General Slang
Many slang terms are used both online and offline, such as in spoken conversation. The following list includes general shorthand and slang terms that are not specifically used online or in text messaging.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
LOL | Laughing out loud | 223 |
Noob | Newbie | 309 |
XX | Kisses | 385 |
VR | Virtual reality | 430 |
thx | Thanks | 437 |
xp | Experience | 444 |
PC | Personal computer | 455 |
Fail | Failure | 463 |
24/7 | Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week | 467 |
bc | Because | 484 |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment | 486 |
bf | Boyfriend | 487 |
ASAP | As soon as possible | 501 |
Whoa | Expression of surprise | 501 |
2 | To | 506 |
PS4 | PlayStation 4 | 506 |
Scrub | Loser | 509 |
Twitch | Video game streaming website | 514 |
muah | Kiss | 515 |
MMORPG | Massively multiplayer online role-playing game | 521 |
msg | Message | 525 |
Simp | A person who obsesses over someone | 525 |
plz | Please | 527 |
LAN | Local Area Network | 527 |
haha | Laughing | 535 |
Trolling | Posting offensive comments | 535 |
SOS | Save our souls | 536 |
sup | What's up | 536 |
Drip | Sexy style | 536 |
Gamer | A video game player | 537 |
AI | Artificial intelligence | 539 |
XOXO | Hugs and kisses | 540 |
POV | Point of view | 541 |
b4 | Before | 542 |
u | You | 542 |
Bro | Brother | 542 |
Selfie | A picture a person takes of themself | 542 |
Karen | An entitled woman | 542 |
BFF | Best friends forever | 543 |
Hottie | An attractive person | 543 |
Cap | Lie | 543 |
DnD | Dungeons & Dragons | 544 |
J/K | Just kidding | 546 |
FB | 547 | |
TGIF | Thank goodness it's Friday | 548 |
perv | Pervert | 548 |
411 | Information | 549 |
qt | Cutie | 550 |
RPG | Role-playing game | 550 |
TBC | To be continued | 551 |
vs | Versus | 551 |
POS | Piece of s*** | 552 |
CYOA | Cover your own a** | 554 |
Ditto | Same | 556 |
hun | Honey | 557 |
Meme | A piece of media that spreads via the Internet | 557 |
sfx | Special effects | 558 |
Clout chaser | A person who does things just to become popular | 558 |
AKA | Also known as | 559 |
SO | Significant other | 559 |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off | 560 |
SOB | Son of a b**** | 560 |
420 | Marijuana | 560 |
Ghosting | Leaving without saying goodbye | 560 |
mins | Minutes | 561 |
sorta | Sort of | 561 |
Hook up | To be physically intimate with another person | 563 |
mhm | Mm-hmm | 565 |
lil | Little | 565 |
Booze | Alcohol | 565 |
Go viral | To become popular on the Internet | 565 |
Snowflake | A sensitive person | 565 |
mwa | Kiss | 566 |
MIA | Missing in action | 566 |
Stud | A highly skilled individual | 566 |
c | See | 567 |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival | 567 |
PS | PlayStation | 567 |
Friendversary | Friendship anniversary | 567 |
b-day | Birthday | 568 |
NSFW | Not safe for work | 568 |
MYOB | Mind your own business | 569 |
IOU | I owe you | 569 |
Troll | A person who posts offensive comments | 569 |
ft | Featuring | 569 |
KIA | Killed in action | 570 |
Gaslighting | Manipulating information to create doubt | 570 |
d | Di** | 570 |
K | OK | 571 |
X | Kiss | 571 |
Netflix and chill | Hook up | 571 |
SOL | S*** out of luck | 572 |
N/A | Not Available | 572 |
od | Overdose | 572 |
Adulting | Acting like an adult | 572 |
FYI | For your information | 573 |
TMI | Too much information | 573 |
Shawty | A fine female | 573 |
DIY | Do it yourself | 574 |
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition | 574 |
hehe | Laughing | 574 |
N64 | Nintendo 64 | 574 |
nuke | Nuclear missile | 574 |
Leech | Freeloader | 574 |
LGBTQ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer | 574 |
Torch | To beat someone in competition | 574 |
Gummy ache | Stomach ache from eating gummy candies | 574 |
Triggered | Angry | 574 |
Womp | Expression of disappointment | 574 |
You got it | For sure | 574 |
Anti-vaxxer | A person who opposes vaccines | 574 |
XO | Kiss and Hug | 575 |
Bestie | Best Friend | 576 |
Sheesh | Expression of disbelief | 576 |
Diva | A self-important, demanding person | 577 |
proc | Programmed random occurrence | 577 |
POW | Prisoner of war | 577 |
Kicks | Fun | 577 |
Bootylicious | Attractive with a nice rear end | 577 |
Pot | Marijuana | 577 |
AAVE | African-American Vernacular English | 577 |
hw | Homework | 578 |
favs | Favorites | 578 |
Hipster | A person who dislikes mainstream culture | 578 |
You got served | You were called out | 578 |
Hot take | A controversial opinion | 578 |
Vaxhole | A person who brags about being vaccinated | 578 |
USA | United States of America | 579 |
Beast | An awesome person | 579 |
PS3 | PlayStation 3 | 579 |
Hot | Physically attractive | 579 |
Airhead | Stupid | 579 |
NFL | National Football League | 579 |
Skol | Good health | 579 |
Booty call | An intimate rendezvous | 579 |
WWJD | What would Jesus do | 580 |
mgmt | Management | 580 |
CG | Computer Graphics | 580 |
Crew | Group of friends | 580 |
Vacay | Vacation | 580 |
Binge-watch | To view many episodes or movies in a row | 580 |
Fandom | Community of fans | 580 |
RIP | Rest in peace | 581 |
app | Application | 581 |
Chill | Relax | 581 |
Elo | Elo rating system | 581 |
KFC | Kentucky Fried Chicken | 581 |
Dope | Cool | 581 |
Dope | Illegal drugs | 581 |
Oh snap | Expression of surprise | 581 |
Plastered | Drunk | 581 |
Mary Jane | Marijuana | 581 |
Cupcaking | Flirting | 581 |
Rubber | A condom | 581 |
Clapback | A clever comeback | 581 |
Straight fire | Very cool | 581 |
Rizz | Charisma | 581 |
NC | No comment | 582 |
Woot | Woohoo! | 582 |
NNTR | No need to reply | 582 |
pic | Picture | 582 |
Twerk | Hip-gyrating dance move | 582 |
Creeper | A socially invasive person | 582 |
ship | Relationship | 582 |
Dankrupt | Out of Marijuana | 582 |
Tree hugger | A person who cares about the environment | 582 |
gimme | Give me | 582 |
Pick me | A person desperate for attention and approval | 582 |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | 583 |
re | Regarding | 583 |
sp | Spelling | 583 |
Gosu | Highly skilled | 583 |
Gotcha | I get you | 583 |
char | Character | 583 |
Cray | Crazy | 583 |
h8r | Hater | 583 |
Po-po | Police | 583 |
Spit | To freestyle rap | 583 |
Digits | Phone number | 583 |
AP | Associated Press | 583 |
Show hole | Sadness after finishing a great show | 583 |
Dawg | Friend | 583 |
Savage | Viciously cool | 583 |
Cold | Mean | 583 |
Simping | Obsessing over a person that does not return the same affection | 583 |
Covid | COVID-19 | 583 |
Day one | A very close friend | 583 |
Sending me | Making me laugh | 583 |
Gen Zer | A person born between 1997 and 2012 | 583 |
COC | Code of conduct | 584 |
TM | Trademark | 584 |
POTUS | President of the United States | 584 |
WBY | What about you? | 584 |
Weed | Marijuana | 584 |
Pothead | Person who smokes a lot of pot | 584 |
Talking trash | Saying disrespectful things | 584 |
CD | Compact disc | 584 |
The struggle is real | Having difficulty doing something | 584 |
Lit | Exciting | 584 |
Woke | Aware of social issues | 584 |
Gucci | Good | 584 |
Hop off | Go away | 584 |
46 | President Joe Biden | 584 |
Roast | To disrespect | 584 |
Crush | A person who is the object of someone's affection | 584 |
imba | Imbalanced | 585 |
Bling | Overly flashy jewelry | 585 |
DQ | Disqualify | 585 |
nooblet | Young newbie | 585 |
Slacker | A lazy person | 585 |
Throwing shade | Disrespecting | 585 |
Jailbait | Attractive underage person | 585 |
Stay woke | Stay aware of social problems | 585 |
PEOTUS | President-elect of the United States | 585 |
Outkick your coverage | To have a romantic partner who is much more attractive than you | 585 |
Side chick | A mistress | 585 |
Performative activism | Advocating a cause to gain social standing | 585 |
Chasing clout | Doing things just to become popular | 585 |
addy | Adderall | 585 |
PnP | Party and Play | 585 |
Hits different | Affects differently | 585 |
Cringe | Unpleasant | 585 |
BFFM | Best friends forevermore | 586 |
F2F | Face to face | 586 |
IM | Instant message | 586 |
G2G | Good to go | 586 |
MOH | Medal of Honor | 586 |
LoE | Level of effort | 586 |
Macro | Economy management skill | 586 |
WCG | World Cyber Games | 586 |
Boss | Awesome person | 586 |
Effin | F***ing | 586 |
Mofo | Motherf***er | 586 |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook | 586 |
Poser | A person who pretends to be someone they are not | 586 |
BOL | Best of luck | 586 |
j | Joint | 586 |
Irish goodbye | Leaving without saying goodbye | 586 |
Trill | Well respected | 586 |
45 | President Donald Trump | 586 |
Band | One thousand dollars | 586 |
No cap | No lie | 586 |
Green flag | A sign of approval | 586 |
Real talk | Honest truth | 586 |
Cancel culture | Canceling people who do anything controversial | 586 |
Roofie | A date rape drug | 586 |
Leetspeak | Spelling variations that replace English letters with numbers and characters | 586 |
Left no crumbs | Completely dominated | 586 |
m | Male | 587 |
Ppl | People | 587 |
BS | Bulls*** | 587 |
deets | Details | 587 |
info | Information | 587 |
Larper | Live action role-player | 587 |
Chillax | Chill and relax | 587 |
Mooch | To freeload | 587 |
Salty | Upset | 587 |
Sick | Awesome | 587 |
KCCO | Keep calm and carry on | 587 |
Redneck | An uneducated Southerner | 587 |
yt | YouTube | 587 |
Yayo | Cocaine | 587 |
Work boyfriend | Best male friend at work | 587 |
Whipped | Obedient | 587 |
Grind | To do something difficult | 587 |
Homeslice | A close friend | 587 |
Break the Internet | To cause something to go viral online | 587 |
Presidential flashcards | U.S. dollars | 587 |
Ish | Kind of | 587 |
Finesse | To persuade | 587 |
antifa | Anti-fascists | 587 |
Sip tea | Mind your business | 587 |
Sugar baby | A young person who uses an older person for money | 587 |
Bada** | A cool rebel | 587 |
Millennial | A person born between 1981 and 1996 | 587 |
Wildin | Acting crazy | 587 |
Glizzy | Hot dog | 587 |
RSVP | Répondez s'il vous plaît | 588 |
Micro | Unit micromanagement skill | 588 |
DTR | Define the relationship | 588 |
Whip | Vehicle | 588 |
Chicken | Scared | 588 |
Boo | Babe | 588 |
Player | A person who manipulates others for their own gain | 588 |
G | A thousand dollars | 588 |
Joint | Marijuana cigarette | 588 |
Jaguar | An older woman who dates younger men | 588 |
Slay | To dominate | 588 |
Crying Jordan | A meme featuring a crying Michael Jordan | 588 |
AR | Augmented reality | 588 |
Fake news | Fake news source that pretends to be real | 588 |
Cash me outside | Come outside and I'll beat you | 588 |
Scamdemic | Fake pandemic | 588 |
JK | Just kidding | 589 |
N/A | Not applicable | 589 |
emo | Emotional | 589 |
Planking | Lying face down and straight like a plank | 589 |
Smooch | Kiss | 589 |
Dis | Disrespect | 589 |
admin | Administrator | 589 |
MVP | Most valuable player | 589 |
HIMYM | How I Met Your Mother | 589 |
AFJ | April Fools' joke | 589 |
Brotherzone | A relationship where a person's love interest thinks of him as a brother | 589 |
tween | Tweenager | 589 |
Friendsgiving | Thanksgiving with friends | 589 |
Mate | Friend | 589 |
Deez Nuts | A fake Presidential candidate | 589 |
Swerve | Go away | 589 |
Gold digger | A person who uses another person for money | 589 |
Honeydude | A boyfriend or husband used for his money | 589 |
Skank | A promiscuous woman | 589 |
Put on blast | To call out | 589 |
ICE | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement | 589 |
DACA | Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals | 589 |
Fire | Awesome | 589 |
Spill the tea | Share the gossip | 589 |
Social distancing | Isolating from other people | 589 |
Unicorn mom | An imperfect, authentic mom who defies mom shaming | 589 |
ASL | American Sign Language | 589 |
sk8 | Skate | 590 |
PDA | Public display of affection | 590 |
TBD | To be determined | 590 |
Beef | Bothering problem | 590 |
Nark | An informant | 590 |
Tight | Awesome | 590 |
Wicked | Very cool | 590 |
Buck | Dollar | 590 |
Afro | Natural bush-like hairstyle | 590 |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund | 590 |
Vamping | Staying up late at night using electronics | 590 |
Trippin | Hallucinating | 590 |
Slacktivism | Lazy activism | 590 |
DST | Daylight Saving Time | 590 |
cid | Acid | 590 |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service | 590 |
Bye Felicia | Goodbye | 590 |
On fleek | Perfect | 590 |
sis | Sister | 590 |
Yuge | Huge | 590 |
Wino | A person who drinks an excessive amount of wine | 590 |
Snitches get stitches | People who tell on others will get hurt | 590 |
Side eye | Disapproving glance | 590 |
Dumpster fire | Total mess | 590 |
Galentine's Day | February 13th ladies-only celebration | 590 |
Breadcrumbing | Leading someone on romantically | 590 |
Do it for the gram | To do something only to share on Instagram | 590 |
Cold | Awesome | 590 |
Throw hands | Fight | 590 |
Quaranteam | A small group that socializes in-person during COVID-19 | 590 |
Snacc | An attractive person | 590 |
Boomer | A person born between 1946 and 1964 | 590 |
Periodt | An expression of emphasis | 590 |
TikToker | A TikTok user | 590 |
Devil's lettuce | Cannabis | 590 |
1F | One female | 590 |
The Great Resignation | People quitting their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic | 590 |
Boujee | High class | 590 |
QnA | Question and Answer | 590 |
Cinephile | A devoted fan of cinema | 590 |
Blueprint | Perfection | 590 |
Unspoken rizz | Nonverbal charm | 590 |
f | Female | 591 |
rents | Parents | 591 |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test | 591 |
Wipe | Total death | 591 |
nah | No | 591 |
BO | Body odor | 591 |
ref | Referee | 591 |
Tool | Egotistical jerk | 591 |
GPS | Global positioning system | 591 |
HBO | Home Box Office | 591 |
Twerking | Shaking hips and rear in a bouncing motion | 591 |
Mack | To flirt | 591 |
Frontin | To pretend you are something you are not | 591 |
Bones | Dollars | 591 |
Whoops | Exclamation of a mistake | 591 |
Netizen | An Internet citizen | 591 |
Fly | Cool | 591 |
Doe | Though | 591 |
Faded | High | 591 |
Yasss | Yes | 591 |
Gurl | Girl | 591 |
More issues than Vogue | A lot of problems | 591 |
IQ | Intelligence quotient | 591 |
Shade | Disrespect | 591 |
Instadad | A man who marries a person with kids | 591 |
Fommy | Father mommy | 591 |
Truth bomb | A surprising but true statement | 591 |
Whitesplain | To explain something as a white person | 591 |
Fleek | Perfect | 591 |
Cuffing season | The fall and winter time period where people begin relationships | 591 |
Christmas creep | The slow expansion of the Christmas shopping season | 591 |
Ope | Expression of surprise | 591 |
Friend zone | A relationship where a person's love interest thinks of them as just a friend | 591 |
Red flag | A warning sign | 591 |
Clout leech | A person who is friends with someone just to become more popular | 591 |
Leftist | A person with radical left-wing political views | 591 |
Zoomer | A person born between 1997 and 2012 | 591 |
Slime | A good friend | 591 |
Netflix cheating | Watching future episodes of a favorite Netflix show without your partner | 591 |
Cis | Cisgender | 591 |
Bi | Bisexual | 591 |
We move | We carry on | 591 |
Heather | A desirable person | 591 |
OK | Oll korrect | 591 |
Zombie lie | A disproven claim that still persists | 591 |
M/F | Male or female | 592 |
dat | That | 592 |
Pumped | Excited | 592 |
Benjamin | One hundred dollar bill | 592 |
Shotgun | Front passenger seat | 592 |
mula | Money | 592 |
Tootsies | Toes | 592 |
Word | Agree | 592 |
amp | To be loud and angry | 592 |
Hangry | Angry because you're hungry | 592 |
blog | Web log | 592 |
stats | Statistics | 592 |
Cab | Taxi | 592 |
neh | No | 592 |
Ginger | Red-head | 592 |
Photobomb | To pose in the background of a picture being taken | 592 |
Dough | Money | 592 |
Threads | Clothes | 592 |
Butterface | An attractive person with an unattractive face | 592 |
Shawtie | A fine female | 592 |
Swatting | Creating a false emergency to get a SWAT team to respond | 592 |
WWW | World Wide Web | 592 |
Friendzone | When someone just wants to be friends | 592 |
wanna | Want to | 592 |
Mansplain | When a man explains something in a condescending manner | 592 |
Bros before hoes | Guy friends are more important than romantic interests | 592 |
Sistah | Sister | 592 |
My b | My mistake | 592 |
Squad | Group of friends | 592 |
Revenge body | A physically fit body after breaking up | 592 |
Ghost cheeks | The warmth on a seat left by another person | 592 |
Headdesk | Extreme frustration | 592 |
Sawing logs | Sleeping | 592 |
YouTuber | A YouTube user | 592 |
Crunchy | Natural and sustainable lifestyle | 592 |
Girlfriend tax | Food taken by your girlfriend | 592 |
Relationship goals | An admirable relationship | 592 |
Dafuq | What the f*** | 592 |
Celine a scene | To add a Celine Dion song to a video for maximum emotional impact | 592 |
Whoja vu | Feeling that you have met someone before | 592 |
Alternative facts | Lies used to replace facts | 592 |
Caking | Flirting | 592 |
Thirst trap | A provocative action, message, video, or photo | 592 |
Bikini bridge | Space between a bikini bottom and stomach | 592 |
xmas | Christmas | 592 |
Goals | Desirable | 592 |
Clap back | A clever comeback | 592 |
Shook | Completely surprised | 592 |
Keep it 100 | Stay true to yourself | 592 |
Cancel | Shut down or force out | 592 |
Roofied | Drugged by a person | 592 |
Trumper | A Donald Trump supporter | 592 |
Outta pocket | Disreputable | 592 |
NFT | Non-fungible token | 592 |
WFX | Work from anywhere | 592 |
Bag | £1000 | 592 |
Bop | An excellent song or album | 592 |
Grails | A rare pair of sneakers | 592 |
Gatekeep | To police who has access to an identity or community | 592 |
Rager | An intense, large party | 592 |
ne1 | Anyone | 593 |
lawl | LOL | 593 |
Sic | Spelling incorrect | 593 |
Amped | Excited | 593 |
Huckleberry | The one you're looking for | 593 |
Douchebag | An arrogant jerk | 593 |
PC | Politically correct | 593 |
PTO | Paid time off | 593 |
Vibe | Atmosphere | 593 |
XYZ | Examine your zipper | 593 |
W2K | Windows 2000 | 593 |
ATM | Automated teller machine | 593 |
hon | Honey | 593 |
Tebowing | Getting in a position of praying | 593 |
Stud | An attractive male | 593 |
Swag | Free stuff | 593 |
Turf | Neighborhood | 593 |
MO | Modus operandi | 593 |
BMW | Bayerische Motoren Werke | 593 |
Appoholic | A person addicted to downloading apps | 593 |
Dank | High quality marijuana | 593 |
Lumbersexual | A well-groomed male who looks like a lumberjack | 593 |
Ratchet | Wretched | 593 |
Manspreader | A guy who sits with his legs spread wide | 593 |
Porcelain throne | Toilet | 593 |
Relationship weight | Weight gained from a romantic relationship | 593 |
Netflixing | Eating a lot of food when you mean to eat just a little | 593 |
Sugar daddy | An older man used for his money by a woman | 593 |
Respeck | Respect | 593 |
Liberal tears | Complaints from a liberal | 593 |
Benching | Using a person as a backup date | 593 |
Low-key | Modest | 593 |
Extra | Over the top | 593 |
Low key | Laid back | 593 |
Christmas bogus | Receiving nothing from your employer during Christmas | 593 |
CONUS | Contiguous United States | 593 |
Slaps | Is impressive | 593 |
Quaranfifteen | Weight gained during COVID-19 quarantine | 593 |
Blursday | Literally any day of the week, they're all the same now | 593 |
Lockdown | An order to stay where you are | 593 |
OG | Original | 593 |
BTS | Back to school | 593 |
Roaching | Secretly dating many romantic partners at the same time | 593 |
Love bombing | Bombarding someone with acts of adoration | 593 |
Chad | A physically fit, overly confident man | 593 |
WFA | Work from anywhere | 593 |
Vibe check | Checkup on a person's mood | 593 |
Trashy | Poor quality | 593 |
OnlyPlans | Consistently planning dates but never following through | 593 |
Rage bait | Online content meant to provoke rage | 593 |
Boy math | Male logic | 593 |
Mental gymnastics | A convoluted thought process | 593 |
TLC | Tender love and care | 594 |
ez | Easy | 594 |
AIM | AOL Instant Messenger | 594 |
VOD | Video on demand | 594 |
PR | Public relations | 594 |
tech | Technology | 594 |
Y | YMCA | 594 |
jelly | Jealous | 594 |
WPM | Words per minute | 594 |
RTB | Real-time bidding | 594 |
Veggies | Vegetables | 594 |
Dougie | Dance move | 594 |
John | Toilet | 594 |
Crimbo | Christmas | 594 |
Brain fart | Brief absence of intelligence | 594 |
PSA | Public Service Announcement | 594 |
puter | Computer | 594 |
Cowboy Up | Get tough | 594 |
Brenner | Breakfast for dinner | 594 |
Slacktivist | Lazy activist | 594 |
Twinning | Saying or doing something in coordination with another person | 594 |
Nonpology | A non-apology | 594 |
Broham | Close friend | 594 |
fam | Family | 594 |
Moon door | To get rid of | 594 |
Red wedding | A disaster | 594 |
Hots | Attraction to a person | 594 |
Textpectation | Expectation of waiting for a text | 594 |
Unlightening | Giving information that makes a person dumber | 594 |
Staycation | A vacation near your home | 594 |
Ugly sleep | Deep sleep | 594 |
Mic drop | The end | 594 |
Snoozefeed | To scroll your newsfeed instead of getting out of bed | 594 |
Emoji tennis | Texting emojis back and forth | 594 |
Videobomb | To pose in the background of a video | 594 |
Alpha mom | A dominant female in a group of mothers | 594 |
Burritoing | Wrapping yourself tightly in blankets | 594 |
MAGA | Make America Great Again | 594 |
MSM | Mainstream media | 594 |
SFW | Safe for work | 594 |
Hot potting | Soaking in a superheated thermal spring | 594 |
Drain the swamp | To remove corruption | 594 |
No chill | Uncalm | 594 |
Cuffing | Linking up in a relationship with a person | 594 |
Shipping | Hoping for two people to get into a relationship | 594 |
Peacocking | Showing off | 594 |
fitspo | Fitness inspiration | 594 |
Bisous | Kisses | 594 |
Turkey day | Thanksgiving day | 594 |
High maintenance | Requiring a lot of attention | 594 |
Church | Perfect | 594 |
Primenesia | Forgetting what you ordered through Amazon Prime | 594 |
Beta orbiter | Someone who hovers around a person to make a romantic advance | 594 |
Cyberbullying | Bullying a person using technology | 594 |
Throwing hands | Fighting | 594 |
rona | Coronavirus | 594 |
SJW | Social Justice Warrior | 594 |
Virtue signaling | Demonstrating moral superiority | 594 |
Slim thick | A female body shape | 594 |
stimmy | Stimulus check | 594 |
Dadication | Fatherly dedication | 594 |
ye | Yes | 594 |
Hard pass | Absolutely not | 594 |
Grass | Cannabis | 594 |
Cracked | Crazy | 594 |
Haunting | Following a romantic partner on social media after abruptly leaving them | 594 |
Minnesota goodbye | A drawn-out goodbye | 594 |
Real one | A dependable, authentic friend | 594 |
func | Function | 594 |
Ghosted | Abandoned | 594 |
Techie | Someone well-versed in technology | 594 |
J6 | January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol Attack | 594 |
Funcle | A fun uncle | 594 |
Amazombie | A person who returns Amazon packages | 594 |
MFA | Made for advertising | 594 |
gr8 | Great | 595 |
OT | Overtime | 595 |
PHAT | Pretty hot and tempting | 595 |
AOL | America Online | 595 |
h/w | Homework | 595 |
ID10T | Idiot | 595 |
GSOH | Great sense of humor | 595 |
YABA | Yet another bloody acronym | 595 |
hw | Hardware | 595 |
dced | Disconnected | 595 |
EOL | End of life | 595 |
Diss | Disrespect | 595 |
obvi | Obviously | 595 |
Vet | Veteran | 595 |
vid | Video | 595 |
pkmn | Pokémon | 595 |
GF | Gluten-free | 595 |
TA | Teaching assistant | 595 |
Shorty | A fine female | 595 |
Ride | Vehicle | 595 |
Broseph | A male friend | 595 |
Cracker | A white person | 595 |
Whaling | Acting like a breaching whale | 595 |
Llello | Cocaine | 595 |
Jackpotting | Winning | 595 |
Crunk | Crazy and drunk | 595 |
playa | Player | 595 |
Sext | Sexually explicit message | 595 |
Turnt up | Excited | 595 |
Clickbait | Web content created to attract visitors | 595 |
Lip sweater | Mustache | 595 |
Metrosexual | A male who is meticulous about fashion and grooming | 595 |
Dutch leave | Leaving without saying goodbye | 595 |
ppd | Postponed | 595 |
Shut up and take my money | I want to purchase that | 595 |
Dadbod | Male body type with excessive weight in the midsection | 595 |
Furry | Fan of anthropomorphic animals | 595 |
Smarts | Intelligence | 595 |
Yuccie | Young urban creative | 595 |
Cellfish | Inconsiderate of others while talking on the phone | 595 |
Internest | A comfy spot to surf the Internet | 595 |
Sprang break | Spring break | 595 |
Selfie stick | An extendable pole with a smartphone on the end | 595 |
Name shame | Inability to remember a person's name | 595 |
Normcore | Neutral clothing anti-fashion trend | 595 |
Kidult | An adult who acts like a kid | 595 |
Phantom buzz | False phone vibration in your pocket | 595 |
Froyo | Frozen yogurt | 595 |
Petextrian | A person who walks and texts | 595 |
Dime | Perfect ten | 595 |
Bruh | Friend | 595 |
Sugar mama | An older woman used for her money by a man | 595 |
Honeygal | A woman used for her money | 595 |
Push present | A gift the father gives to the mother of a newborn baby | 595 |
Foodie | A person who loves food | 595 |
To search the Internet | 595 | |
Spam | Unhelpful and annoying content | 595 |
Secondhand hate | Receiving hate because of your friend | 595 |
Nowish | Sometime close to now | 595 |
Unicorn | Rare LuLaRoe item | 595 |
Whitelash | White voter backlash | 595 |
Scrollaxing | Scrolling through social media and email to relax | 595 |
Third wheel | A person who feels left out | 595 |
Beyhive | Dedicated fans of Beyoncé | 595 |
Shoot my shot | I'm going for it | 595 |
Woman crush | A likable woman | 595 |
Unicorn | A uniquely perfect person | 595 |
Ugly hot | Physically attractive despite some ugly features | 595 |
Receipts | Evidence that proves a claim | 595 |
Living my best life | Making decisions based on who you are | 595 |
Cyberbully | A person who bullies someone using technology | 595 |
Corona bump | Elbow bump with a person to avoid spreading the coronavirus | 595 |
Go off | Angrily complain | 595 |
Holidate | A platonic holiday date | 595 |
Work it | Show off your stuff | 595 |
Speak truth to power | Stand up for what is right | 595 |
Grinch bot | Software used to quickly snatch up products online | 595 |
Ex | A former significant other | 595 |
Blackfishing | Pretending to be ethnically Black | 595 |
Stashing | Dating a person but unwilling to publicly acknowledge it | 595 |
Lunching | Acting stupid | 595 |
Ballin | Succeeding | 595 |
Bing bong | Expression of emphasis | 595 |
Sheeple | People that are easily manipulated | 595 |
John Doe | Placeholder name for an unknown man | 595 |
Normie | A person whose tastes are mainstream | 595 |
Ate that | Dominated | 595 |
On God | I swear to God | 595 |
snirt | Dirty snow | 595 |
Holiday orphan | A person with nowhere to go on a holiday | 595 |
Nippy | Cold | 595 |
Mullet | Hairstyle that is short in front and long in back | 595 |
Cake eater | A person from a wealthy background | 595 |
You betcha | Certainly | 595 |
Buzzkill | Something that spoils a good mood | 595 |
Nono Germany | Nazi Germany | 595 |
Gen Alpha | Generation of people born between 2013 and 2025 | 595 |
Skibidi | A nonsensical word | 595 |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid | 596 |
RT | Real-time | 596 |
SNAFU | Situation normal, all fouled up | 596 |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get | 596 |
tel | Telephone | 596 |
PM | Postmeridian | 596 |
EG | For example | 596 |
FUD | Fear, uncertainty, and doubt | 596 |
txt | Text | 596 |
ICO | In care of | 596 |
FORGIVE | Faith, Obedience, Righteousness, Grace, Inheritance, Victory, Edification | 596 |
b/w | Between | 596 |
TBA | To be announced | 596 |
STAR | Stop, think, act, review | 596 |
CS | | 596 |
PYT | Pretty young thing | 596 |
TBE | To be edited | 596 |
bio | Bathroom | 596 |
BBS | Bulletin board system | 596 |
Metagame | Outside game preparation and strategies | 596 |
AC | Air conditioning | 596 |
Crib | House | 596 |
feds | Federal agents | 596 |
Kosher | Acceptable | 596 |
POUS | President of the United States | 596 |
Lamer | Clueless person | 596 |
Lefties | Liberals | 596 |
Moolah | Money | 596 |
naw | No | 596 |
PS2 | PlayStation 2 | 596 |
A7X | Avenged Sevenfold | 596 |
LGBT | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender | 596 |
Props | Propers | 596 |
feat | Featuring | 596 |
187 | Code for murder | 596 |
Tight | Close | 596 |
Wack | Strange | 596 |
Gank | Steal | 596 |
Ill | Cool | 596 |
Spacing | Not paying attention | 596 |
Kicks | Shoes | 596 |
Narc | A person who shares secrets | 596 |
Senioritis | Senior laziness | 596 |
fab | Fabulous | 596 |
CC | Credit card | 596 |
Janky | Of poor or inferior quality | 596 |
Doo | Excrement | 596 |
Doo-doo | Poop | 596 |
fro | Afro | 596 |
Gravy | Good | 596 |
Bounce | To leave | 596 |
JP | Jurassic Park | 596 |
hood | Neighborhood | 596 |
Ice | Diamonds | 596 |
OMAM | Of Mice and Men | 596 |
NL | National League | 596 |
Trekkie | A Star Trek Fan | 596 |
Tree | Marijuana | 596 |
Jorts | Jean shorts | 596 |
VIP | Very important person | 596 |
Burn | Diss | 596 |
PTI | Pardon the interruption | 596 |
Grand | A thousand dollars | 596 |
Prancercise | A prance-like exercise | 596 |
B&E | Breaking and entering | 596 |
Craydar | Ability to detect craziness | 596 |
Cougar | An older woman who dates younger men | 596 |
Neckbeard | Nerd | 596 |
Tweenager | A pre-teenager | 596 |
Rocket | Attractive person | 596 |
Basic | Low sophistication | 596 |
Douchebaggery | Obnoxious behavior | 596 |
Manny | A male nanny | 596 |
Flatlander | A person who lives in a non-mountainous region | 596 |
PST | Pacific Standard Time | 596 |
Datenapping | Napping during a date | 596 |
My bad | My mistake | 596 |
Unkeyboardinated | Uncoordinated with a keyboard | 596 |
Askhole | A person who asks many stupid questions | 596 |
Killin it | Being awesome | 596 |
Instagrandpa | A male who is terrible at using Instagram | 596 |
Artsy | Display of artistic style | 596 |
Daddy shaming | Shaming dads for their choices | 596 |
typo | Typographical error | 596 |
Onion check | To check the source of a news headline | 596 |
TGAL | Think globally, act locally | 596 |
Super Bowl baby | A baby conceived after the Super Bowl | 596 |
Fruit salad of life | Results of a person's life decisions | 596 |
NASCAR dad | A white, working-class father | 596 |
Forever alone | Single | 596 |
Trophy husband | An attractive husband | 596 |
Phubbing | Snubbing a person to be on your phone | 596 |
Granola | Environmental and health-focused lifestyle | 596 |
Brexit | British exit from the European Union | 596 |
Slept | To hit someone hard | 596 |
Calexit | California exit from the United States | 596 |
Truthiness | Truth based on feelings | 596 |
Hot pot | To soak in a hot spring | 596 |
Sauce | Style | 596 |
How bow dah | How about that | 596 |
Giving me life | Exciting me | 596 |
Draking | Acting emotional | 596 |
et al | And others | 596 |
Catch and release | To flirt with someone then stop when the person wants commitment | 596 |
Bail | To quickly leave | 596 |
Crash | To quickly fall asleep | 596 |
Turn two | To work hard on a job | 596 |
Merry textmas | Christmas greetings sent by text message | 596 |
Cupcake | A young female who seeks favor with powerful men | 596 |
Zero chill | No ability to stay calm | 596 |
Show me the receipts | Show me the proof | 596 |
Turtling | Breaching of a bowel movement | 596 |
LGBTTQQIAAP | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, and Pansexual | 596 |
Situationship | A relationship that is more than friendship but not yet romantic | 596 |
Snaccident | An accidental consumption of an entire snack | 596 |
Throuple | A romantic relationship between three people | 596 |
Thruple | A romantic relationship between three people | 596 |
Womance | A platonic friendship between two or more females | 596 |
OK Millennial | Whatever, young person | 596 |
Weird flex | Strange brag | 596 |
Latte papa | An attractive Swedish dad | 596 |
Doom-scrolling | Scrolling to find bad news | 596 |
Curve | Reject | 596 |
Yikes | Wow | 596 |
Sorority squat | Hands-on-knees, butt-out group photo pose | 596 |
MAGAA | Make America Great Again, Again | 596 |
Citiot | Idiot from the city | 596 |
Wuv | Love | 596 |
Friend of Dorothy | A person who identifies as LGBTQ | 596 |
RINO | Republican in name only | 596 |
Nekkid | Naked | 596 |
Incel | Involuntary celibate | 596 |
Swipe right | Approve | 596 |
Japandi | Japanese and Scandinavian hybrid design | 596 |
That ain't it | That's no good | 596 |
Faucism | Covid-related fascism led by Dr. Anthony Fauci | 596 |
Bones | Basic structure | 596 |
Cheugy | Something that is outdated or inauthentic | 596 |
CRT | Critical Race Theory | 596 |
GLBT | Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender | 596 |
Anti-masker | A person who opposes masks | 596 |
Submarining | Dating a person, disappearing, then reappearing | 596 |
Zombieing | Returning to someone you left abruptly and acting like you mutually ended it | 596 |
Caspering | Ending a relationship in a friendly, but confusing way | 596 |
Big mad | Very angry | 596 |
Wokespeak | Vocabulary that indicates awareness of social issues | 596 |
Before times | Life before COVID-19 | 596 |
TP | Toilet paper | 596 |
On fire | Performing very well | 596 |
Hype | Awesome | 596 |
Function | A party | 596 |
Helicopter mom | An overly involved mom | 596 |
Ding | Small dent or scratch | 596 |
Nepo baby | A child who benefits from a famous parent | 596 |
Sloshed | Intoxicated | 596 |
Ick | Gross | 596 |
Mom bro | A very protective guy | 596 |
Moving mad | Acting out of character | 596 |
finter | Late Fall and early winter | 596 |
Touch grass | Return to reality | 596 |
Theobro | A conservative male that argues Christian theology | 596 |
Tip creep | Expansion of services prompting tips | 596 |
Tipflation | Inflation of monetary tips | 596 |
Comb-over | Hairstyle where hair is combed to one side of the head | 596 |
Not bad | Good | 596 |
No yeah | Yes | 596 |
Brick house | A voluptuous woman | 596 |
Beige flag | An odd but unproblematic trait | 596 |
Energy vampire | A person who sucks your emotional energy | 596 |
Catch the bus | To commit suicide | 596 |
Kenough | Feeling of adequacy in your identity | 596 |
GenAI | Generative AI | 596 |
On foe nem grave | I swear | 596 |
Foe nem | Friend | 596 |
Cheapfake | Authentic-looking media fabricated by affordable technology | 596 |
Demure | Modest, simple, and mindful | 596 |
Hygge | Coziness, comfort, and contentment | 596 |
Spooky szn | Halloween atmosphere during September and October | 596 |
CPS | Clicks per second | 596 |
Retail therapy | Shopping to feel better | 596 |
Brain rot | Negative effects from excessive Internet content | 596 |
Chopped | Unattractive | 596 |
n | And | 597 |
sysop | System operator | 597 |
BYOB | Bring your own beer | 597 |
IM | Instant messenger | 597 |
TLA | Three letter acronym | 597 |
GAS | Gear Acquisition Syndrome | 597 |
BH | Bloody hell | 597 |
ack | Acknowledged | 597 |
PDQ | Pretty darn quick | 597 |
ETD | Estimated time of departure | 597 |
HAGS | Have a great summer | 597 |
HPDC | Happy People Don't Complain | 597 |
ea | Each | 597 |
G6 | Gulfstream G650 | 597 |
SWAG | Scientific wild a** guess | 597 |
OJ | Orange juice | 597 |
attn | Attention | 597 |
Freebie | A free item or service | 597 |
OPI | Overpaid idiot | 597 |
Jet | Leave quickly | 597 |
DINK | Double income no kids | 597 |
LARP | Live action role-playing | 597 |
Larping | Live action role-playing | 597 |
meds | Medications | 597 |
awks | Awkward | 597 |
Attny | Attorney | 597 |
Pad | Home | 597 |
WC | Water closet | 597 |
Plastic | Credit card | 597 |
rox | Rocks | 597 |
Shaft | Exploitation | 597 |
sho | Sure | 597 |
Skinny | Information | 597 |
ROUS | Rodents of unusual size | 597 |
td | Touchdown | 597 |
Bridezilla | A demanding bride | 597 |
yada | Blah blah | 597 |
4WD | Four-wheel drive | 597 |
Automagically | Magically automatic | 597 |
Fox | An attractive woman | 597 |
Intexticated | Texting while driving | 597 |
RHCP | Red Hot Chili Peppers | 597 |
Jock | Athlete | 597 |
bout | About | 597 |
prof | Professor | 597 |
Goon | An unintelligent, often muscular person | 597 |
HR | Human resources | 597 |
LMS | Learning Management System | 597 |
CMS | Content Management System | 597 |
HS | High school | 597 |
Maccas | McDonald's | 597 |
Manscaping | Strategic shaving of male body hair | 597 |
doo | Dude | 597 |
Chrismukkah | Christmas and Hanukkah | 597 |
stache | Mustache | 597 |
Bread | Money | 597 |
Buhbye | Goodbye | 597 |
Hater | A person who is angry or jealous of someone | 597 |
Scrilla | Money | 597 |
Cushty | Cool | 597 |
Grill | Face | 597 |
Fugly | F***ing ugly | 597 |
mcds | McDonald's | 597 |
Clowning | Joking | 597 |
Be easy | Be calm | 597 |
Take it easy | Calm down | 597 |
Ghetto blaster | Large, portable radio | 597 |
VVS | Vertical video syndrome | 597 |
Beefcake | A muscular person | 597 |
Pac-manning | Driving in the middle of the road | 597 |
G-Walk | Footwork-based dance move | 597 |
Swole | Very muscular | 597 |
AFOL | Adult fan of Lego | 597 |
Make it snow | To toss money in the air | 597 |
Lit | Intoxicated | 597 |
Joint | Place | 597 |
Floss | To show off wealth | 597 |
Nope | No | 597 |
Oops | Exclamation of a mistake | 597 |
Ridonculous | Ridiculous | 597 |
lemme | Let me | 597 |
DWI | Driving while intoxicated | 597 |
Nosecicles | Icicles on your nose | 597 |
Dressgate | Controversy about the colors of a dress | 597 |
Ohp | Surprised | 597 |
Verbal punches | Words intended to hurt | 597 |
Making bank | Earning money | 597 |
Find your silence | Be quiet | 597 |
Dudevorce | End of a friendship between two guys | 597 |
Bedgasm | Feeling of euphoria after laying down in bed | 597 |
Nerdjacking | Hijacking a conversation with nerd talk | 597 |
Winning | Succeeding | 597 |
Put out fires | Get out of difficult situations | 597 |
Crossfaded | Drunk and high | 597 |
Yeet | Excited | 597 |
What is good | How is it going? | 597 |
Fungry | F****** hungry | 597 |
Filler | Unnecessary content | 597 |
That moment when | Remember that time when | 597 |
Crash your squad | Join your group of friends | 597 |
Pet parents | Pet owners that treat their pet like a child | 597 |
Hacktivist | Hacker activist | 597 |
Take a smellfie | To sniff your armpit | 597 |
Birther | A person who believes Obama is not a US citizen | 597 |
Soccer mom | A suburban mom whose world revolves around her kids | 597 |
Talking head | A person on TV who gives information or opinions | 597 |
Conversational remorse | Regret for not saying something in a conversation | 597 |
Fat shaming | Criticizing a person for being overweight | 597 |
First world problem | An insignificant problem | 597 |
Birdnesting | Using one home for kids of divorced parents | 597 |
Spicy | Awesome | 597 |
Harambe | Gorilla killed by Cincinatti Zoo officials | 597 |
PLUR | Peace Love Unity Respect | 597 |
Spammy | Content that features a lot of spam | 597 |
Anchor baby | A baby that helps its mother gain citizenship | 597 |
Damaged goods | A person who has one or more major flaws | 597 |
Mannequin challenge | Challenge that involves one or more people freezing in place | 597 |
Weak sauce | Lame | 597 |
Shizzle | S*** | 597 |
Tindering | Using Tinder | 597 |
Friends with benefits | Friends that often get intimate | 597 |
Fiver party | A birthday party for a child where guests give $5 | 597 |
Dreamer | A person protected under DACA | 597 |
Peng | Sexy | 597 |
SWOT | Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats | 597 |
Boomerang child | An adult who moves out of his parents' home but moves back in | 597 |
Earmuffs | Cover your ears | 597 |
Food baby | A bloated stomach from eating a lot of food | 597 |
Squad goals | A group of friends that another group of friends aspires to be | 597 |
Done | I can't deal with it | 597 |
Crushing | Obsessed | 597 |
Mimbo | A dumb and attractive male | 597 |
Glam shaming | Criticizing a person for being too glamorous | 597 |
OCONUS | Outside of contiguous United States | 597 |
Give us the tea | Share your gossip with us | 597 |
Weak tea | Boring gossip | 597 |
Motorhead | A person who is knowledgeable about motors | 597 |
LGBTQA | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual | 597 |
Toxic | Negative | 597 |
NB | Non-binary | 597 |
Enby | A non-binary person | 597 |
wypipo | White people | 597 |
Brother zone | A relationship where a person's love interest thinks of him as a brother | 597 |
Big mood | This is definitely how I'm feeling | 597 |
OK Boomer | Whatever, old person | 597 |
Beat | To apply makeup | 597 |
Uncanny Valley | The point where human-like robots appear creepy to humans | 597 |
Performative allyship | Allyship that is performed to gain social standing | 597 |
Ace | Asexual | 597 |
Infodemic | A viral spread of misinformation | 597 |
Facts | Agreed | 597 |
AOC plus three | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib | 597 |
Glamping | Glamorous camping | 597 |
ACV | After coronavirus | 597 |
hand sanni | Hand sanitizer | 597 |
44 | President Barack Obama | 597 |
BHM | Black History Month | 597 |
Bish | B**** | 597 |
Sleeping on | Underestimating | 597 |
Qultist | A QAnon believer | 597 |
Wokefishing | Pretending to have progressive political views | 597 |
dem | Democrat | 597 |
Jazz cabbage | Cannabis | 597 |
Trash streaming | Performing crude acts online in exchange for donations from viewers | 597 |
Evangelical | A Christian who identifies with the Evangelicalism movement | 597 |
Hygiene theater | Hygienic tactics performed to make people feel safer | 597 |
Blow up | To become successful | 597 |
Trans | Transgender | 597 |
Glitching | Dance move that includes subtle jerks synced to music | 597 |
CODA | Child of Deaf Adults | 597 |
KODA | Kid of Deaf Adults | 597 |
Cusper | A person born at the intersection of two generations | 597 |
Zillennial | A person born within a few years of 1996 | 597 |
Wayment | Wait a minute | 597 |
MWWS | Missing white woman syndrome | 597 |
Terf | A trans-exclusionary radical feminist | 597 |
Fail up | To be promoted despite failure | 597 |
Kittenfishing | Embellishing traits about yourself to create a false profile | 597 |
Cringeworthy | Upsetting | 597 |
Tope | Tight and dope | 597 |
Wagwan | What's going on? | 597 |
Trumpster | A Donald Trump supporter | 597 |
Republicrat | A politician who profits from supporting corporate interests | 597 |
Down bad | Depressed | 597 |
Buff | Muscular | 597 |
Love bomber | A person who uses excessive acts to secure a relationship | 597 |
X | Ecstasy | 597 |
Soft yes | A tepid agreement | 597 |
Coming for necks | Means business | 597 |
Hardballing | Voicing expectations before the first date | 597 |
Review bombing | Blasting a movie or show with negative reviews | 597 |
Gen Xer | A person born between 1965 and 1980 | 597 |
Quiet quitting | Only doing the minimum requirements for a job | 597 |
Main character energy | Confidence and poise | 597 |
Cop | A police officer | 597 |
Putting on a clinic | Performing exceptionally well | 597 |
Red wave | Sweeping victories for Republicans | 597 |
wautumn | Winter weather during autumn | 597 |
Work girlfriend | Best female friend at work | 597 |
Dox | To reveal confidential information without consent | 597 |
Tip fatigue | Weariness of tipping workers | 597 |
Skullet | Shaved head with long hair in the back | 597 |
Jacked | Incredibly muscular | 597 |
Ripped | Muscular | 597 |
do | Hairdo | 597 |
Fashy | Fascist | 597 |
Lettuce | Thick, curly, beautiful hair | 597 |
n | No | 597 |
Alpha | A person born between 2013 and 2025 | 597 |
Parennial | A parent born between 1981 and 1996 | 597 |
Zennial | A person born in the mid-1990s | 597 |
Pop | A carbonated soft drink | 597 |
Up north | Anywhere north of your location | 597 |
False spring | Spring-like weather followed by winter weather | 597 |
Hot dish | A type of baked casserole served hot in a dish | 597 |
Girl code | Etiquette between female friends | 597 |
Soft life | Lifestyle that prioritizes joy and reduces stress | 597 |
Workaholic | A person who is constantly working | 597 |
Grind culture | An environment that promotes incessant working | 597 |
PNM | Potential new member | 597 |
Vent | Express frustration | 597 |
Java | Coffee | 597 |
Cheesin | Smiling | 597 |
Stunad | An unintelligent person | 597 |
Net net | Bottom line | 597 |
Remote drop | An enjoyable TV show or movie you don't want to turn off | 597 |
Emoji dumping | Breaking up with someone via emoji | 597 |
AWOL | Absent without official leave | 597 |
nuggies | Chicken nuggets | 597 |
Avgeek | An aviation enthusiast | 597 |
natty | Natural Light | 597 |
LANK | Let a naysayer know | 597 |
Dub | $20 worth of marijuana | 597 |
Wut it do | How are you doing | 597 |
Doorbuster | A steep discount | 597 |
Big back | An overweight person | 597 |
Bleisure | Business and leisure travel | 597 |
Chopped huzz | An unattractive female | 597 |
Cooked | Defeated | 597 |
COB | Close of business | 598 |
FIL | Father-in-law | 598 |
w/ | With | 598 |
w/o | Without | 598 |
4 | For | 598 |
IE | That is | 598 |
Mr | Mister | 598 |
Prolly | Probably | 598 |
Pax | Peace and Love | 598 |
AP | Attachment parenting | 598 |
Yer | Your | 598 |
NG | No good | 598 |
HOPE | Highlights of Personal Experience | 598 |
4ward | Forward | 598 |
bup | Backup Plan | 598 |
abbrev | Abbreviation | 598 |
peeps | People | 598 |
FIFO | First in, first out | 598 |
LIFO | Last in, first out | 598 |
OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder | 598 |
Dome | Head | 598 |
nite | Night | 598 |
Dip | To leave | 598 |
RDT | Relationship defining talk | 598 |
PE | Physical education | 598 |
fella | Fellow person | 598 |
grr | Anger | 598 |
tat | Tattoo | 598 |
intel | Intelligence | 598 |
Juice | Power and influence | 598 |
Juiced | Excited | 598 |
sitch | Situation | 598 |
PB&J | Peanut butter and jelly | 598 |
PJs | Pajamas | 598 |
Sack | Bed | 598 |
Shady | Disreputable | 598 |
Snap | Shoot! | 598 |
Tada | Announcement | 598 |
tard | Retard | 598 |
Thang | Thing | 598 |
Undies | Underwear | 598 |
Veg | Do nothing | 598 |
Vet | Veterinarian | 598 |
Wash | Result with no benefit | 598 |
Whipped | Tired | 598 |
Whiz | A smart person | 598 |
Wonky | Weird | 598 |
yall | You all | 598 |
yepperz | Yes | 598 |
neva | Never | 598 |
Hubby | Husband | 598 |
Tix | Tickets | 598 |
rad | Radical | 598 |
Cheerio | Goodbye | 598 |
LZ | Led Zeppelin | 598 |
Brah | Friend | 598 |
Moss | Relax | 598 |
Spit | To flirt | 598 |
Fresh | Brand new | 598 |
Fresh | Disrespectful | 598 |
Shortie | A fine female | 598 |
Joshing | Joking | 598 |
Teemo | Teenage Emo | 598 |
bt | Bluetooth | 598 |
Trekker | Star Trek Fan | 598 |
Bimbo | A dumb and attractive female | 598 |
Dood | Dude | 598 |
Brotastic | Fantastic | 598 |
Pig | A police officer | 598 |
Fitty | Fifty | 598 |
Jockin | Copying | 598 |
Honky | A white person | 598 |
Rollout | To leave | 598 |
Softie | A sentimental person | 598 |
BAC | Bad a** chick | 598 |
tru dat | True that | 598 |
Catch some rays | To go out in the sun | 598 |
Booyah | Hooray | 598 |
DQ | Dairy Queen | 598 |
HFCS | High fructose corn syrup | 598 |
sista | Sister | 598 |
Jookin | Footwork-based dance move | 598 |
Lip Dub | A lip synching music video | 598 |
Ink | Tattoo | 598 |
Make it rain | To throw money in the air | 598 |
Scratch | Money | 598 |
Scratch | To reverse the rotation of a record | 598 |
Cook | To make methamphetamine | 598 |
ALS | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | 598 |
toon | Cartoon | 598 |
Tweener | Tennis shot | 598 |
Turn up | To get crazy | 598 |
Turn down for what | I'm excited | 598 |
PBE | Personal Belief Exemption | 598 |
doncha | Don't you | 598 |
Hate-watch | To watch something you love to hate | 598 |
Hot mess | A disastrous person | 598 |
Humblebrag | A modest statement that draws positive attention | 598 |
avg | Average | 598 |
PT | Pacific time zone | 598 |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | 598 |
CST | Central Standard Time | 598 |
Broken | Hungover | 598 |
Hanger | Hunger and anger | 598 |
Man date | Date between two straight males | 598 |
Datenap | To nap during a date | 598 |
Nonversation | Meaningless conversation | 598 |
Hiberdating | Ignoring friends while dating a person | 598 |
Yuppie | Young urban professional | 598 |
Carcolepsy | A condition of falling asleep once the car moves | 598 |
Youniverse | Self-centered state of mind | 598 |
Beerboarding | Getting a person drunk in order to get information | 598 |
Mad | Very | 598 |
Mocker | A person who hangs out in a hammock | 598 |
Vape | To inhale and exhale vapor from an e-cigarette | 598 |
mirin | Admiring | 598 |
Gender ninja | An androgynous person | 598 |
Lag | Slow down of a game due to bad Internet connection | 598 |
Headphone zombie | An unresponsive person wearing headphones | 598 |
Poormouthing | Complaining about being poor when you are not poor | 598 |
Hacktivism | Hacker activism | 598 |
Paragraph texter | A person who types long texts | 598 |
Walmart mom | A mother who shops at Walmart and votes Republican | 598 |
Dad socks | Unfashionable socks often worn by dads | 598 |
Hundo P | Hundred percent | 598 |
Turnt | Excited | 598 |
Delete your account | Go away | 598 |
Pokédate | Pokémon Go date | 598 |
Burkini | A full-body Islamic swimming suit | 598 |
Threenager | A three year old that acts like a teenager | 598 |
Adorkable | Adorable in a dorky way | 598 |
Trumper tantrum | Lashing out at people on Twitter | 598 |
Bigly | Greatly | 598 |
Trumpism | A word popularized by Donald Trump | 598 |
Joyous Murray | A meme featuring a joyful Bill Murray | 598 |
Panic drink | A person's default drink | 598 |
Breastaurant | A restaurant that features scantily-clad waitresses | 598 |
Paratext | Paragraph text | 598 |
Don't tase me bro | Back off | 598 |
Promposal | A proposal to go to prom | 598 |
Nappetizer | A nap before performing an activity | 598 |
Layby | Flirting with a person when in a relationship | 598 |
Bonus dad | A man who co-parents a child | 598 |
Flop sweat | Nervous perspiration | 598 |
Non-date date | A hang out date | 598 |
Deal breaker | An issue that breaks up a relationship | 598 |
Snatched | Perfect | 598 |
WaPo | The Washington Post | 598 |
Stay in your lane | Stick to what you're good at | 598 |
Burner | A disposable cell phone | 598 |
Gaydar | Ability to detect homosexuality | 598 |
The Great Divider | The President of the United States | 598 |
Secondhand screen time | A parent's continuous partial attention to a child | 598 |
Tooling | Manipulating a person | 598 |
Mocktail | An alcohol-free cocktail | 598 |
Dying | Laughing so hard | 598 |
Duckface | Facial expression with puckered lips | 598 |
suh | What's up | 598 |
Permissive parenting | High responsiveness and low rule enforcement parenting style | 598 |
DNC | Democratic National Committee | 598 |
GOP | Grand Old Party | 598 |
Preggo | A pregnant person | 598 |
Earjacking | Listening in on someone else's conversation | 598 |
Fauxpology | Fake apology | 598 |
Food coma | Tired feeling after eating a lot of food | 598 |
Harry Chranukkah | Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas | 598 |
Name dropping | Bragging about a person you know | 598 |
Shoot your shot | You should go for it | 598 |
Thicc | Curvaceous body type | 598 |
Pregret | Knowing you will regret doing something but still doing it | 598 |
Big to the max | Enormous in size | 598 |
Live your best life | Be yourself | 598 |
Minimoon | A short honeymoon before the real honeymoon | 598 |
Textlationship | A relationship largely based on texting | 598 |
Crybully | A person who bullies people while playing the victim | 598 |
Mom shaming | Bullying a mom for her parenting choices | 598 |
Mommy shaming | Bullying a mom for her parenting choices | 598 |
Chreaster | A person who only attends church during Christmas and Easter | 598 |
Covidiot | A person who downplays the dangers of COVID-19 | 598 |
Tuff | Tough | 598 |
Went off | Angrily complained | 598 |
Zumping | Dumping someone over Zoom | 598 |
AOC | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | 598 |
The Squad | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib | 598 |
On it | Handling that task | 598 |
Matchy-matchy | Wearing matching couples outfits | 598 |
OGP | Online grocery pickup | 598 |
celly | Celebration | 598 |
Swipe left | Reject | 598 |
Accountant | A cover-up occupation | 598 |
Mutual | A person you follow on social media who also follows you | 598 |
HODL | Hold on for dear life | 598 |
Long-hauler | A person suffering long-term effects from COVID-19 | 598 |
vax | Vaccination | 598 |
Gray divorce | A divorce between adults 50 years and older | 598 |
BYOL | Bring your own liquor | 598 |
BYOF | Bring your own food | 598 |
STEM | Science, technology, engineering, and math | 598 |
Flop era | A period of disappointment | 598 |
blaccent | Black accent | 598 |
Anti-vax | Against vaccines | 598 |
Mooning | Setting a contact as do not disturb | 598 |
Cushioning | Pursuing romantic interests in case you break up | 598 |
Cricketing | Not replying to someone's message | 598 |
Juggersnot | A huge sneeze | 598 |
ADIP | Annoying, Difficult, Irascible, and Pestilent | 598 |
Mean-mugging | Facial expression that appears upset | 598 |
Jane Doe | Placeholder name for an unknown woman | 598 |
Sleep on | Underestimate | 598 |
Get after it | Go seize the day | 598 |
Dayger | A daytime rager | 598 |
Wet | Excellent | 598 |
Stunting | Showing off | 598 |
Lethal aid | Weapons gifted to another country | 598 |
Snap | A casual picture | 598 |
Donald Ducking | Walking around in just a shirt | 598 |
Pick me girl | A female desperate to impress a male | 598 |
Audiophile | A person passionate about audio reproduction | 598 |
Sic | Cool | 598 |
Talibangelical | An overzealous evangelical Christian | 598 |
Merk | To completely dominate | 598 |
Oregon trail'r | A person born in the late 1970s or early 1980s | 598 |
Cardboardeaux | Boxed wine | 598 |
Sheet | S*** | 598 |
Chef's kiss | Perfection | 598 |
All-nighter | Staying awake all night | 598 |
Insurrection barbie | A woman with ultra-conservative beliefs | 598 |
Side hustle | An extra job | 598 |
thinspo | Thin inspiration | 598 |
Eco-dumping | Dumping a person because of their environmental views | 598 |
Notifried | Tired of receiving notifications | 598 |
Shift shock | Surprise that a new job is not what you expected | 598 |
Trash | Terrible | 598 |
Big small | A body shape with a big belly and skinny legs | 598 |
Work wife | Favorite female work companion | 598 |
Work husband | Favorite male work companion | 598 |
DINKWAD | Double income no kids with a dog | 598 |
Hockey hair | Long, flowing hair with flipped wings | 598 |
Baited | Tricked by misleading information | 598 |
Radio baby | A person born between 1928 and 1945 | 598 |
Joneser | A person born between 1954 and 1964 | 598 |
Mrs | Missus | 598 |
Noice | Very nice | 598 |
Kneecapped | Greatly damaged | 598 |
Fur baby | A furry pet | 598 |
SINK | Single income, no kids | 598 |
Productivity paranoia | An unfounded fear that workers aren't working | 598 |
Uff da | Expression of dismay, surprise, or relief | 598 |
Sconnie | Wisconsin | 598 |
Dontcha know | Don't you know | 598 |
Yeah no | No | 598 |
Bro code | Etiquette between guys | 598 |
Soft saving | Saving less money for the future to live more in the present | 598 |
psyops | Psychological operations | 598 |
Bappin | Lying | 598 |
Marinated | Intoxicated | 598 |
Rage farming | Eliciting outrage to increase engagement | 598 |
Polycule | A connected group of non-monogamous relationships | 598 |
Carpe diem | Seize the day | 598 |
Deadly | Excellent | 598 |
Mama bear | An overprotective person | 598 |
Revenge arc | Quest to get revenge | 598 |
g | Gram | 598 |
Study buddy | A friend that a student studies with | 598 |
Cut class | Not attend class | 598 |
The ick | A feeling of disgust for your significant other | 598 |
Girl math | Female financial logic | 598 |
ICE | Invidious comparison eating | 598 |
Complisult | An insulting compliment | 598 |
Sandwich generation | Adults who care for their kids and parents simultaneously | 598 |
Delusionship | An imagined romatic relationship | 598 |
Hold this L | You lose | 598 |
Menu anxiety | Anxiousness about ordering at a restaurant | 598 |
MENA | The Middle East and North Africa | 598 |
Workcation | A working vacation | 598 |
Locked in | Doing well | 598 |
Ducking | Placing a rubber duck on a Jeep | 598 |
Mewing | Accentuating your jawline | 598 |
Autochasing | Pursuing a person to obtain their autograph | 598 |
WOT | Wide open throttle | 598 |
Cutting on | Teasing | 598 |
Stolen valor | False claims of military service | 598 |
Lead sled | A heavily modified automobile | 598 |
Leaf peeping | Enjoying the changing colors of autumn leaves | 598 |
Huzz | One or more females | 598 |
47 | President Donald Trump | 598 |
Talking smack | Saying disrespectful things | 598 |
CYWW2BY | See ya, wouldn't want to be ya | 599 |
RHIP | Rank hath its privileges | 599 |
e-ok | Electronically OK | 599 |
Pl | Playlist | 599 |
CIS | Consumer Information Service | 599 |
AM | Antemeridian | 599 |
u/l | Upload | 599 |
OO | On order | 599 |
OLTL | One Life to Live | 599 |
AIP | Agreement in principle | 599 |
SASE | Self-addressed stamped envelope | 599 |
TCB | Taking care of business | 599 |
TIPS | To insure prompt service | 599 |
TDL | The Do LaB | 599 |
4eva | Forever | 599 |
MI | Marching Illini | 599 |
ITR | Income Tax Return | 599 |
poed | P*ssed off | 599 |
GOW2 | Gears of War 2 | 599 |
BFTD | Best friends til death | 599 |
NB | Please note | 599 |
BUF | Big ugly fellow | 599 |
RFP | Request for proposal | 599 |
PNAR | Poppin and a ranging | 599 |
GTL | Gym, Tan, Laundry | 599 |
FOUO | For official use only | 599 |
Duh | Overly obvious | 599 |
Awesomesauce | Super awesome | 599 |
dept | Department | 599 |
Dig | Like | 599 |
GPA | Grade point average | 599 |
watevs | Whatever | 599 |
indie | Independent | 599 |
indy | Indianapolis | 599 |
Frealz | For real | 599 |
lib | Liberal | 599 |
nottie | Unattractive person | 599 |
ridic | Ridiculous | 599 |
Probs | Probably | 599 |
gorge | Gorgeous | 599 |
Oiy | Hey | 599 |
PBS | Public Broadcasting Service | 599 |
promo | Promotion | 599 |
Shucks | An expression of disappointment | 599 |
SOP | Standard operating procedure | 599 |
subs | Subwoofers | 599 |
Toodles | Goodbye | 599 |
tots | Tater tots | 599 |
Wannabe | A person who wants to be someone they are not | 599 |
Wee | Expression of excitement | 599 |
Wuss | Wimp | 599 |
xt | Cross-training | 599 |
Engrish | Bad Asian to English translation | 599 |
Gat | Gun | 599 |
Zing | Owned | 599 |
C/O | Care of | 599 |
PED | Performance enhancing drug | 599 |
BYODKM | Bring your own display, keyboard, and mouse | 599 |
MOOC | Massive open online course | 599 |
PIN | Personal identification number | 599 |
Attaboy | Good job | 599 |
Haterade | The drink of someone who disapproves of another's actions/lifestyle | 599 |
Cheers | Congratulations | 599 |
Wail | To be awesome | 599 |
FS | Full Screen | 599 |
every1 | Everyone | 599 |
STP | Stone Temple Pilots | 599 |
mo | More | 599 |
PGP | Preferred Gender Pronoun | 599 |
BR | Buyer's remorse | 599 |
RBR | Reverse buyer's remorse | 599 |
Attagirl | Good job | 599 |
Tacky | Bad taste | 599 |
Townie | A lifelong resident of one town | 599 |
p/m | Per month | 599 |
McD | McDonald's | 599 |
HP | Horsepower | 599 |
Fantabulous | Better than fantastic or fabulous | 599 |
Honkie | A white person | 599 |
Slammin | Awesome | 599 |
blzd | Blizzard | 599 |
Gangsta Walking | Dancing with intricate foot movement | 599 |
Dench | Cool | 599 |
Trippy | Bizarre | 599 |
Chugger | An overbearing fundraiser | 599 |
Redonkulous | Ridiculous | 599 |
beaut | Beautiful | 599 |
Served | Owned | 599 |
Jazzed | Excited | 599 |
Air punch | To punch the air in triumph | 599 |
Side-eye | Glance expressing disapproval | 599 |
Second screen | Mobile device used while watching TV | 599 |
Dead Presidents | Money | 599 |
Selfie-conscious | Self-conscious about taking a picture of yourself | 599 |
French exit | Leaving without saying goodbye | 599 |
ET | Eastern time zone | 599 |
MT | Mountain time zone | 599 |
est | Estimate | 599 |
Dropping faces | Spending money | 599 |
Suss | To discover | 599 |
mic | Microphone | 599 |
Costcop | A Costco worker who verifies your receipt | 599 |
Memeophobia | Fear of being in a viral picture or video | 599 |
On point | Perfect | 599 |
Bro date | An outing between two straight males | 599 |
Floordrobe | Floor with clothes piled on it | 599 |
I can't even | I don't know what to say | 599 |
Belfie | Butt selfie | 599 |
Fugazi | Fake | 599 |
Luckfully | Thankfully lucky | 599 |
Peep | Friend | 599 |
Li-fi | Wi-fi that appears to be free but tries to charge you | 599 |
Nomophobia | Fear of not being near your mobile device | 599 |
Trophy wife | An attractive wife of an older man | 599 |
Instagram wife | A person who has others take pictures of herself for Instagram | 599 |
Body shaming | Criticizing a person's body | 599 |
Birdnest | One home for kids of divorced parents | 599 |
Go home | Go away | 599 |
Lauering the bar | Lowering standards | 599 |
Tooth sweater | The feeling on your tooth from not brushing | 599 |
Jesus jeans | Jeans with a lot of holes | 599 |
Boyfriend bomb | A statement that reveals your crush has a boyfriend | 599 |
Slept | To get high | 599 |
Aleppo moment | A mental lapse | 599 |
Bonehead | A fan of Ken Bone | 599 |
Bonehead | Dumb | 599 |
Ghazi | Controversy | 599 |
Summat | Something | 599 |
Trumpshake | A handshake that lasts too long | 599 |
Juslim | Jewish and Muslim best friends | 599 |
Twitler | An overbearing Twitter user | 599 |
Sickening | Awesome | 599 |
Slow fade | To gradually stop talking to someone | 599 |
Tuning | Subtly flirting with a person | 599 |
Textationship | A relationship confined to texting | 599 |
HAM | Hard as a motherf***er | 599 |
Backdoor brag | An action meant to solicit admiration from others | 599 |
Hyped | Excited | 599 |
Kween | Queen | 599 |
Cyberslacking | Using an employer's Internet for personal activities while working | 599 |
Ego surfing | Searching the Internet for information about yourself | 599 |
Office rage | Anger from malfunctioning office equipment | 599 |
FKA | Formely known as | 599 |
Spreading the salt | Complaining about something | 599 |
Bro country | A subgenre of mainstream country music | 599 |
Trumpette | A female supporter of Donald Trump | 599 |
Nontroversy | A fabricated controversy | 599 |
Typeractive | Extremely talkative in digital communications | 599 |
ES | Elementary school | 599 |
Yankee | An American | 599 |
Yanky | An American | 599 |
Theyby | A gender-neutral baby | 599 |
Theybies | Gender-neutral babies | 599 |
Spill the T | Share the gossip | 599 |
Sneakerhead | A person who owns a lot of sneakers | 599 |
Gearhead | A person who is knowledgeable about mechanical objects | 599 |
Bust a cap | To shoot a gun | 599 |
LGBTQIA | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual | 599 |
sup | Stand up paddle board | 599 |
White fragility | Sensitivity of white people towards evidence of racism | 599 |
Slofie | A slow-motion selfie video | 599 |
Dad praising | Praising a dad for performing simple parenting duties | 599 |
Daddy praising | Praising a dad for performing simple parenting duties | 599 |
COPPA | Children's Online Privacy Protection Act | 599 |
BOGSAT | Bunch of guys sitting around talking | 599 |
CARE | Cover a**, retain employment | 599 |
Performative activist | A person who acts like an activist just to gain social standing | 599 |
WASP | White Anglo-Saxon Protestant | 599 |
Theybie | A gender-neutral baby | 599 |
Dog shot | To hit someone from behind | 599 |
Zoom town | A town that many remote workers are moving to | 599 |
In limbo | On hold | 599 |
SLAPP | Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation | 599 |
Cancerversary | An important date regarding a person's fight against cancer | 599 |
Frenemy | A person you dislike but are friendly with | 599 |
Snack | An attractive person | 599 |
BCV | Before coronavirus | 599 |
panny | Pandemic | 599 |
panny d | Pandemic | 599 |
TK | To come | 599 |
VPOTUS | Vice President | 599 |
Boss | Winning card | 599 |
Techlash | Backlash against big tech companies | 599 |
Cupcake | A gay man | 599 |
OGS | Old guy syndrome | 599 |
Fundie | A religious fundamentalist | 599 |
Fundie-lite | A very religious person | 599 |
Exvangelical | An ex-evangelical | 599 |
Cheug | A person that likes outdated or inauthentic things | 599 |
Divorce body | Physically fit body after divorcing | 599 |
Athleisure | Athletic, leisure fashion | 599 |
Living rent free | Being obsessed about | 599 |
Lake bagging | Tracking the lakes you have swum in | 599 |
Peak bagging | Tracking the mountain peaks you have hiked | 599 |
Hill bagging | Tracking the hilltops you have hiked | 599 |
Uggo | Ugly | 599 |
OOP | Out of production | 599 |
Hypergamy | Marrying up to increase status | 599 |
Hypogamy | Marrying someone of lower status | 599 |
Constellation | A network of polyamorous relationships | 599 |
Left on read | When a recipient reads a message but does not reply | 599 |
Glow up | To remarkably transform in a positive manner | 599 |
Pan | Pansexual | 599 |
Textual chemistry | Romantic chemistry between two people via text messages | 599 |
HAB | Hot air balloon | 599 |
vid | COVID-19 | 599 |
Fishing | Sending out several messages on a dating app | 599 |
RFQ | Request for quote | 599 |
Pocketing | Dating a person you are uncertain about | 599 |
Requestion | A question that is actually a request | 599 |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse | 599 |
Senator Karen | Senator Elizabeth Warren | 599 |
Metrification | Converting to the metric system | 599 |
Hot desking | Providing limited, unassigned desk space | 599 |
Skeezy | Distasteful | 599 |
Dink | Small dent | 599 |
Droid | Android | 599 |
Crashy | Crazy and trashy | 599 |
Went ghost | Disappeared | 599 |
Fauci-ing | Not dating a person because of covid | 599 |
Murk | To totally dominate | 599 |
Disney adult | An adult obsessed with Disney | 599 |
Rainbow washing | Claiming to be LGBTQ allies to make money | 599 |
QUILTBAG | Queer, Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Two-Spirit, Bisexual, Asexual, Allied, Gay, and/or Gender Queer | 599 |
TGNC | Transgender and gender non-conforming | 599 |
TGNCNB | Transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary | 599 |
The G | Girlfriend | 599 |
British exit | Leaving in a disruptive manner | 599 |
Hoovering | Sucking a person back into a relationship | 599 |
Cloaking | Disappearing from a romantic interest | 599 |
Pump fakin | Pretending to be tough | 599 |
College shower | Spraying clothes with air freshener | 599 |
Prejamas | Comfortable clothes for relaxing | 599 |
Infla-dating | Going on cheaper dates because of inflation | 599 |
sneet | Snow and sleet | 599 |
Buggin | Acting erratic | 599 |
MOC | My own creation | 599 |
Introvert hangover | Fatigue after spending time with people | 599 |
Thundersnow | A snowy thunderstorm | 599 |
Femullet | Female hairstyle that is short in front and long in back | 599 |
Bed head | Unkempt hair | 599 |
Jacked up | Wrecked | 599 |
Yoked | Very muscular | 599 |
BORG | Black out rage gallon | 599 |
Dreads | Dreadlocks | 599 |
Mop-top | Hairstyle with combed-over layers and side-swept fringe | 599 |
Oldilocks | Questionable hairstyle on an older person | 599 |
Mohawk | Middle hair strip with both sides of head shaved | 599 |
Cornrows | Hairstyle featuring braided rows | 599 |
y | Yes | 599 |
Beekeeping age | Attractive | 599 |
GI Generation | People born between 1901 and 1927 | 599 |
Xennial | A person born between 1977 and 1983 | 599 |
Voluntold | Forcefully volunteered | 599 |
Deadname | To call a person by a name they no longer use | 599 |
DJT | Donald J. Trump | 599 |
Tameka | An angry, verbally abusive woman | 599 |
G-man | A government agent | 599 |
HBTQ | Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer | 599 |
FN | Fabrique Nationale | 599 |
Minnesota nice | Reserved politeness and friendliness | 599 |
Soft launch | Teasing a new relationship on social media | 599 |
Fizzling | Letting lack of effort end a relationship | 599 |
Flyover state | A U.S. state between the west and east coasts | 599 |
Ts and Ps | Thoughts and prayers | 599 |
Security theater | Security measures that don't actually increase security | 599 |
Productivity theater | Actions workers take to fake effort and productivity | 599 |
Hustle culture | An environment that prioritizes working long hours | 599 |
Earrape | Horrible-sounding audio | 599 |
Threequel | The third installation in a series of works | 599 |
Throwing | Losing a winnable game on purpose | 599 |
Four-peat | Winning a championship four times in a row | 599 |
Boat | Face | 599 |
Ussie | A picture a person takes of themself and someone else | 599 |
Sealioning | Asking questions to frustrate a person | 599 |
Gassed | Excited | 599 |
Proxy beef | Disliking someone on your friend's behalf | 599 |
scandy | Scandal | 599 |
Touron | A moronic tourist | 599 |
Skint | Broke | 599 |
Sleep divorce | A couple sleeping in separate beds | 599 |
Que sera sera | Whatever will be will be | 599 |
Snowplow parent | A parent that removes obstacles for their kid | 599 |
iso | Isotonitazine | 599 |
GORP | Trail mix | 599 |
Freshman 15 | Weight a student gains during their first year of college | 599 |
Cozzie livs | Cost of living | 599 |
nuthin | Nothing | 599 |
Juiced | Intoxicated | 599 |
EVOO | Extra virgin olive oil | 599 |
FOBO | Fear of better options | 599 |
Analysis paralysis | Indecisiveness caused by overanalyzing options | 599 |
Snitch | To inform on others to an authority | 599 |
Main character | The most important person | 599 |
za | Pizza | 599 |
tater | Potato | 599 |
SMART | Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound | 599 |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation | 599 |
Gate lice | People congregating around an airport gate | 599 |
Looksmatch | Matching the attractiveness of another person | 599 |
Homie | Friend | 599 |
Rawdogging | Enduring a flight without indulgences | 599 |
Deepfake | An authentic-looking depiction of a person that is not real | 599 |
Greedflation | Rising prices due to greediness | 599 |
Venmo mom | A mom that donates money instead of volunteers | 599 |
Pole | A firearm | 599 |
Logo kid | A child obsessed with logos | 599 |
Yapping | Talking excessively | 599 |
Lost the plot | Acted irrationally | 599 |
chuzz | An unattractive female | 599 |
Baddie | An attractive female | 599 |
Coffee badging | Briefly visiting the workplace for leaving to work from home | 599 |
Spicy | Scandalous | 599 |
BIL | Brother-in-law | 600 |
w/e | Whatever | 600 |
chingo | Chat lingo | 600 |
ACD | Alt-Control-Delete | 600 |
ICE | In case of emergency | 600 |
FOB | Fresh off the boat | 600 |
G9 | Genius | 600 |
FUSIT | Fouled up situation | 600 |
ROM | Rough order of magnitude | 600 |
TBR | To be revised | 600 |
cell | Cell phone | 600 |
whatevs | Whatever | 600 |
Cheesy | Lame humor | 600 |
Mojo | Attractive talent | 600 |
Num | Tasty | 600 |
Doucheling | Partial douchebag | 600 |
Douche | Douchebag | 600 |
Dbag | Douchebag | 600 |
ight | Alright | 600 |
Wasted | Intoxicated | 600 |
xc | Cross country | 600 |
FNG | Flippin' new guy | 600 |
Mid | In the middle of | 600 |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant | 600 |
mag | Magazine | 600 |
WP | WordPress | 600 |
BK | Burger King | 600 |
Beemer | A BMW vehicle | 600 |
Beamer | A BMW vehicle | 600 |
WCM | Warcraft Movies | 600 |
WWWF | World Wide Wrestling Federation | 600 |
Thanksgivukkah | Thanksgiving and Hanukkah | 600 |
Face | In your face | 600 |
BT | Bad taste | 600 |
iv | Interview | 600 |
Babe | An attractive person | 600 |
p/w | Per week | 600 |
p/y | Per year | 600 |
churrin | Children | 600 |
Jockin my style | Copycatting | 600 |
Blow | Cocaine | 600 |
Brepper | Breakfast for supper | 600 |
FLOTUS | First lady of the United States | 600 |
DBA | Doing business as | 600 |
Brotha | Friend | 600 |
Barney | Trouble | 600 |
Trippin | Overreacting | 600 |
Cabbage | Paper money | 600 |
Time-poor | Busy with little free time | 600 |
Coffice | Coffee shop office | 600 |
esp | Especially | 600 |
SWM | Single white male | 600 |
SWF | Single white female | 600 |
Netflix bipolar | Unable to choose what to watch on Netflix | 600 |
Braux pas | Awkward moment between two or more male friends | 600 |
Emergency walk | Brisk walk to the bathroom | 600 |
F-bomb | F*** | 600 |
Mocking | Hanging out in a hammock | 600 |
Bare | A lot | 600 |
Brofist | The connection of two or more bros' fists | 600 |
Instagrandma | A female who tries to use Instagram but fails | 600 |
Manspreading | Sitting with legs opened wide | 600 |
Hottish | Kind of attractive | 600 |
Multi-dadding | Having multiple children with different men | 600 |
Tiger mother | A mom who demands excellence from her child | 600 |
FWP | First world problem | 600 |
Brocation | Bro vacation | 600 |
Phelps face | Intimidating look | 600 |
Shiz | S*** | 600 |
Weave snatched | Impressed | 600 |
FOTF | Focus on the Family | 600 |
Trumpflake | A sensitive Trump supporter | 600 |
Drag | To insult | 600 |
Cheat sheet | A list of players ranked in order of fantasy value | 600 |
Storm stilettos | Controversial stilettos worn by Melania Trump | 600 |
High key | Obvious | 600 |
Crooked H | Hillary Clinton | 600 |
RNC | Republican National Committee | 600 |
Blamestorming | Brainstorming who to blame | 600 |
T-giving | Thanksgiving | 600 |
Invisible step | A dance move that involves pretending to step on a step | 600 |
Ghostlighting | Stop communicating with someone and pretend like you don't know him | 600 |
Christmas noob | A player playing a video game he received on Christmas for the first time | 600 |
Bible | Honestly | 600 |
Hunty | Honey | 600 |
Boi | Boy | 600 |
Kiki | Gathering of friends | 600 |
Safe space | A physical or emotional place of safety | 600 |
False flag | A hostile action intended to implicate another person as perpetrator | 600 |
Rightist | A person with radical right-wing political views | 600 |
Boomer remover | COVID-19 | 600 |
DINO | Democrat in name only | 600 |
VP | Vice President | 600 |
Ugly cry | To sob unattractively | 600 |
Cancel club | People that have been shut down or forced out by others | 600 |
Orbiting | Following someone on social media without direct interaction | 600 |
Fishing | Doing something to receive a compliment | 600 |
Understood the assignment | Did an amazing job | 600 |
Daterview | A date that feels like an interview | 600 |
Blue wave | Sweeping victories for Democrats | 600 |
Beer jacket | The warmth felt when consuming alcohol | 600 |
Seppo | A derogatory term for an American | 600 |
Secondhand embarrassment | Experiencing embarrassment for someone else | 600 |
Trendjacking | Hijacking a trend for personal gain | 600 |
OINK | One income, no kids | 600 |
Elevator budget | A large financial budget | 600 |
Pop quiz | Surprise quiz | 600 |
Hit the books | Study | 600 |
Ace | Complete a task successfully | 600 |
Cancer ghosting | Abandoning a person diagnosed with cancer | 600 |
EMEA | Europe, the Middle East, and Africa | 600 |
SWMBO | She who must be obeyed | 601 |
Rm | Room | 601 |
OLPC | One Laptop Per Child | 601 |
LAST | Locate, Access, Stabilize, Transport | 601 |
init | Initialize | 601 |
WTA | Winner takes all | 601 |
Smexy | Smart and Sexy | 601 |
PF | Pink Floyd | 601 |
Paper | Money | 601 |
AL | American League | 601 |
bod | Body | 601 |
p/d | Per day | 601 |
Omaha | Change of plans | 601 |
Yute | Youth | 601 |
Chugging | Raising money for charity in a rude manner | 601 |
LGD | Lou Gehrig's Disease | 601 |
Down | Agree | 601 |
Chopped | Drunk and high | 601 |
Mombie | A tired mom | 601 |
Peep | To look at | 601 |
Hit with the ugly stick | Ugly | 601 |
Peasantvision | TV channels available by antenna | 601 |
SCM | Salted Caramel Mocha | 601 |
Emailgate | Hillary Clinton email controversy | 601 |
Bone zone | Adoration for Ken Bone | 601 |
Snatched my weave | Impressed me | 601 |
Fo shizzle | For sure | 601 |
Bonus mom | A woman who co-parents a child | 601 |
Squinching | Squinting and pinching your eyes together | 601 |
Baby bump | Protruding abdomen of a pregnant female | 601 |
Girlfriend bomb | A statement that reveals your crush has a girlfriend | 601 |
Man crush | A likable guy | 601 |
Ard | Alright | 601 |
Yank | An American | 601 |
Capping | Lying | 601 |
Soy boy | A male who lacks traditional masculine traits | 601 |
Waymint | Wait a minute | 601 |
LGBTQIA2S | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-spirit | 601 |
Jack up | Increase | 601 |
RP | Reza Pahlavi | 601 |
Flow | Long, thick, luscious hair | 601 |
Crew cut | Hairstyle with faded sides and a little longer top | 601 |
Snowpocalypse | A powerful snowstorm | 601 |
CP | Club Penguin | 602 |
SOTU | State of the Union | 602 |
sesh | Session | 602 |
Swot | A dedicated student | 602 |
Chirp | Insult | 602 |
Dogface | Ugly face | 602 |
dom | Dominate | 602 |
Honkey | A white person | 602 |
Boomdawg | Expression of happiness | 602 |
Puma | An older woman who pursues younger men | 602 |
Soft | Weak | 602 |
Bugly | Butt ugly | 602 |
Metrojack | Male who looks like a lumberjack but lives in an urban setting | 602 |
Cellar dweller | Person who lives in the basement | 602 |
Annivorcery | Anniversary of a divorce | 602 |
Epiphanot | An idea that seems amazing but is dumb | 602 |
Nomonym | A food that tastes similar to another food | 602 |
Hack | To make changes | 602 |
Crisp | Cool | 602 |
Lamestream media | Lame mainstream media | 602 |
Gypsy cop | A cop who transfers from station to station | 602 |
Feminazi | An aggressive feminist | 602 |
WH | White House | 602 |
Soft parenting | Friendly parenting | 602 |
Brand dropping | Bragging about the brand of an item you own | 602 |
Crud | Junk | 602 |
Z | Support for Russian aggression | 602 |
Dip | Idiot | 603 |
hr | Homeroom | 603 |
5150 | Crazy | 603 |
Swammie | Firearm | 603 |
fo sho | For sure | 603 |
BLM | Black Lives Matter | 603 |
mob | Mobile | 604 |
MYB | myYearbook | 604 |
Js | Jordan shoes | 604 |
Get woke | Become aware of social issues | 605 |
SCROTUS | So-called ruler of the United States | 605 |
Gummy tummy | Stomach ache from eating gummy candies | 611 |
MTG | Marjorie Taylor Greene | 615 |
Ms | Miss | 600 |
Instamom | A woman who marries a person with kids | 600 |
BAA | Broad agency announcement | 600 |
Dibs | Rights to something | 600 |
Stoked | Excited | 600 |
sync | Synchronize | 600 |
biz | Business | 600 |
PUK | PIN unlock key | 600 |
OTA | Over the air | 600 |
Gawd | God | 600 |
WCM | Web Content Management | 600 |
WCMS | Web Content Management System | 600 |
bt | BitTorrent | 600 |
Table | Turntable | 600 |
Pig | A sexist male | 600 |
Pig | A person who eats a lot | 600 |
Pig | A messy person | 600 |
LBL | Light bladder leakage | 600 |
Cracka | A white person | 600 |
Sched | Schedule | 600 |
DVR | Digital video recorder | 600 |
Foxy | Attractive | 600 |
Moobs | Man boobs | 600 |
Hench | Muscular | 600 |
Sweatin | Worrying | 600 |
Phablet | A device that functions like a phone and tablet | 600 |
Bro hug | Hug between two men | 600 |
Bomb | To fail | 600 |
CT | Central time zone | 600 |
MST | Mountain Standard Time | 600 |
Mook | Stupid person | 600 |
Brewski | Beer | 600 |
IPA | India pale ale | 600 |
Fauxgiene | To pretend to wash your hands | 600 |
Errorist | Error-prone person | 600 |
Hashtalk | Spoken hashtags | 600 |
Chairdrobe | Chair with clothes piled on it | 600 |
Cinderfella | A guy who must be home by midnight | 600 |
Belfie stick | An extendable pole with a smartphone on the end | 600 |
Babymoon | A vacation taken by expecting parents | 600 |
Mupload | Mobile upload | 600 |
Terrible twos | Rebellious stage exhibited by two year olds | 600 |
Servergate | Hillary Clinton server controversy | 600 |
Emailghazi | Hillary Clinton email controversy | 600 |
Germaphobe | A person afraid of germs | 600 |
Or nah | Or no | 600 |
Fifth wheel | A person who feels left out | 600 |
Cram | To study a lot right before an exam | 600 |
Boomerang kid | An adult who moves out of her parents' home but then moves back in | 600 |
Bropocalypse | A large gathering of drunk males | 600 |
Invisible box | A dance move where a person pretends to step on a box | 600 |
MS | Middle school | 600 |
Death cleaning | Cleaning your home so others don't have to after you die | 600 |
Cyberstalking | Stalking a person using technology | 600 |
Give the hands | Fight | 600 |
Fye | Awesome | 600 |
Jammies | Pajamas | 600 |
Worldie | Amazing | 600 |
Rage applying | Applying to open job positions out of spite for your current job | 600 |
Skinhead | Bald or closely-shaved head | 600 |
Snowmageddon | A powerful snowstorm | 600 |
Newsjacking | Hijacking a news story to insert your opinion | 600 |
Hinky | Unusual | 600 |
Autobesity | Large automobiles | 600 |
Renoviction | Evicting residents to renovate | 600 |
All results listed.