Social Media Slang

Slang terms have become increasingly prevalent on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The list below includes common slang used in social media. You can also view a list of chat slang terms used specifically on Facebook or Twitter.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
LOLLaughing out loud
IRLIn real life
TTYLTalk to you later
TYThank you
BTWBy the way
SMHShaking my head
DMDirect message
YWYou're welcome
BussinReally good
143I love you
IKRI know, right?
WhoaExpression of surprise
TLDRToo long, didn't read
FMLF*** my life
SimpA person who obsesses over someone
IMOIn my opinion
FFSFor f***'s sake
bsfBest friend
LANLocal Area Network
HRUHow are you
LMFAOLaughing my freakin' a** off
FTWFor the win
TBHTo be honest
SelfieA picture a person takes of themself
KarenAn entitled woman
TYVMThank you very much
FrFor real
bbgBaby girl
OICOh, I see
IDEKI don't even know
SwagSkills or style
YOLOYou only live once
H&KHugs and kisses
Gang gangI'm with you
14643I will always love you
Skibidi Toilet SyndromeAdverse effects of watching Skibidi Toilet
ASLAge, sex, location
Only in OhioClaiming Ohio is strange
LMIRLLet's meet in real life
Clout chaserA person who does things just to become popular
LMAOLaughing my a** off
NOYBNone of your business
LOLOLLots of laugh out louds
IMUI miss you
FOMOFear of missing out
OGOriginal gangster
MIAMissing in action
go brrrSolve a problem
FriendversaryFriendship anniversary
ZaddyA composed, fashionable, and attractive man
Let him cookDon't interfere
LYLLove you lots
KMABKiss my a**, b****
BetYou bet
HMUHit me up
LMSLike my status
S-tierTop rank
cyaSee ya
FOHF*** outta here
IMYI miss you
InfluencerA social media user who affects others' behaviors
NGLNot gonna lie
SDSweet dreams
CFDClothing, fashion, design
TweetTwitter post
Caught in 4KCaught in the act
IMHOIn my humble opinion
IMDIn my dreams
IDGAFI don't give a f***
XOKiss and Hug
ICYMIIn case you missed it
WYBWatch your back
MCYTMinecraft YouTuber
PMPrivate message
BestieBest Friend
SheeshExpression of disbelief
CCGCollectible card game
FRFRFor real for real
And I oopI'm so embarassed
Dunk onMake fun of
IBFInternet best friend
2H2HToo hot to handle
CMIIWCorrect me if I'm wrong
lolzLaugh out louds
HipsterA person who dislikes mainstream culture
Don't @ meDon't mention me in your tweets
RatioedReceiving many more replies than likes on your tweet
YMMVYour mileage may vary
MaldMad and bald
4LFor life
TCTake care
ATWAll the way
BWBest wishes
CrewGroup of friends
CatfishTo assume a false identity
FYPFor You page
Tune upBeat up
ICLI can't lie
LYSMLove you so much
HUMMHope you miss me
LPPLikes per post
ClapbackA clever comeback
Straight fireVery cool
Comfort idolA celebrity whose actions soothe you
DM slideDirect message to a crush
BFFRBe f***ing for real
BFDBig freakin' deal
TRSThat really sucks
TFTAThanks for the add
TCGTrading card game
CreeperA socially invasive person
HIFWHow I felt when
Thigh gapSpace between a person's thighs
Keyboard warriorA person that posts controversial opinions online
F4FFollow for follow
Paper handsTo sell a stock at the first sign of trouble
POGPlay of the game
Pick meA person desperate for attention and approval
Sigma maleAn introverted guy who goes his own way
BIONBelieve it or not
TAYThinking about you
TTYSTalk to you soon
BFFLBest friends for life
WDYTWhat do you think
IHYI hate you
MovemberMustache-growing November
TFWThat feeling when
SimpingObsessing over a person that does not return the same affection
Horny on mainActing lustful on your primary social account
Day oneA very close friend
Sending meMaking me laugh
Face cardA gorgeous face
JSYKJust so you know
WTGWay to go
TTYTalk to you
HMLHate my life
POTUSPresident of the United States
PMKIPretty much killin' it
Nae NaeHip-rocking, hand-raising dance move
The struggle is realHaving difficulty doing something
Chasing cloutDoing things just to become popular
Hop offGo away
Lady bonerFemale feeling of sexual arousal
SASexual assault
CYLCatch ya later
WYWHWish you were here
HOPEHave Only Positive Expectations
BlingOverly flashy jewelry
Alphabet mafiaLGBTQIA+ people
Hits differentAffects differently
Blue-checkedVerified on Twitter
ASLPAge, sex, location, picture
ITYSI told you so
IMInstant message
MMMusic Monday
vlogVideo blog
FacestalkingLooking through someone's pictures on Facebook
PoserA person who pretends to be someone they are not
HNYHappy New Year
AMAAsk me anything
Vine6 second video
TBRTo be real
Cancel cultureCanceling people who do anything controversial
RedditorA Reddit user
DoomerA person who focuses on negative possibilities
OT3One true threesome
Meme stockA stock hyped on social media
Cinnamon rollA kind, gentle person
Left no crumbsCompletely dominated
Sussy bakaSuspicious fool
Pro-shipAccepting of any fictional relationship
EndgameA couple that is meant to be together
LooksmaxxingAttempting to improve your appearance
NLTNo later than
FTEWFor the epic win
HWUHey, what's up?
LarperLive action role-player
ChillaxChill and relax
HandleTwitter username
TwittersphereThe world of Twitter
HMBHit me back
issaIt's a
Big yikesWow
Sip teaMind your business
LRTLast retweet
WildinActing crazy
WSGWhat's good
BangerAn awesome, energetic piece of media
Rent Free In My HeadFrequently on my mind
DisneyboundingDressing similarly to Disney characters
ThreadA series of messages
hbdHappy birthday
WEGWicked evil grin
mishuMiss you
CSBCool story, bro
TBTThrowback Thursday
TwinsiesTwo people who share a common trait
GrelfieGroup selfie
LurkerA forum user who reads but doesn't post
Fake newsFake news source that pretends to be real
Sock puppet accountA fake online identity
Say lessI understand
onbOn, bro
Alpha maleA dominant male
2l8Too late
FTRFor the record
SOSSomeone special
WBUWhat 'bout you
DAHDumb a** hole
TMGThat's my girl
D/CDon't care
GPOYGratuitous picture of yourself
PTLPraise the Lord
TBRTo be read
PlankingLying face down and straight like a plank
Put on blastTo call out
Facebook friendA friend on Facebook, but most likely not in real life
Spill the teaShare the gossip
BrigadingWhen one online community harasses another
HimboA naive, musclebound male
PFPProfile picture
MootsPeople you follow on social media who follow you back
Date ladderA person you date to make yourself seem more desirable
Unicorn momAn imperfect, authentic mom who defies mom shaming
AlgospeakSlang used to bypass content filters
Passenger princessA woman whose partner always drives her around
KenergyConscientious masculinity
RizzlerA person with immense charisma
DHDear husband
OPOriginal poster
FTFYFixed that for you
BNIBBrand new in box
OOMFOne of my followers
OTPOne true pairing
TILToday I learned
SlacktivismLazy activism
SubtweetSubliminal tweet
On fleekPerfect
DemThronesGame of Thrones
QuaranteamA small group that socializes in-person during COVID-19
SnaccAn attractive person
PeriodtAn expression of emphasis
TikTokerA TikTok user
GloomerAn apathetic 20-something
E chokeAn expression of shock or surprise
Sleeper buildWhen a skinny person is surprisingly buff
EdgarHigh fade and bowl cut hairstyle
IAWTCI agree with the comment
SMFSo much fun
BGFBest guy friend
IFSFYI feel sorry for you
DFDear fiance
LBVSLaughing but very serious
TSNFThat's so not fair
derpExpression of stupidity
POCProof of concept
MCMMan-crush Monday
AOTYAlbum of the year
SFMSo freaking much
FBFFlashback Friday
WhitesplainTo explain something as a white person
Slide into your DMsTo send a direct message on Twitter
RIP my mentionsI'm going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications
CBBCan't be bothered
Clout leechA person who is friends with someone just to become more popular
CottagecoreAn aesthetic centered around romanticized rural living
AITAAm I the a**hole
OTDOf the day
WaifuA fictional female that a real person has a crush on
HeatherA desirable person
Yuck your yumCriticize something you like
Woke up and chose violenceDecided to be hostile
BOATBest of all time
Beta maleA submissive male
IIRCIf I remember correctly
LSSLong story short
TQVMThank you very much
BBWBe back whenever
SOABSon of a b****
IHUI hate you
OMEOh my Edward
UnfriendTo remove a friend on Facebook
WAGsWives and girlfriends
TFFTwitter follower-friend
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
TweetsultInsulting tweet
Live-tweetTo tweet about something currently taking place
TweeterA person who tweets
YouTuberA YouTube user
CrunchyNatural and sustainable lifestyle
POIDHPictures or it didn't happen
Celine a sceneTo add a Celine Dion song to a video for maximum emotional impact
Bikini bridgeSpace between a bikini bottom and stomach
Clap backA clever comeback
CancelShut down or force out
VoteflakeA person who does not accept official election results
BIFLBuy it for life
TrumperA Donald Trump supporter
NTANot the a**hole
Outta pocketDisreputable
OTLOne true love
BopAn excellent song or album
GatekeepTo police who has access to an identity or community
MomfluencerA mom who influences other moms on social media
ElsagateInappropriate content targeted at kids on YouTube
The sidewalk ruleYour man should walk on the street side of the sidewalk
GOATed with the sauceAwesome
WashedNo longer good
Mar10Mario Day
Tots and pearsThoughts and prayers
Canon eventA pivotal event in a person's life
ICI see
DUDon't understand
OOTDOutfit of the day
AHFYAlways here for you
GGGBGood girl gone bad
RUAre you
GPOYWGratuitous picture of yourself Wednesday
SAHDStay-at-home dad
GMAFBGive me a friggin' break
DBTSDon't believe that stuff
GPSGod's positioning system
MistweetTweet mistake
SelteringSticking out your rear in a fitness pose
WinternityEternal winter
InstagrammerAn Instagram user
SnapchatterSnapchat user
MoodHow I'm feeling
QuaranfifteenWeight gained during COVID-19 quarantine
Slim thickA female body shape
GoblincoreAn aesthetic centered around overlooked natural things
BlursdayLiterally any day of the week, they're all the same now
Diamond handsTo hold a stock through losses
SharentAn oversharing parent on social media
MLMMen loving men
WCGWWhat could go wrong
Parasocial relationshipA one-way relationship between a fan and a creator
AFAYCAs fast as you can
RoachingSecretly dating many romantic partners at the same time
ChadA physically fit, overly confident man
Snapback culturePressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies
YAYoung Adult
GRWMGet ready with me
NYPName your price
GOATedDeclared the best
Boy mathMale logic
Fanum taxTaking food from a friend
FCOLFor crying out loud
KITKeep in touch
KWIMKnow what I mean
LTRLong-term relationship
TOHThe other half
YVWYou're very welcome
PC4PCPicture comment for picture comment
FHFuture husband
OMGDOh my gosh, duh
WADRWith all due respect
fboFacebook official
U2UUp to you
ADMAy dios mio
GUFNGrounded until further notice
FYEFor your entertainment
IMPOIn my personal opinion
HYFRHeck ya, freakin' right
PBUHPeace be upon Him
HBBDHappy belated birthday
TweepsTwitter peeps
finnaFixing to
SpoopySpooky and funny
SlacktivistLazy activist
MFWMy face when
Instagram husbandA person who takes pictures of another person for Instagram
MBFAMake baseball fun again
FBFollow back
RIP to your mentionsYou're going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications
TwitterstormA quick rise of activity about a specific topic on Twitter
CopypastaA block of text that is often copied and pasted online
Virtue signalingDemonstrating moral superiority
VSCO girlsPreppy female teen Instagrammers
CapeTo defend someone's actions, often undeservedly
It meI identify with that
ChonkAn overweight animal
IYKYKIf you know you know
stimmyStimulus check
NSFVNot safe for viewing
DadicationFatherly dedication
YSKYou should know
BlursedBlessed and cursed
BloomerA well-adjusted 20-something
BMSBroke my scale
Crypto MomSEC Commissioner Hester Peirce
TikTok houseA house full of TikTok influencers
Who dey breetWho is breathing?
Pump your brakesPause and reflect
Silver foxAn attractive older man
BOLOBe on the lookout
VolcelVoluntary celibate
Crushing itDoing very well
HauntingFollowing a romantic partner on social media after abruptly leaving them
TWTrigger warning
SmolSmall and cute
EDEating disorder
HellmaxxingCommitting a series of sinful acts
HusbandoA fictional man that a real person has a crush on
Baby trapWhen one partner misleads the other to cause a pregnancy
CreepypastaA horror story posted on the Internet
DYORDo your own research
Go hamDo something intensely
IBRIt's been real
J6January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol Attack
meirlMe in real life
Girl dinnerA charcuterie board-esque dinner
DreamscrollingScrolling for dream purchases
BDBig deal
IAGIt's all good
YGGYou go girl
SATSorry about that
IAI agree
CYFCheck your Facebook
IJDGAFI just don't give a f***
OTTOMHOff the top of my head
BCBGBon Chic Bon Genre
gonnaGoing to
TweetupTwitter meetup
durStupidly obvious
unoYou know
ShelfiePicture of objects arranged on a shelf
S4SShare for share
FOMOFFear of missing out on football
FaceremorseRemorse after posting on Facebook
Retweet offenderA person who constantly retweets on Twitter
SnapstreakSnapchat streak
TBRTo be rude
Ghost postA Facebook comment that was removed
ProcrastibakingBaking to put off something else
FitfamA group of fitness-minded social media users
Go offAngrily complain
eboyAn extremely online teen boy
HeadcanonA fan's unverified beliefs about a story
TIFUToday I F***ed Up
HNMHappy new month
NPRNot page related
OOTLOut of the loop
BlackfishingPretending to be ethnically Black
MDLMight delete later
Perc30Oxycodone, commonly mixed with fentanyl
AslAs hell
CMVChange my view
At homeA worse version of something
FOGOFear of going outside
Unforced errorAn easily-avoidable mistake
Bing bongExpression of emphasis
BeckyA basic white girl
WBWWayback Wednesday
BookTokTikTok users who discuss books
Book hangoverRemaining attached to a book you just finished
NGMINot gonna make it
Ate thatDominated
WeebA non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese pop culture
PSGWSPPlay stupid games, win stupid prizes
LCSLocal comic store
Fumble the bagScrew up
Academic weaponA dedicated student
Apple sheepBlindly loyal Apple fans
edtwtAn eating disorder community on Twitter
StacyAn attractive, sexually active woman
IJBOLI just burst out laughing
JGHJust got home
WhamageddonThe challenge to not hear Last Christmas
PookieA loved one
itmtIn the meantime
RTFARead the flippin' article
TCOBTakin' care of business
TWIMCTo whom it may concern
MFMother f***er
LOMLLove of my life
DADumb a**
MTFMore to follow
POTBPat on the back
YYSSYeah yeah, sure sure
ADPICAlways Dependably Politically Incorrect
AFAICSAs far as I can see
DTRTDo the right thing
fbfFacebook friend
POUSPresident of the United States
ONCOOr nearest cash offer
DIAFDie in a fire
LBRLet's be real
WCWWoman-crush Wednesday
VinerVine user
PRTPlease Retweet
FinstagramFake Instagram account
RinstagramReal Instagram account
SOTDShoe of the day
Get bucketsTo dominate
The gramInstagram
Doom-scrollingScrolling to find bad news
Rage bakingBaking to relieve anger or stress
Swipe rightApprove
NCNo Contact
YTAYou're the a**hole
tendiesChicken tenders
J-PowJerome Powell
That ain't itThat's no good
WLWWomen loving women
NBLMNon-binary loving men
Hard pantsAny non-stretchy pants
MultistanAn obsessed fan of multiple things
Fax no printerTruth
QAnutterA QAnon believer
CAFOConcentrated Animal Feeding Operation
UrbexUrban exploration
HBCUHistorically black colleges and universities
Wife guyA social media user who constantly discusses his wife
GreenwashingDeceptively claiming to be eco-friendly
OCOriginal content
Comment ghostingRemoving a user's comments
Insta copBuy immediately
GTFOHGet the f*** outta here
OOCOut of context
SquickA big turn-off
TikbaitShallow TikTok content created to get views
City boyA man with no regard for women
YahurrdYou heard
Galaxy brainUnorthodox thinking
TradwifeA wife who adheres to traditional values
FTLOGFor the love of God
Smooth brainAn unintelligent person
UnaliveTo kill
WylinGoing wild
Garbage personA terrible person
Omega maleA self-sufficient, independent male
Gamma maleA normal man
NPCA person unable to think for themself
Up to elevenUp to an excessive degree
HopiumFalse hopes
CopiumCoping via false rationale
AMLAnti money laundering
IsnotraelIsrael is not real
iPad kidA child who is always on a tablet
GigachadAn ultra-attractive, confident, and capable man
Boy dinnerA junk food dinner
allgAll good
Blue tickA verified X user
BlackpilledPessimistic about the future
RedpilledUnderstands an unpleasant truth
DiffSkill difference
WITRWhy is this relevant
DemureModest, simple, and mindful
Brain rotNegative effects from excessive Internet content
Sephora kidA child obsessed with Sephora products
IMEIn my experience
LUMLove you, man
NOMBNone of my business
ROFRolling on floor
IMCOIn my considered opinion
IMInstant messenger
iluvuI love you
DILLIGAFDo I look like I give a flip?
HKHugs and kisses
LALaughing a lot
GNOGirls' night out
FTMFWFor the mother f***ing win
PSPPlayStation Portable
PSOGPure stroke of genius
DYKDid you know
L2MListening to music
CTOCheck this out
SINBADSingle income no boyfriend absolutely desperate
BBMBrains by Mattel
JFKJust freakin' kidding
WTFNFWhat the f****ing f***
HPDCHappy People Don't Complain
TMFTToo much free time
LLPOFLiar liar pants on fire
HCHow cool
SFFSo freaking funny
UOMEYou owe me
BifflesBest friends for life
BFFEBest friends forever
OBOOr best offer
GMABGive me a break
IYOIn your opinion
OTEOver the edge
GBYGod bless you
OTSOn the scene
IYSWIMIf you see what I mean
WYMMWill you marry me?
MRTModified retweet
LARPLive action role-playing
LarpingLive action role-playing
URTBYou are the best
LMLLaughing mad loud
TTTrending topic
OpaGreek exclamation
DressgateControversy about the colors of a dress
PAPPost a picture
TSIRThe struggle is real
Mannequin challengeChallenge that involves one or more people freezing in place
TinderingUsing Tinder
Diddy cropTo cut a person out of your life
LBLike back
PTOPositive Talk Only
MentionA reference to a Twitter username in a tweet
Gram itPost it on Instagram
CybermobA group of online users that harasses other users
wypipoWhite people
QOTDQuestion of the day
CEO ofThe best at
MBNMust be nice
egirlAn extremely online teen girl
QuarantiniA quarantine-times cocktail
ACVAfter coronavirus
TIHIThanks, I hate it
BHMBlack History Month
IdolA K-pop star
LPTLife Pro Tip
QuantQuantitative analyst
NUMTOTSNew Urbanist Memes for Transit-oriented Teens
PharbzPhoebe Bridgers fans
NBLWNon-binary loving women
QultistA QAnon believer
WokefishingPretending to have progressive political views
WojakA Microsoft Paint-created Internet character
PFPPicture for proof
Carpe DMDirect message the person now
NocoinerA person who owns no cryptocurrency
VBOVisible belly outline
Chub rubChafing where your thighs rub together
Blow upTo become successful
LCGLiving card game
WTTWatching TikTok
Clout demonA social media user who covets popularity
Hot Vax SummerSummer 2021
1437I love you forever
PWIPredominantly white institution
CWContent warning
Virtual restaurantDelivery-only restaurant
AstroturfingFaking a grassroots movement
BeaningPouring baked beans on a building's doorstep
OTDOn this day
TrumpsterA Donald Trump supporter
KyleA basic white boy
ArianatorAn Ariana Grande fan
MukbangEating show
Down badDepressed
IYAMIf you ask me
SaltineA white person
On X Games modeDoing something extreme very well
ShadowbanTo secretly censor a social media user's content
Coming for necksMeans business
NASLName, age, sex, location
F2MFemale to male
FTMFemale to male
GastrodiplomacyWhen a country uses its cuisine to boost its reputation
The Streisand EffectWhen an attempt to hide information draws greater attention
M2FMale to female
Marmite characterA person people either hate or love
DLDRDon't like, don't read
DiedLaughed hard
Here for itExcited about it
BAYCBored Ape Yacht Club
NunyaNone of your
HistoryboundingWearing historically-inspired outfits
BookTwtBook Twitter
PMOPissed me off
Menty bMental breakdown
TechTokerA TikToker who discusses tech
Goblin modeBehaving badly
AmmosexualA person who loves guns
AUAlternate universe
Career cushioningSearching for a new job while employed
Quirked upUnusual
allatAll that
REReal estate
FrlFor real
SponconSponsored content
MCMain character
GaggedRendered speechless
KotHKing of the hill
HGHoly grail
DeinfluencingTelling social media users what not to do
AFAWKAs far as we know
Soft lifeLifestyle that prioritizes joy and reduces stress
Discord KittenA Discord user who acts cute to get gifts
Discord DaddyA Discord user who gives gifts in exchange for relationships
DTMDoing too much
MoneymaxxingAttempting to improve your financial situation
Blue personA person who changed your life for the better
Green personA close friend you met by chance
KillfieA potentially deadly selfie
GMTGot me tight
OomfieA Twitter follower
CroomfA social media follower crush
Do it for the plotTake a chance to make your life more exciting
ManletA short, muscular man
MoggingDominating another man
BluepilledUnquestioning of conventional beliefs
WhammedHearing the song Last Christmas
Eating goodExtremely satisfied
SoftmaxxingMaking minor beauty improvements
Millennial pauseA pause at the start of a video recorded by a Millennial
Sweater weatherThe chilly autumn season
BFCMBlack Friday Cyber Monday
Big backAn overweight person
FTRFirst time reader
BookstagramInstagram users who discuss books
BookXX users who discuss books
FOFLFalling on the floor laughing
GDRGrinning, ducking, running
IMAOIn my arrogant opinion
KIRKeepin' it real
LOLLots of love
NOMBRNone of my business, right
SLYStill love you
W2FWay too funny
ONYDOh no you didn't
JMOJust my opinion
HOMHit or miss
RATMRage Against The Machine
IMSOIn my sovereign opinion
PLJPeace, love, joy
GOTYGame of the Year
SAHMStay-at-home mom
WOHMWorking outside home mom
DKDCDon't know, don't care
mwahugzKisses and hugs
NOTDNail of the day
BBBBoring beyond belief
FTTBFor the time being
C4NCiao for now
DFTBADon't forget to be awesome
CPECoolest Person Ever
SBTSorry 'bout that
bupBackup Plan
CYFBCheck your Facebook
DUKDidn't you know?
BMABest mates always
BFFNBest friend for now
LEPLove emo people
IAGSMSOLI am getting some money sooner or later
NBNot bad
TTYOOTDTalk to you one of these days
AFAYCAs far as you're concerned
LFWLooking for work
AISIAs I see it
AYPIAnd your point is?
HHISHanging head in shame
TACThat ain't cool
FAWCFor anyone who cares
HMSHanging myself
IIRIf I remember
FTFOIFor the fun of it
DITGDown in the gutter
DweetDrunk tweet
HTHeard Through
LLSLaughing like s***
BFKBig fat kiss
ONOOr nearest offer
HMPHelp me, please
T4PThanks for posting
yallYou all
ASAICAs soon as I can
BootsieBoring person
ErmahgerdOh my gosh
statsPersonal profile information
SpitTo flirt
ELOElectric Light Orchestra
TweepleTwitter people
WeathermageddonVery bad weather
DYACD*** You Auto Correct
KOTDKicks of the day
Insta-lurkingLooking through a person's Instagram pictures
TFTFThanks for the follow
Likers get rateAnyone who likes this post will get a rate
finstaFake Instagram account
LatergramA picture posted on Instagram later than when it was taken
FBriendA Facebook friend
BDEBig D*** Energy
Went offAngrily complained
ZumpingDumping someone over Zoom
LALLaugh at life
Swipe leftReject
AccountantA cover-up occupation
OPOutta pocket
MutualA person you follow on social media who also follows you
BBFBBMBody by Fisher, Brains by Mattel
VPLVisible panty line
FUPAFatty upper pubic area
Collab houseA house full of social media influencers
Flop eraA period of disappointment
White knightingSaving someone in distress
BlepAn animal sticking out part of their tongue
MSIMinority-serving institutions
DeplatformTo remove a user from a social network or website
Digital nomadA person who performs their job online while traveling
MFEOMade for each other
Comfort characterA fictional character who soothes you
CaucacityAudacity stemming from white privilege
EeyoreA pessimistic person
GDIGod d*** it
Pick me girlA female desperate to impress a male
SlivingLiving your best life
WAGMIWe're all gonna make it
DWAIDon't worry about it
HCOLHigh cost of living
DNIDo not interact
Le dollar beanLesbian
Leg bootyLGBT
Sneaky linkSecret hook up
AmericancoreA satirical aesthetic centered around American stereotypes
Ghost banningCensoring a social media user's posts
Woke up and chose chaosDecided to cause trouble
Shower thoughtAn idea that comes to you in the shower
ASLRAge, sex, location, race
SportswashingUsing sports to improve a bad reputation
ACVApple cider vinegar
NoPooNo shampoo
CGMCurly girl method
Co WashingConditioner-only washing
NOTPNot one true pairing
SALSShip and let sail
NLINot logged in
Revenge travelTraveling done to spite COVID-19
FanficFan fiction
FTAFrom the article
FanonUnverified story points fans believe are canon
DGMWDon't get me wrong
BlagConvince someone to give you something
Gray rockingBeing dull when interacting with toxic people
RegramTo share another Instagrammer's post
HypebeastSomeone who buys into trends
LOLittle one
Hate sinkA fictional character meant to be hated
CostubeCostuming YouTubers
DisTwitterDisney Twitter
FOMOngeringPurposefully creating feelings of FOMO
Hiatus brainWhen superfans' minds go wild during a hiatus
Good shoutGood idea
Red Cup DayThe day Starbucks gives away its new holiday cup
BookTubeYouTubers who discuss books
ButtcoinA community of cryptocurrency haters
HQHigh quality
UnsubUnidentified subject
Got that dog in himDriven to succeed
Villain eraPutting yourself first
SwolemateA significant other you work out with
Boyfriend airProximity to your boyfriend
FlirtationshipWhen two friends constantly flirt with each other
GrailA desirable item
BBLBrazilian butt lift
BaitedTricked by misleading information
Porch pirateA package thief
WAHDWork-at-home dad
DEIDiversity, equity, and inclusion
JEDIJustice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
MCRmyMy Chemical Romance fans
NoiceVery nice
KneecappedGreatly damaged
Boyfriend effectChanges experienced since getting a boyfriend
SINKSingle income, no kids
WYBMVWill you be my valentine
ATBGEAwful taste but great execution
PrepperA person who has prepared for catastrophe
psyopsPsychological operations
PTSOPut that stuff on
WTWWhat's the word
Sprinkle sprinkleBlessings
trynaTrying to
ICYDKIn case you didn't know
WTMWhat's the move
JITJuvenile in training
SocialmaxxingAttempting to improve your social skills
Own goalA counterproductive decision
RCTARace change to another
GTSGo to sleep
SelficideDeath caused by taking a selfie
Glass childA child whose sibling requires all their parents' attention
Stealth wealthExpensive yet modest items
TraumaversaryAnniversary of a traumatic event
PMTTWAMOWMPin me to the wall and make out with me
Bachelor's handbagA takeaway roast chicken
Girl mathFemale financial logic
PoggingExperiencing surprised excitement
Standing on bidnessTaking care of business
BFBlack Friday
CMCyber Monday
It's givingIt's emitting intense feelings
AMOGAlpha male of group
MogTo dominate another man
WhitepilledOptimistic about the future
Rizzmas CarolsSlang-filled Christmas carol parodies
HardmaxxingMaking extreme improvements to increase attractiveness
PCTTOPicture credit to the owner
Cozy vibesWarm, comfortable, and inviting feelings
Flannel modeEmbracing all things cozy, rustic, and autumnal
DeinfluencerA social media user who pushes back against trends
FMCFemale main character
4rlFor real
AWOLAbsent while online
EOREnd of rant
G2TUGot to tell you
ISOIs seeking other
KHYFKnow how you feel
LYLABLove you like a brother
NWNo way
TITFThat is too funny
GR&DGrinning, running, and ducking
DLDoing Laundry
PMFJIPardon me for jumping in
SOHSense of humor
C&GChuckle and grin
ILUGTDI love you guys to death
OLTLOne Life to Live
BNOBoys' night out
TISNFThat is so not fair
SFScience Fiction
ILYLI love you lots
AYCAre you coming?
FWFuture wife
TMAITell me about it
LUGLSLove you girls like sisters
IAILI am in love
FOTDFace of the Day
YKHIIYou know how it is
DUDarn you
LTDLovers 'til death
altA lot
DILLIGAFFDoes it look like I give a flying flip?
TPTTrailer park trash
MLIAMy life is average
W2GWay to go
ANFSCDAnd now for something completely different
ULKGR8You look great
Q4UQuestion for you
AYSOSAre you stupid or something?
BMGWLBusting my gut with laughter
IYKWIMIf you know what I mean
DDSOSDifferent day, same old stuff
PMJIPardon my jumping in
TTTTThese things take time
BITSBack in the saddle
DGADigital guardian angel
FOSFreedom of speech
GD&RVFGrinning, ducking, and running very fast
FYFFrom your friend
2BZ4UQTToo busy for you, cutie
C/SChange subject
TwewbieTwitter newbie
NTSNote to self
FBCFacebook Chat
BFF4LBest friends forever for life
LawlzLaugh out loud
ASPAfter show party
MTModified tweet
vloggerVideo blogger
XTLCross the line
ICCLI couldn't care less
AttwictedAddicted to Twitter
ionI don't
DetweetTo delete a tweet
EavestweetingEavesdropping on Twitter conversations
TwaddictTwitter addict
H/THat tip
RLRTReal life retweet
BGFBest girl friend
DGYFDang girl, you're fine
IAWTCSMI agree with this comment so much
IBCIce bucket challenge
PPProfile picture
LNOLLaughing not out loud
FelfieFamily picture
Wealthy selfiePicture of yourself with a large amount of wealth
TYLJThank you Lord Jesus
MRWMy reaction when
MIRLMe in real life
TwitlerAn overbearing Twitter user
Ribcage braggingShowing off your rib cage
WOATWorst of all time
Zoom townA town that many remote workers are moving to
FOBOFear of being on
WuzWhat is
BCVBefore coronavirus
NBLNBNon-binary loving non-binary
Fauci OuchieCOVID-19 vaccine
LapsonymA word whose meaning you always forget
Dab handAn expert
Fire thighsThighs inflamed from chafing
Shot Girl SummerSummer 2021
BTSBehind the scenes
TweakinDoing crazy stuff
HWCUHistorically white colleges and universities
SnapbackThe quickness a woman's body snaps back after a pregnancy
QRTQuote retweet
Take the LTake the loss
Catch these handsGet punched
FluronaHaving both the flu and covid
TwindemicA dual pandemic
S2GSwear to God
SBFSam Bankman-Fried
OutwordleTo outsmart a Wordle player
AMOSAdd me on Snapchat
CropAn edited TikTok video
IBInspired by
DCDance credit
SwimmersVaccinated people
QueerbaitingImplying but never actualizing a non-hetero relationship
Stealth banningSecretly moderating a user's posts
ASLNPAge, sex, location, name, picture
ASLRPAge, sex, location, race, picture
NASLPName, age, sex, location, picture
GSMGender and sexuality minority
QPOCQueer people of color
QTPOCQueer and/or trans people of color
Anti-shipAgainst problematic fictional relationships
AMAAAsk me almost anything
CakedayThe day a user joins Reddit
SMOShout me out
NinjaeditA quick edit to your post
ReddiquetteReddit ettiquette
DTN4LDon't trust no one for life
Straight TikTokMainstream TikTok
Alt TikTokAlternative TikTok
WYLLWhat you look like
Chasing the bagWorking toward goals
QAMAGAAn ultra-conservative conspiracy theorist
FinessingTricking someone into giving you something
PUPop up
ESBEverybody snap back
SUSwipe up
wspWhat's up
edtokAn eating disorder community on TikTok
RadfemA radical feminist
YassifyTo give a glamorous makeover
YassificationA glamorous makeover
DabloonsA fictional TikTok currency
Villain modeNot caring about other people's feelings
HTHHow the heck
DupeA cheaper stand-in product
School airAir that messes with your appearance
BORGBlack out rage gallon
SpiceSexual content
NFSNo funny stuff
PetfluencerA social media user famous for pet content
4D chessAn extremely complex strategy
BPDBorderline personality disorder
SINKWADSingle income, no kids, with a dog
CFTCombating the Financing of Terrorism
Ghost bikeWhite roadside memorial bicycle
MFWTKMy friend wants to know
VaguebookingMaking deliberately enigmatic social media posts
Gendy noochGender-neutral
Ts and PsThoughts and prayers
UssieA picture a person takes of themself and someone else
ChannerA 4chan user
Grief diggerSomeone who uses a celebrity's death for personal gain
SFVShort-form video
GlazingSucking up to
2ASecond Amendment
Pink personThe person you love most
Reply guyA man who replies to all of a woman's social media posts
BDBaby daddy
LMKWYCLet me know when you can
Take him off the grillShut him down
CraptionsBad closed captions
Almond momA mother who wants her daughter to be skinny
IAWTPI agree with the post
SplinternetA splintered internet
VTuberVirtual YouTuber
WBKWe been knew
Thrift flipReselling items you bought at a thrift store
GorpcoreAn aesthetic centered around outdoor wear
PurrExpression of approval
Cozzie livsCost of living
TribeInternet community
PessimizeMake worse
TSFWToo stupid for words
CBFWCan't be f***ed with
Po'dPissed off
Snail Girl EraTaking time to care for yourself
GwenchanaIt's alright
AshlAs hell
ESHEveryone sucks here
EHSEveryone here sucks
IDGASI don't give a s***
MLMy love
DYTDo your thing
He's himHe is impressive
DtsDeath threats
YKTVYou know the vibes
Silent walkingWalking without listening to audio
Everything showerA very involved shower
Nothing showerA rinse-only shower
Latte makeupFace makeup that blends warm brown and tan tones
ROMEORetired Old Men Eating Out
Skill issueYou're bad
CTTOCredit to the owner
YappingTalking excessively
Gen Z shakeA shake during a video recorded by a Gen Zer
FAFOF*** around and find out
Disney kneesA pose with knees pointed inwards
chuzzAn unattractive female
BaddieAn attractive female
CRCurrent read
DDDear daughter
DMYDon't mess yourself
DSDear son
FYAFor your amusement
HBHug back
JTLYKJust to let you know
KYSOTIKeep your stick on the ice
LYLASLove you like a sister
LYMILove you, mean it
MOOMy own opinion
VBGVery big grin
M02My two cents
ILYLCI love you like crazy
JUILJust you I love
LIGLife is good
CBChris Brown
UWYou're welcome
SMDHShaking my d*** head
LOLROFLMAOLaughing out loud, rolling on floor, laughing my a** off
NWONew World Order
LOCLoad of crap
LFTDLaugh for the day
FAFFunny as f***
CRTLACan't remember the three-letter acronym
BTWITILYBy the way, I think I love you
FUSITFouled up situation
GICGod's in control
STLSDRStill too long, still didn't read
BUFBig, ugly, fat
IFVBI feel very bad
KMSLKilling myself laughing
TAUThinking about you
SAHPStay-at-home parent
LMLLove my life
HTHat Tip
PRTPartial retweet
RthxRetweet thanks
TPMTweets per minute
TweavesdroppingEavesdropping on Twitter
CRNChuckling right now
AttwactionAttraction to a Twitter user
AFDAA few days ago
FriEndless friend
SWMSingle white male
Instagram prime timePeak hours of Instagram activity
TwitterverseTwitter universe
ICYWTBEIn case you went to bed early
rinstaReal Instagram account
skskskOvercome with emotion
IDWI don't want
ibfsInternet best friends
Cancel clubPeople that have been shut down or forced out by others
OrbitingFollowing someone on social media without direct interaction
Deep likeLiking a person's old post on social media
MeToo momentAn experience of sexual abuse or harassment
Story timeShare more details
GMAGive me attention
Twitter canoeBloated Twitter conversation with 3 or more users
ShowmanceA romance between actors starring in the same production
MTFMale to female
FOBIFear of being included
Fake bodyA video contains revealing clothing
Goofy ahhReally weird
YeenYou ain't even
TrendjackingHijacking a trend for personal gain
OINKOne income, no kids
Bougie brokeLuxurious lifestyle on a budget
S/OShout out
AOMMAlways on my mind
BBBright blessings
GFNGone for now
IRSTBOIt really sucks the big one
GBH&KGreat big hug and kiss
YSJYou're so jealin'
HLBDHappy late birthday
CYMCheck your Myspace
ILMMI love my man
DYDDon't you dare
PDHPretty darn hot
NOMNo offense meant
TMBTweet me back
TMWThat moment when
MomalaKamala Harris
IKTRI know that's right
BFF&EBest friends forever and ever
WDWWalt Disney World
OINKWADOne income, no kids, with a dog
2DFMToo dumb for me
JLMKJust let me know
TTYNTalk to you never
AFDBA few days back
BFTPBlast from the past
S/USwipe up
FNBFootball and beer
NSFWNot suitable for women
SALABStop acting like a baby
EYCExcited yet calm
FOMOHFear of missing out on hockey
FFFollow Friday
TwollowerTwitter follower
RevineTo repost a vine
PIMPPeeing in my pants
CNRHKYITFChuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face
NSFVNot safe for vegetarians
BBFBody by Fisher
YRAGYou are a geek
SmurfAn alternate account used by a skilled player
GyatAn expression of surprise
GYATGet your act together
AAMOFAs a matter of fact
TWSIThat was so ironic
TWTIThat was totally ironic
ROLMBORolling over laughing my butt off
AWHFYAre we having fun yet?
DUCTDid you see that?
ceebsCan't be bothered
FHOFriends Hanging Out
FIFAWWCFIFA Women's World Cup
DTNDon't trust no one
NewsjackingHijacking a news story to insert your opinion

All results listed.