Social Media Slang
Slang terms have become increasingly prevalent on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The list below includes common slang used in social media. You can also view a list of chat slang terms used specifically on Facebook or Twitter.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
Meekd | Suppressed | 180 |
LOL | Laughing out loud | 222 |
mk | Okay | 270 |
IRL | In real life | 303 |
TTYL | Talk to you later | 341 |
TY | Thank you | 384 |
sus | Suspicious | 395 |
BTW | By the way | 402 |
thx | Thanks | 436 |
SMH | Shaking my head | 449 |
Y | Why | 450 |
DM | Direct message | 465 |
YW | You're welcome | 468 |
Bussin | Really good | 470 |
143 | I love you | 473 |
IKR | I know, right? | 487 |
gf | Girlfriend | 492 |
Whoa | Expression of surprise | 500 |
2 | To | 505 |
TLDR | Too long, didn't read | 505 |
FML | F*** my life | 505 |
xbf | Ex-boyfriend | 505 |
pls | Please | 525 |
Simp | A person who obsesses over someone | 525 |
IMO | In my opinion | 526 |
FFS | For f***'s sake | 526 |
bsf | Best friend | 526 |
LAN | Local Area Network | 527 |
nvm | Nevermind | 528 |
HRU | How are you | 529 |
LMFAO | Laughing my freakin' a** off | 530 |
FTW | For the win | 540 |
TBH | To be honest | 541 |
Selfie | A picture a person takes of themself | 542 |
Karen | An entitled woman | 542 |
TYVM | Thank you very much | 544 |
Fr | For real | 544 |
l8r | Later | 546 |
bbg | Baby girl | 546 |
Igh | Alright | 546 |
OIC | Oh, I see | 549 |
IDEK | I don't even know | 549 |
Swag | Skills or style | 549 |
YOLO | You only live once | 550 |
H&K | Hugs and kisses | 551 |
OF | OnlyFans | 551 |
Gang gang | I'm with you | 552 |
Delulu | Delusional | 553 |
14643 | I will always love you | 554 |
sux | Sucks | 555 |
Skibidi Toilet Syndrome | Adverse effects of watching Skibidi Toilet | 555 |
feels | Feelings | 556 |
ASL | Age, sex, location | 557 |
hun | Honey | 557 |
Only in Ohio | Claiming Ohio is strange | 557 |
LMIRL | Let's meet in real life | 558 |
Clout chaser | A person who does things just to become popular | 558 |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off | 559 |
NOYB | None of your business | 559 |
bday | Birthday | 560 |
fit | Outfit | 560 |
LOLOL | Lots of laugh out louds | 562 |
IMU | I miss you | 562 |
FOMO | Fear of missing out | 563 |
OG | Original gangster | 564 |
MIA | Missing in action | 565 |
lil | Little | 565 |
go brrr | Solve a problem | 566 |
Friendversary | Friendship anniversary | 567 |
Zaddy | A composed, fashionable, and attractive man | 567 |
Let him cook | Don't interfere | 567 |
LYL | Love you lots | 568 |
KMAB | Kiss my a**, b**** | 568 |
Bet | You bet | 569 |
HMU | Hit me up | 570 |
LMS | Like my status | 570 |
S-tier | Top rank | 570 |
cya | See ya | 571 |
L8 | Late | 571 |
FOH | F*** outta here | 571 |
d | Di** | 571 |
IMY | I miss you | 572 |
Influencer | A social media user who affects others' behaviors | 572 |
NGL | Not gonna lie | 573 |
SD | Sweet dreams | 573 |
CFD | Clothing, fashion, design | 573 |
Tweet | Twitter post | 574 |
Caught in 4K | Caught in the act | 574 |
ΘΔ | Therian | 574 |
IMHO | In my humble opinion | 575 |
IMD | In my dreams | 575 |
IDGAF | I don't give a f*** | 575 |
XO | Kiss and Hug | 575 |
ICYMI | In case you missed it | 575 |
WYB | Watch your back | 575 |
MCYT | Minecraft YouTuber | 575 |
Mid | Mediocre | 575 |
PM | Private message | 576 |
rly | Really | 576 |
Bestie | Best Friend | 576 |
Sheesh | Expression of disbelief | 576 |
Aggro | Aggressive | 577 |
CCG | Collectible card game | 577 |
Fetch | Cool | 577 |
FRFR | For real for real | 577 |
And I oop | I'm so embarassed | 577 |
Dunk on | Make fun of | 577 |
IBF | Internet best friend | 577 |
2H2H | Too hot to handle | 578 |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong | 578 |
lolz | Laugh out louds | 578 |
xgf | Ex-girlfriend | 578 |
favs | Favorites | 578 |
Hipster | A person who dislikes mainstream culture | 578 |
Don't @ me | Don't mention me in your tweets | 578 |
Ratioed | Receiving many more replies than likes on your tweet | 578 |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary | 579 |
obv | Obviously | 579 |
Mald | Mad and bald | 579 |
4L | For life | 579 |
TC | Take care | 580 |
ATW | All the way | 580 |
BW | Best wishes | 580 |
Crew | Group of friends | 580 |
Doge | Dog | 580 |
Vacay | Vacation | 580 |
Catfish | To assume a false identity | 580 |
FYP | For You page | 580 |
Tune up | Beat up | 580 |
ICL | I can't lie | 580 |
LYSM | Love you so much | 581 |
ugh | Disappointed | 581 |
HUMM | Hope you miss me | 581 |
LPP | Likes per post | 581 |
Clapback | A clever comeback | 581 |
Straight fire | Very cool | 581 |
Comfort idol | A celebrity whose actions soothe you | 581 |
DM slide | Direct message to a crush | 581 |
BFFR | Be f***ing for real | 581 |
BFD | Big freakin' deal | 582 |
TRS | That really sucks | 582 |
RT | Retweet | 582 |
TFTA | Thanks for the add | 582 |
TCG | Trading card game | 582 |
Cray | Crazy | 582 |
Creeper | A socially invasive person | 582 |
HIFW | How I felt when | 582 |
Thigh gap | Space between a person's thighs | 582 |
Keyboard warrior | A person that posts controversial opinions online | 582 |
F4F | Follow for follow | 582 |
Paper hands | To sell a stock at the first sign of trouble | 582 |
POG | Play of the game | 582 |
Based | Agree | 582 |
Pick me | A person desperate for attention and approval | 582 |
Sigma male | An introverted guy who goes his own way | 582 |
BION | Believe it or not | 583 |
TAY | Thinking about you | 583 |
TTYS | Talk to you soon | 583 |
BFFL | Best friends for life | 583 |
WDYT | What do you think | 583 |
IHY | I hate you | 583 |
lk | Like | 583 |
Movember | Mustache-growing November | 583 |
TFW | That feeling when | 583 |
GS | GilvaSunner | 583 |
Simping | Obsessing over a person that does not return the same affection | 583 |
Horny on main | Acting lustful on your primary social account | 583 |
Day one | A very close friend | 583 |
Sending me | Making me laugh | 583 |
Face card | A gorgeous face | 583 |
C.AI | Character.AI | 583 |
JSYK | Just so you know | 584 |
WTG | Way to go | 584 |
TTY | Talk to you | 584 |
HML | Hate my life | 584 |
POTUS | President of the United States | 584 |
Fav | Favorite | 584 |
PMKI | Pretty much killin' it | 584 |
adorbs | Adorable | 584 |
Nae Nae | Hip-rocking, hand-raising dance move | 584 |
The struggle is real | Having difficulty doing something | 584 |
Chasing clout | Doing things just to become popular | 584 |
Hop off | Go away | 584 |
Lady boner | Female feeling of sexual arousal | 584 |
SA | Sexual assault | 584 |
Secks | Sex | 584 |
CYL | Catch ya later | 585 |
WYWH | Wish you were here | 585 |
HOPE | Have Only Positive Expectations | 585 |
Bling | Overly flashy jewelry | 585 |
Alphabet mafia | LGBTQIA+ people | 585 |
Hits different | Affects differently | 585 |
Blue-checked | Verified on Twitter | 585 |
Cringe | Unpleasant | 585 |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture | 586 |
ITYS | I told you so | 586 |
IM | Instant message | 586 |
MM | Music Monday | 586 |
vlog | Video blog | 586 |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook | 586 |
Poser | A person who pretends to be someone they are not | 586 |
HNY | Happy New Year | 586 |
AMA | Ask me anything | 586 |
Vine | 6 second video | 586 |
TBR | To be real | 586 |
Cancel culture | Canceling people who do anything controversial | 586 |
Redditor | A Reddit user | 586 |
Doomer | A person who focuses on negative possibilities | 586 |
OT3 | One true threesome | 586 |
Meme stock | A stock hyped on social media | 586 |
Cinnamon roll | A kind, gentle person | 586 |
Left no crumbs | Completely dominated | 586 |
Sussy baka | Suspicious fool | 586 |
Pro-ship | Accepting of any fictional relationship | 586 |
Endgame | A couple that is meant to be together | 586 |
Looksmaxxing | Attempting to improve your appearance | 586 |
NLT | No later than | 587 |
FTEW | For the epic win | 587 |
deets | Details | 587 |
HWU | Hey, what's up? | 587 |
Larper | Live action role-player | 587 |
Chillax | Chill and relax | 587 |
yt | YouTube | 587 |
Handle | Twitter username | 587 |
Twittersphere | The world of Twitter | 587 |
HMB | Hit me back | 587 |
issa | It's a | 587 |
SG | SilvaGunner | 587 |
Big yikes | Wow | 587 |
Sip tea | Mind your business | 587 |
LRT | Last retweet | 587 |
Wildin | Acting crazy | 587 |
WSG | What's good | 587 |
Banger | An awesome, energetic piece of media | 587 |
Lick | Theft | 587 |
Rent Free In My Head | Frequently on my mind | 587 |
Disneybounding | Dressing similarly to Disney characters | 587 |
Thread | A series of messages | 587 |
uttp | UTubeTrollPolice | 587 |
hbd | Happy birthday | 588 |
WEG | Wicked evil grin | 588 |
mishu | Miss you | 588 |
delish | Delicious | 588 |
CSB | Cool story, bro | 588 |
TBT | Throwback Thursday | 588 |
LeBroning | Flopping | 588 |
Twinsies | Two people who share a common trait | 588 |
Grelfie | Group selfie | 588 |
Lurker | A forum user who reads but doesn't post | 588 |
tl | Timeline | 588 |
Fake news | Fake news source that pretends to be real | 588 |
Sock puppet account | A fake online identity | 588 |
Say less | I understand | 588 |
onb | On, bro | 588 |
Alpha male | A dominant male | 588 |
2l8 | Too late | 589 |
FTR | For the record | 589 |
SOS | Someone special | 589 |
WBU | What 'bout you | 589 |
DAH | Dumb a** hole | 589 |
TMG | That's my girl | 589 |
D/C | Don't care | 589 |
GPOY | Gratuitous picture of yourself | 589 |
PTL | Praise the Lord | 589 |
TBR | To be read | 589 |
bbq | Barbecue | 589 |
Planking | Lying face down and straight like a plank | 589 |
sbux | Starbucks | 589 |
Put on blast | To call out | 589 |
Fire | Awesome | 589 |
Facebook friend | A friend on Facebook, but most likely not in real life | 589 |
Spill the tea | Share the gossip | 589 |
Brigading | When one online community harasses another | 589 |
Himbo | A naive, musclebound male | 589 |
PFP | Profile picture | 589 |
Moots | People you follow on social media who follow you back | 589 |
Date ladder | A person you date to make yourself seem more desirable | 589 |
Unicorn mom | An imperfect, authentic mom who defies mom shaming | 589 |
Algospeak | Slang used to bypass content filters | 589 |
Passenger princess | A woman whose partner always drives her around | 589 |
CGPT | ChatGPT | 589 |
Kenergy | Conscientious masculinity | 589 |
Rizzler | A person with immense charisma | 589 |
DH | Dear husband | 590 |
OP | Original poster | 590 |
FTFY | Fixed that for you | 590 |
BNIB | Brand new in box | 590 |
OOMF | One of my followers | 590 |
OTP | One true pairing | 590 |
TIL | Today I learned | 590 |
Slacktivism | Lazy activism | 590 |
Subtweet | Subliminal tweet | 590 |
On fleek | Perfect | 590 |
DemThrones | Game of Thrones | 590 |
Quaranteam | A small group that socializes in-person during COVID-19 | 590 |
Snacc | An attractive person | 590 |
Periodt | An expression of emphasis | 590 |
TikToker | A TikTok user | 590 |
Gloomer | An apathetic 20-something | 590 |
E choke | An expression of shock or surprise | 590 |
Sleeper build | When a skinny person is surprisingly buff | 590 |
Edgar | High fade and bowl cut hairstyle | 590 |
IAWTC | I agree with the comment | 591 |
SMF | So much fun | 591 |
BGF | Best guy friend | 591 |
IFSFY | I feel sorry for you | 591 |
DF | Dear fiance | 591 |
LBVS | Laughing but very serious | 591 |
TSNF | That's so not fair | 591 |
derp | Expression of stupidity | 591 |
POC | Proof of concept | 591 |
MCM | Man-crush Monday | 591 |
Dead | Hilarious | 591 |
AOTY | Album of the year | 591 |
SFM | So freaking much | 591 |
FBF | Flashback Friday | 591 |
Whitesplain | To explain something as a white person | 591 |
Fleek | Perfect | 591 |
Slide into your DMs | To send a direct message on Twitter | 591 |
RIP my mentions | I'm going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications | 591 |
CBB | Can't be bothered | 591 |
Clout leech | A person who is friends with someone just to become more popular | 591 |
Cottagecore | An aesthetic centered around romanticized rural living | 591 |
AITA | Am I the a**hole | 591 |
OTD | Of the day | 591 |
Waifu | A fictional female that a real person has a crush on | 591 |
Heather | A desirable person | 591 |
Yuck your yum | Criticize something you like | 591 |
Woke up and chose violence | Decided to be hostile | 591 |
BOAT | Best of all time | 591 |
Beta male | A submissive male | 591 |
IIRC | If I remember correctly | 592 |
LSS | Long story short | 592 |
TQVM | Thank you very much | 592 |
BBW | Be back whenever | 592 |
SOAB | Son of a b**** | 592 |
IHU | I hate you | 592 |
OME | Oh my Edward | 592 |
dat | That | 592 |
Unfriend | To remove a friend on Facebook | 592 |
WAGs | Wives and girlfriends | 592 |
TFF | Twitter follower-friend | 592 |
Ginger | Red-head | 592 |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | 592 |
Tweetsult | Insulting tweet | 592 |
Live-tweet | To tweet about something currently taking place | 592 |
Tweeter | A person who tweets | 592 |
YouTuber | A YouTube user | 592 |
Crunchy | Natural and sustainable lifestyle | 592 |
POIDH | Pictures or it didn't happen | 592 |
Celine a scene | To add a Celine Dion song to a video for maximum emotional impact | 592 |
Bikini bridge | Space between a bikini bottom and stomach | 592 |
Clap back | A clever comeback | 592 |
Tea | Truth | 592 |
Cancel | Shut down or force out | 592 |
Gobbo | Goblin | 592 |
Voteflake | A person who does not accept official election results | 592 |
BIFL | Buy it for life | 592 |
Trumper | A Donald Trump supporter | 592 |
NTA | Not the a**hole | 592 |
Outta pocket | Disreputable | 592 |
OTL | One true love | 592 |
Bop | An excellent song or album | 592 |
Gatekeep | To police who has access to an identity or community | 592 |
Momfluencer | A mom who influences other moms on social media | 592 |
Elsagate | Inappropriate content targeted at kids on YouTube | 592 |
The sidewalk rule | Your man should walk on the street side of the sidewalk | 592 |
-core | Aesthetic | 592 |
Sub | Subreddit | 592 |
GOATed with the sauce | Awesome | 592 |
Washed | No longer good | 592 |
Mar10 | Mario Day | 592 |
Tots and pears | Thoughts and prayers | 592 |
Canon event | A pivotal event in a person's life | 592 |
IC | I see | 593 |
DU | Don't understand | 593 |
OOTD | Outfit of the day | 593 |
gz | Congratulations | 593 |
AHFY | Always here for you | 593 |
GGGB | Good girl gone bad | 593 |
RU | Are you | 593 |
GPOYW | Gratuitous picture of yourself Wednesday | 593 |
SAHD | Stay-at-home dad | 593 |
GMAFB | Give me a friggin' break | 593 |
DBTS | Don't believe that stuff | 593 |
azz | A** | 593 |
GPS | God's positioning system | 593 |
Mistweet | Tweet mistake | 593 |
Seltering | Sticking out your rear in a fitness pose | 593 |
Winternity | Eternal winter | 593 |
Instagrammer | An Instagram user | 593 |
Snapchatter | Snapchat user | 593 |
Mood | How I'm feeling | 593 |
Quaranfifteen | Weight gained during COVID-19 quarantine | 593 |
Slim thick | A female body shape | 593 |
Goblincore | An aesthetic centered around overlooked natural things | 593 |
Blursday | Literally any day of the week, they're all the same now | 593 |
s | Sarcasm | 593 |
Diamond hands | To hold a stock through losses | 593 |
OG | Original | 593 |
Sharent | An oversharing parent on social media | 593 |
MLM | Men loving men | 593 |
WCGW | What could go wrong | 593 |
Parasocial relationship | A one-way relationship between a fan and a creator | 593 |
AFAYC | As fast as you can | 593 |
Roaching | Secretly dating many romantic partners at the same time | 593 |
Chad | A physically fit, overly confident man | 593 |
Snapback culture | Pressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies | 593 |
YA | Young Adult | 593 |
GRWM | Get ready with me | 593 |
DA | DeviantArt | 593 |
NYP | Name your price | 593 |
Clapped | Beaten | 593 |
GOATed | Declared the best | 593 |
Boy math | Male logic | 593 |
Fanum tax | Taking food from a friend | 593 |
FCOL | For crying out loud | 594 |
KIT | Keep in touch | 594 |
KWIM | Know what I mean | 594 |
LTR | Long-term relationship | 594 |
TOH | The other half | 594 |
YVW | You're very welcome | 594 |
PC4PC | Picture comment for picture comment | 594 |
FH | Future husband | 594 |
OMGD | Oh my gosh, duh | 594 |
WADR | With all due respect | 594 |
fbo | Facebook official | 594 |
f9 | Fine | 594 |
U2U | Up to you | 594 |
ADM | Ay dios mio | 594 |
GUFN | Grounded until further notice | 594 |
FYE | For your entertainment | 594 |
totes | Totally | 594 |
IMPO | In my personal opinion | 594 |
HYFR | Heck ya, freakin' right | 594 |
PBUH | Peace be upon Him | 594 |
HBBD | Happy belated birthday | 594 |
Tweeps | Twitter peeps | 594 |
finna | Fixing to | 594 |
Spoopy | Spooky and funny | 594 |
Slacktivist | Lazy activist | 594 |
MFW | My face when | 594 |
Instagram husband | A person who takes pictures of another person for Instagram | 594 |
MBFA | Make baseball fun again | 594 |
Covfefe | Coverage | 594 |
IG | 594 | |
FB | Follow back | 594 |
RIP to your mentions | You're going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications | 594 |
Twitterstorm | A quick rise of activity about a specific topic on Twitter | 594 |
Copypasta | A block of text that is often copied and pasted online | 594 |
Virtue signaling | Demonstrating moral superiority | 594 |
VSCO girls | Preppy female teen Instagrammers | 594 |
Cape | To defend someone's actions, often undeservedly | 594 |
It me | I identify with that | 594 |
Chonk | An overweight animal | 594 |
IYKYK | If you know you know | 594 |
stimmy | Stimulus check | 594 |
NSFV | Not safe for viewing | 594 |
Dadication | Fatherly dedication | 594 |
YSK | You should know | 594 |
inspo | Inspiration | 594 |
Blursed | Blessed and cursed | 594 |
Bloomer | A well-adjusted 20-something | 594 |
BMS | Broke my scale | 594 |
Crypto Mom | SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce | 594 |
TikTok house | A house full of TikTok influencers | 594 |
Who dey breet | Who is breathing? | 594 |
yt | Whitey | 594 |
Pump your brakes | Pause and reflect | 594 |
Silver fox | An attractive older man | 594 |
BOLO | Be on the lookout | 594 |
Volcel | Voluntary celibate | 594 |
Crushing it | Doing very well | 594 |
Haunting | Following a romantic partner on social media after abruptly leaving them | 594 |
TW | Trigger warning | 594 |
Smol | Small and cute | 594 |
ED | Eating disorder | 594 |
Hellmaxxing | Committing a series of sinful acts | 594 |
Husbando | A fictional man that a real person has a crush on | 594 |
Baby trap | When one partner misleads the other to cause a pregnancy | 594 |
Creepypasta | A horror story posted on the Internet | 594 |
DYOR | Do your own research | 594 |
Go ham | Do something intensely | 594 |
IBR | It's been real | 594 |
J6 | January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol Attack | 594 |
meirl | Me in real life | 594 |
Vawulence | Violence | 594 |
Girl dinner | A charcuterie board-esque dinner | 594 |
Dreamscrolling | Scrolling for dream purchases | 594 |
BD | Big deal | 595 |
IAG | It's all good | 595 |
YGG | You go girl | 595 |
SAT | Sorry about that | 595 |
IA | I agree | 595 |
CYF | Check your Facebook | 595 |
IJDGAF | I just don't give a f*** | 595 |
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head | 595 |
BCBG | Bon Chic Bon Genre | 595 |
gonna | Going to | 595 |
Tweetup | Twitter meetup | 595 |
dur | Stupidly obvious | 595 |
q | Coupon | 595 |
uno | You know | 595 |
Amazeballs | Amazing | 595 |
Llello | Cocaine | 595 |
Shelfie | Picture of objects arranged on a shelf | 595 |
S4S | Share for share | 595 |
FOMOF | Fear of missing out on football | 595 |
Faceremorse | Remorse after posting on Facebook | 595 |
Bruh | Friend | 595 |
Retweet offender | A person who constantly retweets on Twitter | 595 |
Snapstreak | Snapchat streak | 595 |
TBR | To be rude | 595 |
Ghost post | A Facebook comment that was removed | 595 |
Wig | Incredible | 595 |
Procrastibaking | Baking to put off something else | 595 |
Fitfam | A group of fitness-minded social media users | 595 |
Go off | Angrily complain | 595 |
eboy | An extremely online teen boy | 595 |
Headcanon | A fan's unverified beliefs about a story | 595 |
TIFU | Today I F***ed Up | 595 |
HNM | Happy new month | 595 |
NPR | Not page related | 595 |
OOTL | Out of the loop | 595 |
Blackfishing | Pretending to be ethnically Black | 595 |
MDL | Might delete later | 595 |
Perc30 | Oxycodone, commonly mixed with fentanyl | 595 |
Asl | As hell | 595 |
CMV | Change my view | 595 |
At home | A worse version of something | 595 |
FOGO | Fear of going outside | 595 |
Unforced error | An easily-avoidable mistake | 595 |
Bing bong | Expression of emphasis | 595 |
Becky | A basic white girl | 595 |
WBW | Wayback Wednesday | 595 |
BookTok | TikTok users who discuss books | 595 |
Book hangover | Remaining attached to a book you just finished | 595 |
NGMI | Not gonna make it | 595 |
Ate that | Dominated | 595 |
Weeb | A non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese pop culture | 595 |
PSGWSP | Play stupid games, win stupid prizes | 595 |
LCS | Local comic store | 595 |
Fumble the bag | Screw up | 595 |
Academic weapon | A dedicated student | 595 |
Apple sheep | Blindly loyal Apple fans | 595 |
edtwt | An eating disorder community on Twitter | 595 |
Stacy | An attractive, sexually active woman | 595 |
Blud | Bro | 595 |
IJBOL | I just burst out laughing | 595 |
JGH | Just got home | 595 |
Era | Phase | 595 |
Whamageddon | The challenge to not hear Last Christmas | 595 |
Pookie | A loved one | 595 |
itmt | In the meantime | 596 |
RTFA | Read the flippin' article | 596 |
TCOB | Takin' care of business | 596 |
TIC | Tongue-in-cheek | 596 |
TWIMC | To whom it may concern | 596 |
PM | Postmeridian | 596 |
MF | Mother f***er | 596 |
LOML | Love of my life | 596 |
DA | Dumb a** | 596 |
MTF | More to follow | 596 |
POTB | Pat on the back | 596 |
YYSS | Yeah yeah, sure sure | 596 |
ADPIC | Always Dependably Politically Incorrect | 596 |
AFAICS | As far as I can see | 596 |
DTRT | Do the right thing | 596 |
fbf | Facebook friend | 596 |
POUS | President of the United States | 596 |
ONCO | Or nearest cash offer | 596 |
DIAF | Die in a fire | 596 |
cx | Correction | 596 |
tru | True | 596 |
LBR | Let's be real | 596 |
WCW | Woman-crush Wednesday | 596 |
Viner | Vine user | 596 |
PRT | Please Retweet | 596 |
Finstagram | Fake Instagram account | 596 |
Rinstagram | Real Instagram account | 596 |
SOTD | Shoe of the day | 596 |
Get buckets | To dominate | 596 |
The gram | 596 | |
Doom-scrolling | Scrolling to find bad news | 596 |
Rage baking | Baking to relieve anger or stress | 596 |
Swipe right | Approve | 596 |
NC | No Contact | 596 |
YTA | You're the a**hole | 596 |
tendies | Chicken tenders | 596 |
J-Pow | Jerome Powell | 596 |
That ain't it | That's no good | 596 |
WLW | Women loving women | 596 |
NBLM | Non-binary loving men | 596 |
Hard pants | Any non-stretchy pants | 596 |
Multistan | An obsessed fan of multiple things | 596 |
Fax no printer | Truth | 596 |
Baka | Fool | 596 |
insta | 596 | |
QAnutter | A QAnon believer | 596 |
CAFO | Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation | 596 |
Urbex | Urban exploration | 596 |
HBCU | Historically black colleges and universities | 596 |
Floof | Fluff | 596 |
Wife guy | A social media user who constantly discusses his wife | 596 |
Corn | Porn | 596 |
Seggs | Sex | 596 |
Greenwashing | Deceptively claiming to be eco-friendly | 596 |
S3x | Sex | 596 |
OC | Original content | 596 |
Comment ghosting | Removing a user's comments | 596 |
Insta cop | Buy immediately | 596 |
GTFOH | Get the f*** outta here | 596 |
OOC | Out of context | 596 |
Squick | A big turn-off | 596 |
Tikbait | Shallow TikTok content created to get views | 596 |
City boy | A man with no regard for women | 596 |
Yahurrd | You heard | 596 |
Galaxy brain | Unorthodox thinking | 596 |
Tradwife | A wife who adheres to traditional values | 596 |
FTLOG | For the love of God | 596 |
Smooth brain | An unintelligent person | 596 |
Unalive | To kill | 596 |
Sussy | Suspicious | 596 |
Wylin | Going wild | 596 |
Garbage person | A terrible person | 596 |
Omega male | A self-sufficient, independent male | 596 |
Gamma male | A normal man | 596 |
NPC | A person unable to think for themself | 596 |
Up to eleven | Up to an excessive degree | 596 |
Hopium | False hopes | 596 |
Copium | Coping via false rationale | 596 |
AML | Anti money laundering | 596 |
Isnotrael | Israel is not real | 596 |
iPad kid | A child who is always on a tablet | 596 |
Gigachad | An ultra-attractive, confident, and capable man | 596 |
Boy dinner | A junk food dinner | 596 |
allg | All good | 596 |
Blue tick | A verified X user | 596 |
Blackpilled | Pessimistic about the future | 596 |
Redpilled | Understands an unpleasant truth | 596 |
Diff | Skill difference | 596 |
WITR | Why is this relevant | 596 |
Aura | Coolness | 596 |
Demure | Modest, simple, and mindful | 596 |
Brain rot | Negative effects from excessive Internet content | 596 |
Sephora kid | A child obsessed with Sephora products | 596 |
IME | In my experience | 597 |
ir8 | Irate | 597 |
LUM | Love you, man | 597 |
NOMB | None of my business | 597 |
ROF | Rolling on floor | 597 |
DIL | Daughter-in-law | 597 |
IMCO | In my considered opinion | 597 |
IM | Instant messenger | 597 |
fave | Favorite | 597 |
iluvu | I love you | 597 |
rgds | Regards | 597 |
DILLIGAF | Do I look like I give a flip? | 597 |
HK | Hugs and kisses | 597 |
LA | Laughing a lot | 597 |
GNO | Girls' night out | 597 |
FTMFW | For the mother f***ing win | 597 |
PSP | PlayStation Portable | 597 |
PSOG | Pure stroke of genius | 597 |
DYK | Did you know | 597 |
L2M | Listening to music | 597 |
CTO | Check this out | 597 |
SINBAD | Single income no boyfriend absolutely desperate | 597 |
BBM | Brains by Mattel | 597 |
A | Hey | 597 |
JFK | Just freakin' kidding | 597 |
WTFNF | What the f****ing f*** | 597 |
HPDC | Happy People Don't Complain | 597 |
TMFT | Too much free time | 597 |
LLPOF | Liar liar pants on fire | 597 |
wtv | Whatever | 597 |
HC | How cool | 597 |
SFF | So freaking funny | 597 |
UOME | You owe me | 597 |
Biffles | Best friends for life | 597 |
BFFE | Best friends forever | 597 |
OBO | Or best offer | 597 |
pl0x | Please | 597 |
GMAB | Give me a break | 597 |
IYO | In your opinion | 597 |
OTE | Over the edge | 597 |
GBY | God bless you | 597 |
OTS | On the scene | 597 |
IYSWIM | If you see what I mean | 597 |
WYMM | Will you marry me? | 597 |
MRT | Modified retweet | 597 |
dc | Daycare | 597 |
LARP | Live action role-playing | 597 |
Larping | Live action role-playing | 597 |
URTB | You are the best | 597 |
LML | Laughing mad loud | 597 |
idd | Indeed | 597 |
Pad | Home | 597 |
srs | Serious | 597 |
TT | Trending topic | 597 |
rox | Rocks | 597 |
roxorz | Rocks | 597 |
Swoll | Muscular | 597 |
Opa | Greek exclamation | 597 |
tho | Though | 597 |
Dressgate | Controversy about the colors of a dress | 597 |
b8 | Bait | 597 |
PAP | Post a picture | 597 |
TSIR | The struggle is real | 597 |
Mannequin challenge | Challenge that involves one or more people freezing in place | 597 |
Tindering | Using Tinder | 597 |
Diddy crop | To cut a person out of your life | 597 |
LB | Like back | 597 |
PTO | Positive Talk Only | 597 |
Mention | A reference to a Twitter username in a tweet | 597 |
Gram it | Post it on Instagram | 597 |
Cybermob | A group of online users that harasses other users | 597 |
wypipo | White people | 597 |
QOTD | Question of the day | 597 |
CEO of | The best at | 597 |
MBN | Must be nice | 597 |
egirl | An extremely online teen girl | 597 |
Quarantini | A quarantine-times cocktail | 597 |
ACV | After coronavirus | 597 |
TIHI | Thanks, I hate it | 597 |
BHM | Black History Month | 597 |
Idol | A K-pop star | 597 |
LPT | Life Pro Tip | 597 |
Quant | Quantitative analyst | 597 |
NUMTOTS | New Urbanist Memes for Transit-oriented Teens | 597 |
Pharbz | Phoebe Bridgers fans | 597 |
NBLW | Non-binary loving women | 597 |
Qultist | A QAnon believer | 597 |
Wokefishing | Pretending to have progressive political views | 597 |
notif | Notification | 597 |
Wojak | A Microsoft Paint-created Internet character | 597 |
PFP | Picture for proof | 597 |
Carpe DM | Direct message the person now | 597 |
Nocoiner | A person who owns no cryptocurrency | 597 |
VBO | Visible belly outline | 597 |
Chub rub | Chafing where your thighs rub together | 597 |
Blow up | To become successful | 597 |
LCG | Living card game | 597 |
WTT | Watching TikTok | 597 |
Clout demon | A social media user who covets popularity | 597 |
Hot Vax Summer | Summer 2021 | 597 |
1437 | I love you forever | 597 |
PWI | Predominantly white institution | 597 |
CW | Content warning | 597 |
Virtual restaurant | Delivery-only restaurant | 597 |
Lorge | Large | 597 |
Doggo | Dog | 597 |
Pupper | Puppy | 597 |
Non-GMO | Unvaccinated | 597 |
Astroturfing | Faking a grassroots movement | 597 |
Beaning | Pouring baked beans on a building's doorstep | 597 |
OTD | On this day | 597 |
Trumpster | A Donald Trump supporter | 597 |
Kyle | A basic white boy | 597 |
Arianator | An Ariana Grande fan | 597 |
Mukbang | Eating show | 597 |
Down bad | Depressed | 597 |
IYAM | If you ask me | 597 |
Saltine | A white person | 597 |
On X Games mode | Doing something extreme very well | 597 |
Shadowban | To secretly censor a social media user's content | 597 |
Coming for necks | Means business | 597 |
4n6 | Forensics | 597 |
NASL | Name, age, sex, location | 597 |
F2M | Female to male | 597 |
FTM | Female to male | 597 |
Gastrodiplomacy | When a country uses its cuisine to boost its reputation | 597 |
The Streisand Effect | When an attempt to hide information draws greater attention | 597 |
M2F | Male to female | 597 |
Marmite character | A person people either hate or love | 597 |
DLDR | Don't like, don't read | 597 |
W | Winning | 597 |
Died | Laughed hard | 597 |
Here for it | Excited about it | 597 |
BAYC | Bored Ape Yacht Club | 597 |
db8 | Debate | 597 |
Nunya | None of your | 597 |
Pull | Attract | 597 |
Historybounding | Wearing historically-inspired outfits | 597 |
BookTwt | Book Twitter | 597 |
PMO | Pissed me off | 597 |
MTK | MediaTek | 597 |
Menty b | Mental breakdown | 597 |
TechToker | A TikToker who discusses tech | 597 |
Goblin mode | Behaving badly | 597 |
Ammosexual | A person who loves guns | 597 |
AU | Alternate universe | 597 |
Career cushioning | Searching for a new job while employed | 597 |
Womxn | Women | 597 |
Quirked up | Unusual | 597 |
Unsub | Unsubscribe | 597 |
allat | All that | 597 |
RE | Real estate | 597 |
Mascara | Boyfriend | 597 |
Frl | For real | 597 |
Sponcon | Sponsored content | 597 |
MC | Main character | 597 |
Gagged | Rendered speechless | 597 |
KotH | King of the hill | 597 |
HG | Holy grail | 597 |
OBCD | Obesity | 597 |
Deinfluencing | Telling social media users what not to do | 597 |
AFAWK | As far as we know | 597 |
Soft life | Lifestyle that prioritizes joy and reduces stress | 597 |
Discord Kitten | A Discord user who acts cute to get gifts | 597 |
Discord Daddy | A Discord user who gives gifts in exchange for relationships | 597 |
DTM | Doing too much | 597 |
Moneymaxxing | Attempting to improve your financial situation | 597 |
Cheesin | Smiling | 597 |
Blue person | A person who changed your life for the better | 597 |
Green person | A close friend you met by chance | 597 |
Killfie | A potentially deadly selfie | 597 |
GMT | Got me tight | 597 |
Oomfie | A Twitter follower | 597 |
Croomf | A social media follower crush | 597 |
Do it for the plot | Take a chance to make your life more exciting | 597 |
Manlet | A short, muscular man | 597 |
Mogging | Dominating another man | 597 |
Bluepilled | Unquestioning of conventional beliefs | 597 |
Whammed | Hearing the song Last Christmas | 597 |
Eating good | Extremely satisfied | 597 |
Softmaxxing | Making minor beauty improvements | 597 |
Millennial pause | A pause at the start of a video recorded by a Millennial | 597 |
Sweater weather | The chilly autumn season | 597 |
BFCM | Black Friday Cyber Monday | 597 |
Big back | An overweight person | 597 |
FTR | First time reader | 597 |
Bookstagram | Instagram users who discuss books | 597 |
BookX | X users who discuss books | 597 |
FOFL | Falling on the floor laughing | 598 |
GDR | Grinning, ducking, running | 598 |
IMAO | In my arrogant opinion | 598 |
KIR | Keepin' it real | 598 |
LOL | Lots of love | 598 |
NOMBR | None of my business, right | 598 |
SLY | Still love you | 598 |
W2F | Way too funny | 598 |
ONYD | Oh no you didn't | 598 |
JMO | Just my opinion | 598 |
HOM | Hit or miss | 598 |
RATM | Rage Against The Machine | 598 |
IMSO | In my sovereign opinion | 598 |
PLJ | Peace, love, joy | 598 |
GOTY | Game of the Year | 598 |
SAHM | Stay-at-home mom | 598 |
WOHM | Working outside home mom | 598 |
DKDC | Don't know, don't care | 598 |
mwahugz | Kisses and hugs | 598 |
NOTD | Nail of the day | 598 |
BBB | Boring beyond belief | 598 |
FTTB | For the time being | 598 |
C4N | Ciao for now | 598 |
DFTBA | Don't forget to be awesome | 598 |
CPE | Coolest Person Ever | 598 |
4ward | Forward | 598 |
SBT | Sorry 'bout that | 598 |
bup | Backup Plan | 598 |
CYFB | Check your Facebook | 598 |
DUK | Didn't you know? | 598 |
BMA | Best mates always | 598 |
BFFN | Best friend for now | 598 |
LEP | Love emo people | 598 |
h8t | Hate | 598 |
IAGSMSOL | I am getting some money sooner or later | 598 |
NB | Not bad | 598 |
TTYOOTD | Talk to you one of these days | 598 |
AFAYC | As far as you're concerned | 598 |
LFW | Looking for work | 598 |
AISI | As I see it | 598 |
AYPI | And your point is? | 598 |
HHIS | Hanging head in shame | 598 |
TAC | That ain't cool | 598 |
FAWC | For anyone who cares | 598 |
HMS | Hanging myself | 598 |
IIR | If I remember | 598 |
FTFOI | For the fun of it | 598 |
DITG | Down in the gutter | 598 |
Dweet | Drunk tweet | 598 |
HT | Heard Through | 598 |
LLS | Laughing like s*** | 598 |
BFK | Big fat kiss | 598 |
Jellz | Jealous | 598 |
ONO | Or nearest offer | 598 |
HMP | Help me, please | 598 |
LI | 598 | |
T4P | Thanks for posting | 598 |
yall | You all | 598 |
2moz | Tomorrow | 598 |
ASAIC | As soon as I can | 598 |
Bootsie | Boring person | 598 |
Ermahgerd | Oh my gosh | 598 |
stats | Personal profile information | 598 |
Brah | Friend | 598 |
Legit | Legitimate | 598 |
Spit | To flirt | 598 |
ELO | Electric Light Orchestra | 598 |
Supes | Super | 598 |
cld | Could | 598 |
Tweeple | Twitter people | 598 |
Weathermageddon | Very bad weather | 598 |
DYAC | D*** You Auto Correct | 598 |
KOTD | Kicks of the day | 598 |
Insta-lurking | Looking through a person's Instagram pictures | 598 |
TFTF | Thanks for the follow | 598 |
Likers get rate | Anyone who likes this post will get a rate | 598 |
finsta | Fake Instagram account | 598 |
Latergram | A picture posted on Instagram later than when it was taken | 598 |
FBriend | A Facebook friend | 598 |
BDE | Big D*** Energy | 598 |
Went off | Angrily complained | 598 |
Zumping | Dumping someone over Zoom | 598 |
LAL | Laugh at life | 598 |
Swipe left | Reject | 598 |
Algo | Algorithm | 598 |
Accountant | A cover-up occupation | 598 |
OP | Outta pocket | 598 |
Mutual | A person you follow on social media who also follows you | 598 |
BBFBBM | Body by Fisher, Brains by Mattel | 598 |
VPL | Visible panty line | 598 |
FUPA | Fatty upper pubic area | 598 |
Collab house | A house full of social media influencers | 598 |
Flop era | A period of disappointment | 598 |
White knighting | Saving someone in distress | 598 |
Blep | An animal sticking out part of their tongue | 598 |
MSI | Minority-serving institutions | 598 |
KLM | Calm | 598 |
Deplatform | To remove a user from a social network or website | 598 |
Digital nomad | A person who performs their job online while traveling | 598 |
MFEO | Made for each other | 598 |
Comfort character | A fictional character who soothes you | 598 |
Caucacity | Audacity stemming from white privilege | 598 |
Eeyore | A pessimistic person | 598 |
GDI | God d*** it | 598 |
Pick me girl | A female desperate to impress a male | 598 |
Sliving | Living your best life | 598 |
WAGMI | We're all gonna make it | 598 |
DWAI | Don't worry about it | 598 |
HCOL | High cost of living | 598 |
DNI | Do not interact | 598 |
Le dollar bean | Lesbian | 598 |
Leg booty | LGBT | 598 |
Sneaky link | Secret hook up | 598 |
Americancore | A satirical aesthetic centered around American stereotypes | 598 |
Ghost banning | Censoring a social media user's posts | 598 |
Woke up and chose chaos | Decided to cause trouble | 598 |
Shower thought | An idea that comes to you in the shower | 598 |
ASLR | Age, sex, location, race | 598 |
Sportswashing | Using sports to improve a bad reputation | 598 |
ACV | Apple cider vinegar | 598 |
NoPoo | No shampoo | 598 |
CGM | Curly girl method | 598 |
Co Washing | Conditioner-only washing | 598 |
NOTP | Not one true pairing | 598 |
SALS | Ship and let sail | 598 |
NLI | Not logged in | 598 |
Revenge travel | Traveling done to spite COVID-19 | 598 |
Fanfic | Fan fiction | 598 |
FTA | From the article | 598 |
Fanon | Unverified story points fans believe are canon | 598 |
DGMW | Don't get me wrong | 598 |
Blag | Convince someone to give you something | 598 |
Alr | Alright | 598 |
Gray rocking | Being dull when interacting with toxic people | 598 |
Regram | To share another Instagrammer's post | 598 |
Hypebeast | Someone who buys into trends | 598 |
LO | Little one | 598 |
Hate sink | A fictional character meant to be hated | 598 |
Costube | Costuming YouTubers | 598 |
DisTwitter | Disney Twitter | 598 |
FOMOngering | Purposefully creating feelings of FOMO | 598 |
Hiatus brain | When superfans' minds go wild during a hiatus | 598 |
xian | Christian | 598 |
Good shout | Good idea | 598 |
Red Cup Day | The day Starbucks gives away its new holiday cup | 598 |
BookTube | YouTubers who discuss books | 598 |
Buttcoin | A community of cryptocurrency haters | 598 |
HQ | High quality | 598 |
Unsub | Unidentified subject | 598 |
Sewerslide | Suicide | 598 |
Got that dog in him | Driven to succeed | 598 |
Villain era | Putting yourself first | 598 |
Swolemate | A significant other you work out with | 598 |
Boyfriend air | Proximity to your boyfriend | 598 |
Flirtationship | When two friends constantly flirt with each other | 598 |
Grail | A desirable item | 598 |
BBL | Brazilian butt lift | 598 |
Baited | Tricked by misleading information | 598 |
Porch pirate | A package thief | 598 |
WAHD | Work-at-home dad | 598 |
DEI | Diversity, equity, and inclusion | 598 |
JEDI | Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion | 598 |
MCRmy | My Chemical Romance fans | 598 |
Noice | Very nice | 598 |
Kneecapped | Greatly damaged | 598 |
Boyfriend effect | Changes experienced since getting a boyfriend | 598 |
SINK | Single income, no kids | 598 |
WYBMV | Will you be my valentine | 598 |
ATBGE | Awful taste but great execution | 598 |
Prepper | A person who has prepared for catastrophe | 598 |
psyops | Psychological operations | 598 |
PTSO | Put that stuff on | 598 |
WTW | What's the word | 598 |
Sprinkle sprinkle | Blessings | 598 |
tryna | Trying to | 598 |
ICYDK | In case you didn't know | 598 |
WTM | What's the move | 598 |
JIT | Juvenile in training | 598 |
Socialmaxxing | Attempting to improve your social skills | 598 |
Own goal | A counterproductive decision | 598 |
RCTA | Race change to another | 598 |
GTS | Go to sleep | 598 |
Selficide | Death caused by taking a selfie | 598 |
Glass child | A child whose sibling requires all their parents' attention | 598 |
Stealth wealth | Expensive yet modest items | 598 |
Traumaversary | Anniversary of a traumatic event | 598 |
PMTTWAMOWM | Pin me to the wall and make out with me | 598 |
Bachelor's handbag | A takeaway roast chicken | 598 |
Girl math | Female financial logic | 598 |
Solulu | Solution | 598 |
Pogging | Experiencing surprised excitement | 598 |
Bidness | Business | 598 |
Standing on bidness | Taking care of business | 598 |
BF | Black Friday | 598 |
CM | Cyber Monday | 598 |
It's giving | It's emitting intense feelings | 598 |
AMOG | Alpha male of group | 598 |
Mog | To dominate another man | 598 |
Whitepilled | Optimistic about the future | 598 |
Rizzmas Carols | Slang-filled Christmas carol parodies | 598 |
szn | Season | 598 |
Hardmaxxing | Making extreme improvements to increase attractiveness | 598 |
PCTTO | Picture credit to the owner | 598 |
Cozy vibes | Warm, comfortable, and inviting feelings | 598 |
Flannel mode | Embracing all things cozy, rustic, and autumnal | 598 |
Deinfluencer | A social media user who pushes back against trends | 598 |
FMC | Female main character | 598 |
4rl | For real | 599 |
AWOL | Absent while online | 599 |
EOR | End of rant | 599 |
G2TU | Got to tell you | 599 |
ISO | Is seeking other | 599 |
KHYF | Know how you feel | 599 |
LYLAB | Love you like a brother | 599 |
NW | No way | 599 |
TITF | That is too funny | 599 |
GR&D | Grinning, running, and ducking | 599 |
DL | Doing Laundry | 599 |
AM | Antemeridian | 599 |
PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in | 599 |
SOH | Sense of humor | 599 |
C&G | Chuckle and grin | 599 |
22 | Tutu | 599 |
ILUGTD | I love you guys to death | 599 |
OLTL | One Life to Live | 599 |
BNO | Boys' night out | 599 |
TISNF | That is so not fair | 599 |
SF | Science Fiction | 599 |
ILYL | I love you lots | 599 |
AYC | Are you coming? | 599 |
FW | Future wife | 599 |
TMAI | Tell me about it | 599 |
LUGLS | Love you girls like sisters | 599 |
IAIL | I am in love | 599 |
FOTD | Face of the Day | 599 |
laf | Laugh | 599 |
YKHII | You know how it is | 599 |
4n | Foreign | 599 |
DU | Darn you | 599 |
wv | With | 599 |
mysp | Myspace | 599 |
LTD | Lovers 'til death | 599 |
alt | A lot | 599 |
DILLIGAFF | Does it look like I give a flying flip? | 599 |
TPT | Trailer park trash | 599 |
MLIA | My life is average | 599 |
W2G | Way to go | 599 |
ANFSCD | And now for something completely different | 599 |
ULKGR8 | You look great | 599 |
Q4U | Question for you | 599 |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something? | 599 |
BMGWL | Busting my gut with laughter | 599 |
IYKWIM | If you know what I mean | 599 |
DDSOS | Different day, same old stuff | 599 |
PMJI | Pardon my jumping in | 599 |
TTTT | These things take time | 599 |
BITS | Back in the saddle | 599 |
DGA | Digital guardian angel | 599 |
FOS | Freedom of speech | 599 |
GD&RVF | Grinning, ducking, and running very fast | 599 |
FYF | From your friend | 599 |
2BZ4UQT | Too busy for you, cutie | 599 |
C/S | Change subject | 599 |
Twewbie | Twitter newbie | 599 |
oh | Overheard | 599 |
NTS | Note to self | 599 |
wk | Week | 599 |
FBC | Facebook Chat | 599 |
BFF4L | Best friends forever for life | 599 |
us | Ultrasound | 599 |
Lawlz | Laugh out loud | 599 |
ASP | After show party | 599 |
ridic | Ridiculous | 599 |
MT | Modified tweet | 599 |
vlogger | Video blogger | 599 |
XTL | Cross the line | 599 |
ICCL | I couldn't care less | 599 |
Attwicted | Addicted to Twitter | 599 |
ion | I don't | 599 |
Detweet | To delete a tweet | 599 |
Eavestweeting | Eavesdropping on Twitter conversations | 599 |
Twaddict | Twitter addict | 599 |
H/T | Hat tip | 599 |
RLRT | Real life retweet | 599 |
BGF | Best girl friend | 599 |
DGYF | Dang girl, you're fine | 599 |
IAWTCSM | I agree with this comment so much | 599 |
IBC | Ice bucket challenge | 599 |
PP | Profile picture | 599 |
LNOL | Laughing not out loud | 599 |
Felfie | Family picture | 599 |
Wealthy selfie | Picture of yourself with a large amount of wealth | 599 |
TYLJ | Thank you Lord Jesus | 599 |
Snoozle | Nap | 599 |
MRW | My reaction when | 599 |
MIRL | Me in real life | 599 |
Twitler | An overbearing Twitter user | 599 |
Ribcage bragging | Showing off your rib cage | 599 |
Lewk | Look | 599 |
WOAT | Worst of all time | 599 |
Zoom town | A town that many remote workers are moving to | 599 |
FOBO | Fear of being on | 599 |
Wuz | What is | 599 |
BCV | Before coronavirus | 599 |
tek | Take | 599 |
NBLNB | Non-binary loving non-binary | 599 |
Embiggen | Enlarge | 599 |
Fauci Ouchie | COVID-19 vaccine | 599 |
Lapsonym | A word whose meaning you always forget | 599 |
Valid | Excellent | 599 |
Dab hand | An expert | 599 |
Fire thighs | Thighs inflamed from chafing | 599 |
Looted | Styling | 599 |
Shot Girl Summer | Summer 2021 | 599 |
Trans | Translation | 599 |
BTS | Behind the scenes | 599 |
Tweakin | Doing crazy stuff | 599 |
HWCU | Historically white colleges and universities | 599 |
Snapback | The quickness a woman's body snaps back after a pregnancy | 599 |
Pressed | Upset | 599 |
QRT | Quote retweet | 599 |
Take the L | Take the loss | 599 |
Catch these hands | Get punched | 599 |
Abow | Wow | 599 |
Flurona | Having both the flu and covid | 599 |
Twindemic | A dual pandemic | 599 |
S2G | Swear to God | 599 |
SBF | Sam Bankman-Fried | 599 |
Outwordle | To outsmart a Wordle player | 599 |
AMOS | Add me on Snapchat | 599 |
Crop | An edited TikTok video | 599 |
IB | Inspired by | 599 |
DC | Dance credit | 599 |
Swimmers | Vaccinated people | 599 |
Cornucopia | Homophobia | 599 |
Queerbaiting | Implying but never actualizing a non-hetero relationship | 599 |
Stealth banning | Secretly moderating a user's posts | 599 |
TTS | Text-to-Speech | 599 |
Sub | Subscribe | 599 |
ASLNP | Age, sex, location, name, picture | 599 |
ASLRP | Age, sex, location, race, picture | 599 |
NASLP | Name, age, sex, location, picture | 599 |
GSM | Gender and sexuality minority | 599 |
QPOC | Queer people of color | 599 |
QTPOC | Queer and/or trans people of color | 599 |
Anti-ship | Against problematic fictional relationships | 599 |
AMAA | Ask me almost anything | 599 |
Cakeday | The day a user joins Reddit | 599 |
SMO | Shout me out | 599 |
Ninjaedit | A quick edit to your post | 599 |
Reddiquette | Reddit ettiquette | 599 |
DTN4L | Don't trust no one for life | 599 |
Straight TikTok | Mainstream TikTok | 599 |
Alt TikTok | Alternative TikTok | 599 |
WYLL | What you look like | 599 |
Chasing the bag | Working toward goals | 599 |
QAMAGA | An ultra-conservative conspiracy theorist | 599 |
Rashing | Insulting | 599 |
Finessing | Tricking someone into giving you something | 599 |
PU | Pop up | 599 |
ESB | Everybody snap back | 599 |
SU | Swipe up | 599 |
wsp | What's up | 599 |
edtok | An eating disorder community on TikTok | 599 |
Radfem | A radical feminist | 599 |
Yassify | To give a glamorous makeover | 599 |
Yassification | A glamorous makeover | 599 |
Dabloons | A fictional TikTok currency | 599 |
YTber | YouTuber | 599 |
Villain mode | Not caring about other people's feelings | 599 |
HTH | How the heck | 599 |
Dupe | A cheaper stand-in product | 599 |
School air | Air that messes with your appearance | 599 |
Smth | Something | 599 |
BORG | Black out rage gallon | 599 |
Spice | Sexual content | 599 |
NFS | No funny stuff | 599 |
Petfluencer | A social media user famous for pet content | 599 |
4D chess | An extremely complex strategy | 599 |
BPD | Borderline personality disorder | 599 |
SINKWAD | Single income, no kids, with a dog | 599 |
CFT | Combating the Financing of Terrorism | 599 |
Ghost bike | White roadside memorial bicycle | 599 |
MFWTK | My friend wants to know | 599 |
Vaguebooking | Making deliberately enigmatic social media posts | 599 |
Gendy nooch | Gender-neutral | 599 |
Ts and Ps | Thoughts and prayers | 599 |
Shool | School | 599 |
Ussie | A picture a person takes of themself and someone else | 599 |
Channer | A 4chan user | 599 |
Grief digger | Someone who uses a celebrity's death for personal gain | 599 |
SFV | Short-form video | 599 |
Glazing | Sucking up to | 599 |
2A | Second Amendment | 599 |
Pink person | The person you love most | 599 |
Reply guy | A man who replies to all of a woman's social media posts | 599 |
BD | Baby daddy | 599 |
LMKWYC | Let me know when you can | 599 |
Take him off the grill | Shut him down | 599 |
Craptions | Bad closed captions | 599 |
Almond mom | A mother who wants her daughter to be skinny | 599 |
IAWTP | I agree with the post | 599 |
Odee | Very | 599 |
Balkanization | Splintering | 599 |
Splinternet | A splintered internet | 599 |
VTuber | Virtual YouTuber | 599 |
WBK | We been knew | 599 |
Thrift flip | Reselling items you bought at a thrift store | 599 |
Gorpcore | An aesthetic centered around outdoor wear | 599 |
Purr | Expression of approval | 599 |
Cozzie livs | Cost of living | 599 |
Tribe | Internet community | 599 |
Pessimize | Make worse | 599 |
TSFW | Too stupid for words | 599 |
CBFW | Can't be f***ed with | 599 |
Po'd | Pissed off | 599 |
Snail Girl Era | Taking time to care for yourself | 599 |
Gwenchana | It's alright | 599 |
Ashl | As hell | 599 |
ESH | Everyone sucks here | 599 |
EHS | Everyone here sucks | 599 |
IDGAS | I don't give a s*** | 599 |
ML | My love | 599 |
DYT | Do your thing | 599 |
Smt | Something | 599 |
He's him | He is impressive | 599 |
Dts | Death threats | 599 |
YKTV | You know the vibes | 599 |
Acoustic | Autistic | 599 |
Silent walking | Walking without listening to audio | 599 |
Everything shower | A very involved shower | 599 |
Nothing shower | A rinse-only shower | 599 |
Latte makeup | Face makeup that blends warm brown and tan tones | 599 |
ROMEO | Retired Old Men Eating Out | 599 |
Skill issue | You're bad | 599 |
CTTO | Credit to the owner | 599 |
Yapping | Talking excessively | 599 |
Gen Z shake | A shake during a video recorded by a Gen Zer | 599 |
FAFO | F*** around and find out | 599 |
Disney knees | A pose with knees pointed inwards | 599 |
chuzz | An unattractive female | 599 |
hg | Homegirl | 599 |
Baddie | An attractive female | 599 |
CR | Current read | 599 |
DD | Dear daughter | 600 |
DMY | Don't mess yourself | 600 |
DS | Dear son | 600 |
FYA | For your amusement | 600 |
HB | Hug back | 600 |
JTLYK | Just to let you know | 600 |
KYSOTI | Keep your stick on the ice | 600 |
LYLAS | Love you like a sister | 600 |
LYMI | Love you, mean it | 600 |
MOO | My own opinion | 600 |
VBG | Very big grin | 600 |
M02 | My two cents | 600 |
ILYLC | I love you like crazy | 600 |
JUIL | Just you I love | 600 |
LIG | Life is good | 600 |
CB | Chris Brown | 600 |
UW | You're welcome | 600 |
SMDH | Shaking my d*** head | 600 |
LOLROFLMAO | Laughing out loud, rolling on floor, laughing my a** off | 600 |
NWO | New World Order | 600 |
LOC | Load of crap | 600 |
LFTD | Laugh for the day | 600 |
FAF | Funny as f*** | 600 |
CRTLA | Can't remember the three-letter acronym | 600 |
BTWITILY | By the way, I think I love you | 600 |
G9 | Genius | 600 |
FUSIT | Fouled up situation | 600 |
GIC | God's in control | 600 |
STLSDR | Still too long, still didn't read | 600 |
BUF | Big, ugly, fat | 600 |
IFVB | I feel very bad | 600 |
KMSL | Killing myself laughing | 600 |
2moro | Tomorrow | 600 |
TAU | Thinking about you | 600 |
SAHP | Stay-at-home parent | 600 |
LML | Love my life | 600 |
HT | Hat Tip | 600 |
PRT | Partial retweet | 600 |
Rthx | Retweet thanks | 600 |
TPM | Tweets per minute | 600 |
Tweavesdropping | Eavesdropping on Twitter | 600 |
CRN | Chuckling right now | 600 |
Owned | Dominated | 600 |
Attwaction | Attraction to a Twitter user | 600 |
AFDA | A few days ago | 600 |
Fri | Endless friend | 600 |
q | Question | 600 |
SWM | Single white male | 600 |
Instagram prime time | Peak hours of Instagram activity | 600 |
Twitterverse | Twitter universe | 600 |
ICYWTBE | In case you went to bed early | 600 |
rinsta | Real Instagram account | 600 |
T-giving | Thanksgiving | 600 |
sksksk | Overcome with emotion | 600 |
IDW | I don't want | 600 |
ibfs | Internet best friends | 600 |
Cancel club | People that have been shut down or forced out by others | 600 |
Orbiting | Following someone on social media without direct interaction | 600 |
Deep like | Liking a person's old post on social media | 600 |
MeToo moment | An experience of sexual abuse or harassment | 600 |
Story time | Share more details | 600 |
GMA | Give me attention | 600 |
Twitter canoe | Bloated Twitter conversation with 3 or more users | 600 |
Showmance | A romance between actors starring in the same production | 600 |
MTF | Male to female | 600 |
Hella | Very | 600 |
FOBI | Fear of being included | 600 |
Fake body | A video contains revealing clothing | 600 |
Goofy ahh | Really weird | 600 |
Panoramic | Pandemic | 600 |
Adrod | Android | 600 |
Yeen | You ain't even | 600 |
Trendjacking | Hijacking a trend for personal gain | 600 |
OINK | One income, no kids | 600 |
Bougie broke | Luxurious lifestyle on a budget | 600 |
S/O | Shout out | 600 |
Crine | Crying | 600 |
AOMM | Always on my mind | 601 |
BB | Bright blessings | 601 |
GFN | Gone for now | 601 |
IRSTBO | It really sucks the big one | 601 |
GBH&K | Great big hug and kiss | 601 |
YSJ | You're so jealin' | 601 |
HLBD | Happy late birthday | 601 |
CYM | Check your Myspace | 601 |
ILMM | I love my man | 601 |
DYD | Don't you dare | 601 |
PDH | Pretty darn hot | 601 |
4ever | Forever | 601 |
NOM | No offense meant | 601 |
mum | Mother | 601 |
chk | Check | 601 |
clk | Click | 601 |
cre8 | Create | 601 |
TMB | Tweet me back | 601 |
TMW | That moment when | 601 |
Momala | Kamala Harris | 601 |
ONG | On God | 601 |
AP | Anti-piracy | 601 |
IKTR | I know that's right | 601 |
BFF&E | Best friends forever and ever | 601 |
WDW | Walt Disney World | 601 |
OINKWAD | One income, no kids, with a dog | 601 |
2DFM | Too dumb for me | 602 |
JLMK | Just let me know | 602 |
Rgd | Regard | 602 |
TTYN | Talk to you never | 602 |
AFDB | A few days back | 602 |
BFTP | Blast from the past | 602 |
S/U | Swipe up | 602 |
FNB | Football and beer | 603 |
NSFW | Not suitable for women | 603 |
SALAB | Stop acting like a baby | 603 |
EYC | Excited yet calm | 603 |
FOMOH | Fear of missing out on hockey | 603 |
FF | Follow Friday | 603 |
Swammie | Firearm | 603 |
Twollower | Twitter follower | 603 |
Revine | To repost a vine | 603 |
PIMP | Peeing in my pants | 604 |
CNRHKYITF | Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face | 604 |
NSFV | Not safe for vegetarians | 604 |
BBF | Body by Fisher | 604 |
YRAG | You are a geek | 606 |
Smurf | An alternate account used by a skilled player | 614 |
Gyat | An expression of surprise | 623 |
GYAT | Get your act together | 623 |
AAMOF | As a matter of fact | 600 |
TWSI | That was so ironic | 600 |
TWTI | That was totally ironic | 600 |
ROLMBO | Rolling over laughing my butt off | 600 |
AWHFY | Are we having fun yet? | 600 |
DUCT | Did you see that? | 600 |
dewd | Dude | 600 |
hmp | Humph | 600 |
ceebs | Can't be bothered | 600 |
FHO | Friends Hanging Out | 600 |
Gawd | God | 600 |
FIFAWWC | FIFA Women's World Cup | 600 |
DTN | Don't trust no one | 600 |
Newsjacking | Hijacking a news story to insert your opinion | 600 |
All results listed.