571 |
TK | Team kill | 571 |
^5 | High five | 572 |
pwn | To dominate | 572 |
SC2 | StarCraft 2 | 572 |
GGA | Good game all | 572 |
Carries | MOBA players that carry their team | 572 |
SU | Shut up | 573 |
Inc | Incoming | 573 |
LFG | Looking for group | 573 |
Gogo | Go now | 573 |
AMP | Adventure Multiplayer | 573 |
Obby | Obstacle course | 573 |
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition | 574 |
Boosting | Unfair level boosting | 574 |
Boomkin | Moonkin druid | 574 |
FMJ | Full metal jacket | 574 |
N64 | Nintendo 64 | 574 |
nuke | Nuclear missile | 574 |
Leech | Freeloader | 574 |
shud | Should | 574 |
mob | Monster | 574 |
Torch | To beat someone in competition | 574 |
Clutch | Ability to perform under pressure | 574 |
2.5D | Game that is halfway between 2D and 3D | 574 |
PB | Personal best | 574 |
Triggered | Angry | 574 |
Speedrunner | A gamer who plays through a video game as fast as possible | 574 |
SYIH | See you in hell | 575 |
MMO | Massively multiplayer online | 575 |
GFG | Good friggin' game | 575 |
PP | Pause please | 575 |
25m | Twenty-five man | 575 |
WYB | Watch your back | 575 |
Chicken | Minecraft mob | 575 |
Support | Champion who plays on the bottom lane | 575 |
MCYT | Minecraft YouTuber | 575 |
cata | Cataclysm | 576 |
rep | Reputation | 576 |
Twink | Powerful low-level character | 576 |
Tilted | Aggravated | 576 |
Q | First champion ability | 576 |
Netherrack | Nether block | 576 |
UY | Up yours | 577 |
Pwn3d | Owned | 577 |
pwnd | Owned | 577 |
GTFO | Get the f*** out | 577 |
Aggro | Aggressive | 577 |
AP | Attack power | 577 |
Uber | Excellent | 577 |
CCG | Collectible card game | 577 |
proc | Programmed random occurrence | 577 |
POW | Prisoner of war | 577 |
TF | Twisted Fate | 577 |
combo | Combination | 577 |
LCS | League Championship Series | 577 |
AC | Armor class | 577 |
Dunk on | Make fun of | 577 |
IBF | Internet best friend | 577 |
MCPE | Minecraft Pocket Edition | 577 |
GJ | Good job | 578 |
HF | Have fun | 578 |
kgo | Ok, go | 578 |
BO5 | Best of five | 578 |
S2U | Same to you | 578 |
Boss | Main bad character | 578 |
Farm | To gather supplies | 578 |
HCG | Hardcore Gamer | 578 |
Enchanter | A champion that helps increase the effectiveness of allies | 578 |
Peel | To protect a champion | 578 |
Marinating | Gaining a Crewmate's trust and then killing them | 578 |
50/50 | Simultaneously killing an accuser and their accused | 578 |
W8 | Wait | 579 |
LFM | Looking for more | 579 |
YRL | You are lame | 579 |
AH | Auction house | 579 |
Beast | An awesome person | 579 |
PS3 | PlayStation 3 | 579 |
WTFF | What the f***ing f*** | 579 |
Peeling | Protecting a champion | 579 |
Mald | Mad and bald | 579 |
Throw the game | Lose the game on purpose | 579 |
KEKW | Laughter | 579 |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit | 580 |
WTBH | What the bloody hell | 580 |
DGA | Don't go anywhere | 580 |
gratz | Congratulations | 580 |
brez | Battle resurrection | 580 |
ezpz | Easy peasy | 580 |
Keke | Korean laugh | 580 |
BO3 | Best of three | 580 |
MOBA | Multiplayer online battle arena | 580 |
CG | Computer Graphics | 580 |
CMP | Creative Multiplayer | 580 |
ULPP | Unluckiest person on the planet | 580 |
Rush | To quickly attack and cause damage | 580 |
Late game | Later stages of a game | 580 |
LGS | Local game store | 580 |
BC | Be cool | 581 |
GAL | Get a life | 581 |
ul | Upload | 581 |
OTP | On the phone | 581 |
KMMFA | Kiss my motherf***ing a** | 581 |
OMDB | Over my dead body | 581 |
MT | Mistype | 581 |
KOS | Kill on sight | 581 |
DotA | Defense of the Ancients | 581 |
ugh | Disappointed | 581 |
Elo | Elo rating system | 581 |
Ghosting | Observing an opponent's gameplay | 581 |
HMP | Hardcore Multiplayer | 581 |
U mad bro | Are you mad? | 581 |
D&D | Dungeons and Dragons | 581 |
Owner | Player that controls the minion | 581 |
Early game | Beginning phase of a game | 581 |
Turtle | A gamer who plays defensively | 581 |
Never lucky | No luck while playing a game | 581 |
Boss run | A series of bosses in a row | 581 |
Flaming | Angering other Internet users | 581 |
Babysit | To assist a champion in getting more powerful | 581 |
Gas | Great | 581 |
TRS | That really sucks | 582 |
POC | Piece of crap | 582 |
br | Bathroom | 582 |
Woot | Woohoo! | 582 |
L2P | Learn to play | 582 |
HT | Hi there | 582 |
Oneshot | Beat in one attempt | 582 |
TvT | Terran versus Terran | 582 |
CC | Command Center | 582 |
SWTOR | Star Wars: The Old Republic | 582 |
blizz | Blizzard | 582 |
Speedling | Zergling with Metabolic Boost | 582 |
HM | Hard mode | 582 |
TCG | Trading card game | 582 |
nub | Newbie | 582 |
PvZ | Plants vs. Zombies | 582 |
ats | Attack speed | 582 |
INT | Intelligence | 582 |
F2P | Free-to-play | 582 |
POG | Play of the game | 582 |
BBL | Be back later | 583 |
w84m | Wait for me | 583 |
ESAD | Eat s*** and die | 583 |
PvC | Player versus computer | 583 |
Gosu | Highly skilled | 583 |
NES | Nintendo Entertainment System | 583 |
char | Character | 583 |
gm | Grandmaster | 583 |
Mooshroom | Minecraft mob | 583 |
Topdeck | To draw from your deck | 583 |
Farmed | Repetitively killed or gathered | 583 |
Take my energy | Good luck | 583 |
Chip damage | Damage inflicted on a blocking opponent | 583 |
Diving | Venturing far into enemy territory | 583 |
Last hitting | Striking the final hit on a creep | 583 |
GS | GilvaSunner | 583 |
DM | Dungeon Master | 583 |
STR | Strength | 583 |
Dono | Donation | 583 |
Raid | To send viewers to another streamer's stream | 583 |
Pubstomp | To annihilate an uncoordinated opposing team | 583 |
Sadge | Sad | 583 |
WTT | Want to trade | 584 |
HPS | Heals per second | 584 |
LoS | Line of sight | 584 |
xbl | Xbox Live | 584 |
Bling | Baneling | 584 |
Rax | Barracks | 584 |
TvZ | Terran versus Zerg | 584 |
PvT | Protoss versus Terran | 584 |
NDS | Nintendo DS | 584 |
IAP | In-app purchase | 584 |
Wewt | Woot | 584 |
ownage | Completely owned | 584 |
Loot | Treasure | 584 |
Dece | Decent | 584 |
BF2 | Battlefield 2 | 584 |
Beast mode | Dominating gameplay | 584 |
Hax | To encounter bad luck | 584 |
Mic up | Voice chat with me | 584 |
MS | Movement speed | 584 |
GM | Good move | 585 |
pwnt | Owned | 585 |
WAS | Wait a second | 585 |
HAN | How about now? | 585 |
wsp | Whisper | 585 |
DOT | Damage over time | 585 |
MDPS | Melee damage per second | 585 |
RTS | Real-time strategy | 585 |
APM | Actions per minute | 585 |
imba | Imbalanced | 585 |
ITRW | In the real world | 585 |
Ace | Solo winner | 585 |
jc | Jewelcrafter | 585 |
Bioball | Group of Terran biological units | 585 |
DT | Dark Templar | 585 |
Natural | Natural expansion | 585 |
chargelot | Charge Zealot | 585 |
TvP | Terran versus Protoss | 585 |
Toss | Protoss | 585 |
frag | Player kill | 585 |
Ling | Zergling | 585 |
DQ | Disqualify | 585 |
GGP | Gotta go pee | 585 |
epm | Effective actions per minute | 585 |
nooblet | Young newbie | 585 |
Boomstick | Shotgun | 585 |
MC | Mind Control | 585 |
ovie | Overlord | 585 |
bot | Bottom lane | 585 |
Modder | A person who creates mods | 585 |
Minion | Game creature | 585 |
Lethal | A game-ending amount of damage | 585 |
Mob | Mobile video game character | 585 |
Fog | Unseen areas of a League of Legends map | 585 |
Base race | Simultaneous attacks on enemy bases | 585 |
PUBG | PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | 585 |
PC | Player character | 585 |
Dump stat | An ability that an RPG player doesn't prioritize | 585 |
DEX | Dexterity | 585 |
IGL | In-game leader | 585 |
d20 | A twenty-sided die | 585 |
KEKL | Cackling laughter | 585 |
LFK | Let's freaking Kompete | 585 |
IM | Instant message | 586 |
TFB | Too freakin' bad | 586 |
Y/R | Yeah, right | 586 |
BAMF | Bad a** mother f***** | 586 |
MOH | Medal of Honor | 586 |
FOC | Free of charge | 586 |
AON | All or nothing | 586 |
Choob | Skilled player who intentionally plays badly | 586 |
Macro | Economy management skill | 586 |
Bio | Biological units | 586 |
Kek | Laughing out loud | 586 |
WPT | World Poker Tour | 586 |
DON | Double or nothing | 586 |
Robo | Robotics Facility | 586 |
D3 | Diablo III | 586 |
WCG | World Cyber Games | 586 |
Boss | Awesome person | 586 |
ARTS | Action real-time strategy | 586 |
Jungler | A jungle killing player | 586 |
CS | Creep score | 586 |
LOTV | Legacy of the Void | 586 |
SWYP | So what's your problem | 586 |
Effin | F***ing | 586 |
Teemo | The swift scout | 586 |
Butter | Gold | 586 |
HOMM | Heroes of Might and Magic | 586 |
Board clear | Move that clears the opponent's board of minions | 586 |
Aggro deck | Aggressive card deck | 586 |
OHKO | One-hit knockout | 586 |
Scratch damage | Damage delivered to a blocking opponent | 586 |
top | Top lane | 586 |
Denying | Killing your own creeps to prevent your enemy from killing them | 586 |
Creep | A basic unit | 586 |
Initiator | A DOTA hero that starts a team fight | 586 |
CG | Close game | 586 |
CHA | Charisma | 586 |
Clip chimp | A Twitch user who creates out-of-context video clips | 586 |
irl | A real-life person | 586 |
Sussy baka | Suspicious fool | 586 |
Feed | To repeatedly get killed by enemy champions | 586 |
GM | Good match | 587 |
HYE | Have you ever | 587 |
NH | Nice hand | 587 |
DFL | Dead freaking last | 587 |
FTEW | For the epic win | 587 |
LF1M | Looking for one more | 587 |
HL | Half-Life | 587 |
SS | Short stacked | 587 |
Larper | Live action role-player | 587 |
lulz | LOL | 587 |
STT | Single table tournament | 587 |
Sticky | A plasma grenade that sticks to objects | 587 |
FGSQTC | For gosh's sake quit the crap | 587 |
LUPP | Luckiest person on the planet | 587 |
spd | Spinning piledriver | 587 |
Rush down | To play aggressively to defeat an opponent | 587 |
Rush deck | Aggressive card deck | 587 |
Netdecker | A player who looks up decks online | 587 |
Chipping | Attacking a blocking opponent | 587 |
NVE | Not very effective | 587 |
CG | Coconut gun | 587 |
SG | SilvaGunner | 587 |
SM64 | Super Mario 64 | 587 |
OOC | Out of character | 588 |
FTL | For the loss | 588 |
WOTLK | Wrath of the Lich King | 588 |
Micro | Unit micromanagement skill | 588 |
XB | Xbox | 588 |
F | A Twitch stream has accidentally disconnected | 588 |
SEAL | Slaying everyone and laughing | 589 |
FF | Focus fire | 589 |
Mulligan | To replace cards in your starting hand | 589 |
Brigading | When one online community harasses another | 589 |
Beamed | Having limited edition items stolen | 589 |
Roam | To move between lanes | 589 |
SCP | Special Containment Procedures Foundation | 589 |
Git gud | Get good | 589 |
GGL | Good game loser | 590 |
Carry | MOBA player role | 590 |
Amogus | Among Us | 590 |
Wipe | Total death | 591 |
gglords | Broodlords | 591 |
VU | Visual upgrade | 591 |
L | Losses | 591 |
RBX | Robux | 591 |
BOAT | Best of all time | 591 |
TQVM | Thank you very much | 592 |
int | Intellect | 592 |
555 | Ha ha ha | 592 |
IVL | In virtual life | 592 |
BarCraft | Watching StarCraft at a bar | 592 |
GSL | Global StarCraft II League | 592 |
stats | Statistics | 592 |
Skytoss | An air-focused Protoss strategy | 592 |
Gobbo | Goblin | 592 |
Punt | Mistake | 592 |
Washed | No longer good | 592 |
Mar10 | Mario Day | 592 |
WTB | Want to buy | 593 |
ICC | Icecrown Citadel | 593 |
Pull | Enter combat | 593 |
rez | Resurrection | 593 |
spec | Specialization | 593 |
3arc | Treyarch | 593 |
Cheese | Exploitative strategy | 593 |
Huckleberry | The one you're looking for | 593 |
sc2nite | StarCraft 2 tonight? | 593 |
Mech | Mechanical units | 593 |
str | Strength | 593 |
Agi | Agility | 593 |
dfg | Deathfire Grasp | 593 |
opp | Opponent | 593 |
TYFP | Thank you for party | 593 |
Crying eyes | 593 | |
ARG | Alternate reality game | 593 |
GD | Geometry Dash | 593 |
NYP | Name your price | 593 |
TP | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess | 593 |
PvE | Player versus environment | 594 |
bg | Battleground | 594 |
FP | Flight path | 594 |
VOD | Video on demand | 594 |
DBM | Deadly Boss Mods | 594 |
Ninja | A loot stealer | 594 |
PvZ | Protoss versus Zerg | 594 |
DKP | Dragon kill points | 594 |
FF | Final Fantasy | 594 |
AI | All-in | 594 |
ROM | Emulator game | 594 |
mid | Middle lane | 594 |
One and done | Single elimination tournament | 594 |
MOAB | Massive Ornary Air Blimp | 594 |
ACNH | Animal Crossing: New Horizons | 594 |
Cracked | Crazy | 594 |
Wrecked | Destroyed, beaten, killed, demolished, utterly ruined | 594 |
Bloxxed | Killed | 594 |
5Head | Very smart | 594 |
NS | Nintendo Switch | 594 |
Oppo | Opponent | 594 |
SS | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | 594 |
KMA | Kiss my a** | 595 |
WOOT | We owned the other team | 595 |
wei | Whatever idiot | 595 |
nxt | Next | 595 |
ZOMG | Oh my gosh! | 595 |
SAT | Sorry about that | 595 |
EA | Electronic Arts | 595 |
SP | Spell power | 595 |
Dal | Dalaran | 595 |
Kara | Karazhan | 595 |
dced | Disconnected | 595 |
adds | Additional mobs | 595 |
resto | Restoration | 595 |
RMP | Rogue, Mage, Priest | 595 |
PvP | Protoss versus Protoss | 595 |
ZvP | Zerg versus Protoss | 595 |
FFE | Forge fast expand | 595 |
NP | Nice play | 595 |
L4D2 | Left for Dead 2 | 595 |
PTL | Player to left | 595 |
MoP | Mists of Pandaria | 595 |
Laning | Staying in a lane | 595 |
bd | Backdoor | 595 |
BYOD | Bring your own device | 595 |
MMR | Match-making rating | 595 |
Bruh | Friend | 595 |
aghs | Aghanim's Scepter | 595 |
Fountain diving | Attacking an opposing player in his fountain | 595 |
CON | Constitution | 595 |
WIS | Wisdom | 595 |
Degen | A gambler who makes foolish bets | 595 |
Oof | Exclamation of pain or embarrassment | 595 |
RNG | Run and gun | 595 |
Kill screen | A screen that prevents progress by a user | 595 |
TTRPG | Tabletop role-playing game | 595 |
20m | Twenty man | 595 |
OOT | The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time | 595 |
WW | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker | 595 |
EAK | Eating at keyboard | 596 |
RW | Real world | 596 |
WP | Wrong person | 596 |
YM | Your mom | 596 |
QQn | Looking | 596 |
AOI | A** on ice | 596 |
GS | Good shot | 596 |
VC | Voice chat | 596 |
pat | Patrol | 596 |
RDPS | Ranged damage per second | 596 |
ul | Unlucky | 596 |
BIS | Best in slot | 596 |
de | Disenchant | 596 |
Shat | Shattrath City | 596 |
TPTB | The powers that be | 596 |
bio | Bathroom | 596 |
BBOL | Be back on later | 596 |
N1 | Nice one | 596 |
prot | Protection | 596 |
HotS | Heart of the Swarm | 596 |
Trash | Dungeon enemy mob groups | 596 |
Nax | Naxxramas | 596 |
Naxx | Naxxramas | 596 |
PTR | Public test realm | 596 |
Raid | Raid group | 596 |
CQC | Close-quarters combat | 596 |
def | Defense | 596 |
ZvZ | Zerg versus Zerg | 596 |
Metagame | Outside game preparation and strategies | 596 |
AF | Aggression factor | 596 |
BB | Big blind | 596 |
SNES | Super Nintendo Entertainment System | 596 |
PS2 | PlayStation 2 | 596 |
DIAF | Die in a fire | 596 |
vfx | Visual effects | 596 |
Lane | MOBA map path | 596 |
Farming | Earning experience and items | 596 |
MOTD | Message of the day | 596 |
GSTL | Global StarCraft Team League | 596 |
Lewt | Loot | 596 |
Vanilla | Minion with no special abilities | 596 |
OTK | One turn kill | 596 |
Kill yourself | Go away | 596 |
Flamer | A person who angers other Internet users | 596 |
Controller | Champion who supports allies | 596 |
5e | Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition | 596 |
Gank | To gang up on and kill a player | 596 |
Shoutcaster | Esports commentator | 596 |
Emote | Twitch-specific emoticon | 596 |
1TG | One to go | 596 |
MSQ | Main Scenario Quest | 596 |
FL | Friend List | 596 |
Bounce | Return a card to a player's hand | 596 |
Cracked | Low health | 596 |
BB | Brickbattle | 596 |
Broken | Overpowered | 596 |
Scoop | Concede | 596 |
BFA | Battle for Azeroth | 596 |
RRoD | Red ring of death | 596 |
AM | Adopt Me! | 596 |
Sussy | Suspicious | 596 |
Diff | Skill difference | 596 |
LATAM | Latin America | 596 |
CPS | Clicks per second | 596 |
MK | Mario Kart | 596 |
BIS | Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story | 596 |
pld | Played | 597 |
EI | Eat it | 597 |
GTSY | Glad to see you | 597 |
Bthrm | Bathroom | 597 |
nmtn | Never mind that now | 597 |
ROFLMFAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my freakin' a** off | 597 |
OMGYS | Oh my gosh you suck | 597 |
FTMFW | For the mother f***ing win | 597 |
PSP | PlayStation Portable | 597 |
WTFRU | Where the f*** are you? | 597 |
WTHWT | What the heck was that? | 597 |
PTIYPASI | Put that in your pipe and smoke it | 597 |
S/U | Shut up | 597 |
dstr8 | Dang straight | 597 |
PF | Planetary Fortress | 597 |
TPvPZ | Terran Protoss versus Protoss Zerg | 597 |
tourney | Tournament | 597 |
br | Bankroll | 597 |
YHS | Your hand sucks | 597 |
aipf | All-in preflop | 597 |
bb/100 | Big bets per 100 hands | 597 |
L4D | Left for Dead | 597 |
LARP | Live action role-playing | 597 |
Larping | Live action role-playing | 597 |
WSOP | World Series of Poker | 597 |
UTG | Under the gun | 597 |
KOTOR | Knights of the Old Republic | 597 |
idd | Indeed | 597 |
WC | Water closet | 597 |
rox | Rocks | 597 |
roxorz | Rocks | 597 |
TBFU | Too bad for you | 597 |
td | Touchdown | 597 |
TF2 | Team Fortress 2 | 597 |
VG | Video game | 597 |
Whew | Expression of relief | 597 |
Arpen | Armor penetration | 597 |
ESL | Electronic Sports League | 597 |
h4x0rz | Hackers | 597 |
Coining | Using The Coin card in Hearthstone | 597 |
HotS | Heroes of the Storm | 597 |
G | Games played | 597 |
b8 | Bait | 597 |
Shelled | Beaten badly | 597 |
Dating sim | A video game that simulates dating | 597 |
UP | Underpowered | 597 |
TANSTAFL | There ain't no such thing as a free lunch | 597 |
Uninstall | Quit | 597 |
RAW | Rules as written | 597 |
Swanton bomb | Landing on an enemy and shotgunning them | 597 |
Entry fragger | A CS:GO player who initiates engagements | 597 |
Sleeping on | Underestimating | 597 |
LFP | Looking for party | 597 |
WC | Wrong chat | 597 |
LCG | Living card game | 597 |
Trade | Destroy or counter an opponent's card with your own | 597 |
ETB | Enters the battlefield | 597 |
PR | Personal record | 597 |
Beaned | Banned | 597 |
BOU | Bind on use | 597 |
TFT | Teamfight Tactics | 597 |
Busted | Overpowered | 597 |
Ramp | To permanently gain additional mana | 597 |
DD | Daddy Dearest | 597 |
Slender | A tall and thin Roblox avatar | 597 |
PLO | Pot-limit Omaha Poker | 597 |
MTGA | Magic: The Gathering Arena | 597 |
FNF BF | Friday Night Funkin' Boyfriend | 597 |
GB | Game Boy | 597 |
Roping | Prolonging your turn to waste opponents' time | 597 |
FNAF | Five Nights at Freddy's | 597 |
BTD | Bloons Tower Defense | 597 |
TTS | Tabletop Simulator | 597 |
PnP | Print and play | 597 |
MCBE | Minecraft Bedrock Edition | 597 |
DDLC | Doki Doki Literature Club! | 597 |
Smash | Super Smash Bros. | 597 |
ME | Mass Effect | 597 |
Homebrew | Player-created games or add-ons | 597 |
BOTW | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | 597 |
Roguelike | A video game like Rogue | 597 |
Actual play | TTRPGs played for an audience | 597 |
DBD | Dead by Daylight | 597 |
Civ | Civilization | 597 |
Putting on a clinic | Performing exceptionally well | 597 |
Mirror match | A match in which players use the same fighters | 597 |
mag | Firearm magazine | 597 |
KotH | King of the hill | 597 |
Discord Kitten | A Discord user who acts cute to get gifts | 597 |
Discord Daddy | A Discord user who gives gifts in exchange for relationships | 597 |
JG | Jungler | 597 |
ST | The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks | 597 |
NC | Not cool | 598 |
GOW | Gears of War | 598 |
OAR | On a roll | 598 |
NCZ | No capture zone | 598 |
PFR | Plasma, Frag, Rocket | 598 |
WTC | What the crap | 598 |
WD | Well done | 598 |
TKA | Totally Kick A** | 598 |
HOAS | Heck of a shot | 598 |
WAM | Wait a minute | 598 |
HOF | Hall of fame | 598 |
TJI | Try joining in | 598 |
GOTY | Game of the Year | 598 |
MUD | Multi-user dungeon | 598 |
MMBBG | Massively multiplayer browser-based game | 598 |
G2GP | Got to go pee | 598 |
NC | Nice call | 598 |
NG | No good | 598 |
SBT | Sorry 'bout that | 598 |
TTKA | Time to kick a** | 598 |
BOE | Bind on equip | 598 |
BOP | Bind on pickup | 598 |
GS | Gear score | 598 |
Shatt | Shattrath City | 598 |
Waggro | Wife aggro | 598 |
FOS | Feat of strength | 598 |
GOML | Get on my level | 598 |
S~! | Salute | 598 |
WW | Well won | 598 |
G2GGS2D | Got to go get something to drink | 598 |
GL&GH | Good luck and good hunting | 598 |
WYD | Who's your daddy? | 598 |
G1 | Good one | 598 |
GNE1 | Goodnight everyone | 598 |
Gnight | Goodnight | 598 |
Belf | Blood elf | 598 |
Dome | Head | 598 |
HoN | Heroes of Newerth | 598 |
AYBABTU | All your base are belong to us | 598 |
F2P | Free to play | 598 |
grr | Anger | 598 |
re | Replay | 598 |
pfr | Preflop raise | 598 |
Rake | Poker site commission | 598 |
GBA | Game Boy Advance | 598 |
horribad | Horribly bad | 598 |
pf | Preflop | 598 |
PTR | Player to right | 598 |
SNG | Sit 'n' go | 598 |
Mule | Alternate character for storage | 598 |
xmute | Transmute | 598 |
BO | Build order | 598 |
MMM | Marine, Marauder, Medivac | 598 |
PAYG | Pay as you go | 598 |
Muta | Mutalisks | 598 |
RPC | Role play chat | 598 |
T4T | Thanks for trade | 598 |
tard | Retard | 598 |
1up | Extra life | 598 |
PMD | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon | 598 |
WOL | Wings of Liberty | 598 |
PP | Power Points | 598 |
Brah | Friend | 598 |
IFAB | I found a bug | 598 |
WCS | StarCraft II World Championship Series | 598 |
KKR | Kill kill ratio | 598 |
op | Operator | 598 |
IEM | Intel Extreme Masters | 598 |
gle1 | Good luck everyone | 598 |
GLNG | Good luck next game | 598 |
xlr8 | Accelerate | 598 |
Card advantage | Possessing more cards than another player | 598 |
JRPG | Japanese role-playing game | 598 |
No-hit run | To beat a game without getting hit by an enemy | 598 |
Bottom | Bottom lane | 598 |
Dire | The dark faction in Defense of the Ancients 2 | 598 |
Radiant | The light faction in Defense of the Ancients 2 | 598 |
re | Rematch | 598 |
RAI | Rules as intended | 598 |
PS5 | PlayStation 5 | 598 |
3TG | Three to go | 598 |
FFXIV | Final Fantasy XIV | 598 |
Loot drop | The items an enemy drops after you kill them | 598 |
WT | Wrong target | 598 |
Brew | Create an original deck | 598 |
Comped | Hacked | 598 |
Boosted ape | A player whose friends helped them win | 598 |
Bomb | A really good card | 598 |
DDR | Dance Dance Revolution | 598 |
Sleep on | Underestimate | 598 |
MM | Mommy Mearest | 598 |
KS | Kill screen | 598 |
NLHE | No Limit Hold 'Em | 598 |
CS:GO | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | 598 |
FNF GF | Friday Night Funkin' Girlfriend | 598 |
GBC | Game Boy Color | 598 |
YLoD | Yellow Light of Death | 598 |
Merk | To completely dominate | 598 |
RHD | Royale High Diamonds | 598 |
Accs | Accounts | 598 |
Angle shooting | Playing unethically within the rules | 598 |
Soulslike | A video game like Dark Souls | 598 |
Metroidvania | A game like Metroid or Castlevania | 598 |
Power leveling | An intense leveling up period | 598 |
GOW | God of War | 598 |
Whisper | Private message | 598 |
Rinsed | Defeated | 598 |
TPS | Third-person shooter | 598 |
NFS | Need for Speed | 598 |
THAC0 | To Hit Armor Class 0 | 598 |
ebarbs | Elite Barbarians | 598 |
Three-peat | Winning a championship three times in a row | 598 |
TOTK | The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | 598 |
Spawn | Creation of a character or item | 598 |
std | Scrap TD | 598 |
Durdle | To take a long time to do something | 598 |
Crunchy | Requires a lot of analysis | 598 |
Velf | Void elf | 598 |
Pogging | Experiencing surprised excitement | 598 |
MENA | The Middle East and North Africa | 598 |
APAC | Asian Pacific | 598 |
Cooked | Defeated | 598 |
IC | In character | 599 |
YRG | You are good | 599 |
NKZ | No kill zone | 599 |
BWL | Bursting with laughter | 599 |
TISNF | That is so not fair | 599 |
b/r | Bathroom | 599 |
AYC | Are you coming? | 599 |
TANSTAAFL | There ain't no such thing as a free lunch | 599 |
MMOG | Massively multiplayer online game | 599 |
KMB | Kiss my butt | 599 |
GOW2 | Gears of War 2 | 599 |
RE | Resident Evil | 599 |
plox | Please | 599 |
YT | Your turn | 599 |
PST | Please send tell | 599 |
FTK | For the kill | 599 |
BUF | Big ugly fellow | 599 |
TWMA | Till we meet again | 599 |
HOIC | Hold on, I'm coming | 599 |
RWA | Ready, willing, and able | 599 |
broom | Bathroom | 599 |
teh | The | 599 |
10m | Ten man | 599 |
mut | Mutilate | 599 |
RQ | Real quick | 599 |
Pwnage | Ownage | 599 |
dlc | Downloadable content | 599 |
VPIP | Voluntary put in pot | 599 |
WR | Win rate | 599 |
NL | No limit | 599 |
HE | Texas Hold'em | 599 |
VNH | Very nice hand | 599 |
gibs | Giblets | 599 |
RMAH | Real money auction house | 599 |
Toon | Alternate character | 599 |
Shmup | Shoot 'em up | 599 |
Bunnies | First-person shooter jumping | 599 |
PTFO | Play the freaking objective | 599 |
nooblord | Ultimate newbie | 599 |
Exp | Experience | 599 |
FS | Full Screen | 599 |
TPK | Total Party Kill | 599 |
GH | Good half | 599 |
IAGTKOM | I ain't got that kind of money | 599 |
NvN | Necro vs Necro | 599 |
Modding | Modifying gameplay | 599 |
AD&D | Advanced Dungeons and Dragons | 599 |
Buffbot | A strengthening bot | 599 |
Board control | To dominate the game board | 599 |
Control deck | Card deck focused on controlling the game | 599 |
Late game deck | Card deck focused on controlling the game | 599 |
Armadillo | Gamer who plays slowly | 599 |
FMV | Full motion video | 599 |
Gamebling | A combination of gaming and gambling | 599 |
Abandonware | Game that has been abandoned by its developer | 599 |
Ticking | Attacking a blocking opponent | 599 |
Casual | Game that requires little skill | 599 |
Gamergate | Controversy about sexism in video game culture | 599 |
Clan | A video game team | 599 |
Spammer | A person who continuously holds down the trigger button | 599 |
BoT | Bastion of Twilight | 599 |
NFE | Not fully evolved | 599 |
SE | Super effective | 599 |
No-damage run | To beat a game without receiving any damage | 599 |
Block damage | Damage delivered to a blocking opponent | 599 |
OB | Out-of-bounds | 599 |
Burst | Combination of attacks in a short span of time | 599 |
Initiating | Starting a team fight | 599 |
GD | God D*** | 599 |
2TG | Two to go | 599 |
w007 | Woot | 599 |
Take the L | Take the loss | 599 |
PogChamp | Excitement | 599 |
Murk | To totally dominate | 599 |
Stream sniping | Purposely playing against a streamer | 599 |
Sub | Subscribe | 599 |
pred | Predator | 599 |
FFX | Final Fantasy X | 599 |
Strats | Strategies | 599 |
MSM | My Singing Monsters | 599 |
PvB | Plants vs. Bloons | 599 |
BS | Brawl Stars | 599 |
FaB | Flesh and Blood | 599 |
Demake | A video game remade for an old platform | 599 |
TKL | Tenkeyless | 599 |
3peater | Threepeater | 599 |
Throwing | Losing a winnable game on purpose | 599 |
Four-peat | Winning a championship four times in a row | 599 |
PeepoSad | I'm sad | 599 |
PeepoHappy | I'm happy | 599 |
PeepoCheer | Yay!!! | 599 |
OP | Opponent | 599 |
Meta | Metagame | 599 |
emu | Emulator | 599 |
SFV | Street Fighter V | 599 |
MP | Mana points | 599 |
MP | Multiplayer | 599 |
VTuber | Virtual YouTuber | 599 |
NCO | Nova Covert Ops | 599 |
BG3 | Baldur's Gate 3 | 599 |
Nelf | Night elf | 599 |
RTK | Return to Karazhan | 599 |
NB | Nightborne | 599 |
Crackling | Speedling with Adrenal Glands | 599 |
Skill issue | You're bad | 599 |
PvPvE | Player versus player versus environment | 599 |
GC | Get cancer | 599 |
Mini | Fortnite small shield potion | 599 |
ded | Dead | 600 |
GTFOOH | Get the f*** out of here | 600 |
GL2U | Good luck to you | 600 |
8TB | Ate the bait | 600 |
YS | You suck | 600 |
GLHFTTYL | Good luck, have fun, talk to you later | 600 |
WL | Whatta loser | 600 |
2FB | Too freaking bad | 600 |
WT | What the | 600 |
THTH | Too hot to handle | 600 |
G4I | Go for it | 600 |
BIO | Bring it on | 600 |
disc | Discipline | 600 |
Baller | A cool person | 600 |
SB | Small blind | 600 |
FF | Faerie Fire | 600 |
Thar | There | 600 |
Zoning | Constraining enemy positions | 600 |
hp5 | Health per five seconds | 600 |
Owned | Dominated | 600 |
WHU | Warcraft Hunters Union | 600 |
WOD | Warlords of Draenor | 600 |
CRPG | Computer role-playing game | 600 |
AAA | High quality video game | 600 |
Juking | Using items in the environment and moving around to escape | 600 |
Christmas noob | A player playing a video game he received on Christmas for the first time | 600 |
PU | Parallel Universe | 600 |
Bot mafia | A legion of automated World of Warcraft characters | 600 |
Freemium | Free with optional purchases | 600 |
Removal | A card that can destroy or nullify an opponent's card | 600 |
Looper | Fortnite player | 600 |
GC | GameCube | 600 |
Cheesing | Exploiting tactics or glitches in a game to win | 600 |
ABAM | All blind all mid | 600 |
Whale | A person who spends a lot of money in a video game | 600 |
HDYLMN | How do you like me now | 601 |
GJP | Good job partner | 601 |
WTS | What the s*** | 601 |
LL | Later loser | 601 |
BOYDS | Back off you dipstick | 601 |
OOYFM | Out of your freaking mind | 601 |
FTEL | For the epic loss | 601 |
GLE | Good luck everyone | 601 |
Kek | Korean laugh | 601 |
WTA | Winner takes all | 601 |
MCJE | Minecraft Java Edition | 601 |
SMT | Shin Megami Tensei | 601 |
BOL | Be on later | 602 |
DYFI | Did you find it | 602 |
BM | Bite me | 602 |
OMGN | Oh my gosh, noob | 602 |
HoT | Heal over time | 602 |
arp | Armor penetration | 602 |
WG | Wintergrasp | 602 |
SH | Short handed | 602 |
dom | Dominate | 602 |
Drop | Minion | 602 |
Hack | To make changes | 602 |
Ill eagle | Illegal | 602 |
FT | For trade | 602 |
Inv | Inventory | 602 |
d/l | Download | 603 |
OMFGYASB | Oh my freaking gosh, you're a sexy beast | 603 |
PUG | Pick-up group | 603 |
BTYC | Better than you can | 603 |
STFU | Super Time Force Ultra | 603 |
DF | Dominance factor | 603 |
BBC | Bloxburg Cash | 603 |
FH | F***ing Heck | 604 |
CNRHKYITF | Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face | 604 |
BLOPS | Call of Duty: Black Ops | 604 |
SMTW | Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | 604 |
Twinking | Equipping a low-level character with high-level items | 604 |
SFTIF2LOLBLIMH | So funny that I forgot to laugh out loud but laughed in my head | 604 |
BOT | Be on that | 605 |
Haxor | Hacker | 605 |
KS | Kingslayer | 606 |
Tank | Hardy character | 607 |
AFC | Away from controller | 607 |
LOM | Low on mana | 607 |
mp5 | Mana per five seconds | 608 |
BC | The Burning Crusade | 609 |
deeps | Damage per second | 609 |
AE | Area of effect | 610 |
YF | You fail | 610 |
ss | Miss | 610 |
OMD | Oh my da**! | 611 |
Disruptor | A champion that locks down opponents | 611 |
Woot | Wonderful loot | 612 |
Vent | Ventrilo | 613 |
Dunking | Owning enemy player | 613 |
Smurf | An alternate account used by a skilled player | 614 |
BP | Blue pilling | 614 |
aspd | Attack speed | 615 |
GTG | Good to go | 617 |
FFF | Fight for first | 619 |
CTM | Complete the Monument | 622 |
Budder | Gold | 623 |
Gyat | An expression of surprise | 623 |
ADAM | All draft all mid | 625 |
Jerry | Baby slime | 626 |
Endie | Enderman | 634 |
Jaffas | Cookies | 651 |
All results listed.